Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Our Family Adventures Pt. 01

27 Ağustos 2024, 13:13

Of course, it goes without saying that all persons involved in this story are/were 18 years of age or older. Not that it makes any difference, cause of course, all these writings are purely fictional and any similarity to any person, living or deceased is purely coincidental and never intentional.
First, a little of our back story.
Both my husband and I come from an incestuous background. Him with his mother and a few cousins, and I with both my mother, father and a few other members of the family. These are stories for another time if anyone is interested. I only mentioned it here to add context to the later story and not have to explain why certain situations were as they were at the time. Neither my husband nor I suffered any negative effects from any act that we were involved in. We are not here to justify, nor condone any act of incest or incestuous relationship. To each their own, live and let live. Besides, as I said, these stories are purely fictional and just for the fun of it.
Onto our story...................
My husband, (John) and I, (Sarah) have been together now for 25 years and have two great and beautiful children together. A son, (Adam) who was 20 at the time of the events of this story and a daughter, (Ashley) who was 18. I was 38 and my husband was 39 when this story started. I'll let you work the math. We met in high school and started dating and married early once we found out our common upbringing.
We had made an agreement early on that no matter what we shared in the bedroom between just the two of us or any role playing done with others that we were not going to share our experiences with our kids nor bring them into our sexual lifestyle. Now, with that being said, I do have to say that we were never prudes or anything of that matter. We have always spoken our minds on all subject matters. We raised our kids to be very open-minded and nonjudgmental towards other people, regardless of anyone's beliefs or proclivities. We just never knew just how open minded they could be until that day when it all started.
'That' day started like any other normal day, My Husband was up early and had left for work. Our son was still asleep in his room. Our daughter was getting ready for school, and I was piddling around the kitchen when I heard the yell from upstairs.
"MOM!" Ashley yelled from upstairs in her bedroom.
I could tell by the tone that it wasn't an emergency, regardless, whether she thought so or not. But I climbed the stairs anyway and made it to her room, knocked a small tap on the door and entered without waiting for an invitation, then stopped dead in my tracks, eyes wide and very focused. Focused completely on my daughter's very toned, tanned and athletic, 18-year-old nude body.
As I said above, we have all seen each other nude many times before but mostly like when coming or going from a bedroom to the bathroom or when out camping and need to change from a swimsuit or when in our motorhome where there isn't a lot of room and very little privacy. Just mostly in passing and fleeting moments and even then, I for one have always kept my thoughts in check.
But this was different. The proximity and blatantness of it all. I mean, she called for me. She knew I would be coming to find out what she wanted. She had plenty of time to dress and she chose not to. And now, even after I had entered and stood but a few feet away from her she still did not move to cover up.
My eyes looked her up and down involuntarily and then settled on her beautiful breasts. My daughter plays high school volleyball and is always complaining about the way her breasts get in the way and hurt at times from bouncing all around. She may be only 18 and although very firm they are a bit large for her frame. She is not the typical tall, slender volleyball player that you normally see on the court. She is slender, but shorter and only playing because she loves the game, and her best friend Brittney is on the team.
I know some will ask for a description, so think of Jennifer Aniston in the early days of "Friends". She stands 5'5", petite, but with the breasts of Salma Hayek. So, you can imagine why my gaze was transfixed on her breasts. And even though in the past I would not have given it, them, her, a second thought much, I was now standing there with thoughts a rampant in my head of how beautiful and sexy my daughter was and just how much I wanted my mouth on her breasts. I could feel the rush of the warm flush cascade down and through my body resulting in a pool of wetness in my panties.
"Mom, what's wrong?"
It took me a second to realize she was even talking to me. I shook the thoughts from my head and moved my eyes to meet hers. Trying very hard not to let them roam again over her body, in fear that she would notice and think I'm a pervert or something.
"Huh?" Was all I was able to muster.
"Mom, what's wrong with you?"
"Nothing honey, I came to see what you wanted. You called for me, remember?"
