Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : My Porcelain Collection Ep. 02

30 Ağustos 2024, 09:02

My porcelain collection episode 2
# consensual
First a short introduction by Caroline
My collection grew steadily, with each trip to my mother's country of origin I tried to find more lovely objects in the antiques and second-hand shops and went inside to search for hidden treasures and missing items.
The first pieces in my collection were a couple of stoneware bears in a playful position that I used to play with as a child. It was a gift on Christmas Eve at Grandpa's under the Christmas tree and gradually I started building my small collection.
Now I owned figurines, vases, bowls and some silver objects that filled my display cabinet.
It had started with a few gifts of morfar, mom and aunt during holiday trips on Fyn and now that I earned my own salary, I could expand my collection.
My new friend Peter was with me as we went on a trip to meet aunt Inger and her husband uncle Poul. Their two daughters M and B and son P lived nearby.
Peter was a colleague I recently met on a staff outing and he turned out to be good company with a interest in Scandinavia that we shared.
We had exchanged the occasional chaste kiss on the cheek when we said goodbye but that was enough intimacy for us both.
I asked Peter within a month after our first trip if he fancied to go to Fyn with me once more.
He said yes, with a smile and joked, " bargain hunting again so soon?" with a wink.
Second episode
Peter continues:
'Forsetan' it sounded and then something unintelligible after which I heard Caroline say something more, with a concluding " Okay visees..."
I walked further into the room and Caroline greeted me, "Hello Peter, I have to speak to you, aunt Inger has a problem she just told me"...
It turned out that we were not able to stay with aunt and uncle because they gave their house a total makeover.
Aunt Inger would ask around if there was alternative accommodation and let us know quickly, that is, if Peter would agree to this change of plans.
I looked at Caroline, 'Sure I want to go on this 14 days trip,I look forward to it and I've already taken time off'.
Caroline nodded, " Aunt Inger has already been inquiring with acquaintances and suggested a campsite on the coast near the antique shop, if you agree'...
'Seems fine to me, For me two weeks by the sea is a fine plan".
I didn't know why Caroline sounded so angry on the phone, I didn't know many Danish expletives at that time.
On Friday afternoon we had an appointment and I reported to Caroline, taking my rolling suitcase with some toiletries and extra clothes with me.
Before we left a little later, Caroline said, "Peter, I have to explain some new details, aunt Inger and uncle Poul have arranged a holiday home on a campsite for themselves during the renovation.
We can arrange accommodation on this campsite for ourselves. That can be done on the spot. The holiday park is a beach location where the Greenlandic antiques dealer often invites her artistic friends, she also has a private studio at the site "
Caroline looked at me questioningly, but I said " That's all right with me, I'm ready to go, are there more specifics to discuss?" Caroline shrugged, "I cannot think of any for the moment".
I had my trolley with toiletries and some extra clothes with me and we would be on the night train that would take us to our destination in about 10 hours time.
A comfortable way of travelling with the drone of the whizzing train over the railway track that made you arrive in dreamland after which you would wake up at dawn in a new environment, smelling fresh coffee in the pantry and possibly getting a tasty breakfast in the dining compartment.
When we arrived at Fyn we took a taxi and arrived at the gate of the holiday accommodation an hour earlier than planned..
We took a seat on a terrace at a stall along the road and sniffed the sea air. Caroline ordered in fluent Danish a few drinks and we waited until Aunt Inger and Uncle Poul would arrive.
Nice name "Solvenner Sankt Lorenz" I said Caroline looked up
"Yes and quite close to the antique barn, Great prospect for two weeks of vacation, we can also go into the sea every now and then if you like swimming".
Aunt Inger walked up and said "Hi my friends, welcome in Denmark" she said in English.
Caroline answered in Danish but the conversation continued in English to accommodate me.
"Come along, we'll sign up with the reception. We stepped through the gate and at the reception Inger showed Sahabet (https://t.me/resmisahabet) her pass and Caroline and I were listed as guests.
