Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Jane Moves On Pt. 06

27 Ağustos 2024, 06:49

I woke up with a start: car headlights momentarily flooding the room. Then darkness and silence returned. Looking around me, I slowly remembered I was in the sitting-room at the front of the house: I had been waiting for Jandi to come home on a Friday evening and had fallen asleep on the sofa. I remembered I had switched off the lights at some point earlier, but quite late on so I could get some rest. Must have been already around eleven by then, and Jandi was always home by about ten, so I was getting concerned.
By-the-way, Jandi was one of those popular combo names cobbled from Jane and Dick, her parents. Everyone just calls her Jan. Dick is my son and Jane is her mum, but her parents split up when Jandi was only 5. They had never married.
OK. I need to back up a tad: Jane had finally quitted her high-class whoring office job 3 years back and moved in with me, much to my delight. Jan had been living with Dick's parents from when Jane and Dick split up. Jan was only 5 at that time, but now she was 18. She had stayed with Dick's parents until the end of her schooling, and was now a freshman at Uni. She had ended up getting a place at our local City Uni and so had moved in with us. Fortunately, I had a spare bedroom, but only a single bedroom. Good enough!
I went to the window and parted the curtains a little. It was dark out with no Moon, but I could just make out the shape of a saloon car in the drive. Odd. So where was Jan? I assumed that someone was dropping her off. They must be finishing their conversation, I reckoned.
There was no wind, and being in the suburbs, no traffic. As I stood wondering what was happening, the car shape started moving a little from side to side. I also heard some low moans and then a higher-pitched "Aah."
Suddenly, the penny dropped. I felt cold, then hot, then my dick went straight to rock hard. The peeps in the car were obviously having hot sex. Jan was obviously in that car, so Jan was having hot sex. Shit!
My mind was in a whirl. I was titillated. I was concerned. I was wondering what I was going to say to her when she came in. She was 18 and so what was the problem?
As my mind whirled around trying to get a handle on all the emotions, thoughts and possibilities, I heard an engine start and briefly saw the headlights moving across my curtains. Immediately I heard the key in the lock and so I rushed into the hall, switching on the hall light.
Jan swayed in through the door looking very unsteady, her hair dishevelled, and her lipstick smudged. I grabbed her around the waist with my left arm to support her while shoving the door closed behind her. Jan leaned heavily against my shoulder. I could smell alcohol.
"What is going on?" I exclaimed, as though I knew nothing.
"Later, Gramps, later. I must get to the bathroom now, quickly," answered Jan.
"You just came past the toilet," I continued.
"I know, Gramps, I know, but I have to get cleaned up immediately, so I need to go upstairs to the big bathroom," Jan answered.
My dick was demanding to direct the traffic, but I managed to retain control. Jan was still leaning heavily on me, struggling to stand up straight. I could smell alcohol on her breath, but coming off her body was a powerful musky smell. It must have been a mixture of her perfume and her sex pheromones released just a few minutes ago during the hot sex. What else had been released? My cock took a huge leap.
"Look, Jan, I could hear something was going on out there. Did that guy force himself on you?" I asked with genuine concern.
Jan froze. After what seemed like an age, she looked down at the floor and shook her head. "No. Not at all. I had too much to drink, and he took advantage of me. I was virtually asking for it anyway. My fault all round," Jan stated in a low voice.
"So who is the guy?" I asked.
"Well, he is the boyfriend of an old schoolfriend of mine from Zambia," Jan replied. "He offered to drop me off. He was in a rush because he was scared his girlfriend would be wondering why he took so long," she continued.
My cock took another leap. "So is he black too?" I asked.
Jan looked down nodding her head. "Gramps, I really have to get upstairs pdq, I am leaking stuff down my legs," she muttered.
