Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Sisterhood - Temptation Ch. 12

26 Ağustos 2024, 18:31

For a few moments after Mutia had departed, Ivy and Katharina looked at each other, eyes locked in a shared smile that was at first slightly sheepish, then seemed to Katharina to turn into something warmly conspiratorial.
"Katja," Ivy said finally.
"Your pants are on the floor by the couch."
Katharina looked over the counter at where her shorts and swimming briefs lay draped over the edge of the coffee table. Her pants lay in a heap on the floor beneath. "Right."
"Woo!" Ivy whooped, pumping her fist in the air. Then she looked around at the door, still ajar, and lowered her voice, "Go Katja!"
Katharina glanced down, "And, er, it looks like you've got something in your jeans pocket there."
"Har har," Ivy drawled, bounding over to the kitchen counter opposite Katharina. She lifted her eyebrows excitedly, "So?"
Even as she smiled, Katharina felt a certain awkwardness creep back into her awareness. Ivy had seen her naked plenty of times. But they weren't in their dorm or the showers now, and a slight cool prickle at her skin reminded her of the cum still drying on her stomach and thighs. Too, she wasn't sure what to tell Ivy. She felt she should share something, but to be too open about it seemed somehow like a betrayal of the intimacy she had enjoyed with Mutia.
Katharina settled on making an oblique hint. She crept sideways to the washbasin that was set into the counter top and let the tap run. Propping herself up on the tips of her toes, she was able to hoist her now fully softened dick over the lip of the basin and rinse it in the stream of warm water. "Let's just say I, um, have a bit of mess to clean up before getting dressed again. Give me a moment."
"Clean off the milf-juice," Ivy giggled.
Katharina stroked herself, spreading water up and down the length of her dick as far as she could, rubbing it clean. "Well, no actual milf-juice just yet. Only, er, Katja-juice."
"Mmm, yummy Katja-juice," Ivy laughed.
Katharina turned to look at her quizzically, and she saw Ivy's laughing smile briefly fall in what looked like a flash of embarrassment.
"Sorry," Ivy said, grinning, "Joke. Too weird."
"No, don't worry," Katharina reached for another towel from the drawer, soaked it under the tap, wrung it out, then stepped back to mop at herself. She could smell it now, too. She looked up at Ivy again, "And you? How did you get on with Jane?"
"Holy fuck," Ivy whispered excitedly, "Katja, like, you wouldn't believe it to look at her, because she's, um, quite a big woman and all, but she is a big bundle of energy. I gotta admit, I'm beat."
Katharina looked down once more at the bulge in Ivy's pants. It looked as if it had grown a little. "You don't look like you're beat," she laughed.
Ivy followed Katharina's stare and looked down at herself, "Oh this? I dunno. Sometimes, after going, like, several times it just ends up staying like that for a while. It's weird."
Katharina finished cleaning herself and took another towel to pat her skin dry. She scanned the edges of the room, and saw by the door one of the wicker laundry baskets that she remembered Vera having told them about. She strode out from behind the counter and flung the bunch of damp towels into the basket, then turned to Ivy, "So. Let me get dressed."
"Here," Ivy hopped over to retrieve Katharina's clothes and shoes, then reached out to hand them over as they met in the middle of the room.
Katharina bent and hurriedly pulled on each layer of her clothing, bending and jostling herself back into a concealed position. The seat of the swimming briefs felt slightly damp. She watched Ivy reach into her own jeans and rearrange herself, wincing.
"Jane said she likes to take a bath with her friend," said Ivy.
"With Mutia," Katharina nodded, stepping into her shoes.
"Yeah, apparently they always do. Or so she was saying. I didn't realize they were girlfriends."
"Yeah. It's kind of sweet. Mutia was telling me about it," Katharina nodded again, "How they got together later in life."
"Yeah," Ivy replied absently.
Katharina took a deep breath. The air in the room felt warmer than before, a little stale, even. "Ivy," she said, "Do you want to get out and just take a short walk? Just to get some air, while we wait for them."
Ivy looked pleasantly surprised, "Yeah. Great idea."
"Okay. Good," Katharina led towards the door, "Have you seen Lia?"
They stepped back into the main chamber and Ivy scowled, "No. But you can hear them."
Katharina stopped and listened. From behind the neighboring door there was a low but insistent moaning sound, and a thumping that was perhaps a bed or other piece of furniture in motion. She laughed quietly, smiling at Ivy, "Okay, let's go. We'll come back and get them in a moment."
