Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Next Steps

29 Temmuz 2022, 23:38
Next StepsMy wife, Lillian, and I recently experienced some incredible adventures as a couple. In some ways, they were moments we experienced independent of one another, but sharing them contributed to the passion of our marriage in a significant way. It began with me surreptitiously watching her share a moment of passion with our friend, James, when he and his wife spent an evening drinking and socializing with us.Lillian and James were left alone on our back porch with a drunken dare, and the result was James bringing her to orgasm with his hand while they explored one another with kisses and gropes. She then freed his cock and took him into her mouth where he quickly came after a long buildup of passion from their months of flirting. I was lucky enough to be able to pleasure myself while watching through a nearby window, and Lillian and I later enjoyed the thrill of each other?s bodies while still high on the moment.The second experience occurred when I traveled overnight for work and serendipitously encountered a man whom I routinely see at my gym who also happened to be out of town on business. We struck up a conversation at a bar that led to drinks in my hotel room. Eventually, we became more comfortable with one another, leading up to the exploration of my most secret fantasies. I took a man in my mouth for the first time that evening and sharing the experience with Lillian once again brought a new thrill to our passion for one another.Since then, things had cooled. Life gets busy, and one can?t always continue to ride the high of a single moment. Glen, my out-of-town experience, still showed up at the gym from time to time, and we tried to keep things friendly without being too awkward. I was actually open to reconnecting in some way, especially given Lillian?s excitement and support. But I sensed he was maintaining a distance to keep from appearing too eager or overbearing. Or perhaps he simply wasn?t interested anymore. People are fickle, so I tried to be patient and roll with the situation.The same couldn?t be said for James? interest in Lillian, though. In the time since our evening of adventure on the porch, he?d kept up his communication with her through social media, their preferred means of conversation and flirtation. Lillian, for her part, neither encouraged nor pushed him away. She was still experiencing some uncertainty about their moment together, and Celia, James? wife, also seemed unsure of whether or not she wanted to progress things to a new place after the brief encounter she and I shared on that same evening. Still, Lillian enjoyed the thrill of the attention. And James was clearly ready for more.The subject came up between myself and Lillian one Friday evening as we retired to our usual spots on the porch with our drinks and music. After a few rounds began to loosen up the conversation, she asked me directly how I was feeling about what had happened between them.The question had certainly been on my mind a lot in recent weeks, and I opened up to her that it had been a bit of an emotional roller coaster. I?d experienced moments of jealousy immediately followed by exhilaration at the memory of how incredibly sexy they looked together. At times I even fantasized that he had removed her jeans and slid his cock into her right there on the porch. I knew it to be a fantasy they both shared, and the idea of how close they came was both a fright and a thrill.I explained all this to Lillian and summed up by saying it was, without any doubt on my part, the sexiest thing I?d ever seen, and that the memory still possessed the power to instantly make me hard.I then turned kaçak iddaa (http://www.pongp.com/) the question back on her and asked how she?d been feeling about the situation. Lillian wasted no time confessing that the memory still gave her intense pleasure. She admitted that her recent opportunities to masturbate all seemed to begin with her mind drifting back to that moment, reliving the feeling of his body against her, his hand in her loosened jeans and rubbing her clit with a gentle intensity that blocked out all other sensation, and the feel and taste of him in her mouth as she sucked him to release.She also mentioned that she and I both shared the ?what if? fantasies about James removing her clothes and either bending her over the table or seating her in a chair with her legs mounted on the armrests. Lillian may not always be in the mood to put energy into flirting, but she was clearly just as prepared to fuck James as she ever had been.Just as I was about to ask what she thought we should do about these fantasies and our friendship with this couple, her phone chimed with a notification. James had sent her a message saying hello and asking what we were up to. He knew our Friday night routine and figured we would be exactly where we were. It was a little startling to have him message her just as we were speaking about him, but really there was nothing terribly unusual about it.They often engaged in chats and picture exchanges around this time. James knew she?d be drinking, and that?s when we were in the mood for some fun. Lillian sent him a picture of herself in her usual chair with her drink in hand and added the comment that it wasn?t the same without him and Celia. James replied that he agreed and that it was a shame he was finishing up a late shift while Celia was likely in bed asleep.I gave Lillian some space to continue the conversation and went inside to pour drinks. While rooting through the refrigerator, I noticed we were down to our last beer. While we usually went with whiskey on Friday evenings, we often liked to finish the evening with a beer, which I?d neglected to put on the shopping list.As I returned to the porch, I jokingly mentioned to Lillian that she should tell her ?boyfriend? to stop and get us a six-pack on his way home from work. She laughed and sent the comment, and I joked that we should take bets on how long it would be before he found his way out of work and made it to the store.In the meantime, they continued their flirting and banter, and Lillian and I simultaneously continued our conversation from where we left it before James? message. We tried to pick up the thread of fantasy we?d been discussing, but that sometimes takes a little work. To that end, Lillian and I developed the habit of guiding our conversations with ?truth or dare? prompts. It was mostly a means of facilitating questions to drive the conversation, and dares were rarely exchanged. Lillian saw this particular moment as one in need of assistance, and so she threw out the challenge to me. I laughed and dutifully answered ?truth? to see what she would say.Lillian responded with a question I hadn?t been anticipating, though I suppose I should have given the way things had developed in our lives. She asked me if I?d ever considered any kind of experience with James similar to the one I shared with Glen in the hotel room. That stopped me short, and I took a moment to think.James was a decent-looking guy, but for some reason, I couldn?t quite see myself turned on or attracted to him in the same way. I was definitely excited by the idea of watching him and being around him in another context, but not just for myself. kaçak bahis (http://www.pongp.com/) I