Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : X-change: Remedial School Pt. 03

26 Ağustos 2024, 20:51

Note: All of the characters in this story are over the age of eighteen. It does not represent any real people or groups. It is a fantasy. Any errors or omissions are my own. I didn't invent "X-Change" or the concept of it. I'm just a big fan of the gifs on-line. Google them, they're great. There are also a lot of other X-Change stories on this site. Give those writers some love. This story does contain a seemingly magical transformation. Look at the story tags. If you don't like those things then maybe you should move on. I use a term "Wife-beater" to describe the sleave-less undershirt. It's a bad term with a bad history, but I always hear people refer to those shirts as "wife-beaters". This was one of my partially lost files that I found and brought back to life. Sorry that it took so long to continue the story. Enjoy.
I picked up the cup and drank it. When it was all done, I looked down into the mug. The pill was long gone. I'd done it. Those last lingering moments of uncertainty went on forever.
Dan said, "That was the right choice, Bobby. I've arranged a different room for you in this part of the complex. I've decided to put you..."
A pain seized my middle. In a frightened delirium I thought: the coffee...it was poisoned. But then reality slapped me in the face. I knew what was going to happen to me. I'd seen it before. I just didn't want to believe it.
I shot him an accusing glance, and said: "You said it worked slower."
"Don't panic," said Dan. "The first time can be painful and scary. I speak from experience. My first time was...difficult. It's going to be okay though. You'll come out on the other side."
I barely registered what Dan said. My body was at war with itself. I willed myself not to give in. Yes, I did drink the coffee with the pill in it. That was a choice that I made, but I didn't know it would be like this. I cried out as my hips shifted and cracked?reforming themselves. Then felt myself rise up in the chair as my ass grew into something much plumper. I lost some of my height and general mass, but it shifted towards my new hips and ass, and then a great pain sprung up in my chest as two fleshy mounds rose up under my t-shirt. I panicked and grabbed at myself as I felt my cock and balls retreat within me and they changed into other things. It was frightening thing to endure, and by the time it was over I was a sweaty hot-mess sitting in the chair facing Dan.
I had to wipe newly grown longer brown hair from my eyes. It was long enough to reach the back of my neck.
The smile on Dan's face was something between fatherly pride and the lust of an older man craving a younger woman. "Magnificent," said Dan. "It's always such a thrill to see what the pill can make out of someone. You look beautiful. That always make things easier. Trust me. When I take my vacations as 'Evie' a whole new life experience is revealed to me. Attractive women have so many things open to them."
I was feeling at myself. Not believing what my hands felt or what my eyes saw. "Am I dreaming?" I clutched a hand over my mouth at the sound of my female voice.
Dan laughed. "Nope. This is your life now. At least temporarily. The typical X-change pill will last twelve hours or so. You'll do this daily. We'll start with a week and see where you are."
"You said this pill was a new kind. An easier one."
"Yeah. That is kind of weird. Don't worry about it though. The important thing is: how do you feel?"
"Physically? Good, I think."
It felt like I'd done a massive crunch of time at the gym. Sore in many ways, which made sense given what had been done to my body, but at the same time there was an endorphin rush that felt so satisfying. I caught myself feeling up my newly made tits and Dan was watching me.
"It's okay," he said. "This is your body. Feel free to explore it. Our goal is to treat toxic masculinity by letting you experience what it is to be female for a time. Once you experience their side, you'll understand why you need to improve as a man. That is if you even want to go back."
"What are you talking about? 'Want to go back'?"
Dan finished off his own coffee. Then said, "Some of the young men that we give this opportunity to, decide to run with it. Not every permanent change is a case like Travis. Some of my students have sat in that chair and told me that they feel like they were meant to be female and they take that Plus pill willingly." He pointed towards the door. "My secretary Jeanine for one. I was so impressed by her honesty and her decision that I offered her a job."
I looked in the direction where the cute blonde secretary was outside doing her work.
Dan nodded. "She changed her life completely and is now a happy and contributing member to society again. Isn't that better than ending up in prison or dead?"
What did I even say to that?