Ivy nodded and Katharina headed to the main door. They stepped out into the hallway. Katharina pointed back the way they had first come, and led Ivy by the hand. It felt natural to take Ivy's hand, now that they were walking through esenyurt escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/istanbul/avrupa-yakasi/esenyurt/) the house again. It felt a little like the moment some time earlier, perhaps an hour or more ago, when they had descended from their dorm to join the ball. Only now they had a new and exciting experience to share. It was only just now properly sinking in. She had succeeded in her first initiation. Soon, they would rejoin the other women and Lia, and would propose taking them to the North Wing. In part the reason that Katharina had suggested taking a walk was in order to calm herself, keep herself occupied with some trivial exercise, rather than just sit and wait and stew in her own nervous excitement. She wasn't sure, but perhaps there was a similar tremor of excitement in Ivy's tight grip on her hand.
"Fuck," Ivy hissed quietly.
"What?" Katharina pulled herself from her musings. She looked at Ivy, then followed Ivy's gaze down the hallway.
"Psycho bitch up ahead," Ivy whispered.
Now only several meters away, and striding towards them at a brusque march, was Yvonne. And beside her, trotting to keep up, was her much meeker looking roommate, Annika. Yvonne had changed since they had last met, Katharina noticed. She was dressed all in black, in a plain t-shirt and tight pants. What drew Katharina's attention more, however, was Annika's outfit. Annika was wearing a tight white top with horizontal red stripes, and it was soaked to transparency across her slim stomach. Her jeans, likewise, were stained with a broad patch of wetness all the way down to her knees. As the distance between them closed, Annika seemed to notice Katharina looking at her, and her face flushed with embarrassment.
Katharina slowed her step. But it seemed silly to turn around or stop. Yvonne's eyes were fixed on them, and her pretty, girlish face was aglow with the same curious menacing smile that Katharina had witnessed earlier.
Ivy seemed to steel herself as they neared the other two girls. Then Yvonne stooped and slowed to whisper at Ivy, "Nice... lips."
"Fuck off," Ivy mumbled.
Yvonne leaned abruptly to ram her shoulder against Ivy's as they passed one another, and Ivy staggered to the side. Katharina grabbed her to steady her. Yvonne squared up against Ivy, her expression tightening into a mean pout, and for a moment nobody spoke.
"Yvonne!" Annika wailed, tugging ineffectually on Yvonne's shoulder, "Come on, just leave it!"
Yvonne shrugged Annika off, "Bitch needs to be taught a lesson," she muttered through gritted teeth.
Katharina watched, paralyzed by surprise, as Yvonne grabbed a bunch of Ivy's hair and thrust Ivy's head downwards. With her other hand, Yvonne rolled down her slim black pants, then yanked them all the way down her thighs to bare herself and let her dick spring free, slapping stiff against her stomach.
"Fuck... off!" Ivy grunted, struggling. Her hands flailed at Yvonne, but Yvonne dodged back and pushed down on Ivy's head to bend her double.
"That's it," Yvonne purred, "Do what the Goddess intended. We all know you wanted to be a dmurrhisi really. Get it down your throat like a good little slut."
"Even if I did," Ivy snarled, her face red from struggling, "I would never do it for you, bitch."
Dazed, Katharina came to her senses and finally found the initiative to rush forward to Ivy's aid. "Get off. Yvonne, for fuck's sake!" she whispered hoarsely, worried even then that they might be making an unseemly commotion in what was still a public area of the house. But Yvonne swung out one hand, palm-forward, to shove her in the chest.
With Katharina reeling back, Yvonne turned her attention back to Ivy, and flung her towards the wall. Then she grabbed Ivy's head again with two hands and pulled it down towards her dick, "Ivy sweetheart, with lips like those it's your genetic destiny. Come on, you were made to suck dick."
Staggering, Katharina righted herself. She looked at Annika, who was burying her face in her hands, and realized she had to do something. She considered Yvonne. During her mostly overwhelmingly hellish school years, Katharina had dealt with several bullies. She knew that most of them did not derive their power from their physical strength. They usually derived it from their sheer willingness to use violence, and relied on others being more cautious and not daring to risk resistance. Yvonne was thicker-set than Katharina, but no taller. And none of her extra weight looked like muscle.
Yvonne's bare buttocks had begun to tense as they thrust at Ivy's face. Nestled beneath them and between her pale thighs, were Yvonne's rather large, tight balls. They weren't huge, but conspicuously bigger than any Katharina had seen before.
"Well," Katharina growled, steeling herself. She felt her heart pounding as she stepped forward and took aim, "With a tempting pair like those, here's your genetic destiny." She swung her foot up with as much force as she could gather and slammed the toe of her shoe into Yvonne's exposed ballsack.