I held her back from me a tad, and sure enough I could see there was thick, white liquid starting to ooze down her left thigh. "So, this örnekköy escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/antalya/ornekkoy/) new acquaintance just unloaded himself inside you, and then took off leaving you high and dry, no pun intended. Your hormones must be zinging," I said in a slow and low voice.
"I feel so trashy at what I allowed to happen," said Jan with tears welling up in her eyes. "It was all about him: there was nothing for me," she continued.
"Were you a virgin still?" I asked tremulously.
"Thank God, no. That would have been real messy," Jan replied
Jan was still leaning heavily on me, and so with my arm still around her waist, I guided her into the lounge. "Sit there, we need to fix all this right now," I stated firmly, pointing to the sofa.
Jan tumbled gratefully onto the sofa. I propped her up with some heavy cushions and knelt down, carefully removing her new, shiny black heels. "Those panties of yours must be soaked and have to come off right now. I am sure they are leaking stuff," I announced.
Jan did not object. I immediately grabbed her legs, pulling her forward and causing her short flared skirt to ride up to her waist. Now I could see and smell the sopping wet white panties and the tantalising enticing prominent camel-toe, clearly unshaven, as strands of dark pubic hair peeped from the sides.
White goo was leaking out of Jan's frilly white panties onto her thighs. I moved Jan's legs up into a big M with her heels just on the sofa edge. Then I leaned forward and gripped her panties' waistband with both hands, pulling them down and forward.
Jan managed to lift her pelvis slightly, and the soaking panties were up, over her knees, down her legs and off. I reverently placed her knickers carefully on the side table for later: I was determined I would savour that treasure when I had the time to do it full justice.
"Relax, sweetie, all is well, Gramps has it all in hand," I assured Jan.
"But what about Mum?" asked Jan.
"Never you mind, little one, you are quite safe for now. Your Mum went off to see her parents this afternoon and won't be back until Sunday, so you have plenty of time to recover." I answered.
Jan was clearly feeling much more relaxed. I lovingly put my arms around her taut, white thighs, and leaned forward. Slowly and carefully I started licking the sticky white goo off from up inside her inner thighs. Jan gasped, "Oh my God, Gramps. You would do all this for ME?" she said softly, looking at me wide-eyed.
I paused for a moment and slowly looked up at Jan's face with tears still on her cheeks, and that smudged lipstick. She looked so helpless and beautiful. "Jan, listen now very carefully. I am doing now what I could never have imagined in my wildest dreams would be possible. I care for you. I love you, maybe too much, and maybe in the wrong way. I know what I am doing is very personal, and you must stop me immediately if ever you think I am going too far."
"Oh, no. Oh, no. No way. It's fine, fine, absolutely fine. Don't ever stop, Gramps. Your tongue feels so wonderful! I need this right now, pleezey-please?" Jan pleaded.
What more could I ask? My cock felt it was about to bust my shorts.
Spreading Jan's legs wider slowly and carefully, I slipped my tongue between her flushed, engorged labia, feeling her crisp, short curly black pubic hair tickling my lips. As Jan relaxed, loads more white sticky goo and pussy juice started to leak from the sex canal onto my tongue. I lapped it all up greedily. Jan had been trying to hold it inside with her muscle control, but now she was relaxed, so more and more flowed out for me to eagerly lick clean. Her pussy showed clear distress signs that it had been hammered very recently by some big meat and had not yet recovered. I knew it would be sore, and I would need to be gentle.
Now the emergency was over, maybe I could help Jan, and me, to enjoy the sex that had been started but crudely interrupted in the car outside. I gently sucked her rock-hard clit causing her to moan and buck her hips. Jan grasped my head and pushed me deep into her womanhood.
As I sucked Jan's clit, I slowly and gently worked my fingers into the succulent, wet, warm sex canal, which was now starting to make little squeezing tugs on my fingers. "Oh my God, Gramps, you are making me cum," shouted Jan. "I was expecting to come home and be shouted at, but no abuse. osmancık escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/corum/osmancik/) No recriminations. Maybe I have not been such a bad girl after all? Thank you, thank you" she continued. I increased the pace of my finger-fucking and with a loud shout, Jan's body writhed and shook as she felt a massive orgasm consume her.
