Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Caught by My Wife in Her Lingerie Ch. 02

26 Ağustos 2024, 21:12

On the face of it, for a while, not much had appeared to change in my life since THAT day. Especially outside of the house. I still worked in the same job for the same company that I did before. I still drove the same car. And more to the point I was still married to, and in love with the same woman, my lovely wife, Sandra. As I say, to the outside world nothing between us had changed, we still visited the same places as we did beforehand, and there was no outward sign that the dimension of our relationship had altered.
However, that was just the situation outside of the house. Inside things had definitely shifted, to an immense degree. I was now firmly under her spell, she had me just where she wanted me, I was now completely under her command. Which, and this might sound strange, is just where I wanted to be! But just what had happened to cause this seismic shift?
What had occurred was that Sandra had caught me red-handed, doing something I'd done so for quite some time, as she had suspected. She captured me wearing her sexy and sensuous satin lingerie complete with some of her very sheer nylon stockings. And whilst my initial feeling was one of simply relief, caused by the fact that she hadn't exploded with indignation and not demanded the divorce that I'd feared, I soon learnt that, not only had she actually engineered the whole scenario, but she now fully intended to use it to get just what she desired. Total control of our sex life.
For starters myself being dressed in female lingerie was now going to be far from a 'one off.' It was almost to become my in-house uniform from now on, except for occasions when we weren't alone in the house, I was ordered to have my legs covered in sheer nylon all of the time. Oh yes, I was to live my life in stockings and suspenders from this point onwards. And Sandra had removed all of my male underpants, including my boxer shorts, from my underwear drawer and slung them all, unceremoniously, in the waste bin. Replacing them with several female panty sets, all of them manufactured from pure satin and very skimpy. Remember she'd known of my secret for quite some time before she alerted me to that fact and had performed some preparations beforehand. Also buying a few satin dressing gowns, female ones of course, that I was directed to wear if the weather wasn't kind in terms of temperature, like during the Winter for example. Make no mistake, within the house I was now completely within the grip of Sandra's wishes with respect to just what adorned my sissy body. Not that I was objecting, it was almost like a dream come true, now I wouldn't have to furtively dress up in her gear when she was out of the house, I'd have my very own which I would constantly be required to put myself into. And, as we both had well paid employment, with money most definitely no object in our life, all this lingerie would be well within the luxury standard.
But Sandra had some further clothing in mind for me, and totally unbeknown to me, she ordered it on-line. A French maid's costume for me to wear when performing household chores, something else that increased considerably since that day when she'd unveiled her knowledge of my perversion. But, not in the normal colour of pure black. You see Sandra had somehow discovered I had this 'thing' for the colour turquoise, the very lingerie she'd 'caught' me wearing was of that hue, and so was my new Gallic outfit!
Although it arrived during the week, Sandra didn't reveal it to me until the Saturday morning. We'd spent the Friday evening with me, as often, tied securely to the bed while Sandra had her wicked way with my fastened body. Which was adorned with that turquoise lingerie that Sandra had specifically bought in order to trap me within it, on that day.
However, what she didn't do, and hadn't since that day was tie me with my legs upwards, to then be completely free to 'peg' me with a strap-on. Although I needn't have worried, she hadn't forgotten just how much we'd both enjoyed it and planned to subject me to the same 'sexperience' again and shortly. But for now, as I arose from the satin covered bed in order to prepare breakfast, it was French maids style clothing on her mind. "Just wait a minute before you go downstairs, Darling. I've something to show you, something new for you to wear."
To be honest I was quite intrigued, then utterly delighted as Sandra removed the outfit from her side of the wardrobe and then removed the plastic covering, revealing the maids outfit. She offered it to me, and I lost no time whatsoever in placing it over my form. The satin material that it was manufactured from felt utterly gorgeous and sensuous as it slipped down my body, before Sandra stepped behind me and fastened up the rear zip, before fitting the very light blue head-dress, the same colour as the outfit's apron and other lacy accompaniments. It must be made clear however, that although I would wear this clothing when performing housework tasks, innovia escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/istanbul/avrupa-yakasi/innovia/) it had obviously been made for sexual stimulation reasons instead of for actual labour.
