Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : The Daughter Seducer Ch. 04

27 Ağustos 2024, 06:49

It wasn't unusual that Melanie Danes was the last person in the workplace (the night-watchman had a small hut next to entrance and only came into the main building on his regular rounds, being more content to sit there and read his books), the warehousemen and operations staff knocked off at four and the sales staff and admin at five; very seldom were any of them there past that time. As the owner Melanie regularly arrived before her staff and left after them. However, normally, she wouldn't be in the restroom putting the final touches to her make-up, making sure her blonde hair was brushed and undoing her blouse one extra button.
However, tonight was different, instead of spending several hours looking at figures and sales pitches, tonight was date night with her sexy girlfriend -- the first proper date since she and Ashley had agreed they were an item. Admittedly the only people who knew they were dating were the two of them, as her girlfriend was her daughter and whilst Melanie was absolutely sure it was right, not everyone in society agreed (though she was sure they would have done had they known how incredible the sex was with a hot eighteen year old).
She gave herself another look in the mirror and convinced she still looked sexy enough returned to her office. Ashley had said she'd be over at seven and knowing her daughter she'd be exactly on time. As she had thought there was a buzz on her phone dead on the hour and she picked it up to the watchman who explained her daughter was at the front gate. After confirming she was expecting her and to let her in, Melanie put down the phone, shut down her computer and waited for the teen to arrive.
Within a few moments there was a knock on her office door, together with a voice calling through, "It's me Ashley."
"Come in," said Melanie.
The door opened and in came her daughter. Gone was the dowdy and shapeless jumpers which had previously hidden her plump melons, also missing were the slacks that used to waft loosely as she walked. Instead she was in a close fitting pullover, which clung over her bosoms making them seem even bigger and juicier and pair of tight jeans which accentuated her ass as she walked. Her hair was brushed and slightly curled, rather than quickly tied back into a ponytail; there was even a hint of lipstick. Melanie grinned a greeting, "Hello sexy."
"Hi Mom," her daughter gave a sexy smile back, "I'm not late am I?"
For a moment Melanie considered teasing her and pretending that they agreed to meet at six, but she decided not to as there was too big a risk that her daughter would take it seriously, instead she said, "Just in time" and got up from her desk, reaching for her purse, "Ready?"
"Yes," Ashley nodded, "I'm really excited about our date."
"Me too," agreed her Mom as she led the teen to the parking lot. "We'll take my car," she said, "I can drop you off here tomorrow, so you can drive yours to school."
Her daughter nodded her agreement and headed towards her Mom's car. Melanie opened the doors as they approached and got in the driver's side, as her daughter slid into the passenger seat. She was so tempted to kiss the sexy teen beside her, to slide her mouth over Ashley's and have her hands explore her nubile body. But she resisted, the night-watchman wasn't overly observant at times (he was on minimum wage, so she didn't expect him to be Columbo), but even he might question why she was making out with her youngest daughter. She turned the ignition and headed towards the gate, "I was thinking we could get a bite to eat, before the movie," she said, raising her hand to give a wave at the watchman as he opened the gate. "Pizza okay?"
"Sounds good," her daughter replied.
It took them fifteen minute to get to the Mall where both the eateries and the movie theatre were. As it was nearer forty minutes from their house the chances of anyone from their neighbourhood or Ashley's school being there were remote, and whilst there may be a few people from the work there, hardly any of them would have seen Ashley apart from the an old photo of her and her sister on Melanie's desk -- and the teen was unrecognisable from that. So it was with some confidence Melanie took hold off Ashley's hand; for a second the teen looked like she was about to recoil in panic, but then she stopped as her Mom squeezed it reassuringly and said, "Don't worry, no-one will recognise us."
"I'm alright, I'm just not used to being out in public with a date, it's more you being my girlfriend than being my Mom," Ashley blushed, "That sounds a bit stupid I know."
"It's endearing," her Mom smiled, "But I'm really glad you don't mind, I like people thinking 'who is that teen hottie that old woman has pulled'."
"You're not an old woman and I'm not a hottie, I'm a bit of a geek still," her daughter replied, though she also seemed to be relaxing after her initial fright.
Her Mom shrugged and smiled, "You're a hottie to me."