With üzümlü escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/erzincan/uzumlu/) that she turned and bent over, picking up a bra off the floor. My eyes getting a full view from behind of her completely shaven sex. I had sweat beads breaking out on my forehead and my panties were getting wetter as my pulse quickened. My thoughts grew bolder and bolder with each new one as they entered my brain. I wanted so badly to just drop to my knees behind her, grab her by her hips and pull her down onto my face and taste every bit of her. I wanted my tongue deep inside her. I wanted to.......
"MOM!" "Are you even listening to me?"
Apparently, she had been talking to me and I hadn't heard anything she had to say. She was now upright and standing square on with me and handing me the bra she retrieved from the floor.
"This is my last good bra, and it doesn't even fit me now." She told me.
"Um, ok, um.... What about all the sport bras we bought you?" I replied while still trying not to stare at her breasts or any other part of her nude body.
"Those are fine for when I'm in a game or just casual, but I need some nice bras for dressier type things and I have two dances coming up at school, plus prom, plus the...."
"Ok, Ok." I interrupted. "I will take you tomorrow on Saturday to pick up some new bras, okay?"
"Thank you, mom." she said as she moved forward and wrapped her arms around me for a hug and planted a kiss on my cheek. "You're the best, I love you."
"I love you too baby." was all I could manage to reply as I now felt her naked breasts against me. Even through the t shirt I was wearing, with no bra, I could feel her breasts as if I was wearing nothing. At least that's the way it felt, and I imagined it in my mind.
As she pulled away from me, I noticed her glance down towards my breasts and then looked away with a slight grin on her face. It was then that I realized that my nipples were erect and poking through the fabric almost as if there was nothing there at all.
Oh my god. Oh my god, I thought. How long have they been hard? This whole time? Or just from when her breasts were against mine? And did she feel them on her? Oh my god, what she must think.
I tried to play if off by acting like I had known they were hard this whole time. "Damn, its cold in your room." I said as I shivered and clearly showed that I knew my nipples were hard. "It's nippily in here." I said with a little laugh.
"I think its plenty warm in here." she replied and then without hesitation she followed that up with, "In fact, my nipples didn't get hard until they were rubbing up against your hard nipples when I hugged you."
She turned away from me with a bit of a smile and showing me her toned ass in the process. I was melting inside my body. I had to get out of there, but I couldn't take my eyes off her. I watched her as she opens her dresser drawer and took out a pair of very lacy and sexy panties. A white thong at that. I watched her as she bent over away from me again and pulled them on and then ran her fingers underneath the hem to straighten them out to sit right against her flesh. Oh my god, her flesh. So smooth, so tan and blemish free, so perfect. I wanted to touch her, to caress her. I wanted my hands and tongue on every part of her flesh. Daughter or not, I didn't care, I knew I had to have her. My brain was on fire and my sex was now just a dripping mess. Thank God I did have panties on, or she would have saw me dripping down my thighs. The t-shirt I had on only came to just below my ass cheeks.
Responding to her last comment, I replied, "Well I don't know why your nipples would harden from being pressed against these old lady breasts." More to get a reaction than seeking any type of validation from her.
"Oh mom, you have beautiful breasts and you're not old." she said as she stepped toward me again. "All my friends say that I get my beauty from you and most of the boys in school say you're a MILF for sure." She laughs hard as she says this, and I break out laughing as well.
"Well, thank you for that. I'll be sure and let your father know he may have some competition in the works after these boys graduate." I laughingly said.
"Boys and girls." she said with a smirk on her face. "And, yeah, after they graduate, that's funny." Her eyes sparkled with a mischievous look in them.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, as if I didn't already know.
"You know damn well what I mean, mom. I know what I know, and I know that you are not partial to just boys or just girls and as long as they are 18 or over and consenting, you wouldn't care if they have graduated or not in order to have sex with them." She said all of this with this 'duh' look she gets on her face that we all know too well.
"No, I don't know what you mean. Say it outwards. Say what's on your mind or don't act like you know me and what I will or won't do." I replied.
"Ok fine, I will say it. I know uzunköprü escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/edirne/uzunkopru/) about you and dad being swingers and I know some, or at least one of the couples you swing with and that they are much younger than you two. I also notice things. I have noticed that when we are all out together and you and dad try to be all sly and shit and point out someone attractive or hot to each other that they are not always much older than 18 or so."
