Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Shrimp Khao Pad

26 Ağustos 2024, 18:23

I parked my Vespa on the side of a quiet residential street. The leaves were just starting to turn and the air was starting to get just a little chilly. It would probably be too cold for these khaki shorts tomorrow, but today wasn't that bad.
My scooter helmet is extremely dorky, but it kind of goes with the whole dorky ensemble I was wearing. A short sleeve blue button up collar shirt with the incredibly out of date Park Street Thai logo on the chest, Kakhi shorts, Asics and white socks, and short cut brown hair. It's not that bad, when you're only 5'1", most people don't notice you anyways. I was only 20 years old, I have nine more years of my twenties to try and be cool. I placed my helmet on the scooter and grabbed the bag, then headed up a small set of stairs to the front door of a quaint house.
I knocked on the door three times. "Park Street Thai, Cathy here with a Shrimp Khao Pad for Rosa!" I always have this feeling like I'm simultaneously being too loud and also not loud enough when I get to someone's house. I tried to picture what Rosa might look like. Maybe she's cool, Shrimp Khao Pad is a cool person's kind of dish.
My train of thought ended abruptly as the door handle clicked. Slowly the door opened up to a gorgeous blonde haired woman. She was tall, maybe a foot taller than I was, and probably around 34 years old. I'm not good at guessing age and oh crap all she's wearing is a towel. Um, okay, stay cool.
"Hi, come on in." She said. I nodded nervously and went inside the door. Rosa smiled and closed it behind me, then took the bag out of my hand. "Thank you so much." She placed the bag on the table and grabbed a wallet.
"No problem, miss." Oh jeez, I am being such a dweeb. No one says 'miss.' What do I even do in this situation? I looked around the house, just averting my eyes enough to not be obviously averting my eyes but not be checking her out. Rosa fumbled with some cash.
"I like that recliner you have," I half-blurted out. What the fuck is wrong with me? I grimaced in awe of my own stupidity, but tried to smile through it.
Rosa took a glance at me, then over at the chair, then back to her wallet. "Oh thanks. I just got it." Maybe Rosa was taking so long because she was trying to find out how to tip the least cool person on Earth. Her long hair went down to the center of her back, and it was gorgeous despite it being a little damp still. The towel wasn't huge, and a little bit of her cleavage was peeking out the top. It looked like it was haphazardly put on.
Rosa stepped towards me with a couple of bills in her hand. "I hope this is enough," she said and handed me the cash. Suddenly, her grip on the towel slipped and dropped to the floor, just a couple feet away from me. I instinctively gasped, and my eyes went wide as I slowly reached out to accept the cash. The part of my brain that would tell a normal person to not look down was completely shut off. I looked down from Rosa's embarrassed eyes, down her shoulders, to her perfectly sculpted breasts with silver dollar areolas. She had a flat stomach that was framed by exquisite hips, and then further down, oh my god.
I had seen such a thing before on the internet, but never in person. Between Rosa's tall legs and robust thighs hung a glorious, beautiful, mouth-watering, white and lavender penis. It went halfway down to her knees, with a couple of well placed subtle veins and folds. Behind it laid two voluptuous balls, like heavy pendulums wrapped with smooth, inviting, milky colored skin. The whole package was entirely shaven, no hair to hide any of the incredible view. My jaw was completely unhinged. I could not believe my eyes. I forgot to breathe.
"Ohmygosh!" Rosa exclaimed. I pried my eyes away from her crotch and looked her in the eyes again, taking a little pause at her chest again.
"Oh, I'm sorry miss!" At this moment I thought it would be professional to close my eyes, after all the gazing I had just done. I shut them extra tight to make sure she could tell I was trying to not look, but I'm sure it just looked dumb.
"No, it's okay, I'm sorry. That's okay," Rosa said. I took the second 'okay' to mean I could open my eyes, but wasn't sure, so I just peeked open one of them. Again, impossible to look her in the eyes. I just couldn't stop dropping my vision down to the perfectly curved and sized teardrop tits. They just looked so soft, like my hands could get lost in them. Strangely, she wasn't really doing anything to cover them up, or anything else.
"So, ah..." she looked at my name tag. "Cathy. I'm really sorry about all of this. Is there anything else I can do to give you a better tip?" She took a small step forward, now just a foot away from me.