Her daughter blushed at the compliment, but didn't argue anymore, instead walking with her Mom pendik escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/istanbul/anadolu-yakasi/pendik/) into the Mall. No-one immediately screamed out they were a Mom and daughter, in fact hardly anyone even reacted, a lesbian couple was commonplace enough not to attract comment anymore and those few who did glance at them it was mainly with envy that a fortysomething was dating an eighteen year old, especially one as sexy as Ashley actually was once she made a little bit of effort. They had plenty of time, so they did a little bit of window shopping in the boutiques, pausing especially long at the lingerie shop, for Melanie to decide what she was going to get for her daughter's secret Christmas present (which would be opened in private when her other daughter wasn't around).
"A table for two," said Melanie as they entered the pizzeria. The waiter, seeing they were obviously a couple, led them over to a discreet booth, handing them the menus as they sat down, before withdrawing to allow them their privacy.
Melanie slipped her hand across the table to caress the back of her daughter's. Ashley blushed a little, but kept it there. Her Mom grinned and continued skimming her fingers over the flesh, she'd obviously done a lot more when they were alone together, but this was as sexual as they'd got in public, even if the occupants of the booth could only be seen if you were right next to it. The teen fidgeted a little, obviously still a little nervous, but equally obvious not wanting to make it seem that she was and cause an upset on their date; her consideration for others feelings made Melanie proud that she'd been brought up right.
The waiter came, not showing any interest that the two lovers were touching across the table, though sensing her daughter's unspoken discomfort Melanie gently removed hers as she turned to the waiter and ordered the pizza for two they'd agreed on, together with their soft drinks. Conversing casually, she slipped her hand back towards Ashley as soon as the waiter had gone and this time the teen took it in hers, rubbing her thumb over her Mom's fingers as Melanie did the same to her. They chatted happily, like lovers they were, not the Mom and daughter which was less important to them than it had been. It seemed no time at all until the food arrived, though the waiter apologised for the length of time they'd been waiting.
The meal finished they went over to the movie theatre, Melanie would have preferred a romantic comedy or at least something vaguely funny, but Ashley had been mentioning some worthwhile drama and Melanie had agreed to let her daughter choose -- especially as it was her who normally chose their evening movies at home (often, but not always, lesbian porn, which they both enjoyed before bedtime).
The movie might have been critically acclaimed and important as a vital bit of social realism about the days to day lives of the poverty stricken underclass in the slums of Brazil. It was also not popular with the Mall's denizens, if they weren't the only people who'd bought a ticket for it, they did double the numbers. If Melanie was paying for a movie that she was only going to to please her daughter she was going to choose the best seats, which in her case was the back row -- the cashier smiling knowingly as she took the credit card.
Holding the popcorn bucket under one arm she took her daughter's hand with the other, swinging it gently as they walked towards the screen. It was perfect timing, the adverts just coming to an end as they entered and the trailers beginning. Melanie glanced at the seat numbers, not that it mattered as the entire back row was empty, the only other people placing themselves right at the front where they'd have had to crane their necks to look at it. Taking a seat she opened the popcorn and put it on her knee, "Help yourself," she said to Ashley as the teen fidgeted around, trying to take off her coat and put down her bag in the semi-darkness.
The teen nodded, eventually making herself comfortable, her head lying across her Mom's shoulders and her hand entering the popcorn basket. Melanie relaxed and watched the trailers, they were suitable for this movie, none of them being for anything she'd watch (unless she had the added benefit of Ashley snuggled up beside her). Her daughter seemed more interested, her hand moving rhythmically in and out of the bucket and to her mouth as she ate at the popcorn. On several occasions Melanie timed it so her own hand reached in at the same time, her fingers brushing at her daughter's skin sensually if briefly. On the screen, the movie was starting and Melanie quickly realised that her initial assessment of it as being worthy but dull was probably underselling it on both points; she resolved to make a charitable donation to a street children charity as she struggled to keep her eyes open. Ashley seemed to find it more enjoyable, her eyes glued to the screen as she ate the popcorn. Finishing it she placed the bucket carefully on an empty seat (so the cleaner wouldn't even have to bend to pick pertek escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/tunceli/pertek/) it up) before placing her hand in her Mom's and squeezing it; that made the boredom worthwhile.
Eventually the credits rolled and the lights came on as the movie ended on a suitably downbeat note. "What did you think?" Ashley asked as she reached for her jacket.