As Jan recovered, I got up and leaned between her legs, French-kissing her, our tongues intertwined. She could feel my rock-hard erection pressing into her crotch. Leaning forward, she rolled back my shorts and Y-fronts, fondling my hard, red cock dripping pre-cum. Pressing my cock down, she worked the head into her sex canal, and said, "Dearest Gramps, my saviour. I shall never, ever, forget this night you transformed from misery, guilt and fear into one of love and forgiveness. Now fuck me slow. Fuck me long. Fuck me until we both cum together and wash away all the bad".
I looked at Jan, her face flushed and happy. Her eyes sparkling with lust and the desire to be fucked right now. "Sure, sure, sweetie. More than happy to oblige, but Jan, that pussy has been wounded, are you sure it's OK?" I mumbled.
"I know its a little tender but I cannot wait. Just do it, Gramps. It'll be fine," Jan replied.
I then asked her if she had been hurt by the events in the car. "It was a bit painful. It could have been more fun, but it was all for him, there was nothing for me," she replied. "Wait, now my head is clearing, it all begins to make sense: his girlfriend set up this whole thing. I never thought about it until now, but she must know what her guy is up to, and she had her own plans and agenda. She even told me about his big cock and his massive balls full of hot steamy cum. Can only have been to get me interested. She is the one that got me fantasizing about being stretched by that cock of his and it almost touching my cervix, and then being blasted by his balls twitching and shooting bucket loads of cum at it. The alcohol helped. He knew I wanted him to fuck me. He wanted to fuck me too of course, and all through the party, he would pass by me with a smile, flicking his eyes downwards at his crotch where his meat was tapping on his shorts. He even managed to brush his tent pole past my hand once which electrified me. His woman cannot have failed to notice, and was playing on his desire to fuck me, and prolly fuck white women in general, I suspect. She had her own plans, however, as even I noticed how she spent the evening with our blond, toned host. I noticed her blouse buttons loosening up as the evening wore on, and our host cupped her boobs from behind when he thought no-one was looking. She wanted her man out of the way for a while. Of course he does not know: he is totally consumed by his own plans to notice.
So, as soon as it became clear I needed a lift home, she and he both put the last piece into their respective jigsaw puzzles: he got to fuck me, and she prolly fucked the host while he was away. So I got my fantasy too, sort of. He certainly unloaded, and filled my pussy, wham, bang, thank-you ma'am, then left me with no orgasm and as horny as hell. A lesson learned. An experience gained. Without it, I would never have found you, which is priceless."
While she was talking, I had eased my dick in full length and was slowly sliding it backwards and forwards watching her carefully to make sure she was comfortable. Jan was as twitchy as a cat on a hot tin roof, and was clearly dying for a full-blown orgasm.
"Turn over, sweetie," I whispered. I withdrew and Jan flipped over. I eased her back until her feet were firmly on the floor and hands on the sofa. Then I eased my dick back in to hair on hair. "Right. It's all yours now. You're in charge," I continued.
Jan did not reply. She turned briefly and grinned a naughty grin. Then her PC muscle clamped down hard on my dick. "Hang on Gramps," she shouted. "You are going on a roller-coaster."
Immediately Jan took charge, releasing me slowly with my dick gripped hard all the way, then, after fully releasing me, ramming me all the way back in, only gripping me again on the last inch or so, so that I had the momentum to push through to the hilt, my balls slapping noisily into her cunt. We were not going to survive long with this plan, but that was the plan: Jan was building up to a massive orgasm and shuddered as the tsunami passed over her. It caught osmangazi escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/bursa/osmangazi/) me too and I fired hard, spraying again that cervix just the way she loved.
We collapsed on the bed.