I was dumb struck to say the least. First off, my nearly nude daughter was still standing only two feet from me. Her nipples hard as rocks and looking oh so very sexy in her white lacy thong. Second, was the fact that she just spoke to me in a fashion I was not entirely used to and said some things that, albeit the truth, I was not aware that she knew or even suspected. In a great sense of revelation, I was now realizing just how much my teenage daughter was and had become an adult. And with this realization I decided to speak right back to her in the same manner.
"Okay, look, I am not going to go into details of your father's, and I sex life. Nor will I ever disrespect someone else's privacy if and/or when we were to ever play with someone else. What I will tell you is this, you are correct about that I would not have a problem with someone being male or female. I am bisexual and your father can tell you how he identifies if you ask him and if he chooses to do so. Thats up to him, I will not speak for him. I will also say that I do feel that if someone is 18 years or older and consenting then I see no wrong in whatever two or more people agree to do sexually with each other."
Ashley started laughing out loud. Her breasts bouncing as she did and my eyes taking them in hungrily. She noticed my eyes glued to her breasts and flashed a loving smile.
"What?" I asked.
"First, you said two or more people, like in an orgy or something. Then you just can't seem to stop looking at my tits." She said while looking me straight in the eyes but with her mischievous smile on her face.
I was caught and I knew it. Now what? Go with the flow, I've always said.
I laughed a nervous laugh and sputtered something out that sounded close to, "Yes two or more people. The more the merrier and variety is the spice of life. Whatever floats your boat." Just whatever I could come up with at the time. And then, "And as far as me looking at your breasts. I apologize. I didn't mean to be rude or seem perverted. You are just a very beautiful young lady and daughter or not, your breasts are fabulous looking and sexy. I was more admiring than gawking really. I wish mine were still as firm and full as yours are. Call it breast envy."
"Oh mom, I wasn't trying to call you out on it really and It's not that I minded you looking. It's not like you haven't seen them before or me totally naked before. I was just trying to be funny and lighten the mood. Also, thank you for the compliment, and you have nothing to be ashamed of with yourself or your breasts. As I just said, both the guys and girls at school think you're hot and I see nothing wrong with your breasts whatsoever."
With this said she took a couple of steps closer and without warning she cupped both my breasts in her hands through my t-shirt and lifted them up with a gentle squeeze.
"And they still feel nice to me, although all I really feel is this t-shirt." She said as she let go of my breasts and stepped back a step.
I don't know why exactly; my sub conscience had taken over maybe. I only remember now that I didn't think of doing it before I did it, I just did it. I reached down and pulled my t-shirt up and over my head, reveling myself to her. Now standing there like her, clad only in a pair of panties.
Her eyes went to my breasts as mine were to hers, but I recovered more quickly and grabbed up my breasts in each hand and said, "See how they hang further down now, and they have flattened out some. Not to mention the beating my nipples have taken from when I used to nurse you and your brother. Sometimes at the same time."
I let go of my breasts and let my hands hang down to my side and just stood there. Ashley took that step forward and cupped up each breast in a hand again as she had the first time through my t-shirt. Her eyes still transfixed on my breasts.
"I don't know what you're talking about mom, these are still very nice. And I don't just mean for your age either. I mean, they are some very nice tits." Ashley then rolled my hard nipples between her thumb and forefingers. "And these nipples are sexy as fuck. Excuse the language mom, but they are. Dad is a lucky man to get to caress and suck on these, as is any other man or woman that gets to." she said with a sly laugh. And with that she let go of my breasts but did not step backwards this time.
'In for a penny, in for pound', my husband has often said. His other favorite is, 'It's easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to seek permission'. So, following van escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/van/) those rules of thought I reached out and cupped both of my daughter's breasts in my hands. Again, thank God for wearing panties. The warm flush this time was much more intense, and I think I could have orgasmed right then and there if I would have allowed myself. Her breasts were fuller than mine and much firmer. Her nipples were hard but a little shorter than mine which gave them a more symmetrical look. Without thinking I started to caress them and feel just exactly how smooth her flesh really was. My eyes never left her breasts as I was caressing them and telling her what I thought about them.
