Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Tales from the Swamp: Robby Pt. 04

27 Ağustos 2024, 12:12

This part takes place at the same time as part three, but with a different perspective of the events and since this one has an incest theme and the other a Non-con theme, I separated them. I understand some don't enjoy both. I love to write what I like but I never want to have someone blindsided or disgusted with my stories if I can help it.

The Good Daughter.
1904, Crawling Rock, Louisiana.

Rhonda Jones was eighteen years old and hadn't seen a damn thing in those vital years. She was raised in a small community twenty miles outside Baton Rouge, in a small wooden shack with five children and two adults. Her day was spent helping her stepmother, Lily with her younger siblings, three of which belonged to her late mother.
Lily was sweet enough to her, and filled the vacant spot in her heart from losing a parent at a young age. But her father, Robby, had never paid her much attention even before her mother passed away. He hardly acknowledged her when he was around and he was rarely ever, spending his days in the fields and his nights drinking outside the home.
Now that she had gotten older, it had become worse. Robby would keep his eyes on the floor when he stumbled past her to go to bed.
Far from lonely, Rhonda was loved by her family. With so many cousins, aunts and uncles to keep her cheerful, she knew having her father's love would seal the deal of healing her soul.
The Jones village was small and somewhat crowded. In 1865, George Jones, along with his wife and seven rowdy boys had settled between the town and the swamp. It was home and where their children's children had grown over the last four decades.
Since losing their matriarch, Chelsea Jones, a decade ago, the family farm rarely had visitors, if any. A few distant cousins, who had run off to a better life came through to check in while some brave explorers peeked around what was known as Devil's Lake a quarter mile off, which separated the blacks and whites in the marsh area. Most were scared of both the white swamp family and the darker swamp people that inhabited the other side.
Tonight, the Jones household gathered in front of George's cabin while he slept inside, fighting the same fever he had been battling for months.
There in the moonlight, Rhonda entertained dozens of cousins and danced around to the folk songs her uncles played on various fiddles and drums in the front yard.
Her youngest uncle, Pip, was in awe as he watched Rhonda shag around, gleefully dancing with her older cousin, Buck. The young boy, however tall, couldn't control her curves nor her slick movements.
Pip watched her hips sway in a simple tight frock with a plunging neckline. She had a wiggling ass and his eyes roamed to her toned calves. Since his move to the city weeks ago, something vital had blossomed in his niece and he loved her new developed body.
Rhonda was a breath of feminine air their land hadn't seen in a while. Her nice rack was a new addition and the blood rushed to his cock as his eyes followed the sway of her milky bust.
Taking a sip of moonshine liquor, Pip stood to six feet and walked over, shadowing her small frame.
"Rho, just what the hell do you think you're doing?" He asked with a tipsy smirk.
Puzzled, Rhonda looked up at him before he grabbed her hand, spinning her toward him.
He chuckled and swirled her around, "I bet you can't dance like those girls in the night clubs, can you?"
"I don't know?."
"Come here and I'll teach you."
Rhonda giggled as his arm clutched her waist from behind, smashing his crotch into her backside.
"Move your hips," he urged.
Rhonda danced and tried to keep up with his wild movements. His hips bucked behind her. Then, he spun her out again, before expertly bringing her back to his warm body.
"This is how city folks dance," Pip informed.
Rhonda thought herself a skillful dancer but had never danced this raunchy and never with a man. She didn't go to town much and stayed cooped up on the few acres of their property.
Pip bit his lip and wondered if she could feel his passion pushing roughly against his britches, "Hmm, just like that, Rho."
Clutching her tight in his embrace, he merged his head over to kiss her cheek. She was a beautiful girl, a bit short for his liking, but that shouldn't have mattered. She was his niece.
Rhonda giggled as his hairy brims kissed her neck.
"You ain't bad at this," he whispered against her ear.
"Thank you, Uncle Pip."
Pip scoffed, "You are the same age as my sister, you ain't gotta call me that, we used to play together when we were youngin's."
"I know but?"
"But nothing, Hell, I ain't that old. I only got but 'bout six years on you. We grew up together. You used to piss the bed, remember?"
"I did not! I do remember you bullying me and pulling my hair when I was young."
"You were like a little sister to me, I had to tease you," Pip chuckled, rolling his touch across her arched hip,"Plus?." he paused solhan escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/bingol/solhan/) to pinch her butt and she giggled from the pang.