"Interesting and thought provoking," Melanie lied. Luckily she didn't have to say anything else as her daughter spent the next five minutes regaling her with what she thought the movie had said and the real meaning of some of the slightly weird dream sequences which had been latched in as if half-way through as if the director had felt the movie made too much sense.
Hand in hand they went to the parking lot. "Do you know Burview Heights?" asked Melanie as the unlocked the car doors.
"Yes, it's just a few miles out, off from the Darlington woods isn't it?" her daughter knew everything, "There's nothing there."
"You can see the whole city from there, all lit up," Melanie said, it's solitude was its advantage as there was nothing to spoil the view; it was also where, when she was a teen, she'd gone in her car to make out and she saw no reason why her daughter shouldn't have the same experience. "Let's go up there."
"Sure," smiled Ashley, "It's still early."
Burview Heights was deserted when they got there, in Melanie's youth there'd have always been a car or two containing teens passionately making out (or more) -- perhaps it had fallen out of fashion or modern teenagers no longer used the back seat of their cars for their formative sexual experiences. She turned off the engines and the lights, so that they were sitting in the darkness and almost silence, the glow from the city below and the stars above the only illumination and the only sounds that off their own breathing.
Melanie got out and stood on at the edge of the bluff looking down on the buildings shining brightly below. Her daughter joined her, "It does look beautiful," she said as she stared down at the glowing trails as car's headlamps marked out the roads.
There was a slight chill in the air, enough that as Melanie slipped her arm round her daughter's waist and pulled her closer that she could feel the warmth of the teen's body. "It is a view," she said, remembering the times she had seen it whilst drinking beer, smoking a spliff and getting her pussy eaten; she certainly wouldn't take pot anymore and she was sure Ashley was too strait-laced for drugs (Hazel was another matter and her Mom thought it best not to think too hard about what experiments her elder daughter was trying at college). She hugged her younger daughter closer, gripping her waist so that the teen couldn't have escaped even if she wanted to; not that there was any sign of that as Ashley's arm was round her Mom as well, her own fingers brushing over the Milf.
Turning her head slightly, Melanie lowered it. Her daughter anticipated it, turning towards her Mom and mouth ajar, so that as her Mom landed, she met with a pair of moving lips, opening and pressing against hers. Their tongues teased forward, slipping and slithering over each other's, exploring and probing, passionately intertwining and twisting as they kissed. Melanie shifted so she was standing facing her daughter, her hand moving from the teen's waist to her butt and the second hand soon joining it, squeezing at teen's round rump through the tight jeans. Ashley's kisses grew more impassioned as she pushed herself harder at her Mom, Melanie feeling the teen's large bosoms through her sweater, her own nipples stiffening with excitement and standing out against her blouse. She gripped Ashley's ass even harder, her fingers pressing down against the soft cheeks, pushing through the denim. The view was lovely, but this was why she'd really brought her daughter here.
They carried on kissing, their tongues exploring each other's mouths, as their hands explored their bodies. Melanie shivered as she felt her daughter untuck her blouse and then slide her cold hands up over skin; she didn't complain as they'd soon warm up against her flesh and she in turn was unbuttoning her daughter's jeans to loosen them enough that her own could slip in under the denim and light cotton panties to stroke and grip direct at the teen's buttocks. She squeezed them hard, hearing her daughter moan in excitement, her mouth swiftly returning to her Mom's with renewed eagerness, her tongue swiping forward and back like a snake defending its eggs. Melanie own tongue counter-attacked, shooting forward like a hungry mongoose, trampling over the teen's flexible tongue and dominating her mouth; her hands moved upwards, gripping the hem of Ashley's sweater and pulling it up. The teen broke the kisses long enough for her Mom to lift it over her head before resuming them, her mouth moving and pressing at her Mom, as Melanie's hands brushed over the teen's naked flesh.
The teen pressed against her Mom, her bosoms only just held in place by the bra she was wearing -- pınarhisar escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/kirklareli/pinarhisar/) smaller and sexier than those she'd used to wear. Melanie's hands continued up the back, coming to the strap. She was about to unclip it, but the night was starting to get cooler. "Let's get back in the car," she said.
Her daughter looked disappointed, though equally she gave a small shiver as the night air bit at her exposed skin, "Okay, but things were just getting fun."