Yvonne's eskişehir escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/eskisehir/) whole body tensed immediately. She doubled forward, letting Ivy stumble aside against the wall. There was a pause, during which there was only the low wheezing sound of Yvonne desperately trying to draw breath, then suddenly she let out a shrill howl that seemed to be equal parts self-pity and anger.
Katharina spun round, suddenly worried that Annika might take it upon herself to retaliate, but she saw Annika already fleeing further up the hallway. She turned back to Yvonne, now lying curled up on the floor by the wall, her hands buried between her thighs. Yvonne's scrunched up eyes flicked open and glared at her, then at Ivy. "Fucking... bitches," she gasped.
Ivy staggered to her feet, face flushed and hair tousled. She held out her hand to Katharina, "Katja, come on! Run!"
Dazed, Katharina let Ivy pull her forward into a disorderly, stumbling run along the hallway, in the direction they had been walking. They raced past the wall hangings and the paintings until they reached the doorway that led back down to the courtyard gardens. Ivy looked back as they paused, panting hard, on the threshold. Katharina's attention was drawn momentarily by a flicker of movement above her head. She saw a swishing black tail, then looked up into the eyes of a sleek cat perched on top of the door. It wore a curiously sour expression, that seemed somehow to convey a detached disdain.
"She's still on the floor. Come on," Ivy yanked Katharina through the doorway.
Katharina found herself nearly pitching forward over the open edge of the staircase into the leafy tops of the trees below. She let out a short yelp, then Ivy pulled her back and led her hurriedly down the steps.
"Fucking hell Katja! What the fuck?" Ivy cried, squeezing her hand.
"Shh," Katharina slowed her descent and held Ivy close beside her.
Night had now fallen but for the last trace of deep blue at one corner of the sky. The torches on the walls were ablaze and cast wavering shadows on the stone floor. Among then, in the garden below Katharina could see a couple of girls standing near the foot of the steps, leaning against the rails of one of the bird cages.
"Later," Katharina whispered, "Let's not get in trouble."
"Us?" Ivy hissed, "It was her who-"
"Shh," Katharina repeated, cutting her off, "I know. But we were involved. And I... well, fighting is strictly forbidden. Let's just forget it and hide out for a moment. Stay calm. We're safe here. There are others around."
As they alighted from the staircase, a familiar voice sounded from nearby, with a hint of amusement, "Indeed. What have you two girls been up to, then?"
"Hi Miss Vera," said Ivy, still catching her breath. She tugged hurriedly at her hair, setting it into order.
"Hi," Katharina greeted Vera as she approached.
In an acute contrast to how Katharina felt she herself must look, blotchy and panting, and with the slowly dawning tremor in her muscles that comes in the aftermath of a sudden rush of adrenaline, Vera looked immaculate. She was prim and poised, her hair was straight and silky, and she was still wearing the long burgundy red dress with shoulder straps that Katharina had seen her in earlier when they had danced.
"Girls," Vera smiled her peculiar friendly yet mocking smile and held out her hand behind her to indicate the girl she had been talking to, "This is Caroline."
"Hello, hello," the girl who approached them had the lilt of laughter in her voice.
"Hi," Katharina said again.
As Caroline leaned forward to exchange kisses on the cheek with Ivy, Katharina studied her discreetly. Caroline was attractive. A particular kind of attractive. She had a sweet, somewhat feline face, with narrow eyes and full pink lips, bordered by a neat bob of silky brown hair. She also had a very striking full figure, with a broad back and big, heavy-looking breasts. She wasn't quite fat, Katharina thought, but almost. There was a slight bulge of softness at her stomach and around her hips.
Caroline's skin looked smooth and tanned. And there was quite a lot of it on display. She wore strappy black high heels and a short cotton dress with thin shoulder straps, in a somewhat garish teal blue. It was one of those dresses that was open at the front, but held together by sparsely placed buttons. Being a little too small for a girl of Caroline's size, the dress was stretched open in the spaces between the buttons, baring a series of oval sections of Caroline's body all down her front. Katharina tried hard not to stare, but her gaze was drawn irresistibly to the very lowest such opening, across the tops of Caroline's thighs. Katharina couldn't quite make out whether Caroline was wearing underwear or not.
"Caroline, this is Ivy, and Katharina, two of my students," Vera continued.
Caroline swiveled for Katharina to kiss her on both cheeks. "Are they good students?" she laughed.
Though she couldn't quite ground it in anything eşme escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/usak/esme/) specific, Katharina felt with a sure intuition that Vera and Caroline had recently been having sex. It was Caroline's expression, perhaps. She was aglow with a sort of happy intoxication. She looked very pleased with herself, and slightly drowsy, but with the look of that particular well-earned tiredness that follows exertion.
