Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : The Saunameister Ch. 02

27 Ağustos 2024, 12:12

Author's Note: All characters are over the age of 18
"It's freezing in here, El. Mind if I crack a window to let some warm air in?"
"No!" I yelped, before backtracking swiftly, "moving is hot work, let's make the most of the air-con."
My semester in Germany had come to an end and my older brother, Jim, had agreed to help me clear out my apartment and move back to the States. I would have asked my dad but we hadn't spoken a lot since sauna-gate. Turns out getting DP'd by your dad and a Saunameister can make family Zoom calls a little awkward. Go figure.
Not that Jim needed much help. Six foot four and built like a tank, Jim was the crush of all my school friends. Watching Jim easily heft my boxes into the apartment block's cranky old elevator, I could see why. Jim's thin running shorts rode high on his muscular thighs and his forearms bulged as they strained with the overfilled crate, which tilted precariously as he foundered blindly for the elevator call button.
Too late. I was helpless to stop it as the unbalanced crate slipped from Jim's arms and crashed to the floor, scattering my hastily packed possessions across the hallway.
"Sorry, El! I didn't..."
Jim stopped dead, his eyes frozen on the objects strewn over the floor.
Of all the boxes to drop, Jim had to pick that one. The one you really don't want your brother to see inside. The one containing the impressively life-like 11 inch dildo, a dildo that bore an uncanny resemblance to my daddy's dick. Uncanny, that is, apart from the bulging knot three-quarters of the way down it. Who said you can't improve on perfection?
"Is that..?" Jim tilted his head for a better look.
"It's not what it looks like!" I squealed, throwing myself to the floor and gathering up the dildo.
"Are you sure?" Jim chuckled, "Cus it looks a lot like a huge fucking dildo, El, but maybe I'm wrong and they make toasters differently in Germany?"
"Have you got room in there for one more?"
I glanced around the tightly packed elevator.
"I think I can squeeze a little more in."
"I'm sure you can," Jim smirked as he shuffled into the elevator beside me, "you've had plenty of practice."
The elevator lurched suddenly as Jim placed another box on a pile stacked in the corner.
"Is this thing safe?"
"Stop worrying," I reassured, as the elevator doors screeched closed, "German engineering never fails."
Jim reached out for the wall as the elevator shuddered downwards.
"It says 'made in Poland' right here."
"Poland, Germany, it makes no difference. You can trust a European, Jim."
Suddenly we were pitched into darkness as the elevator dropped into free fall.
As quickly as it began, it was over. The elevator jerked to a halt with a force that sent everything inside tumbling in a chaos of limbs and upended boxes. I reached out blindly in the pitch black darkness, trying to find something to pull myself off the floor with but only succeeding in grabbing my trusty dildo once again.
"I really must pack this thing better." I mused, as I pulled it's fleshy girth towards me.
"Ummm, Elouise?"
The overhead light flickered back on. Jim was buried above the waist beneath a cascade of cardboard, his short-shorts apparently unable to prevent his sizeable appendage from slipping loose as he tumbled over - a sizeable appendage that was at that moment firmly ensconced in my hand.
"I guess it's true what they say," I pondered, gazing open-mouthed at my brother's oddly familiar cock, "the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree."
"What's good for claustrophobia? I heard citrus is good."
"Relax," Jim probed at the unresponsive control panel, "someone will come soon."
"Is it lemon in here?"
"Elouise," Jim gripped my shoulders, "we're going to be fine. Just breath."
Beads of sweat were breaking out across my forehead.
"We're going to die in this box, aren't we?"
"I hope not," Jim quipped, "I don't want to have to explain to Saint Paul how the last hand job I received was from my sister."
"Doofus," I laughed, swatting him playfully round the ear, "that was not a hand job. Trust me, if I gave you a hand job, you'd know about it."
I blushed, instantly regretting the words that had tumbled out of my mouth. Jim looked at me curiously.
"Does it feel a little hot to you?" I desperately changed the subject, pulling my white cotton tank top from my sticky back.
"It's gotta be touching 100 out there and we're in a tin can, it's going to get hot."
It felt like the elevator dropped from beneath my feet again as the implication of Jim's words struck home. I started hammering on the doors.
"We have to escape, Jim. I can't stay in here!"
Jim pulled me into a bear hug, holding me against his toned chest.
"You need to chill out, El, we'll be fine. You've got neighbours, right?"
"It's the holidays. Everyone will be at the beach."
"A phone?"
"I sultangazi escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/istanbul/avrupa-yakasi/sultangazi/) left it in the flat!"