My brain exploded at this point. My jaw dropped open again. I knew the answer to the question, but I had a brick wall between my neurons that would not allow me to communicate. This time when I looked down from her eyes, I meant it. Those boobs, almost eye level with me, were just absolutely erenköy escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/istanbul/anadolu-yakasi/erenkoy/) unreal, and when I looked further down, I went into a quiver. That cock looked even bigger and better when it was closer to me. I glanced back up at Rosa, who now had a knowing, confident smirk on her face.
"Maybe something like this?" she said. Then she reached out and took hold of my wrist. I looked back at her, wondering what this was all about. She slowly spun my arm around so that my palm faced towards her, then moved my hand to her crotch. Oh shit oh shit oh shit, I thought to myself. In fact, that's what I was thinking basically the whole afternoon. The whole trip for my hand seemed like it lasted a lifetime, but finally she placed my hand right on her dick. I watched, mesmerized, as she rubbed my palm up and down her soft, silky smooth shaft. My knees were buckling and my whole body was shaking.
"Is this okay?" Rosa asked. I still couldn't speak. All I could do was look at her, with my mouth still hanging open, and nod my head. Then I quickly looked back down to see more of the beautiful dick I was miraculously rubbing up and down. I started to curl my hand around it, grazing Rosa's balls, then running all the way down it and going into and over the purple-ish tip. Every trip up and down was like a dream.
"Would you like to get on your knees, Cathy?" My brain said to itself, Ohmygodfuckyespleasepleaseplease. But my cerebral capacity would not allow such a thing, so I just looked at her and nodded again. I let go of her delicious dick for a second and dropped my knees onto the carpet. I now had this beautiful smelling, looking, and probably tasting cock, directly in front of my face. Absolute heaven.
I kept stroking and took a glance up at Rosa. She had a wonderful smile peering down over her perfect tits at me. Then, I must have done something right, as she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. That gave me the courage to be a little more daring. I pulled her cock towards my lips and pressed them against it, then I looked up at Rosa. She smiled and nodded slowly. I moistened my lips just enough to slide them down the shaft of her cock and right to the tip. I couldn't wait to get this thing hard.
Rosa put a hand on my head, not to push or guide me, just to run her hands through my hair. I opened my lips just enough to get the tip of her cock inside. It tasted so good. I mean, actually it didn't taste any different than any other dick, but really I was just so overwhelmed with joy to have it in my mouth. Pure bliss. I slowly glided my lips around it, back and forth, going just a little deeper each time. I glanced up to see Rosa, eyes closed, head cocked to the side, fondling her breasts. "Mmm, Cathy," she said with a breathy voice. That sent me over the edge, she was just so hot.
At this point I reached up and cupped her sack in the palm of my hand. They were smooth and warm but heavy. I delicately juggled them between my fingers while I sped up bobbing my mouth up and down her cock. I couldn't wait to see these things fire off, I hoped to get a good view of it. I used my other hand to unbutton the button on the front of my kakhi shorts. I was less graceful on myself, jamming my hand down my underpants and into my pussy, which at this point was wet in the same way an ocean is wet.
"Hey Cathy" Rosa said. I looked up at her, mouth entirely full of her gorgeous cock. "How about we get you out of that cute uniform?" Again, I couldn't think. I slowly as possible drew myself off of her dick until it popped out from between my lips. Then I stumbled back onto my feet, completely ungracefully. I was totally dick drunk at this point. I started to grab at the bottom of my shirt, but Rosa suavely reached out and slowly unbuttoned the top button. She looked me straight in the eyes the whole time, as my eyes darted between her, my shirt, her boobs, her hips. I didn't know what to do with my hands. I nervously rested them on her hips, trying to sneakily reach around and find her butt. I hadn't seen it yet, but I'm sure it looked amazing.
Rosa finally reached the bottom button and fluidly spread my shirt to my sides, revealing my completely unflattering black padded sports bra. I hadn't really dressed for this occasion. One thing I do have is G cup boobs, but you wouldn't really know, the way I dress most of the time. The sports bra comes in handy to contain them with the shitty scooter shocks doing deliveries, and this one had a zipper right down the middle of the front. Rosa slowly, seductively, pulled the zipper tab all the way to the bottom, then again spread the garment to the side, dragging her fingertips across my breasts as she did. My knees turned to jello.