explained this to Lillian and said with a smirk that his body was more for her enjoyment than for my own.We questioned one another back and forth for some time. I would occasionally ask for a ?dare? to mix things up, and these mostly amounted to taking a shot or handing over control of the music. Lillian finally asked for a dare for herself, and I told her to message James; say she was thirsty, and ask about the location of her beer. Lillian rolled her eyes but didn?t hesitate. Moments later he responded that he was just signing out from his shift and wondering what brand we?d like.This was a bit of a threshold moment. I suspected for some time that James was trying to find a way over to our house after he and Lillian had been flirting, especially on our drinking night. Lillian looked at me expectantly, obviously reaching the same realization and wondering how to proceed. Were we really about to invite him over?After the previous experience and all the buildup, the conclusion seemed inevitable. I shrugged and told her to pick her favorite beer. She smiled and sent the message. A few short minutes later James responded that he was at a convenience store and would be by soon to drop off our supplies.Now that the die was cast, we poured another whiskey and settled in to wait. I asked Lillian how she was feeling, and she explained that she was nervous and excited. Of course, we couldn?t predict or assume too much, but it was clear James would try to make a move of some kind. I asked how Lillian was in the mod to respond, and she said that depended on my own comfort. I decided to illustrate my comfort with another dare.Lillian was wearing a long, casual sleeveless dress of soft, comfortable material that clung to her wonderful curves as it fell to her calves. I suggested she remove her bra and panties and greet James when he arrived to see if he could tell what she was wearing and what she wasn?t. That challenge was quickly accepted, and in a moment, we were inside watching for his vehicle. When he pulled up to the street in front of our house a short while later, Lillian announced she was upping the dare. She said she was going to greet him at the street, and I was to wait inside.Naturally this gave me a thrill, and as she closed the door behind her, I positioned myself at the edge of the window to follow her movements. I had a brief flashback to my experience watching them on the porch, and instantly found myself getting hard at the possibilities of what would follow.Lillian walked down the driveway and arrived at James? SUV just as he was starting to step out. In the dim light of the street, I could barely make out her wave as she stopped at the back of the vehicle. They exchanged a quick conversation, and suddenly Lillian was walking to the passenger side. She opened the door and slipped in. I heard James? door slam shut almost simultaneously as she closed her own, sealing them both from my view.I stepped away from the window, heart pounding, wondering and imagining what was happening inside the vehicle. How far would they go? Would they take their time exploring one another? Were they even touching? Fortunately, I didn?t have to wait long. After five minutes or so, I heard the car doors and they both walked inside.Lillian announced that she had invited James in for one of the beers she was now carrying, and I said that was a terrific idea. As we made our way to the porch, I examined Lillian?s flushed cheeks, mussed hair, and nipples visibly straining the fabric of her dress. They may not have been in the car for illegal bahis (http://www.pongp.com/) long, but they were obviously an eventful few minutes.As we settled into our places on the porch and handed out drinks, I tried to strike up a casual conversation with James about his night at work. He responded in his typical friendly manner, but I could quickly tell the small talk wasn?t going very far. He brought the subject around to our evening and asked if we?d been up to anything exciting, and I immediately told him about our truth or dare game. Lillian piped up at that and asked if he?d like to keep playing, and he agreed with a great deal of feigned casualness. I had to suppress a laugh. He was trying not to show it, but James was there for action.The game continued with truths for a few rounds. The questions were increasingly sexual in nature, often dealing with fantasies, favorite positions, and ?firsts?. I got Lillian to confess some hot experiences with former boyfriends, and I could tell the intended effect was working. James was picturing my wife in all these compromising scenarios, and his increased squirming in his chair told me he was enjoying it.We finally moved on to dares, and the evening quickly began to pick up speed. Lillian dared James to go shirtless for a complete round. I knew this was something she enjoyed given the tattoos he sported on his arms and chest. These were something different for her as I don?t have any, and I think they added to the mystique of his body as something different for her. I was dared to take another shot, and because the liquor was in the kitchen and clothes were obviously becoming optional, we decided to all move inside to the living room. Once my shot was downed and we were all comfortable, it was my turn and I decided to throw a dare at Lillian that would dial up the intensity a little.I told her I was giving her the same dare she gave to James, that she had to go ?shirtless? for a round. Of course, she was only wearing the dress with nothing underneath. Lillian was quick to protest and point this out, but I was prepared. I told her if she objected, she was free to put on her panties, but that she would have to spend her round sitting in James? lap. She thought for just a moment, then reached for her discarded undergarments, slipped on her panties, and then stepped over to where James was sitting on the couch. He parted his legs slightly and she settled down on his lap between them, leaning the side of her naked torso against him. Her legs immediately began to rub together a little, and James? jeans showed an increasing bulge as they shifted against each other and came closer together.It was Lillian?s turn in the game, and she clearly already knew what was next. She dared James to see if he could remove his jeans without her having to get out of his lap. He was clearly excited by the prospect and began unbuttoning and unzipping. It took a good deal of shifting and scooting his pants around, but they eventually made it to his knees and then the floor.His long, hard cock was clearly visible standing up through his underwear, and Lillian wasted little energy hiding the caress she gave it with her thigh. The thrill of seeing her uncovered body pressed against him like that was making me nearly as horny as they both obviously were, and my own jeans were straining with my firm, throbbing cock.Since I was, in fact, still completely clothed, the next dare was for me to join them in stripping down to my underwear. I did so with relief, and the sexual energy of the room increased by several degrees. I then dared James to take his shirt and wrap it up into a band that could be tied over Lillian?s eyes as a blindfold. He needed to reach across the couch for it, and as he did Lillian and I locked eyes. She gave me a hungry look that clearly meant she was enjoying herself.