"So we wait a few hours, what's the worst that could happen?"
Sensing me relax a little, Jim released me and I sagged against the cool metal wall, relishing the sharp chill distracting me briefly from the humid air. Briefly, that is, until Jim pulled his t-shirt over his head, slowly exposing his glistening washboard abs and firm pecks.
"You don't mind, do you?" Jim queried, noticing my fixed stare.
"Umm..n..no," I stammered, tearing my eyes away from my hunky brother, "be my guest."
"Let's play a game."
"Huh?" We had been trapped for twenty minutes but it twenty hours. The temperature inside the elevator was rising so quickly that my tank top was already plastered to my chest with sweat, doing a terrible job of hiding my rigid nipples.
"Something to help pass the time."
While it wasn't yet sauna-hot, I was definitely feeling a faint throb inside my denim cutoffs. I needed a distraction.
"What did you have in mind?"
"Truth or dare?"
"What are we, sixteen?"
"I'm open to suggestions."
I studied the beads of condensation forming on the ceiling of the elevator.
"That's the spirit," Jim grinned, "let me think...okay...your friend Rachel, did she really blow Mr Murray in senior year?"
"Ew, Jim. I don't want to think about my friend giving head to a middle-aged geography teacher."
"I heard she did it under the bleachers."
"Don't be stupid, there were much better places to give head at Pinewood."
"Such as?"
"That's another question."
"You ever answered my first one."
"It was one time," I conceded, "a pass is a pass."
"I knew it!"
"Okay your turn. Truth or dare."
"Keep it light, Ellie." I warned myself, even as my mind wandered back to the handful of thick cock. I shamelessly gazed at the sheen of sweat glistening on my brothers torso.
"Did you ever spy on me when we lived at home?"
"Spy on you," Jim looked flustered, "what do you mean?"
"Don't play dumb, I know you saw me getting dressed at least once."
"It was an accident..."
"...that time." Jim smiled sheepishly, "I'm only human and you're...well...most guys don't have little sisters that look like you."
"Like what?"
"Are you going to make me spell it out?"
"I'm not going anywhere. I can wait all day."
"Most guys don't have little sisters with a figure like yours, El. Heck, it's like Shakira and Beyonce had a love child. Do you have any idea what it took to keep my friends away from you? Ever wonder why I didn't have them over."
"So...did you?"
"You're not shrinking violet, El. It was hard not to catch a glimpse."
"Tell me."
"I think you'd been at cheer practice. I didn't hear you come in, I guess I was busy in the workshop. You know how loud it got in there. I'd lost track of time, figured I was home alone so I didn't knock. Stupid really, why would the door be closed if no one was in the bathroom?"
"Was I...?"
"In the bath. You guessed it. Your eyes were closed so you didn't see me come in. I thought you were sleeping but then..."
"It was impressively. A talent, really. I've not seen anything like it. To this day."
"Jim, stop."
"No hands, huh?"
I hid my head in my hands, shame and the hot air making me flush all over.
"Which begs the question," Jim continued relentlessly, "what do you need this for?"
Peering between my fingers, I watched as Jim reached inside a nearby box and extracted my monster dildo with a flourish. I launched myself across the tight space and grappled with Jim on the floor as he held my pride and joy at arms length.
"Give. It. Back!"
Our sweat drenched bodies slipped across each other and I was dimly aware of my sensitive nipples rubbing tantalisingly against Jim's broad chest. Jim scooped his free arm around me and rolled me beneath him. Kneeling between my legs, he pinned me with one hand while studying the veiny toy.
"Seriously though, El, this isn't for real...is it?"
I panted, trying to catch my breath before launching another failed attempt to rescue my dildo.
"Like, you don't actually use this thing?"
"I'm not going to answer that. I didn't ask for a truth."
"Fine. Truth or dare?"
I glared at Jim, struggling uselessly to escape his firm grip.
A wicked smirk lit up Jim's face.
"Okay, show me."
I was stuck in an elevator with my big brother. A big brother who wanted to watch me ride a dildo. A dildo that I modelled on our father's cock. A cock that gave me the best orgasms of my life. This was pretty fucked up, and the past year had set my bar sky high for fucked up situations. And the worst part? I kinda wanted to do it.
"I bet you can't even get it in your mouth."
I'll admit it, part of me was disappointed. Of course suluova escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/amasya/suluova/) my brother didn't want to watch me screw myself silly. Duh.
"You're on."
Jim kept me pinned as he offered me the dildo. I gripped the thick shaft above the knot with both hands, remembering as I always did when I held it, my dad's magnificent cock.