There was some buzz at the reception and a little later Inger came to tell us that there would only be accommodation available the day after tomorrow for newly arrived guests.
But we could stay a few days with Inger and Poul or perhaps with the Greenlandic lady Frederike.
"Take your time to decide, the two of you, I'm going to take a walk on the beach with Poul and I'll be back in an hour"
Caroline was on the phone in the meantime and hung up "Frederike is here also, she's coming to see us at the reception right now"
Indeed I noticed Frederike walked towards the reception from a distance wrapped in a kind of scarf.
Caroline consulted for a moment with Frederike and then said, "Frederike has room for us to stay in her cabin, she has a family appartment close to the beach, come on let's go there."
A new world opened up for me when we walked down the path to Frederike's two-story studio.
Streets with holiday homes on each side, built on dune sand, located in densely overgrown gardens with flowers and at each house hung a banner on the flagpole red with a white cross.
"A Danish habit, you see it everywhere," Caroline told me and we climbed the stairs to the terrace of Frederike's holiday home.
The wind blew firmly, but a transparent screen surrounded the terrace and you could you sit there in the pleasant warmth of the sun.
On the wayto her place, the scarf Frederike wore was caught by the wind a few times and she had put the scarf around her neck.
Underneath she wasn't wearing anything I noticed and I nudged Caroline and pointed to Frederike who walked ahead of us.
"Yes ' Solvenner', you did not know that word??.. I believe we call it naturists, but here it is called ' sun friends'."
Frederike took us inside and pointed the way upstairs to Caroline and me.
There we could use a bunk bed on a spacious upper floor with several bunk beds tables and chairs.
It was built as a family holiday home and Frederike had bought it after her antiques business had flourished.
Her 'Hemmelig line' had attracted a clientele with unlimited purchasing power that was looking for special objects and was prepared to pay a lot of money for special items.
"Make yourself comfortable" Frederike said and left us to ourselves.
"A hospitable people, that's what I have to admit", I started a bit shy of words because of this situation.
I had not imagined a stay without clothes when we planned this trip.
To be honest I was rather prudish in company of others and had regarded our previous adventure as a one-off event, which, due to circumstances, had gotten out quite of hand.
Caroline still to me remained just a colleague I kept at some distance, although lately we were more in contact.
After our first trip, during my night sleep I sometimes dreamed of art excesses in which I saw the most fantastic mythical beasts pass by, on land, at sea and in the air, but what my role was in this, was lost on me. when I woke up again.
It remained quiet after we settled down and we went for a walk along the beach carrying a few towels.
I wore my towel around my waist and walked more or less protected from preying eyes, but everyone else around us, from a young age to the very old, walked carefree in their Adam's and Eva's costumes with just a hat or cap as a garment.
We swam, lay on the beach and dried off after a while and walked back. Frederike, Inger and Poul had set the table and a hot meal was ready which we ate with appetite.
"How do you like it so far?" Poul asked, looking in my direction. "Nice surroundings here," I began, keeping a low profile.
Poul laughed a little and asked "are you familiar with 'Sun Friends'?"
I had to admit that this was my first personal acquaintance and that I had to get used to it. " We've all experienced that, Peter, that will soon be a distant memory".
"Tomorrow my artists will arrive and we can start to work..." Frederike said after dinner and not soon after, Caroline and I went upstairs, tired from our trip and the events of the day.
I took a book and lay down under the duvet on the top bunk.
Soon Caroline's regular breathing could be heard below me. She had fallen asleep.
I put the book next to the pillow and the rushing sound of the sea made me fall asleep as well.
When I opened my eyes the next morning, woken up perhaps by the smell of coffee that came from downstairs, I still remembered some fragments of my dreams that like a fog disappeared after a while and for the next day occupied my thoughts.