"You were a mean little gal."
"I ain't mean no more. Ima good girl. But, you're still a bully," Rhonda popped his arm as it curled back around her stomach.
"Well, I surely apologize."
"It's alright, you were never as bad as Uncle Ray. He's the mean one."
"I can go for that. Ray used to hang me upside down by my feet. He was the strongest of us brothers," Pip laughed as he reminisced, "If he was still alive, he would be proud, you've become such a sweet young woman."
"Thank you, Uncle Pip."
Pip twirled his eyes upward, "Lord girl, quit calling me that."
"Well, what do you want me to call you then?" Rhonda swooned in his warm embrace as he swayed her in a dance. He had a foreign masculine touch that warmed her heart. She loved her uncle like a brother.
"Just my name. or?"
"Or what? Bully?" Rhonda giggled at her taunt.
"I wouldn't dream of hurting you, sweetheart, but I could see myself making you feel real good," he whispered, sliding his tongue across her ear, "We could take our dance in the woods and I could show you some more unsavory moves."
Rhonda was stunned from the tingling sensation riding up her spine. Her heart raced with some odd sensations. She felt butterflies in her stomach. Embarrassed by her attraction to her uncle, she paused their dance to turn and smile.
"I want to thank you for the dance, Uncle Pip. I only call you Uncle on account of my Daddy saying I should show respect to my elders," she frowned, "he said since you are my uncle and Mae is my aunt, I need to address y'all as such."
"I wouldn't worry much about what that drunk bastard says," Pip chuckled.
Offended, Rhonda frowned, sidestepping him to dance with another. Pip caught her hand and apologized, although that was his honest opinion of his brother. He was met with her downturned pink lips and swept his fingers along her cheeks causing her icy stare to thaw in her doe eyes.
"I'm sorry," he smiled, "I know how much you love your Daddy."
Averting her eyes down, she gave a desperate sigh, "He doesn't love me."
"What? Why the hell would you say something like that?" Pip frowned, "Of course he does. We all love you very much."
Bringing her pale hand to his lips, he kissed it, leaving a tongue trail over her fingers, "You love me too, don't you? Or have you forgotten me since I've been away."
Rhonda smiled, shaking her head, "No, I still love you."
"Your Pa raised you well, so he did something good with his life. You are becoming just as pretty as your Mama was."
"What was she like?"
"Kind hearted, funny, smart, and whew, was she one pretty lady. I used to be smitten with her. Had the thought I'd steal her away from your Daddy. But I was only a kid," he chuckled.
"You had a crush on my mama," Rhonda giggled.
"She used to make my heart race," Pip brought her hand to his heart, "Now you're here doing the same damn thing."
Bashfully, Rhonda shook her head and looked toward her father, lost in his cup. She often wondered if he felt the same. His head hung down in drunkenness and she wanted to talk to him but feared he would dismiss her as always.
"You ought to come visit me sometime if your Pa allows it," Pip said, interrupting her thoughts.
"Mmhm, I should see about him," Rhonda said, keeping her eyes on her father.
"He's alright. Come on, give me one more dance," Pip smiled, tugging her toward him, "I'm going back to town tomorrow and I probably won't come back this way for a while."
"I'll see you next time," she grinned, unfolding her hand from her his, "Bye, Pip," she giggled with a cutesy wave.
Rhonda stepped up to her father and petted his brown, wavy crown. She thought assisting him home would be a way to make him notice her. They could walk hand and hand home and share stories from the past.
He looked up with a frown before dropping his head down and nudging from her nurturing touch.
"Go on," Robby grumbled, "quit touching me."
"Daddy, you ought to go home and sleep it off."
"Who are you to tell me what I ought to do?"
The Jones men were known to produce males and it had been a shame eighteen years ago when Robby hurried into his cabin to find his first wife had birthed a girl. It was a curse he thought and didn't show her any of the affection he had saved for his first son.
"Oh, come on, Daddy," Rhonda lifted his head and caressed his bushy beard, "Last time, Uncle Fred had to carry you home. You didn't make it to the bed and slept on the porch. You were ill as a snake when you woke up," she giggled but shivered as she remembered the violent night, "If you can walk now, best we go head home."
Robby half listened and looked up at her pretty smile. She was as gorgeous as her late mother with blonde hair, light brown eyes and the same beauty mark in the top corner sorgun escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/yozgat/sorgun/) of her pouty lips. Her hair looked darker in the front yard lit by the moon and the large fire behind her.