"Wow Cathy, these are incredible." Oh god, I was so turned on. Rosa put one in each hand and started kneading them slowly but firmly. Her hands were soft and warm, but strong and she used just the right amount of force. I still was just standing there awkwardly, ergani escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/diyarbakir/ergani/) so I raised my hands up above my head and leaned forward to help her out. Rosa looked at me and smiled, then took each breast from underneath and picked them up and leaned down. She gave each of my nipples one slow, seductive lick from bottom to top, then released them. She brought her head up to me and we locked our lips together.
My eyes were basically bulging out of my head, but Rosa had her eyes closed and was calmly directing traffic. She ran her tongue across my closed lips, then slowly dove between them and into my mouth. Her tongue zig zagged around my mouth for a few seconds, then she brought it out. As she released me, she playfully bit a little bit of my moistened lips and withdrew. Her cock was grazing the inside of my thigh as she went. It was hard and sticking straight out at this point. She had a coy smile on her face. My face was a cross between stun and bliss, which probably looked like a crazy person. I completely un-smoothly jerked my head down to look at the newly hardened dick. It was a good nine inches. Maybe, I don't know, everything looks big when you're my size, but it was as thick as my wrist. I couldn't think or breathe or move, I just stared. What a masterpiece.
"Do you want to sit down on the recliner?" Yes! Yes I do! Again, speech was not happening for me, so I just nodded and grinned, then hustled over to the chair. Now I was glad I had complimented it. I spun around and dropped my butt in the chair, tits out, and rested my arms on its sides. Rosa calmly walked over to me, leaned over, and ran her hands again from my shoulders all the way down my boobs. Then she kept going, down past my tummy and to the zipper of my shorts. She kissed me deeply again and pulled the tab down, then hooked her fingers into the sides and pulled down. I arched my back up a little to make it easier for her. She took the shorts and the underpants all in one, which is for the best because I was wearing the goofiest granny panties I own, plus they were embarrassingly soaked. I'm sure I was ruining the chair now, but whatever. She calmly slid my shorts and undies off my legs and right over my socks and sneakers, which were still on because I'm a dummy and forgot all about them.
Rosa ran her hands up the insides of my legs, slowly pushing them to the side, up past my knees and stretching my thighs outwards. "Can I get inside this pretty pussy of yours?" I smiled widely, my eyes bulging out and said completely non-seductively "Uh huh!!" I used my hands to keep my knees spread out where Rosa had placed them. She leaned down over me, put one hand on the chair above my shoulder, then with the other ran her hand up my thigh, onto my hip, across my leg and down onto my vagina. Slowly, she weaved her way down my pussy and began to press in with a circular motion, popping her fingers across my clitoris and my opening each time. I moaned reflexively, and I'm sure loudly. I was basically panting at this point. I was sweating and shaking like I had run a marathon and we hadn't even starting having sex yet. Sex! I couldn't believe it, I was about to have sex with the most gorgeous person I'd ever seen.
Rosa moved her hips forward until her cock was lined right up with my pussy, then wiggled it in just enough to cause me to gasp. I let go of one knee so I could bite down on my fist. The first inch in was heaven. I'm sure it would have been a little painful had I not been completely submerged in my own wetness. She went in deeper, deeper, as far as she could. Rosa leaned down to kiss me but I was trying too hard to not scream, so she kissed my cheek and ran her lips down to my tits, tonguing and sucking just a little bit on one of my nipples. I was paralyzed.
Keeping her head down on my chest, she pulled back and pushed back in, causing another involuntary high pitched whimper. Every time, back and forth, in and out, I did everything I could not to shriek. It felt just as good when she dragged it out of me as it did when she filled my pussy up with her big, sexy cock. Her breasts swayed back and forth with each thrust, like a goddess or something. I was already close.
My moaning turned into grunting and panting, as Rosa sped up, in and out. About four or five more thrusts and I was there, but just then Rosa put her hand down to my crotch and pressed into my clit with her thumb, still licking and playing with my nipple, now swiftly penetrating me. I was in sensory overload. The orgasm came on like a tidal wave. I jumped up and screamed so loud it cracked my vocal cords. My shoulders, knees, hands, feet, all shaking uncontrollably. Rosa pulled her dick out of me one last time, spraying drops of my pussy wetness all over us and her recliner.
I slumped back into the chair and looked at Rosa, breathing heavily. Rosa was calm, but raised her eyebrows, maybe impressed or surprised that I had erupted so forcefully. Maybe she was impressed with herself. ergene escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/tekirdag/ergene/) I couldn't move, just sat there, then scanned down to look at her perfect breasts, then further down at the immaculate cock. It was shiny with my juices, twitching subtly with every heartbeat, and pointing up right at me. The head was getting more purple-red and more engorged. I simultaneously wanted more of it and was immobilized by it.
