Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : A Kilted Boy

29 Temmuz 2022, 23:39
I was raised in a village in the North of Scotland where the kilt was the standard male dress. All boys, therefore, wore the kilt while attending the local primary school. When we moved up to the secondary school in a neighbouring town, some switched to long trousers, but my parents insisted that I retain the kilt. This was not a big problem as it was still the most common attire amongst the boys at this school, so I did not stand out from the crowd. However, this changed when I moved to the nearest city to attend a Seniors? college for seventeen-to-eighteen-year-old boys for a final year of advanced studies. While there, I lodged with Mary, a widow and close friend of my mother, and she had strict instructions to ensure that I upheld tradition by wearing the kilt at all times.On my first day at the new college, I realised that my attire would be a problem. I was the only boy not in long trousers. While this would only be of passing interest amongst the co-educational pupils of the present day, this was not the case in those puritan times. Boys and girls were always kept apart and ignorant of each other while growing up. This meant that they were physically and emotionally immature by today?s teenage norms.Nevertheless, they still had to deal with surging pubertal hormones, eye-catching physical changes, and a rapidly building inquisitiveness about the opposite gender. However, the strict ideologies of the time meant that even seventeen- and eighteen-year-olds had few ways to satiate their developing sensual interests and urges. So, I guessed straight away that within the feverish lusty environment of an all-boys college, a kilt-wearing boy would be a curiosity. Indeed, I would be the nearest thing to a real girl available and likely to garner plenty of unwanted attention. **Thankfully, my first day at college passed relatively quietly, apart from a few lewd comments from boys and, surprisingly, some teachers. Most pupils were busy finding their way around and getting used to the new routines and classes. I tried to discuss my reservations later with Mary. However, she just said I was being oversensitive and fussing over nothing.While the first day at the college passed quietly, the second one was entirely different. Having found their way around the college, the boys set about establishing a hierarchy ? finding out who were top dogs, followers, or outsiders. So, the usual macho banter, jostling, and tussling broke out. Even by lunchtime, many unfortunates found themselves already cast as also-rans. Therefore, they were desperate to achieve status and began harassing anyone they thought were wimps or weaklings. This was when I started to get special attention. My kilt was an easy target and was flipped so many times that it would have been easier to take it off.The boys? actions were unsettling but relatively restrained at first. But that all changed once they spotted that the undies that I had on were girls? short-legged regulation knickers. This was the only type of underwear I had ever worn, so I had assumed that they were for boys. It was, therefore, a terrible shock to find that this was not the case. I realised straight away that I would have to cope with a hands-everywhere frenzy from the boys simply because I was wearing girls? panties. These adolescents were desperate to get up close and personal with a girl but knew there was little or no chance of that happening anytime soon. So, with a knicker-clad sissy in their midst, they would throw caution to the wind and take every opportunity to touch, caress, or even smack the next best thing to a girl?s bottom.I was usually encircled by five or six boys at a time and only allowed free after each had run their hands over my private regions. I decided not to struggle or object. There was no point. The hassle I was facing was mild compared to the brutal punishments inflicted on other boys. More importantly, no one in authority cared ? bullying was seen as teaching boys about the unfairness and realities of life.I was amazed just how excited every boy became once their fingers touched knicker elastic for the first time - their hands began to quiver and shake. These involuntary movements would continue as their fingers moved upwards over my knickers towards the crotch but finally calmed as they found and began to explore their primary target. The boys were usually in their own erotic world by this point ? eyes glazed over and panting with excitement. Indeed, they were generally so caught up in the moment that their todgers were tenting their trousers. Even the boys waiting for their turn got quite hot and bothered with anticipation. As a result, most hands were already moist and clammy long before they reached and pawed my legs and bottom.I was nervous and scared when the first boy copped a feel but soon calmed down as I realised it was not too bad. Indeed, his hand had beguiling effects on my groin, and in no time at all, my cock was erect. This, of course, captivated the boys that followed, and their thorough and close examinations ensured that I had a permanent stiffy until the last of each group completed their task. The extra strain and stress this put on me meant sweat began to gather in my groin. Add to that the many damp hands passing over my nether regions ensured that the gusset of my knickers soon became