I left Dan's office. My legs wobbly and uncertain as I tried to accustom myself to a new body: a new being. Other than the shock I didn't ikitelli escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/istanbul/avrupa-yakasi/ikitelli/) really feel any different mentally. I tried to remember if the pill did anything to a person's mind. It had to on some level. Both Brett and Ethan had become very different people after taking the pill. Perhaps I was just too close to myself to notice anything immediately, or maybe it was just too soon. I retreated to my room and tried to hide myself like this was some kind of shameful punishment. I wanted to sleep and not wake up. Sleep was hard to achieve though. As my curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't help but to touch myself for the first time as "Bobbi". Every touch was tentative and frightening. It felt good, but was some how the scariest thing ever. I finally fell asleep before I gave into it more.
I was a mess the next few days. I hoped that people would leave me alone considering the massive change that I'd been forced to undergo. I sat in class and did everything but speak. I didn't like the sound of my female voice. She felt like a lie. Staring at myself in a mirror was a horror show. My brain struggled to compensate for the image of myself that didn't meld with how I viewed myself. I found myself lapsing into auto-pilot and just drifted.
At the end of the day, I'd sit in Dan's office and say that I was fine. That "Bobbi" was a new and rewarding experience. I doubted that greatly, but I knew that I had to play along. Dan put the pill in the coffee and I drank it like an obedient thrall.
"Good girl," said Dan. "Don't think about things too much this early. Let 'Bobbi' feel herself out. You do feel good, don't you?"
I nodded. There was no denying that. My issues were mental or emotional. My body was strange to me: softer, smaller, and odd-shaped. My hands frequently felt at my large, plump ass and at the plump tits now hidden behind my t-shirt. I'd be feeling at myself, and then quickly realize that people were looking at me. I must've looked like this disheveled scrub of a girl feeling herself up like some sort of weirdo.
"Embrace that," said Dan. "It will see you through this. Oh, by the way, you're going to have a visitor the day after tomorrow. You need to see them. It's important that you show your progress."
"Who is it?"
"Your mom. She's been wanting to see you since I told her that you'd taken your first pill."
I looked at him in horror. "She knows?"
"Of course. We always welcome family involvement. You are a legal adult, but there's no denying the influence they have over you. They want to help you, Bobbi."
I already knew that my mom had been in cahoots with Dan for some time, but I didn't know what the rest of my family thought about this. Or if they even knew. I was doomed to face this though.
And so it was that two days later I found myself slowly walking towards my meeting. Foolishly believing if I dragged me feet long enough that maybe the whole thing would be cancelled. No chance of that though.
The visiting center wasn't as restrictive or formal as the one at the JDC had been. That building had been trying not to look like a prison for young people and failed miserably at it. The Program's center was much more like a normal school's counselor center, but there were still partitions of plexiglass between the chairs. My eyes were drawn to the odd glare of the glass as I walked towards it. Once I got close enough, I saw my mom sitting on the other side. Her eyes were so wide as she struggled to take in the sight of what had been made of me.
She said, "Oh my...Bobby...is that really you? Sweetie?"
My stomach turned, but I held on. My mother's accent was a work of craft. She spoke with a strange, cutesy southern twang. This was odd because she was born and raised in San Diego like the rest of my family. She did this because her customers in the Real Estate business loved stupid shit like that. The weird thing was: she wasn't the only person in San Diego County to do this. Granted, some of them may have come from a place where that accent was endemic, but the rest of them chose it. Like my mom did. Sometimes she let this performance down. Like when she dropped me off at the center, but today it was up like shield.
"Yes, mom. It's me."
I sat down and took a deep breath. Suddenly more uncomfortable in my new body that I'd already been.
Finally, my mom asked: "How are you feeling, honey?"
"Getting by."
"I want to hear better than that."
I nervously brushed at my new long hair that hung to the nape of my neck. No matter how hard I tried to adjust there was just something off about my current body. It could've been the plump tits. I wasn't used to having them hanging on my chest. Or it could've been the fact that my cock and balls were gone. The pussy left in their place was...frightening to me, even if I couldn't wait to touch it again. I tried to keep it off of my mind.
I said, "It's a lot to get used to, mom. I'm just hoping ılgaz escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/cankiri/ilgaz/) that your new buddy Dan isn't lying to me about being able to change back."