"Thank you SO much, Darling! This is so good; I actually feel like a maid. Your maid!"
"Just like I hoped for my love. That, after all, is just why I bought it for you. So, if you wouldn't mind descending to the kitchen, I fancy a Full English today. With a coffee and fresh orange juice if you don't mind."
I didn't mind at all, in fact I revelled in the delight of being 'French,' as I prepared breakfast for both of us. And then we sat down to eat it. During which Sandra asked "have you any plans for today, Darling? If not, how do you fancy being pegged, after I've tied you to our bed just like I did when I first became aware of your taste for female clothing?"
"Please Sandra, I'd just love that! Once I've cleaned up in here, of course!" So, that is what happened. I found myself on the bed, with my hands put into some mitten style gloves and tied to the upper bedframe, in a manner where I could not escape at all, but could move my arms, if to a limited degree. Then my legs were raised, and also tied to the upper bed frame, so I was confined to one end of the bed only, just as Sandra had seen in a video featuring somebody called 'Nylon Jane.' She now fitted her strap-on and proceeded to enjoy herself with my arse, that was sticking up in the air. After she'd pegged me three times the position that she'd placed me in became somewhat uncomfortable, and she released me from that actual situation, although not from total bondage, for like before she now tied my legs to the lower bed frame in a conventional way. To then abandon her strap-on and shag me normally, for quite some time. Until she was spent, in fact, a condition I wasn't far away from myself, to be honest.
This became our new routine for the next few weeks, as we discovered that my kink for dressing in female lingerie had somewhat revived our, what had been flagging, sex life. With myself dressed in such attire nearly all of the time, certainly inside when only Sandra and I were present within the house. In fact, she intended to take my sissy feminisation further, she wished to place me fully within female attire, but before she could do so an event happened that allowed her to completely tighten her grip upon me. Although it was because of absolutely no fault of my own, I lost my job. I'd been made redundant.
Fortunately, Sandra had received a promotion in her own employment, and I had received a generous redundancy payment, which we used to reduce the mortgage that we owed on our home, lowering our repayments considerably. With Sandra's salary increase it meant that there was no rush for me to re-enter the work market, I could become a househusband. Which Sandra saw as an opportunity to gain yet more sexual control over me. I really was becoming her slave.
Because gradually my items of male clothing began to simply dis-appear. With me not needing to dress for work anymore Sandra began to throw out some of my clothing. Not that she didn't replace it at all. She came home from work one day with several full bags from a well-known female fashion house. "I've got some 'goodies' for you here Darling, after we've eaten whatever, you've cooked for dinner, you'll have to try them on! Whilst in your lingerie, of course, and you'll have to remove your French maid's dress."
And so it began, the gradual replacement of my male clothes by female ones. First out of Sandra's bag was a beautiful satin blouse, in bright royal blue. "Go on Darling, try it on." I obliged my wife's request, to discover, not that it was any surprise, that it felt so sensuous. Turning me on, just had Sandra had anticipated and desired. Then, out of her bag came a short and tight leather skirt, again in royal blue. Sandra insisted that I fit it to my body immediately, once more I obeyed and was utterly rewarded with both that fantastic smell of fresh leather and the lovely feel. Which only increased further as the final item of Sandra's shopping for me was a jacket, matching the skirt. "Go and look in the mirror Darling, I think you'll discover that you look utterly divine. She wasn't lying, and once she'd 'made up' my tightly shaved face, and applied the wig I already had, I struggled to realise that the reflection I received back was male. Me! Got to admit that I actually fancied myself!
"Come on Darling, let's take a stroll around the garden, I KNOW that you want to. She wasn't wrong. It was my first time out of the house in female clothing and I couldn't have felt more alive or turned on! I knew that I was quickly falling under Sandra's spell, she was gently turning me into a woman, but I felt powerless to stop her. For this was a major step in anybody's book, as I say, I'd stepped outside as a female, even if I hadn't actually left the boundaries of our property. But that would follow, believe ipsala escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/edirne/ipsala/) me, even if not on that night. Because instead once more I found myself securely tied to our bed, and shagged utterly senseless by my Sandra, all the time still wearing female lingerie. I was being pulled further and further into Sandra's new world, feeling unable to resist her in any way.