wet. But, strangely, encountering this moistness did not turn boys off. Instead, it seemed to set them on a high. Could it be that for a moment, they imagined they had found a wet pussy? *The first boy to cop a feel caught me entirely off guard when he finished examining my crotch.?You need to be put in your place, you hussy."With that, he lifted my kilt and repeatedly smacked my bum. I cried out in shock at this painful action. Unfortunately, my acute vocal response may have awakened a ruthless instinct amongst the boys that followed. As each one completed their erotic searches, they emphasised their macho power and dominance by spanking my bottom. I was stunned that the boys already considered this as their absolute right, even with a female stand-in. This did not bode well for their future relationships with girls.My return to class after break times, particularly after lunchtime, was difficult. I was hot and sticky, my knickers were damp, my bottom was aching, and all the boys in the class were oh so sympathetic about my predicament. They mocked and laughed while I shuffled in my chair, trying to get comfortable.News of this exciting new game quickly spread around the college. So, every boy got up close and personal with my now not-so-privates at least once over the following four days. Indeed, a few groups of boys revisited the well several times. But, while most boys just delighted in pawing every güvenilir bahis (http://www.pongp.com/) part of my knickers, including my hidden junk, this was not to be enough for two friends.One of the top dogs, Robin, was the last to cop a feel on day three. He did nothing unusual until his hand was hovering over my dong. Then, instead of just running his fingers lightly over my knicker-covered cock like all the others, he grasped my willy in a tight sheath of cloth and wanked it to climax. As I gasped and quivered with joy while cream jetted into my undies. Although engrossed in my own euphoria, I still noticed that Robin?s trousers were twitching, and he had a broad smile on his face. There was be no doubt. He was ejaculating as well.Robin?s gang caught me again at the next day?s morning break. I was almost as thrilled as he was when he finally got his opportunity to jack me off. He went at it with gusto, and as on the day before, we both shot our loads.When his gang cornered me again during lunch hour, I expected the action would be the same, but it was not. This time Robin was second-last in line. He gently caressed my cock, until it began twitching in expectation. But as the critical stage neared, he took his hand away, lifted my kilt, and proceeded to spank me so hard that my bum felt as though it was on fire. To my great astonishment, this blitz on my rear kept my willy in its highly agitated state - it was rippling and pulsing, almost begging for relief. So, when Robin?s friend Adam began beating my meat, its responses were explosive. My knees trembled, and my legs went to jelly as the volcano erupted, and streams of hot lava flooded into my drawers. As I gasped and groaned with pleasure, I saw that Adam?s penis was also busy delivering a load of cum.The last boy to feel me up on Friday was Kenny, the shyest boy in college. He was obviously reluctant but, at last, put his hand up my kilt after much not so gentle persuasion from other boys. His hand was shaking like a leaf until it reached the knicker elastic. Then, timid Kenny vanished in a flash, and his inner caveman burst forth. His fingers went on a fast and furious mission to explore every part of my exotic hidden lands. So, my buttocks, taint, and cock and balls were pawed and teased umpteen times in quick order. Nothing escaped his feverish fingers.This flurry of activity brought my already receptive cock near to bursting point. However, at the crucial moment, Kenny got over-excited. His willy suddenly went berserk and began spurting for all its worth. Consequently, he released my dick, which to my dismay, then drew back from the brink.The look of sheer bliss and satisfaction on Kenny?s face as he unexpectedly shot his load was a wonder to behold. Sadly, while this exquisite event took him to cloud nine, it awakened a less pleasant macho instinct. To seal the deal, this previously coy lad spanked me. Like those before, he laughed as I groaned at every agonising smack. This was bad, but what really scared me was how easily this shy boy turned into a brute when lust took over. It dawned on me that all girls must face this same fearful risk. I had to wonder how many got caught out when their supposedly sweet suitor became a demanding bad boy and how they could cope with that. *The upside to Kenny?s onslaught on my bum was that it reinvigorated my thwarted penis. To my utter delight, of its own volition, it began to shudder and convulse and then erupted like Vesuvius. I was taken to ecstasy as the streams of cum surged out. This climax was more intense, of much longer duration, and far more satisfying than any I had enjoyed before.Of course, there were downsides to this day. My bottom was now on fire, and my knickers were splattered with three large loads of sticky spunk. To say the least, this combination made trying to sit still on a wooden chair and pay attention to a teacher droning on for the next two and a half hours a most disconcerting experience. Luckily, I was able to do so without falling foul of him. However, my final ignominy came when Mary found the cum soaked undies in