Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Raging Energy

26 Ağustos 2024, 18:14

Jenny never knew what to expect when she entered Taylor's room.
The girl still lived in a studio dorm apartment in her late 20's, the kind that was barely habitable. Somehow, she managed to squeeze a bed, minifridge, and computer desk in there without it feeling too cramped, with her tiny closet holding her clothes.
Sometimes, Taylor would be laying on their bed as Jenny came in, eager for cuddling and affectionate touches, before taking it somewhere more hot and heavy. Other times Jenny would find them pacing around their dorm room, eager to tell her about some new anime they had started watching or a fascinating idea they'd latched onto from a class.
No matter what was going on, Jenny expected Taylor to be her excitable, nerdy self.
This expectation was shattered by the juggernaut force that was finals week. Taylor sat at her desk, heavy bags under her eyes, and sluggishly turned to see Jenny entering the room. "Oh, you're here," she managed to get out through a yawn, the words barely intelligible.
"Sweetie...how long has it been since you slept?" Jenny asked, frowning at the sight before her.
Taylor's chestnut brown hair was tousled and unkempt, and despite the fact their eyes were glued to their computer monitor, Jenny wasn't sure how much of what they saw they were actually taking in.
The nerdy postgrad student was shorter than Jenny, who wasn't exactly an amazon herself. They had a bony build with sharp elbows and narrow shoulders, and most of the weight they did manage to make stick landed in on their little tummy rather than their nearly flat chest. Taylor tended towards wearing baggy shirts with references to their favorite pieces of media on the front and loose jeans that had to be held onto their waist by a tight belt.
The genderfluid girl wasn't the type that caught most people's eyes, but her passion for what she loved and timid nature made her one of Jenny's favorite partners to play with when she was feeling a little domme-y.
It took almost half a minute for Taylor to register what they'd been asked, scratching their head and start doing mental math. "I took a nap...yesterday afternoon, I think?"
Jenny rubbed her temples. "Taylor, it's nine at night. You've been awake for at least twenty four hours, and even then it was just a nap you had before?" She tried to keep even a hint of anger out of her voice, but it was hard. Watching Taylor treat themself like this was hard for her to stomach.
"Sounds about right...it was a good...nap...though..." Taylor's words slowed as the approach of a long yawn broke up the flow.
With a sigh, Jenny put a hand on Taylor's shoulder and told her firmly, "Sweetie, I am putting you to bed."
That got a sharp reaction, their eyes suddenly alert as they gasped in horror. "No, you can't! I have one more final due, and only six hours to finish it! I, I can nap when it's done!" Once the words were out, Taylor shrank a little in their seat, and added, "Sorry, I know you're worried and you have every reason to be...do you think you could grab me an energy drink from the vending machine, just to keep me going until this is done?"
It wasn't exactly what Jenny had been imagining when Taylor had asked her to come over for the night, but she loved this goober, and gave her a kiss on the forehead before telling her, "Okay, one terrible sugar beverage, coming right up." Then she turned and left the room, and felt the distinct sense that Taylor was watching her do so.
The thought of that did give Jenny a little thrill of excitement. She was, by most definitions of the term, a fairly plain girl. Bustier than Taylor, but still fairly small in the chest, Jenny was short with blonde hair and a pale face dotted with freckles. She lacked curves worth speaking of, with the exception of a fairly well developed ass. Even her dick was pretty small, though generally that wasn't something she felt bad about, not unless she had the inept desire to top one of her partners.
Jenny did her best to fight against her body's blandness with cute blouses and flowing skirts that went spinny when she twirled. Considering just how many people she was dating at the moment, she liked to think she was doing something right.
Taylor's university was happy to give housing options to its post grad students, but the trade-off came with the fact that the building they gave to those students was clearly a labyrinth designed by Daedulus himself. Jenny had been here enough times to know that the only vending machine in the building that was stocked with energy drinks was on the first floor, but finding her way to the elevator ended up requiring the map she had saved on her phone.
As she pulled out said phone, she saw a text from another partner, asking if they were still on for the upcoming weekend date. Jenny let them know that was absolutely still the case, then led herself to the ancient elevator and down to the required floor.