Downstairs Sahabet Giriş (https://t.me/resmisahabet) voices sounded, I recognized the voices of Kurt, Knud and Grethe who greeted me as I walked down the stairs.
I got a mug of coffee and helped myself to some rye bread and topped it at the kitchen table.
Caroline joined a little later. Frederike had a laptop in front of her and discussed something with Kurt and then pointed at the screen.
I heard some words like 'Seng' and "Souw' and saw Caroline nod as she drank her coffee.
After the Frederike invited us to the studio area, that looked out on a background of the sea in the distance through the glass terrace doors with on the opposite site wall painting displaying a more tropical scene with palm trees and in the distance a volcano which seemed to emit smoke.
In front of that wall, white sand was sprinkled as a kind of South Sea Beach.
There were some folding chairs and two easels and a tripod with a camera.
Inger and Poul were the first to walk to the beach and would display a scene for the artists.
Caroline and I sat on the folding chairs and I looked out through the patio door and saw kites high up in the blue sky above the sea and the beach below.
When I looked back into the studio Inger sat on Uncle Poul who was waving his arms helplessly.
There was no sound so it was just a game and Poul was not suffering.
Grethe took photos and Kurt and Knud made sketches on papers that were attached to their easels.
I noticed they were using charcoal and Kurt had drawn Poul's head in close up, as far as that was sticking out from under Inger while Knud drew Poul's lower body on his paper, showing that Uncle Poul was in a healthy condition of excitement.
Knud had drawn Uncle Poul with hairy goat's feet with hooves instead of the human feet I could see.
It appeared to me the theme was of a mythical nature once more.
Frederike came to our side and said in English. " This way, in my beach studio we sometimes make sketches and photo recordings.
Later on we will be able to create our porcelain replicas and other interpretations inspired by the displays that models like you and Inger and Poul perform.
Caroline nudged me with her elbow,
"They are going on quite energetically......" and she pointed at Inger who had now turned over on top of Poul and sucked his member.
Uncle Poul still waved his arms in the air as if in despair.
Frederike than clapped her hands after she had walked past the sketches on the easels.
Inger and Poul got up from the white sandy beach and sat down on folding chairs and exchanged some words.
Frederike looked at Caroline babbling in Danish.
Caroline got up saying, "Okay, come with me Peter.." Caroline walked towards the sliding doors on to the terrace.
I walked along and walked up next to Caroline towards a swing on which she sat down. "Peter, please push me gently until I slowly move up and down!"....
Knud, Kurt and Grethe with their tripod and easels turned to the terrace and started sketching and taking pictures.
"Now you go Peter..." Caroline jumped off the swing and I took her place. " Legs wide and sit still" she said...
For the next half hour, Frederike gave her instructions and about fifteen minutes later, Caroline was sitting on my lap as I swayed up and down moving my feet forward and backwards to gain momentum.
A little later Caroline stood up on the swing seat and turned towards me, after which we changed position a little later. and I stood in front of the seated Caroline, my member thrusting in and out of her mouth as Caroline moved the swing from front to back with lower legs energetically moving back and forth.
I got quite dizzy and could see Kurt and Knud looking intently at us and back to their easels drawing on their papers.
Frederike was talking to Grethe who kept making her recordings.
"Stop" it she suddenly said in a loud voice...
"We'll have a break with coffee in the kitchen"
I jumped off the swing and still felt dizzy, but when Caroline took me by the arm, I walked safely into the kitchen.
"Fantastic," said Frederike and Uncle Poul complimented me. "Do you have a lot of experience with Caroline?" he asked.
"Actually, this is only the second time. Our visit last time was my first and only experience in this sense with Caroline, we are just colleagues and nothing more".
I was honest and as the last time, this time was not much more than a business deal, enabling Caroline to expand her porcelain collection in exchange for some posing, in which I attempted to be of service to her.