"Oh Ashley, your breasts are so much nicer than mine. They are so firm but soft and smooth. Your nipples are sexy as anything, and I agree, your dad and I are going to be very lucky when we get to suck on these."
OH MY GOD!! Did I just say that out loud?! Oh, please tell me I didn't just say that. My mind raced. My eyes darted up to meet hers and my hands dropped her breasts and I stumbled backwards some. I could see it in her eyes, by the expression on her face that I had. I had for sure said that out loud. She had a smile on her face, but I couldn't just say nothing.
"Oh my God, Ashley, I am so sorry. I did not mean that the way it came out. I am so sorry." I said as I fumbled through an apology.
Ashley laughing her ass off, "Mom, it's okay, it's okay. I know what you meant."
"You do? I mean, you're okay with it, I really didn't mean it. I am so sorry."
Still laughing, Ashley said, "I know exactly what you mean. You mean, someone, one day will be lucky to suck on my tits but they're not good enough for you and dad. Isn't that what you meant to say."
"What? No... No, that's not what I meant at all. I just meant, umm, ya know, umm That yeah, your breasts are very nice, and someone would be lucky to umm, yeah, ya know, yeah, ya know. Don't make me say it."
"Oh no mom, you are not getting out of this. You started it. Now say exactly what you mean. That is what you always tell us, 'Say what you mean and mean what you say', so now say it."
"Umm Okay, Okay, give me a second here. Okay, what I mean is, yes, I think your breasts are beautiful and sexy and yes whoever gets to play and suck on them is going to be a very lucky person. There I said it. Can we change the subject now, please?"
"Wrong answer mom and you know it. You meant every bit of what you said that you and dad will be very lucky when you get to suck on them. Now isn't that what you really meant? Just look at you, you're all embarrassed but you have yet to leave my room or reach to put your shirt back on. Your nipples could cut glass they are so hard and the wet spot in your panties has gotten wetter and bigger since you started touching my tits and you still can't take your eyes off of them."
She knew, oh my God, she knew. She knew I was wet. She knew I had been looking the whole time. She knew. She knows. She knows.
I brought my eyes up to meet hers. She had stopped laughing and smiling. I was trying to gauge her thoughts, her emotions, her awareness, but I was getting nothing. I had no idea how to proceed with this without her thinking I am a total pervert. To hell with it, I thought. Too late now. It will be what it will be and that is all there is to it.
"Ok look Ashley, I'm not going to lie to you or try and bullshit you. I love and respect you too much for that, so I'm just going to say this outright and if afterwards you have any questions I will try and answer them the best I can."
I moved over and sat on the end of the bed and patted a spot next to me for Ashley to sit down. She moved over to me and sat down next to me, turned slightly and her breast brushed up against my arm. How was I ever going to get through this, I wondered.
"First and foremost, Ashley, I love you. Your father loves you and neither of us want anything bad to happen to you or for you to ever have to do something you didn't want to do." I began.
"I know that mom. Just tell me what you want to say."
"Please Ashley, please don't interrupt. This is going to be hard enough as it is. Let me say what I need to say and then you can ask whatever questions you want to ask, and I will answer them honestly, I promise."
"Okay mom."
"Ashley, I did say what I said and yes I did mean it the way it came out and the way it sounded. But with that said, I also mean that in a different life. In a different life, where you and I and your father were living a different lifestyle, he and I would be very lucky to be able to caress and suck on your breasts or do many other things with you for that matter. But only in a different life. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?" I asked her.
"Yes, I think so, you're saying that you and dad want to have a different lifestyle with me so that you'd be able to caress and suck on my tits."
The look on her face was priceless and her attempt to hold the laughter back was hilarious. I can only imagine what my face displayed right before I broke out in a full-on laughter fit and her to follow right after.
"Yes, yes Babygirl, that was exactly what I meant. You know me too well." I said sarcastically, hoping that she would take it that way.