The vending machines in eğirdir escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/isparta/egirdir/) this building didn't have glass displays for people to see what they were getting, only buttons to press from a list of options. Knowing Taylor's preference for such things, Jenny put in the dollar bills from her wallet and hit the option she wanted, then waited for the lemon-flavored drink to come out.
The machine rumbled, and rumbled, and rumbled...and just as Jenny started to wonder if the damn thing needed to be kicked, a thump resounded from the slot. Kneeling down to reach inside, Jenny retrieved the can, gave it a quick look to confirm the vending machine hadn't spat out something else entirely, and then returned to hand off the drink to her partner.
When she reentered the room, Taylor was starting to fall asleep, head in their arms on the desk. Jenny walked up and set the drink down, then opened Taylor's hand and wrapped it around the beverage for them. The coldness of the energy drink startled them into alertness, and Taylor looked to see it, then at Jenny, before smiling sheepishly. "T-thanks honey. I appreciate it."
Jenny kissed her forehead, and whispered into her ear, "You can show me how much you appreciate it once your essay is done." The comment made the nerdy girl blush a bright red, before she opened the drink and took a sip. Seeming already a bit more alert, Taylor got back to writing her paper and Jenny went to lay on the bed while she waited.
Pulling out her phone, Jenny checked her social media and went back to reading an ebook she was in the middle of, the sound of her partner typing away on their keyboard on the periphery of her attention. As she dug into the next chapter, getting eager to see what the big event to end the mid-point of the book would be, Jenny started to hear the pace of Taylor's typing pick up. Faster and faster, until it sounded as though they were speeding through the paper.
A little worried for them, Jenny looked up and noticed they were sitting up straighter in their computer chair, with more of their head visible from behind than she was used to. "I know you want to finish this quickly, but be careful. You don't want to turn in something full of typos."
Taylor was the type of partner who usually reacted to comments like that with the demeanor of a wounded puppy, but to Jenny's surprise she actually laughed at the remark. "Don't worry, I've got this." The post grad student could get confident about her work when it was done, but it was uncharacteristic of her to be so sure of herself while she was working on it. "Sweetie, did you mean to get me a new flavor? It tastes good, but it's definitely not my usual."
Confused as to what Taylor meant, Jenny got up and inspected the can, and saw it wasn't the lemonade flavor she had selected on the machine, but instead something called 'Wild Fury'.
She tried to take a sip, but Taylor snatched the can out of her hand and took a long chug, finishing it in one go and throwing the can into a nearby trash can. "That was rude..." Jenny mumbled, not used to that kind of behavior from Taylor. What she didn't express was how much that aggressive gesture turned her on. It was a good thing her skirt had a lot of volume, because otherwise her hard on would have been obvious.
"Oh...sorry." Taylor sounded genuine, and even half rose from their chair to give her a kiss. "I just...kind of felt like I really needed it. But that doesn't excuse my behavior." Reaching out to take Jenny's hand in theirs, they smiled at her. "I don't have much longer on the paper. Snuggles soon."
Retreating to the bed, it took Jenny a moment to realize something felt off about Taylor's hand when she'd felt it: the normally soft and dainty skin had been rougher, almost calloused.
She dismissed it as her mind playing tricks on her. The hardest labor Taylor had ever done, as far as she knew, was cashiering. Jenny was tired herself, it was nothing to stress about.
"And...done!" Taylor called out, her voice a little lower than normal before rising up from her chair and walking over to the bed. "Written, edited, and submitted. I think you promised me a reward?" She almost growled the last words.
It was hard for Jenny to focus on that as particularly strange, as she stared at her girlfriend and saw so much else wrong that it overwhelmed her. Taylor was taller, excessively so. She towered over the bed, looking down at Jenny with a sharp smile on her lips. There was something about her teeth that was odd too, as two from her bottom row were jutting out a little, larger than they should be.
But there was so much more than that. Taylor's once baggy clothes now strained to fit them. Their once narrow shoulders were now broad, their chest and arms rippling with muscles, even though their tummy was still soft and pudgy. A line of thick body hair went up from their jeans under their shirt, and hints of it in other places made Jenny sure elazığ escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/elazig/) her once smooth skinned partner was now much shaggier.