"I can't do it at this angle. Stand up a minute and hold it."
Tying my hair back, I got on my knees in front of my incredulous brother.
"You're actually going to do this?" Jim asked, dangling the dildo at my eye level.
"Jimmy," I purred, staring him dead in the eye as I stroked the dildo teasingly, "I never back out on a dare."
With that I opened wide and took the flared tip inside my mouth. A tremor rippled through my body as my lips closed around the fake cock and an unbidden hum of appreciation rose up from deep inside me. Keeping my eyes locked on Jim's, I began bopping my head on the dildo as I worked it both hands. I was only taking a little more than the tip but I was taking it. Revelling in Jim's surprise, I relinquished the dildo, only to spit on it and stroke the saliva soaked tool as I pressed it against my cheek.
Jim nodded wordlessly.
"You've not seen anything yet."
I ran my tongue along the length of the dildo before taking it back in my mouth. Closing my eyes, I imagined the taste of my daddy's salty pre-cum and my hips bucked and my clit pulsed. I took it deeper, forcing my gag reflex down so the cock could slide into my throat. Eyes streaming, I blindly reached out and grabbed Jim's hips to pull him closer so that the dildo was forced deeper but something else slapped against my face. Something thick, warm, and smearing a viscous liquid on my cheek. Gasping for air, I coughed the dildo out of my throat and wiped the tears from my eyes as Jim stepped away from me.
"Jim! You're..."
"I'm sorry!"
There was no hiding it. Distracted by the sight of his cock-hungry sister, Jim hadn't noticed the erection escape his shorts until it slapped me in the face. Now it stood side by side with the dildo. Hard, throbbing, and almost indistinguishable from the silicon toy.
"...huge." I whispered, stunned.
"Give up?"
My trusty dildo swayed gently between us. Jim sat with one of my packing boxes on his lap, still red with embarrassment.
"Chicken," I taunted, as Jim stuck is tongue out at me, "okay...how big is that...weapon? And don't even pretend you haven't measured it. I know guys and I know you."
"11 inches...8.5 inches round."
"Jeeezzz..." I whistled, mentally comparing it my toy. Almost identical, apart from the bulbous plug at its base.
"It's not all it's cracked up to be. Most girls don't have your...talents. It can make things tricky."
"My heart bleeds." I laughed, "Dare."
Jim contemplated for a moment, his eyes lingering on the wet tank top plastered to my tits.
"How big are you?"
"That's a question, numnuts. I chose dare."
"Nuh-uh, I want to SEE how big those puppies are."
I hesitated for a second. A second was all it took for the intense heat in the elevator to overwhelm any pretence of restraint I could muster.
I peeled the damp top over my head in one swift movement. Jim's eyes damn near popped as my full, perky tits bounced and jiggled into sight. I let him enjoy the view then tossed my sweaty top at his head.
Jim swatted it away and continued gazing at my breasts. I felt my already-firm nipples puckering as a rivulet of sweat trickled down my cleavage. Wiping away the sweat, I let a hand linger on my breast, cupping it and squeezing gently. I bit my lip as a burst of pleasure rippled through me.
"Big enough?"
"Not bad." Jim shrugged, noncommittally.
"Kiss my arse!" I retorted, flicking Jim the V's.
"Is that a dare?"
"You wouldn't."
God, I hoped he would.
"Try me."
I stood and turned away from Jim, popping the buttons on my denim cutoffs as I looked over my shoulder at him.
"I dare you," bending at the waist, I dropped my shorts to the floor and exposed the damp red thong dividing my thick cheeks, "to kiss my arse."
I leant forward and put my hands against the elevator wall, thrusting my arse towards Jim as I spread my legs. My pussy tingled as I imagined the view I was offering of the wet fabric clinging to my engorged lips. I shivered, despite the heat, feeling that familiar throb as Jim approached.
Warm breath between my legs. I stifled a moan as my legs quivered. I could feel liquid running down my thighs; did Jim know that it wasn't only sweat? I didn't have long to wonder before I felt Jim land a chaste peck on my arse cheek.
"You call that a kiss?" I taunted, reaching back and spreading my arse to expose the thin thong barely covering my puckered hole.
For a moment nothing happened and a wave of shame broke over me as the reality of the situation hit me. Then I felt Jim hook a finger under the thong and sungurlu escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/corum/sungurlu/) pull it aside.
"How's this for a kiss?"
My legs nearly gave out as Jim's lips landed directly on my arsehole. I thrust back to meet them as he Frenched my wanting hole, gently lapping it with his tongue as I groaned.