"They are both very diligent students," Vera answered, "I am extremely proud of them. If I am not mistaken..." she narrowed her eyes, squinting at Ivy, "they have just made their first conquest of the ball. Haven't you girls?"
"Huh? You...?" Ivy looked back up the stone steps, perplexed.
"Come, Ivy dear, you are an open book," Vera smiled.
"Ooh," Caroline clapped her hands, laughing, "You've done an, um... initiation? Well done!"
Katharina too looked back up the steps. She expected Yvonne to appear at the doorway at any moment. Nervous, she tried to shuffle aside and subtly steer the others round behind one of the larger trees, out of view.
"Katharina, are you alright?" Vera asked.
"Oh, fine," Katharina composed herself. She smiled at Caroline, then at Vera, trying to gauge how much she was licensed to say.
Vera looked around her briskly, ascertaining that the garden was otherwise empty of guests, "Caroline and I are on our way to the North Wing just now. That is, if she still wishes."
"I do," Caroline giggled.
"So you may speak freely with her," Vera added.
"Oh," said Ivy, "Great. Well done."
Katharina was about to speak when she felt Vera's hand on her shoulder. Vera continued, "I don't want to keep Caroline waiting too long. But it is a happy coincidence to see the two of you. Katharina we should talk, if you have a moment. Ivy, would you mind, perhaps, taking Caroline for a short stroll about the garden?"
"Uh, okay," Ivy still looked somewhat dazed.
"Thank you. You may regale her with tales of your exploits, so long as you speak quietly. She is a delightfully chatty girl," Vera pursed her lips conspiratorially at Caroline, "And I believe she very much enjoys hearing salacious stories."
"Ooh! Yes, yes I do. Come," Caroline skipped forward and extended her arm to Ivy, "Tell me."
"Good," Vera smiled. She put her arms around Katharina's shoulders and steered her to one side, "Come, Katharina."
Katharina watched Ivy walk idly away, Caroline clutching her arm and already leaning in to speak to her. She turned to Vera as the two of them took a few steps in the opposite direction, "You're taking her to the North Wing. She's, um, very lovely. Well done."
"Thank you, Katharina. I have to confess it was not me that initiated her, though I have now taken her under my wing," Vera glanced over her shoulder at the other two girls, who had stopped to observe a parrot clinging to the bars of one of the cages, "Caroline is a very pliant girl, and highly sexed. Just the sort who will enjoy herself a great deal here. I have made a lucky find. Speaking of which..."
Prompted by a subtle drop in the volume of Vera's voice, Katharina hunched her shoulders to lean in a little closer. In the brief silence, Katharina could feel her heartbeat sounding softly in her own ears. It was no longer the aftermath of her flight down the hallway and stairs with Ivy, but a fresh excitement. She had not anticipated seeing Miss Vera again so soon. And now here they were, side by side, apparently about to discuss something clandestine, something important.
"Yes?" Katharina prompted.
Vera looked up at the sky and smiled, seemed to recall something, "Oh. By the way, it's dmaani."
"Dmaani?" Katharina repeated carefully.
"Yes. The word that you discovered for me, earlier."
Katharina recalled the mysterious symbol that she had played a small part in deciphering for Vera. The symbolic script offered no or very few clues as to pronunciation. There was a certain subtle thrill in discovering now the actual sound of the word that her symbol represented. "And... Did we get it right?"
Vera looked at her encouragingly, "Yes. Absolutely. Well done. I attended coven council earlier, after the dance, and the issue was discussed. It is indeed the youngest of the Seven who is traditionally accorded the deciding vote if a dispute is deadlocked. Lena knew it already, of course," Vera's eyebrows knotted in a brief tic of chagrin, "She knows everything."
"Oh," Katharina felt a slight pang of disappointment.
"However, the plot thickens," Vera continued, brightening. She was guiding Katharina in a slow stroll around the edge of the garden, and glanced across once more at the two archways to check that nobody else had entered. They were still alone, apart from Ivy and Caroline, who seemed to be embracing each other against the bars of the bird cage at the opposite end of the courtyard. "In particular regarding what you discovered about the origin of the word, in animal husbandry."
"Really?" Katharina was surprised.
Vera's smile broadened. It was a smile Katharina knew well, one that spoke of the excitement of discovery, taking pleasure in the special secret power that comes from possession of arcane knowledge. "Yes. The Seven, our Seven, the current ones, that is, they are not of a litter. Not all of them, at any rate. And that turns out to be important."