"OK. Get that shower now, then come to bed and cuddle up for the night," I suggested.
We lay snuggling together, Jan all clean and fresh, but Jan had a question. "Gramps, what are we going to tell Mum? I am going nowhere. I belong here with you. I feel safe and totally at home."
"Jan, don't think I haven't had that on my mind too. Fortunately, you prolly do not know your mum very well at all: you have been sheltered living at your dad's parents. I say fortunately because I can more or less guarantee we shall have no problem at all. Let's leave it right there until your mum gets back. Trust me. Leave it to me to bring it up. I am not saying another word to you about the mum you never knew: that is for her to deal with in her own time and in her own way."
Sunday finally arrived. Jan and I were both at home in the front room when the taxi arrived. Jane came bustling in all smiles and carrying a few bags of clothes she had found at the local charity shop near her parents place.
"Well, what have you two been up to while I was away?" smiled Jane, as we all sat around in the lounge. I looked at Jan, and put my finger to my lips.
"Jane, there have been some happenings around here. Jan had an unfortunate experience, which ended sort of OK, but it has caused an adjustment in our relationships. The fine detail I shall leave to Jan to report to you herself. I also hinted to Jan that it may be high time she gets to know the real Jane, her real Mum. I am sure neither of you will suffer from the knowledge.
The only element I personally need to address at present is that your daughter and I have found ourselves in a relationship beyond vanilla grandad and granddaughter. We do NOT want to exclude you in any way, and hope after thinking about it, you will agree to stay around with us all as a happy family. I most certainly wish that to happen.
I have not spoken to Jan in depth about the relationship I have with you, Jane, but I want it to be known to Jan that she is free to fly from the nest whenever she wants to or needs to. There are no restraints. We grow and change, and our needs change as we grow."
There was silence from Jane as she took in the scope of the response. Finally she spoke. "All fine guys, all fine. I shouldn't really be surprised: my daughter is quite likely to have some genes similar to my own. It could have been very different. As of now, then, we shall ALL three sleep in the same big bed. Only ONE rule: no sex in that bed. When any of us want sex, we use the little room. OK?. Now, daddy, I think it high time daughter and I started that long overdue update. I think there may even be a reason here to celebrate: somehow: this all feels exactly right. No regrets! Daddy, crack open that bottle of Champers we have lying around for an occasion like this."
I scuttled off for the Champers. Jan moved quickly next to her mum. As I got back with the Champers, I found Jane and Jan already engaged in a session of French-kissing. Their hands were everywhere. As I watched, Jane was already working her way under Jan's short skirt. My dick gave its usual kick of appreciation. I thought it best to get out of their way for a while, so I retired to the kitchen and pretended to clean up the dishes.
"Daddy, the Champers is going down real quick. Be a pal and nip down to the Off for another one. We can't run dry on a night like this," shouted Jane to me.
"Sure thing," I shouted back opening the back door and heading for my car.
I was gone about twenty minutes max. Came back with two bottles to be on the safe side. Nobody in the lounge, dining room or kitchen. Must be upstairs! Grabbed a bottle and our glasses and headed for the stairs. Nobody in the master bedroom. Nobody in the bathroom. Heard some giggles from the small bedroom and headed in. Wow! Jane and Jan were naked. What's more they were in a close 69 across the single bed with Jane on top facing away from me.
"That you, Daddy?" called Jane.
"Er, yes....sure is. Seems you girls got to know each other again pdq."
"Yes, love, we did," replied Jane. "Jan admitted to me she has been well and truly shagged all weekend, in various ways, but I have missed out, so now it's MY turn. I'm set up perfectly for a doggy. Could you oblige please?" she continued.
"Does a donkey like strawberries?" I replied. "Hold on a sec while I prepare," I continued.
I smiled to myself: the last piece of the jigsaw had now fallen precisely into place. What astounding luck!!! What an outstanding fuck!!!