Frederike put the laptop on the kitchen table and clicked a Sahabet Yeni Giriş (https://t.me/resmisahabet) few times until she was on her website in the ' Hemmelig' part of that site.
'Ongoing projects' was the subject she opened and at 'previews' I could see two movie files that she opened one after the other.
The first one featured Inger and Poul, apparently recorded with cameras from different directions and on the second Caroline and I were to be seen on the swing.
The text stated that products would become available in the form of charcoal drawings and porcelain figurines and a photo collage in artistic adaptation in a mythical setting.
Buyers were also invited to make these models act out scenes depicting scenes they themselves could indicate and request to be reproduced as an artistic expression.
The first reaction came in, from London by Daisy and John.
They were referring to scene on a print that was part of a vintage portfolio, a collectors item and indicated where the scenes could be found.
Frederike immediately gave a reply, "Thank you for your interest, we are going to work on it, who would you like to pose for this?"
It took a while and then came the reply: "Peter and Inger "..... " Okay, that's what we're going to organize, just wait," replied Frederike.
I had been surprised that personal contact was that instantly and the images were already going around the world for people with an account giving entrance the secluded members area of the site. As I found out later these types of broadcasts of modeling sessions were announced in advance.
The print referred to was now selected on her laptop by Frederike and projected on the wall.
It was a print from a series in a publication that was sold to a selected public in the 17th century
The Church had strong objections to unchaste behaviour and debauchery as they called it, but priests and nuns were mocked for their escapades in the realm of Amor.
These drawings and etchings were very revealing and obscene and in many of them animals played along their part.
The print that was finally chosen showed a stout nun, who had the stature of Inger and a somewhat slender sporty shepherd of my stature.
There also was a shepherdess that resembled Caroline and finally a sheepdog.
Kurt had gone out for a while and I heard him come in. "Good boy Baldur". A wagging tail poodle walked in, apparently called Baldur.
Actually, it wasn't a thorough bred, but a mix between a somewhat larger and hairier species and a poodle, and Baldur had a very gentle character.
With Caroline, Frederike discusses the scene and Caroline instructed me about the setup.
She would be sitting on the grass (an artificial grass carpet was laid on the terrace with some shrubs) playing a wreath of flowers in her hands, while I would be on the lookout as a shepherd with my dog standing by.
Then Inger would walk up to us as a nun, after which Baldur would greet her with enthusiasm.
After that, Inger would determine the course of events herself and the shepherdess would indicate to the shepherd how to put Baldur in the right positions.
How long that would last depended on Baldur. Sometimes it took a little longer for him to relax while we were to move on to the final scenes in which the shepherd and shepherdess would make love besides the nun and her canine friend.
Crossing all the red lines the church had set, contributed to the tantalizing quality of the works of art that had been depicted such a long time ago.
I was watching from a distance to see what was to come and I asked if I could use the toilet, " I needed to pee".
Frederike looked at Caroline and said something in Danish "kan han lide tissesex?"
For a moment Caroline seemed to hesitate, but then she pulled me over to a corner of the terrace next to the hedge.
"Pee all over me and try to hold on for a while," she whispered and I felt she lifted my flaccid member a bit as she sank to her knees.
I couldn't hold back any longer and began to send a jet across her chest and face, until she closes the urethra clamping her hand around my dick and the jet was interrupted.
I felt some inconvenience but when she let go, the flow started again with some force and I felt that Caroline had been swallowed my glans into her mouth, which was now rapidly filling up.
Some pee splashed down but Caroline started to take firm sips and then the she sucked my entire member inside and let the pee slip down her throat swallowing it and breathing heavily through her nose.
Uncle Poul had come to stand next to us and now also peed all over Caroline and partly over me.
I felt the warm stream that flowed down from my stomach and legs.
"Come with me and take a shower...." said Caroline when Poul and I had finally finished peeing and she got up.
We walked past Frederike who was talking to Grethe in a soft voice and we started to rinse ourselves off in the shower.