"What's wrong, Daddy?"
"You look like Amelia," he remarked, reaching to touch her hair.
Biting her lip, Rhonda beamed once more. She wasn't sure about the resemblance to her mother. She had never seen a photo, only descriptions from family but coming from him it meant the world.
"Thank you, Daddy."
Robby held her closer and sniffed at her soft middle. Her femininity lingered across his nose. She looked down in amazement as his lips seared her stomach with kisses. The affection made her heart beat with devotion and she wrapped her arms around his head.
"What was my mama like? Was she pretty?"
"Yeah. And just as fat as you," he chuckled, scoping her full hips, "you going to make me a grandfather, a dozen times over, just like my Pa."
"One day, I reckon," Rhonda shrugged, "I ain't even got a beau," she giggled as her father clawed at her plump rear.
"Best not ever get one either. If I find you've been letting them boys touch you, I'll kill 'em," Robby growled his threat against her bust.
Rhonda was a virgin but knew the chemistry behind the act. She giggled out her response, "Daddy how will you be a GrandDaddy if I can't have no boyfriend?"
"Do you think I hadn't thought about that?" Robby winked.
Holding her neck, he declined her head and lapped his tongue across her chin. A kiss from Daddy was foreign and she grinned as his lips fluttered around her blushed cheeks. When he landed on her lips, he shoved his tongue into her mouth.
Her eyes widened in shock. Unsure of what to do, she followed his lead. Their tongues danced in harmony and she backed away when she felt a slight stir from his kiss.
"Gimme another smooch," he urged, tugging her dress closer for another intimate kiss.
Rhonda swooned, and tasted the hint of liquor on his tongue. She slipped her hand over his shoulders as he heightened what she could only describe as tingles that lingered below. He bit her lip and she pulled back to chuckle, brushing her fingers over to ease the ache.
"You liked that?" Robby grinned.
Timidly, she shrugged.
"I bet we'd have some pretty babies, like me and your mama."
Her smile dropped and she searched his lusty eyes. Rhonda blamed the strong drink for his change in mood and didn't move as his palms circled over her tits. With no bra on, he easily found her nipple and gave it a rough pinch.
Rhonda gasped in shock and backed away, uncertain if he would protest. He didn't argue and allowed her to walk back to the fire and away from his craving. Her heart was racing with foreign sensations most happening in her cotton panties. Glancing back over her shoulder, she saw he held that same curious glance that sent shivers down her spine.
Three days later.
Rhonda heard the grunts and groans in the back room as she swept the broom across the wooden floor. Robby had sent her brothers off to do chores outside while she was stuck in the house to listen to the ravenous sounds of he and her mother's coupling.
It had all started when Robby had bumped her into coming out of the outhouse. Rhonda was dressed in only her night clothes. She had paused when she caught his eye and could see that same interest in his stern brown-eyed gaze.
Robby felt an arousal push against his britches, "Where's your mama?"
"She's in the house, Daddy," Rhonda had whispered, after swallowing the thick lump in her throat from his watch.
Robby took off into the house. That had been an hour ago and they were still going at it. She wasn't sure if Lily was enjoying it nor if her father was. Their grunts sounded in agony one minute then held a charm the next as the bed creaked and cracked in sync.
"What the hell did you say!" Her father's stern voice came, causing her to drop the broomstick.
Lily rushed out of the room with an angry expression and hurried onto the porch.
"Get your ass back here, girl!" Robby roared before rushing past her to the porch.
Rhonda kept her head down and continued to clean as their domestic argument arose outside. She heard Lily screaming her dislike of him, which was odd. She was usually afraid of him.
Her curiosity peaked enough to peep out and catch a few of their back and forth.
"I told you, No!" Lily said, pushing his chest, "I can't go through another pregnancy. The last one almost killed me. You just want me in an early grave like your first wife."
"I want a yard full of youngin's and you knew that when I married you, girl."
"I DON'T WANT ANOTHER Baby!" Lily screamed so loud her voice cracked toward the end, and she raised her finger to his face, "You promised me, you lying bast-"
Robby gasped her torso, pushing her closer to his wrath, "You better watch who the hell you're talking to. I'll be damned if you're going suadiye escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/istanbul/anadolu-yakasi/suadiye/) to raise your voice at me. If I didn't love my sons I'd hurt you something bad for your lack of manners. You made a vow to me, woman."