It wasn't long before all of my pairs of male trousers, including my jeans had gone. But my side of the wardrobe wasn't empty, oh no! At least two more leather female suits now hung there, one in black and one in dark grey. Several dresses and skirts had also been purchased by Sandra; it really was quite lucky that we were almost identical in size. There were also some trousers present, although now they were all feminine in nature. Not to mention my rapidly expanding lingerie collection. And, believe me, when it comes to clothes, my lovely Sandra definitely has taste!
By now it had been some time since I'd actually been out in the world or wore anything male orientated. And today was the first time I'd leave the house and garden as Andrea instead of my previous name, Andrew. Just one small letter, but, what a significant difference?
Sandra sat me down in front of her dressing table and transformed my face from 'his' into 'hers,' once again, doing a superb job. Now it was time for my turquoise lingerie, the padded bra, the skimpy panties and lacy suspender belt. For holding up the sheer nylon stockings, which I had got used to being careful with, so as not to ladder them. That was my underwear sorted then. Into that delicious blouse, and the utterly gorgeous blue leather suit, with the skirt only just long enough to conceal the fact that the nylon on my legs was in the form of stockings and not tights. Finally, Sandra had been shopping again, some beautiful knee length leather boots, colour matched to the suit, with some heals. At least I could now walk in those, I'd had some practice by now. The royal blue and turquoise clad Andrea was ready to face the world.
Sandra opened the front door and I stepped out. Taking my wife's hand as we walked down the road where our home was situated towards the parade of shops nearby. Now everything was exactly the same as before, but at the same time everything was different. I know, doesn't make sense does it, but that is just how it was. It really did seem that I was looking at another world, well I suppose what I was looking at was the same one, but not with the same eyes. No, I was now observing things with a female perspective. This was Andrea now, not Andrew anymore.
Hand in hand with my lovely Sandra, I mean could I have done this without her support? Of course not, and here I need to emphasise just how important her role is within this equation. I'm sure that there's some people reading this who are beginning to dislike her, who see her as manipulative and controlling, moulding me into HER ideal sissy, disregarding my feelings to completely obtain her own aims for me. Well, it was not like that at all. Sandra had used her considerable intelligence and sharp mind to tap into just what I desired. All of the above, all of what she'd done to me was what she knew I wanted, and she'd got it completely correct. After all, Ladies and Gentlemen, it had been ME who had first tried out wearing her lingerie, don't forget. Once Sandra had become aware of that fact, she simply 'joined up the dots,' deducing with total accuracy just to what kind of person she'd married, to her utter delight it must be said, and guided me towards becoming that person. It was ME who wanted to change from Andrew into Andrea, Sandra would have never done so without my consent, despite how much she wanted it too. Our love for each other is genuinely real.
As we walked along, I had never been so turned on in my entire life. Sandra very much sensed this, gently whispering in my ear that once we did return home, I was going to find myself reduced to lingerie and tied inescapably to our bed once again. God, I nearly came there and then, discovering that a tight leather skirt can make things quite uncomfortable 'down there!'
However, I had to endure it for some time, as Sandra led me around several of the shops there. Stopping for a coffee at the café there, attracting several stares as you can imagine, these were mainly people from our local area. People whom we knew and knew us. Our, in my case HAD known Andrew but were seeing Andrea for the first time. Hence the stares. But with Sandra by my side, I felt confident not afraid, coping with the attention without fear at all, almost revelling in it instead. For I WAS Andrea now, loving every moment of being her! If others couldn't accept me being her, then as far as I was concerned that was their problem and not mine. However, I was fully aware that I owed ALL of this to Sandra, without her I was nothing.
She is also a woman of her word. She'd promised me that I'd find myself tied iskenderun escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/hatay/iskenderun/) to the bed when we returned home, and she kept that promise. Down to just stockings and suspenders, Sandra did indeed secure me to the four corner bed posts. But for the first time in my life, face down. The strap-on was about to be used again!