"Dan is a good guy. Don't give him any trouble now. He's helping you, Bobby."
"Look at me, mom."
She smiled. "I am, and I'm proud of you. You're making your life better."
"They turned me into a girl."
"And is that so bad? You were always cute as a boy, but at a girl you look gorgeous." She studied me for some time. "I don't like what you're doing with your hair, but we'll fix that. You need some new clothes, and you might need some make-up. Don't worry, sweetie. Mom will teach you everything."
"I'm not supposed to be this way, mom."
She took her own calming breath. Frustrated that I wasn't onboard the "Being a girly girl train". She said, "Honey, I raised three sons. Your brothers are doing fine, but with you...well, we did our best. What happened with you and your friends was sad and shouldn't have happened, but maybe this is better." She beamed. "I always wanted a daughter."
I stared at her with my mouth open. "What are you saying?"
"I'm just thinking...Dan tells me that if you were to take the permanent pill, he could get you out of here faster. Maybe with a little of the mental conditioning. Maybe not if you can prove that you want to change."
"The permanent one?"
"It can be a new life for you. You can even keep your name. 'Bobby' can become 'Bobbi'. That's really cute."
I can't believe this. Why?"
"Come on. Bobbi. You and I will have so much fun. You'll finally get your GED and we can get you into Real Estate. Give it a few years with your new life and maybe you'll meet a good man. You can get married. You'll be able to have babies now, Bobbi. Think about how happy you could be."
"My happiness or yours?"
"Both," she said plainly. "What you did nearly destroyed our family. The money we spent on your lawyer...the shame. This would be a whole new start. A new you. Besides, you'll get to skip the awkwardness of puberty as a girl. You can hit the ground running as a grown woman."
I began to cry. Later, I'd tell myself that it was all of the female hormones in my transformed body causing it. Maybe some of the lasting effects of the pill on my mind.
"I know it's hard," my mom said. "Think about it for a while." She stood up to leave. Before she did, she looked over the partition at the chair I was sitting in. She said, "We'll need to teach you how to sit like a lady. Take care, honey. Think about the future. You could have a bright one as 'Bobbi'."
With that she left me there. I felt so alone and powerless. Part of me was considering just giving in and becoming what she wanted. I just didn't know what to do.
After my gut-wrenching visit with my mom, I wandered through the halls of the complex. Not that I could really go anywhere. This portion of the facility was tightly controlled. I still got eye-balled from the guards, but I was no longer the young thug that they were looking forward to beating up. They now saw me as a vulnerable and confused young woman. Considering my past, they likely thought that it was a forgone conclusion that I'd receive the same treatment as Travis. The possibility still weighed heavily on me. My mother seemed determine to make it happen.
I made my way back towards the Director's office. As I approached, Jeanine looked up from her desk. The perky, young blonde was all smiles.
"Hello again," she said. "I think that you're a little early for your meeting with Dan. He's actually not in the office right now."
I was nervous about talking to someone who was so happy and confident. The two things that I was not.
I said, "Well...uh...I came to talk to you."
"To me? What for?"
"Can you please help me? Since the first time I changed, I just feel so off. I know that I need to do this. I want to get better, but...I don't know how to be this way."
Jeanine stood up from her desk and walked over to me. She pulled me into a warm and gentle hug. "I'm here for you," she said. "I know it's difficult. It was for me too. The old me was so angry all the time. I was one of Dan's early projects. He helped me and I'm so much better than I was."
"I'm not sure that I want to stay this way. I'm scared."
She kissed my cheek. Jeanine said, "Then maybe you won't. This whole thing is about you changing on the inside. That's what matters. The pill is just to help you make the change. To be a better person."
"I want to be."
"And you will," she said. "If you commit to changing, then I will commit to helping you the best that I can."
"You can teach me how to be 'Bobbi'?"
She smiled. "I think that we're both going to learn about her soon enough."
The time had come. I decided to become what they wanted.