I couldn't hold back the moan, I was close and I needed more. I clawed at my arse, pulling it wider as my brother's talented tongue penetrated me, driving me right to the edge.
"Don't...don't...don't you dare..."
"Hallo?! Ist jemand da drin?"
Jim pulled on the elevator doors but his hands slipped on the smooth, wet surface.
"We're trapped in here!" Jim yelled, "We need some help!"
"Okay ja," the muffled voice replied, "I'll look for breaker switch. Hang tight."
"See, I told you someone would come," Jim sighed, "it was only a matter of - Elouise!?"
It was too late. The heat, my brother's anal ministrations, his gorgeous big cock. I needed release. Still leaning against the elevator wall where Jim had left me, I worked a finger languidly in and out of my spit soaked arsehole.
"I'm...I'm...it's the heat, Jimmy," I stammered, "I need you to finish...what you started...I need you to finish...me."
"Elouise, get a hold of yourself!"
"I dare you...ughh," I grunted as I added another finger to my arse, "to make me cum."
"He'll be back any minute."
"So you better hurry."
"You're my sister."
"I don't care, Jim. You don't understand, it's this damn heat. It's a condition. A kink. A goddamn compulsion. It makes me do crazy things, Jim, and if you don't help me before they break us out then I don't know what will happen."
"What kind of... things?" Jim pressed, watching my fingers squelching deeper into my arsehole.
"I let two men use me, Jimmy. In a sauna, I couldn't help it. They DP'd your baby sister."
"Fuck, El..."
"One came in my arse...I could feel it dripping out of me...but I wanted more...the other one was much bigger...I'd never taken anything like it...back there...but I needed it Jimmy...I slipped a finger inside...like this..."
Hooking a finger against my sphincter, I pulled my arsehole wide to gape at my brother. The same way I had for my daddy.
"I felt his tip against me...so big Jimmy...the other guy's...cum...it helped...but he was so big...like you."
I watched Jim's cock tent his shorts as I slipped a third finger, then a fourth into my desperate hole.
"Did he...fit?"
I nodded, biting my lip to stifle a cry of pleasure.
"I took it all...every last inch...every last drop..."
I extracted my fingers and turned to face Jim before peeling off my saturated thong, exposing my wet, hot pussy for the first time. Jim was stunned. I padded over to him and reached inside his shorts.
"I need this inside me," I sighed into Jim's ear, "anywhere but I need it now."
Jim placed a hand on my chest and firmly pushed me backwards.
"I can't," Jim insisted, "but you can."
Jim looked at the floor between my legs where the my dildo pointed skyward.
"I dare you to ride that thing."
Sinking to my knees, I gripped the rubbery cock and rubbed it against my clit.
"Thank you," I hissed, as the flared tip speared my dripping cunt.
Little more than the head was inside me but the relief was instant. I shuddered, sinking onto the toy with each spasm of pleasure, and looked up at Jim. His cock was protruding from the bottom of his shorts once again, erect and throbbing.
"You...too..." I gasped, bottoming out at the top of the thick knot.
"What?"I grabbed Jim's shorts and yanked them below his knees, freeing his gorgeous cock to bounce tantalisingly close to my face.
"Fuck, El."
I ground against the chunky knot, willing it deeper.
"I dare you..." I panted, "to cum too."
Jim didn't need any more encouragement. Taking hold of his raging cock, he worked his fist slowly along its length, using his flood of pre-cum to massage his swollen tip at each pass.
"Can you take that thing?"
I rubbed my clit and felt the taut flesh being stretched by the huge knot. Rocking back and forth, I stared shamefully at the floor.
Jim held my jaw in his free hand, stroking his cock beside my face as he tilted my head upwards to lock eyes with me.
"Take it for me. Take it for your big brother."
Jim redirected the tip of his cock and a spurt of cum erupted across my face.
"What the..."
I was silenced by another thick serving of jizz launching directly against the back of my throat. Another plastered my forehead and two more laced cheeks. It was the final straw. My eyes rolled back as I sunk even deep onto the dildo, almost reaching the apex of the knot. I swirled the cum, my brother's cum, around my mouth. Delicious.
Jimmy continued to stroke his rigid cock.
"You're not the only one with skills, sis," Jimmy shrugged, "Multi-orgasmic."
Scooping Jim's cum from my cheeks, I reached down and spread it over the toy.
I felt the knot spread me wider as the greasy jizz helped ease it deeper inside me.
"Please..." I begged, staring slack jawed at the cum dripping from my brother's cock.
Jim pulled my mouth closer to the tip.