the laundry basket and proceeded to give me an earwigging about the sins and dangers of self-abuse.To my surprise, Mary?s lecture was not the fire and brimstone one I would have expected from this prim and proper lady. Instead, it was muted. To further add to my confusion, I noticed a distinct twinkle in Mary?s eyes when she led me through to the bathroom after completing her sermon. Moreover, she was positively smiling as she showed me a cupboard that contained packs of panty pads, picked up a couple and then handed them to me.?Put these liners inside your undies when you feel the need. They will soak up those unruly and copious deposits.? **I went bright red at Mary?s words ? not only out of embarrassment but also from the realisation that she guessed that these accidents would not be a one-off. I struggled to speak but eventually said, ?Thank you for being so kind and understanding.??Angus, I may appear to be a staid old maid, but in my young life, I was regularly active, if you know what I mean. I still remember the challenges of puberty and intimacy and the many times my panties ended stained with cum, all because I put out to a boy to prove that I loved him. I could have avoided so much heartbreak if only I had known the truth. But these supposedly disgusting matters were never discussed. I do not want you to be like me and deal with adolescence alone. If you want to talk about anything, feel free to do so. You will not make me blush, and it will be between you and me. Your parents will never know. How about that as a deal???That will be great. I often feel lost. I know that I cannot trust playground fables, so I would love to have some knowledgeable guidance.??Well, I have plenty of experiences to share. Now let us start by you telling me how you got those spunk stains.?I was delighted to have an adult to talk to about personal matters, the very subjects that most of them deem disgusting and shy away from. So, with some difficulty, I told her the story of the last few days.?Oh my, I never thought kilt and knickers would cause such a fuss. Are you upset with me? Do you want to switch to long trousers???At first, I was annoyed that no one had warned me I was wearing girls' knickers, but now I am okay with it. I have certainly had a lot of surprises, but I am sure that things will soon settle down. So, I will continue to dress in this way.??Well, one good thing to come from this episode is that you now know, first-hand so to speak, of one challenge that girls and women regularly face in this male-dominated world. So just remember these events and always be kind to girls.?My jaw dropped. ?Do you mean that every female has to cope with güvenilir bahis siteleri (http://www.pongp.com/) this type of harassment???Unfortunately, yes. Every girl and woman will have to deal with it at some point. Thankfully, now that I am a wizened oldie, I no longer attract unwelcome hands.??But you did when you were younger.??At your age, I let far too many bad boys paw and grope me. I was naïve, desperate for love, and believed it was just a part of shared affection. But of course, for the boys, it was nothing of the sort. It was all about demeaning the girl, showing her who was boss and one more step in coercing her to provide what he really wanted - commitment-free sex. A young girl in love for the first time was, of course, the perfect target - oh, so innocent, besotted, and desperate to please their boyfriend. She could so easily be pressurised into servicing his cock just to prove she really loves him.??I am ashamed that this wretched ploy worked only too well on me. I succumbed to the demands of my first ever boyfriend and let him pop my cherry. Then, after sharing his bed over an exhausting weekend, he cast me aside and sought out another love-sick teen. He broke my heart but sadly, I did not learn. I just assumed that I had been unlucky and, in my gullibility, put out to several other boys before I twigged to the awful truth. I was being passed from boy to boy as an easy lay. The final straw came when one wild lad tried to break my resistance by spanking me. After suffering far too many thrashings as a child, I found this act repulsive and dropped him like a hot potato. I went from an easy ride to Miss Frigid in no short order. Still, I eventually found a boy who wanted me as his soulmate, not only for sex. After a long spell of getting to know each other, we eventually made love and dare I say it, the intercourse was earth-shattering. All those other boys had no idea of the great joys they missed because of their Neanderthal ways.? *?It was only as I got older and more knowledgeable that I understood how unbelievably lucky I had been during my encounters with those horny boys. At the time, I had no idea that I was playing Russian roulette with them. On every occasion they filled my pussy with spunk, I took the risk that just one of the millions of sperm in each load would find a ripe egg lingering inside me and do the nasty with it. How I dodged oh so many bullets, I will never know. Sadly, many of my friends were less fortunate. The price of proving their love was to find themselves all alone with a bun in the oven. Promise me that you will never put any girl at risk like that.?I went crimson. I could not believe that Mary had given me so much personal information, and I had to gather my thoughts before speaking.?Wow, until now, I have only had a rose-tinted view of girls? lives. You