"I don't care. I told you I don't want another child," Lily growled low, gritting her teeth, "Go get your light skinned whore to birth your babies cause I'll be damned if I will kill myself to make you happy!"
Robby was furious and pushed her up against the siding. His finger pressed rough across her nose.
"I've warned you, and that's your last warning," Robby clenched his jaw, "Next time you raise your voice at me. I'm calling the doctor and I am telling him about your sinful condition."
Rhonda knew what he meant. Her aunt frequently visited the house and entertained her stepmother with her tongue. It was a shame but Lily had been happier since.
"Do I make myself clear?" Robby asked.
Lily froze up in fear, pushing her head in her chin to shake off her rage.
"Y-yes. I-I'm sorry, sir," came her submissive whisper, "I? I'll do better."
"And as for my whore," Robby grunted, "You might be seeing a lot more of her if you don't straighten up. She doesn't give me all that sass you do. She loves me and I love her back."
Lily didn't feel an inkling of jealousy but pretended she cared, turning her lips down. She had a plan brewing and didn't flinch when he pushed her shoulder.
Rhonda on the other hand felt betrayed and wearily watched her father march off into the path while Lily hurried inside. Her chest heaved with rage.
"You want me to make you tea?" Rhonda asked, rubbing her back.
"No," Lily shook her head, "Thank you, but? I want you to take care of your brothers while I go? I've gotta go run an errand."
"I could go to town for you. Uncle Pip said he wanted me to-"
Rhonda paused as her Aunt Mae ran into the cabin with a smile that dropped down as she witnessed Lily's saddened expression.
"What's wrong, sweetie?"
"He did it again," Lily frowned, "Said he wanted another baby."
"That son of a bitch," Mae spat.
Rhonda glared at her while her chest tightened with anger. She wasn't sure why she felt this way but she hated when anyone disrespected her father. She tried to listen as Mae and Lily talked but it was in hushed whispers about foreign matters.
Mae mentioned going past the lake to the colored side of the swamp and that piqued her interest as to why.
"Keep an eye on the boys, Rho," she said as she and Lily stepped out of the house.
Rhonda was too curious. She had never been on the other side and wanted to know what was happening. Instead of going to her grandfather's house to babysit, she walked a distance behind them and was sure to keep her footing light.
It was a trek toward the Lake but she enjoyed the nature around her. She stopped to pick a few flowers before stepping out to follow the flowing brown and yellow hair of the women.
Suddenly, Rhonda stopped. She heard a voice she recognized in the distance. It was faint but it brought her to walk in that direction, now caring less about following her mother. She hid behind a thick tree and saw her father standing tall against another in the distance. Shifting over, she leaned her bust against another tree closer to the scene. Her eyes widened to saucers as she witnessed the light skinned woman perched on her knees.
Daddy's eyes were closed tight and his head reared back as she performed between his legs.
"Oh, that's it baby, ooh, that's a good girl." he spoke in a loving way.
Rhonda frowned and watched her father pull at the woman's long curly hair bringing her angelic face in her view. She had never seen the girl before but she looked around her and Mae's age. Her father rolled his large hand up and down his manhood while the girl held her mouth open, her tongue swirled around.
"Catch it, baby," Robby gave a grunt and hunched down, spreading his seed across the woman's mouth.
When he was finished, he twisted her around and felt around her privates while she moaned and whimpered in liking.
Overwhelmed with her findings, Rhonda had had enough. She couldn't take seeing her father pleasing yet another woman. Forgoing her search for the mysterious place Lily and Mae were headed to, she hastily walked back to their village. The images of her father made her shiver with confusion. She felt an envy soaring in her mind. He gave so many women his love and attention while none of it was reserved for her.
The following day Robby returned from the fields, took a quick bath in the outhouse and stalked off into the woods. Lily was busy preparing dinner with a whistle. Why she was so happy was confusing to Rhonda but she took the opportunity to use it to her advantage.
"I'm going to go check on Grandpa," Rhonda told the small fib to her mother.
"Alright. if you see your aunt tell her to come see me, please." Lily smiled
"Yes, ma'am?"
Rhonda bypassed her grandfather's cabin with plans to sneak off and spy on her father. She held the images in her mind of the woman and wondered what she had done to con her father into liking her. She walked around a few moments before she found him alone in the forest. He seemed upset and the girl was nowhere around.