Of course, all those changes paled in comparison to how their once light skin now has a tinge of green to it, and as she looked up at them, she saw it getting visibly darker, their body getting even taller, stronger. "L-love," Jenny breathed out, heart racing and mouth dry. "You should...look at yourself."
Taylor laughed, the sound rougher than her usual giggles. "Yeah, I noticed. Looks like I'm turning into a fucking orc or something." She smiled at Jenny, and the still human girl could really tell now that what was forming in that mouth were tusks. "Honestly, I'm liking it. I feel so fucking strong. So confident and sure of myself and fucking thirsty." Taylor licked her lips.
In that moment, Jenny could not rightly discern if she was terrified or aroused beyond all belief. Perhaps both? "Well, um...that's good? But I'd have to go down to the first floor again to get another energy drink and I don't have the cash and-ooh!"
Before she could finish her ramble, Taylor's rough hands were pulling off Jenny's skirt, revealing how hard the girl was inside her panties, her small cock soaking the material with leaking precum. Skin now finishing into a forest green, Taylor ripped the panties off, actually tearing them, and tossed them to the floor.
Jenny could not bring herself to care. She's always been the one who domme'd Taylor, but seeing this aggressive side was sending her straight into submissive bliss. She just laid back on the bed, eager to see what her partner would do to her next.
With a low grunt, Taylor threw off her own clothes, complaining about their tightness, and showing off her changes in their full glory.
She was art, a tapestry of strength and hair and feminine androgynous power. Her tits were the only part of her torso free of hair, and they were easily three or four times their previous size, round and full with dark green nipples gracing their tips. Taylor's pubic hair, normally carefully trimmed at all times, was now a dense jungle that Jenny had the sudden urge to explore with her tongue.
Groping one of her enlarged breasts, Taylor flexed her other arm, showing off her thick thews. "Mmm...yesss, this is perfect." She got on the bed, laying down so her face brushed right up against Jenny's girly little cock, and inhaled through her nose, closing her eyes. "That is what I'm thirsty for. And you're going to lay there like a good little human while I enjoy myself."
"Y-yes mistress," Jenny moaned, the first time she'd ever used that word to describe Taylor. It felt nothing but appropriate as the orcish woman licked her tongue up the side of Jenny's cock, making her cry out from pleasure, before taking it into her mouth entirely.
There wasn't enough there for Taylor to deepthroat, but they made sure to lick up every ounce of precum before lavishing Jenny's cock with attention from their tongue. They only took a break from doing that to suck on her, hard, driving Jenny mad with stimulation. The rabid energy Taylor put into their efforts were as intoxicating as the things their mouth was doing. Jenny was being ravaged, and she fucking loved every second of it.
Her mind started to drift on the cloud of pleasure soaking into her brain, letting herself imagine what this might mean, if Taylor didn't change back. This hulking, powerful monster as her partner...she shivered. Every date, an open display that Jenny belonged to Taylor, that the orc could take her whenever they wanted. A dominance so clear and obvious that any could see it.
Those thoughts were suddenly interrupted as Taylor pulled away, then soaked her fingers with her spit and some of Jenny's leaking precum. She went back to sucking Jenny off, while her now slick fingers wandered down further, slipping between Jenny's soft asscheeks, and finding the prize she was after.
"F-f-fuck, mistress, yes, please, fuck me, use me~" Jenny cried out, and only after that plea for more did Taylor slide not one but two fingers into her asshole, thicker and rougher than Jenny was used to, quickly getting in deep enough to rub against her prostate.
Taylor was absolutely relentless, using her tongue to touch and prod every sensitivity she knew that Jenny had, while finger-fucking her into bliss. The orgasm crept up so quietly beneath all her pleasure, Jenny didn't even realize it was happening until her cock was twitching and erupting into her girlfriend's mouth, leaking out a small spurt of watery cum.
The orc swallowed it, pulling her fingers out of Jenny and rising up above her on the bed to stare down at her like a warrior looking at a land to take in conquest. "Take a deep breath, slut," they growled, before standing up completely and turning around. They straddled Jenny's face with their hips, putting their pussy up elbistan escort (https://www.pompaci.net/bayan/maras/elbistan/) to her mouth.
It was lucky that Jenny had instinctively listened, taking that breath of air, because she was absolutely smothered between Taylor's thick, well-muscled thighs. Squirming a little under the weight, which felt at least double of what Taylor had weighed before, Jenny started licking, eager to please them just as much as they had done to her.