have certainly shattered that illusion, and I am pleased you have. I am glad you have given me this early lesson into the realities. I will certainly take everything you have said on board. But how do you actually cope with all that sexual pressure and harassment from males???It is not easy. Girls cannot escape. They can either accept the wandering hands of boys or become frigid like me until Mr right comes along. Sadly, some cannot deal with the aggravation and are traumatised. To make things worse, any who complain about unwanted attention from boys get little support because the opinions of girls count for nothing.??You have experienced a little of the hands-on trials that girls face from boys, and I am glad that you are taking them on board. However, I must caution you that you may have to deal with even worse challenges if you continue to wear kilt and knickers.??I will take that risk. The least I can do is to learn more about the ordeals that girls face and how to deal with or stop them.??Oh my, you really do care. Good for you.?In today's world, my treatment at the hands of the boys would be defined as bullying and would bring out a plethora of experts to support, counsel, and save me. But these events occurred in times when such help was not available. Also, free banter, ribbing, and physical tussling among boys was considered good, provided it did not go over the top. It was supposed to toughen them up, make them into men.Yes, the aggravation I faced from other boys could, at times, be scary. Still, it was an important wake-up call for someone like me who was brought up in a highly sheltered environment. It made me realise that there were no free passes. To succeed, I had to fight and struggle for what I wanted. Moreover, my unique experiences at the city college gave me clear insights into the ingrained and oppressive attitudes towards girls common amongst boys of my age. Would I ever have achieved that enlightenment if the boys had not treated me as a proxy girl? Fortunately, I did and embraced it into adulthood.I went to college on Monday, unsure of what would happen that day, but nothing did. The boys left me alone. Having satiated their curiosities on the sissy and put me in my place over the previous week, they had moved on to more important things, like games and sports. After that, my knickers were generally untouched. However, I could not fully relax because of out of the blue occasions when a boy in need of a cheap thrill or out to impress his friends would do the nasty and frighten me. After being caught unawares for the first time, I remained on edge for a long period but I quickly realised that this was doing me more mental harm than the deed itself. So, I decided to move on - I just accepted that these intermittent violations were inevitable, boys being boys. I got angry every time they happened but quickly forgot about them and continued with life.The following five weeks passed quietly, except I was goosed on four occasions. I will never forget how each boy show-boated triumphantly in front of their mates as they celebrated their achievement. I managed to quell my anger and distress. Still, I could not help but feel ashamed that this alarming assault that girls had to deal with only too regularly was seen as just a jolly prank by these boys.Around this time, Robin and Adam cornered me at the end of one day.?Come with us. You have tasks to perform.?I guessed straight away that this was to be something carnal and should have shied away. But in truth, during our earlier animalistic encounters, Robin and Adam had piqued my sexual curiosity. So, I was more than keen to grab the opportunity to add to my experiences. I therefore accepted and went with them to a store located far away from the main college building. I saw a cluster of desks, chairs, and other college paraphernalia in this storage area. From one pile, Adam found an armchair and pulled it out iddaa siteleri (http://www.pongp.com/) into the middle of the room.Robin spoke as he locked the door. ?A girl is expected to fulfil their master?s every need on-demand and without question. Sissy boys like you have the same obligations, and we need relief. So, prepare to fulfil your girly responsibilities and bend over the arm of that chair.?Their order nonplussed me. It was a mark of my sexual ignorance that I had no idea what they were planning. However, eager to find out, I did as they instructed. As soon as I was in place, Robin flipped my kilt over my back. This move I had anticipated but the next I had not. Adam pulled my knickers down to my ankles, fully exposing my rear. Straight away, both lads then set about fondling my buttocks, exploring my crack, and poking and prodding my bum hole.I still had no clear idea what the boys had in mind, but I had an unsettling inkling when Adam poured oil into my butt groove, and Robin lubricated his erect dick. I suddenly recalled a long-forgotten, ludicrous story of boys riding each other to practice for the real thing. This premonition quickly became fact as Robin drove the tip of his cock between my buttocks and onto my bum hole. I shivered nervously as I realised just how exposed, vulnerable, and at-risk I was. I was now entirely at Robin?s mercy. He could do anything he wanted to me. As these fears and anxieties swept through me, I realised that girls must face and overcome the very same demons every time a boy demands intercourse. I was humbled