Rosa leaned down and kissed me deeply again. She put her hands on my shoulders and slid them down my sides and then under my butt. She carefully guided them forward to the edge of the recliner, so I was basically lying down flat on the big recliner cushion, my head propped up just a bit on the back cushion of the chair to give me a good view. Swiftly and deftly, Rosa climbed up onto the chair and kneeled on the arms. What an incredible view, underneath her hanging breasts, the underside of her diamond hard dick, her big beautiful balls. She slowly lowered all of her package down right on top of my face, which could do nothing but hold a wide eyed and awestruck smile. This was the hottest thing she had done so far.
Her balls rested right on top of my lips and her rigid shaft laid across my nose and up beyond my forehead. Her sack felt tense and ready on my lips. I massaged my tongue across the two weighty balls a few times. Using one hand, I ran it gently up and down the big dick laying on my head, and used a second hand to caress her soft and sexy butt cheeks. Rosa then slowly slid herself and her dick down my face, dragging a little bit of liquid with it down my forehead and cheeks, until the thick tip reached my mouth. I opened my lips and she pushed her hips forward and back once, just enough to have the girthy, gorgeous, oak tree-hard cock slide in and out of my mouth one time. She lifted herself up and put her knees beside me on the recliner cushion, straddling my chest, pulling her cock down my face, neck, collarbone, and through my tits. "Do you want to see me cum?" she asked, softly.
Yes! Oh my god yes! I was so ready to watch this thing unload. It would be a thing of beauty. I was unable to be sexy or seductive, just grinned widely, nodded vigorously, and said "Mhm!!" like a kid being asked if they wanted ice cream. Actually, that's pretty close to what this was.
Rosa took hold of both of my wrists again and guided them to the sides of my breasts, squeezing them together. Then she slid her dick between them, thrusting all the way forward. There was enough moisture on her to slide in and out seamlessly. What an incredible view I had, her big cock sliding through and revealing the tip pointed straight at me, then popping back down. It was so hard, feeling it between my tits was the sexiest thing I'd ever experienced.
Rosa let go of my wrists and placed them on top of the recliner. She was starting to quicken her pace. The thrusts started to pop through more forcefully as she rammed her hips into my chest, dragging her balls up and down my tummy. Rosa was feeling it, letting out little moans and closing her eyes, cocking her head back from time to time. Her beautiful breasts swayed back and forth. She was getting extremely hard, she must have been ready to burst.
It occurred to me how this was going to play out, with me staring right at the tip of her dick just a handful of inches from my face. I made a mental note that I would keep my eyes open no matter what, I didn't want to miss any of this. I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue, smiling, and looked at Rosa in the eyes.
"Cathy! Uh!" With one last thrust through, she paused and her dick twitched up quickly. Her first shot was long and wide, and it shot out like a bullet, reaching above my forehead and into my hair, down my forehead, right between my eyes and down my nose, into my mouth and down my tongue, all the way to my chin. Amazing. It was glistening white and warm, laid on thick. It tasted sweet, almost citrusy. A second shot went from just under my eye on my left cheekbone down the side of my face and onto my neck. Rosa let out a loud whimper. She jiggled her hips a little bit, arching her cock upwards and fired another shot, which got some hang time and landed on the side of my nose down to the tip of my tongue.
Rosa quickly jumped off the recliner and stood up straight. I didn't even think, I just as quickly slinked off the recliner and onto my knees in front of her and grabbed her dick, pointing it downwards and stroking it violently. My aim was random. I hit myself point blank the forehead, which splattered all around me, getting droplets on my hair, shoulders, and tits. Then I aimed her further down, and she fired another long, thick rope from about my collarbone, down my breast and to my areola. I swung her around to the other side, and she similarly coated my other breast.
Rosa's shots where sputtering out now, and I was getting close to out of real estate for them to land on. I perched myself up higher and quickly put her cock into my mouth, letting the last few drops fall onto my tongue as I bobbed up and down on it. Rosa was breathing heavily, looking down at me, as I slowed down my bobbing and released her softening cock. For good measure, I leaned down and ran my lips against her de-tensioned sack, up and down her shaft and laid a cute kiss on the tip.