What followed what a strict regimen. I took my classes and I actually paid attention. At the end of the school day, I spoke with inegöl escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/bursa/inegol/) Dan and drank the coffee. There was a pill in it every time, and with so much of the drug in me, I didn't change back into "Bobby". I was "Bobbi" all the time. Dan told me not worry. They could supposedly flush the drug out of my system when the time came. Part of me was worried and I should've been. Pharmaceuticals had been a mixed blessing in the modern day. As capable of terrors as they were of miracles. Yet, I convinced myself that this was all for the best. Part of this thinking was from Jeanine, but the rest was from within. I had to do something. Ethan and Brett had gone so far and to such lengths to embrace the program. I'd enjoyed each of them as a woman in turn, but I hadn't taken the plunge and thought about my own well-being or progress.
I hadn't seen either one of my friends in days. I felt terrible for how things had ended with Brett. That just couldn't be the end of our relationship. Jeanine told me not to worry about it. She truly had to be a Godsend to me. Every day she found time to help me out. One of the first things she did was perhaps the most difficult. Jeanine took me into a small room with a full-length mirror.
"You need to make peace with how you are now," she told me. "Strip."
I just stared at her.
"Don't worry," she said. "I'm also a girl. It's nothing that I don't deal with every day."
I bit my lip, but I had no choice but to comply. I'd come to her for help. I pulled off my sweatpants and the plain t-shirt. They were both too big for me now. Well...mostly. The top of my shirt had been straining against my new breasts so much that the shirt was starting to conform to them. While I had wider hips and those plump tits, my general frame was still was still smaller than that of "Bobby". I was left only with only with boxers and one of Brett's "wife-beater" under shirts that I'd stolen from him.
"That shirt isn't you," said Jeanine. "Take it off."
I pulled off the shirt and let it fall to the floor. I was forced to look at the breasts that hung on my chest like fleshy anchors. They were still quite perky with my age, but I still had trouble coping with their feel.
"Are they too big?"
Jeanine laughed. "Not many girls would ever say that." She took my left breast in her hand. "Bigger than mine by a little, but very nice. The girls that actually do have them too big are much larger. That leads to back pain and spending a lot of money on hard-to-find bras. These are good. They'll help you get noticed. Guys are idiots for them."
I had to agree. When I was a guy, I had to remind myself not to try and touch or stare at the chest of every hot girl that I met. Breasts were so distracting. Now that I had my own...I felt so bad for how I'd treated my ex-girlfriends. If they could see me now...
Jeanine gave me a brief explanation about bras and explained that a woman with a chest like mine needed them.
She said, "Don't worry about being confined all day. There's this amazing feeling of freedom when you get home from work. You grab a beer out of the fridge, drink the beer, pull off your bra from beneath your blouse?I'll teach you how, and then throw the bra across the living room. The second beer is so much better after that."
Well, I thought, that sounded nice.
"Okay," she continued, and slapped my plump ass through my boxer shorts. "Take these off. 'Bobby' wore these but 'Bobbi' doesn't."
"Why not?"
"Some girls wear boxers when they go through a rebellious anti-girl phase. Girls like you and I didn't earn that luxury. We made the choice."
I reluctantly pulled off the boxers. Jeanine made me face my ass towards the mirror and then look over my shoulder to behold its plump glory.
"It's a great butt," she said. "Big butts are in now, so enjoy the attention."
"But buying clothes though..."
"A constant pain in the ass," said Jeanine. "You'll settle into your routine as to what you wear and when, and then mix it up once in a while. Of course, that's assuming you go all the way with it. What do you think?"
"All the way? You mean...permanent?"
I thought about Travis or rather the girl that Travis had become. Right now, she was being programmed to believe that she's always been a girl.
Jeanine saw that I was scared. She said, "Or maybe just taking the regular pills for a long time. The drug builds up in your system though."
"That's why I'm not changing back?"
"Yeah. I don't think Dan's given you any Xtra-strength pills, so hopefully there's no chance of you becoming pregnant."
"What?" I asked horrified.
She laughed. "Yeah. Some of that fine print in the program contract can really sting. On the Xtra-strength: if you get pregnant, you'll stay female until you give birth. Don't count on changing back though. Some do, but for most: your body has gone through the most female thing ever and it's loaded with hormones so it's likely that you're going to stay that way."
I stood aghast. "So that one's almost permanent too?"
"These pills are not toys despite how some people use them. You need to respect the pills and respect yourself."
It was a lot to take in.
But I had to continue. That was what I had committed to. There was no going back.*************