by this revelation. Sadly, boys will never appreciate the courage a girl must have just to put out and let them have their supposed carnal rights. *The head of Robin?s cock was now pushing hard against my anal ring, which quivered and quaked as its sphincters struggled to keep the invader at bay. But they soon gave way, and I wailed in agony as my boy pussy was speared and repeatedly pillaged by five inches of demanding prick. Fortunately, each stroke coated my love tunnel with lubricant and precum and soothed it, so the pain quickly declined and disappeared. However, I continued to gasp and groan as Robin continued his relentless mission. Finally, he upped his pace and power until his cock went berserk. I howled, and he screamed ?yes, yes, yes? as it pulsed like a thing possessed and released a massive load into my fud. Soon, I was sighing with relief as that spunk coated and calmed my ravished twat.I was given little respite. Adam?s erect penis was soon snuffling between my buttocks, and despite being prepared, I gasped as it pried my sphincters open and plunged into my pussy. Fortunately, there was little or no pain this time as my fanny was still slick with Robin?s cum. This allowed me to feel and appreciate every ripple, bump, and twitch of Adam?s massive shaft as it unremittingly ploughed back and fore inside me. At first, his actions had little effect. But then delightful sensations started spreading throughout my pussy when his cock ran amok as it neared climax. Finally, I was taken to sheer bliss when the geyser suddenly erupted, and my pussy was doused with hot spunk.I remained spreadeagled over the chair while Robin and Adam recovered and tidied themselves up. They helped me up and supported me as I struggled to keep my balance. Eventually, the disconcerting spasms in my lower regions and the waves of discomfort and, dare I say it pleasure surging from my tender butt hole subsided. Finally, I was able to pull up my knickers and brush down my kilt. Luckily, before doing this, a voice in my head insisted that I put two liners inside my undies. I am glad that I listened to it because I soon fell afoul of another hidden peril of girlhood. Gravity ensured that Robin?s and Adam?s copious donations were soon dripping from my fud. Thankfully, the pads did their job, and I was not too uncomfortable.Robin, Adam, and I looked at each other, a bit bemused and unsure what to do next, but then Robin took charge.?Well, that was great fun. I think that we should head off home now.?So, we left the room and walked together across the college play area to the gate. From there, we went our separate ways, and I heard Robin and Adam laughing and chuckling as they disappeared into the distance. I had to go slowly and was mightily relieved to eventually get home because my pads were close to being overwhelmed by the steady backflow. I am sure that Mary must have wondered why I was so unsettled that evening, but she said nothing except to wish me goodnight as I headed off to bed.I mulled over the enthralling events of the afternoon as I lay between the sheets. I was shocked by how easily I had put myself at risk but glad that I had done so with Robin and Adam, for whom this had certainly not been the first rodeo. This previous experience was critical because it allowed them to achieve something extraordinary. They not only broke in and tamed my pussy but also awakened its erotic potential. My fud was still hot and tingling with delight after its struggle with their cocks. Like many a newly trained horse, it seemed that my fud was not only ready to be ridden again but also eager and willing to give its all.I did not have long to wait to find out if this was true because Robin and Adam took me to the storeroom at lunchtime the next day and had their wicked way with me. On this occasion, there was no pain, only building and exquisite pleasure as my pussy was screwed to a breath-taking frenzy by Adam and then Robin. I was groaning with joy as each filled me with their spunk. Thankfully, I had brought enough liners to soak up the leakage over the afternoon, so there were no mishaps. Still, it was difficult for me to concentrate on the classwork as jizz would intermittently drip out onto the liners.I was still in an erotic daze and shocked when Robin and Adam waylaid me again at the end of the day. As usual, once I was over the armchair, my kilt was flipped up, and my knickers pulled down. But then the lads added a new kink to the menu. *Standing behind me, Robin said, ?you are getting far too smug and need to be put in your sissy place.?Adam produced a tawse and immediately began smacking my bum. It was soon on fire as swat after swat left their fiery mark. I was groaning and close to tears when he finally stopped. Robin then moved in, and his cock rippled and twitched with excitement as it pushed between my now red-hot cheeks and onto my hole. To my surprise, my precious ring responded in kind. It quivered frantically even before it was touched. It could not help but think it was begging to get in on the action. The sphincters did not struggle against the invader. Instead, a tumult of delightful sensations spread through my body when Robin's dick ripped them open. My love tunnel was also super-sensitive. So as soon as it began to battle with Robin's hungry willy, I was swamped by pleasing sensations. In fact, I was already on cloud nine when Robin?s dick went wild and filled me with cum.