"Who said we've finished?" her Mom tittered and opened up the back door.
She slid across the seat as her daughter joined her. Melanie reached out again, finding her daughter's bra clip and this time she undid it, dropping the small slip of material onto the floor. The two tits bounced free, the nipples stiff and erect. Without saying a word Melanie leaned forward and began to suckle hard at the nub, like she was the baby and her daughter the nursing mother. Ashley groaned and shuddered as Mom sucked her nipple into her mouth, gently teasing at the teat with her teeth. There was so much about her daughter that was adorable and sexy, but her breasts had to be near the top of a long list. Melanie continued to slurp and suck them eagerly, pressing her daughter back so that she was leaning against the car door, Melanie half across her. The teen moaned and shook, her hands reaching down to her jeans, pushing them down to her thighs and sliding her hand under her panties, which bulged and stretched as she worked her pussy.
Melanie continued to suckle the juicy tits, shifting from one to the other and then back again, giving both equal attention. At the same time she was helping her daughter pull her jeans even lower and then her panties, exposing the teen's hand as it rubbed at her soaking hole. "MMnnn, yes," moaned Ashley in passion, her head gently banging at the car window as she shuddered in enjoyment, "Suck my tits, Mom, mmmn that feels so good."
Her Mom's mouth opened wider as she gorged deeper on the succulent tit, her teeth scraping at the plump flesh and her tongue flicking at the erect nipples. Her daughter's bosom was magnificent, so lovely and suckable, the teen always going wild when her Mom's mouth latched to her titties; if the car had exploded right then, they'd have both died happy. But as it didn't Melanie moved to the other tit and gave it the same loving as it's twin, sucking it in deep and playing with it, as her daughter shivered and rubbed at her cunt, "Oh, yes Mom, yes, do that thing with your tongue, oooohh, I love it."
With her hands free Melanie pressed down on the seat, pushing her daughter down beneath her. The teen shivered and shuddered, her legs trapped by her jeans and panties down at her knees, but equally making no attempt to escape from her sensual predicament. Moving her hand again Melanie gripped her daughter's wrist and forcefully moved it away from the teen's pussy, "Don't stop," moaned Ashley, momentarily misunderstanding her Mom's intention.
Melanie was enjoying herself too much to even consider halting, instead she drove three fingers into her daughter's soaking, but tight, snatch. The teen convulsed as she was penetrated, gasping even louder and banging her head so hard against the door you could hear the clunk. Melanie started to thrust had, driving her digits deep into the delectable hole. Soon her fingers were soaked with the teen's cum as it gushed from the walls. The Milf drove harder and faster, making the car rock with her energetic slamming. Her daughter squealed and gasped, her head continually knocking at the door as she climaxed repeatedly. "Yessss, oooohhhh, yesss, yesss, please keep going, never stop, ooohhh this is so good, oooohhh fuckkkk, yessss!"
Cum squirted out of the teen's cunt, a geyser of clear liquid splattering all over Melanie's thighs and the back seat. The Milf made a mental note to ask the valet to give the leather upholstery a good scrubbing next time she took it in for cleaning and then plunged her fingers harder into the hole. The warm, wet walls clung tightly to her fingers, making a slurping sound with every hard thrust. The teen was shrieking and screaming with pleasure, it was lucky the bluff was no longer popular, as it would have been obvious that they were doing a lot more than necking and making out. "Yessss, yessss, arrrrghhhh," Ashley cried, her hands pressing at the headrests on the front and the back seat. Her ass was lifting off the back seat, her spine bending as she levitated, held up only by her hands and heels, "Aaaarggghh, aaaaargghhh," her climactic screams were loud and impassioned.
Melanie wasn't stopping, even as the teen fell back again, her Mom was puckering her fingers closer together so they made like a duck's beak, her palm and little finger crossing against her palm. She drove in, not stopping until she got to the final set of knuckles, her hand forced to a stop by the tightness of the hole. The teen screamed and shrieked, her body shuddering like she was attached to the mains. Melanie drew back and thrust again, putting her full weight behind it. Her fingers shot forward, pushing the wet tunnel walls aside. This time she didn't stop as her knuckles squeezed past the entrance and deeper into the hole, the back of her hand skimming across the soft pink insides. The teen shrieked louder and then even louder as her Mom's hand continued on in down to the wrist.