The problem was, it was hard at first to find Taylor's pussy. It took some exploratory searching to find it with her tongue through all the thick hair, and even then the angle wasn't quite right for her to do more than tease the slit with the edge of her tongue.
Sensing the issue, Taylor growled, "Do it right, you perverted fuck," and adjusted her hips to give Jenny better access. With reckless fervor, she shoved her tongue in, loving the sharper, more musky taste of her orcish girlfriend, licking up her dew and trying to fill her pussy as best she could. "Looks like you're thirsty now. But don't forget my fucking clit, or you'll be sorry."
Almost wanting to find out exactly how she'd be punished for failing, Jenny nonetheless did as asked, rubbing Taylor's clit as best she could with her nose and teasing it with her tongue. The clit was larger than it had been when Taylor was a human, and from her initial search it seemed her pussy was bigger as well.
Those observations only really occurred in the back of Jenny's mind, however. Her primary drive was simply to please them, to fight for every moan dragged out of Taylor's lips, to feel them cum on her face. She was beginning to run into an issue however: she genuinely couldn't breathe and she was starting to run out of air. This wasn't their first time facesitting, however, so Jenny was able to remember to sign for this circumstance, lightly tapping on Taylor's leg twice with a finger.
Immediately, Taylor lifted their hips, and Jenny was able to take a gulp of air. It was refreshing, but as she caught her breath she found herself missing their musky scent pervading her senses, overwhelming her completely. "Love...this...love...you..."
Unsure if it was her oxygen deprived brain warping her perceptions, Jenny could have sworn she saw the expression on Taylor's face soften a little, smiling in the same way they did before the change. "Love you too. Ready to continue?" The question was asked gently, and it felt obvious that Taylor would have taken a no without issue.
But Jenny was recovered and ready for more, and more is what she got. Muff in her face once more, she ate Jenny out with renewed fervor, her hands coming up to squeeze and fondle Taylor's firm ass.
They must have liked that, because they started talking dirty again. "You can't fucking help it, c-can you? That puny human brain is a slave to my body, to my strength, and you wouldn't have it any other way. Fuck, your tongue is so good, I love feeling you squirm beneath me, I'm going to, going to..."
Hearing that hint of weakness, Jenny redoubled her efforts, shoving her face so forcefully into Taylor's pussy that she was sure her head was about to pop inside. There were no more thoughts, no more words, just moans from them both as Jenny did her best to make them orgasm for the first time as an orc.
She got her wish, as Taylor let out a wordless cry of bestial satisfaction, her beautifully sculpted body twitching and writhing in ecstasy, thighs squeezing Jenny's head so hard it hurt. Jenny didn't care though, she drank up every drop of Taylor's juices as she could, before the sweaty orc finally pulled herself off of Jenny, collapsing into a big green heap next to her.
The two lay there, breathing heavily, for neither knew how long before Jenny finally spoke up. "That...was amazing." She turned to look over Taylor's transformed body again, running a hand down her muscular torso. "You're so..."
"...fantastic?" Taylor laughed. "Yeah, it's...a lot to process. I wasn't lying before, it feels good. I want to just revel in that, indulge in all these urges racing through me. But underneath that, I'm still me. You're still going to hear me rant about Star Trek and snore so loud you can barely sleep. Hell, that might be worse now." They cuddled closer, settling in as the big spoon, a new bedroom position for them.
"I'm glad to hear that. Regardless of how you look, you are the person I fell in love with. My wonderful dorky girlfriend. The fact you can bench press two hundred pounds now doesn't change that." She wiggled back a little more into her partner's embrace, comforted by their strong arms and gentle touch. "So...you're fine not turning back?"
If they didn't, it wouldn't pose too much of an issue. While transformations like this weren't exactly common, they happened enough that most learned not to worry too much about them, especially if the person ended up enjoying who and what they had become.
They kissed the top of Jenny's head. "If I do, I do. And if I don't, I don't. For now, I really do need to sleep. And in the morning...well, you still haven't gotten that pathetic human dick inside my pussy, have you?" Between sentences, their voice grew harsh again, rumbling with obvious dominance.