And used safely, with Sandra making sure that she used plenty of lubricant, as she always was careful to do. But, believe me, that didn't take away any of the excitement or lust! As Sandra's nylon covered legs made contact with mine, the feeling of almost pure electricity between us was a sheer turn on for my wife as much as myself. Being careful, Sandra had started slowly, but it wasn't long before she was pounding me with every bit of strength and speed that she possessed. As one of her hands burrowed beneath my bound body and found just what it was looking for. My cock, which had probably never been so stiff before in its entire life! It wasn't long before she was pumping it at the same rhythm as she reamed my backside wither strap-on, in other words hard AND fast! Naturally all of this activity was producing results, things were very much stirring within a certain region of my body. And when that moment arrived, as ecstasy fully claimed it did so with an intensity that forced me to cry out at full volume!
Which, once I'd calmed down enough, she whispered gently. "What's with all the noise? We can't have that now, can we?" Totally ignoring the fact that little attachment of the strap-on HAD done its job, and her vocal emissions had been louder than my own! But my cries had given her an excuse to silence me.
Sandra fetched another new acquisition, a ball gag. Continuing the same colour scheme, but although the ball itself was turquoise the fastening strap was black. Never mind, it wouldn't matter what colour was present here, it'd shut me up alright! Which once Sandra had fastened it into position, securing the straps around my head, it did. Very effectively! Having lost my power to emit knowledgeable sound, my loving wife decided I'd lose my sight and ability to hear sound as well. Into my ears went some very effective expanding foam plugs, whilst a blindfold, one of those expensive proper ones, that allow NO light at all to penetrate, was put into position over my eyes.
So, as Sandra 'shagged' my arse again, reaching that same delicious conclusion, I was firmly held by her in a completely soundless, sightless and silent world. And believe me that purely intensified the utter excitement of just what she put me through, the explosions of total lust said actions induced were so intense and physical, as I literally shook within the bonds that she'd secured me with. Sandra pegged me once more, before she removed the strap-on from her own form. And, although she now released all four of my limbs from the bondage tying them to their respective bed post, it was only so she could turn me over, to recapture me, facing upwards this time. Just so could now shag me in the conventional manner, my cock in her pussy. With our lips also able to meet, the ball gag had gone, but I still had no power of sight or hearing available to me. Cue for my darling wife to take just what she wanted yet again, not that I was complaining mind, I enjoyed what she did as much as she did, if not more. And it was only when she was finally spent that I became freed from the bed.
More and more the outside world became used to seeing Andrea, as by now all of my male clothing had gone. As had all of my hair, except that on top of my head. It was being her or not going out by now. Basically, though everybody I knew had accepted the change in me, I'd always been a little effeminate beforehand anyway, and my voice had been slightly higher than the normal male, and it didn't take many elocution lessons, which Sandra arranged, for me to sound like a real female. Therefore, as my confidence vastly increased, I found myself able to go outdoors as Andrea without Sandra accompanying me, although I always preferred to have her on my arm than not have. Becoming Andrea had become 'normal' as if I'd always been her. Including to the members of our families, although both of my parents were dead by now. To be totally honest I'm sure my late father would have had some, rather strong, views about my transformation, but he was no longer alive to cast such aspersions.
So, it was absolutely no surprise whatever when it was Andrea, in her French maid's outfit that opened the front door to Sandra's sister Jayne, who had positively responded to the invitation to visit from my wife. And who had also entered into the new spirit of our house by greeting me with, "good morning to you Andrea. Is Sandy in?"
"Sure, come in. I'll just call her." Delighted to have been acknowledged by my new name.
Sandra responded to said summons by cuddling her sister warmly. "So glad you're here Jayne, have you met Andrea before?"
Continuing in the vibes of said occasion Jayne answered. "No, I haven't but, my goodness? Come here Andrea and give me a cuddle. You're so beautiful and sexy, such a pleasure to meet you. You're so lucky Sandra!" Jayne and I embraced each other, both of us knowing fully well just why Sandra had invited her here. And both of us having agreed to my wife's suggestion.