Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Working Extra Hours

23 Ağustos 2024, 13:39

***Warning, language may be offensive. Be warned***
***Copywrited work not to be reproduced or used on any other site***
Walking into Vericon National Bank, Chip Evans scanned his badge thinking about how to present his new project to his senior Vice-President Mr. Harris. Mr. Harris was known to hate technology and was a stickler for keeping the status quo. Chip knew it was a win for the bank and that if his boss said no, it was more of a reason that he should be senior vice-president. The only issue he knew that was holding him back was that he was the youngest vice-president in the bank at twenty-seven.
Howard Evans never liked being called Howard or Howie by his parents and took on the nickname Chip given him by his friends. His father was a scholarship athlete in college and Howard was just as good. He was called a 'chip off the old block' when he was a varsity star his sophomore year in high school. Not to think athletics were the only thing in life, he knew that sports can only take you so far and keeping up his grades for college was more important.
Getting a scholarship to Syracuse was great, but Chip found out that his high school skills in football were not up to par with college level players. He was good, but just not good enough to start every game. The mediocre skills he knew he had didn't deter him from what he knew his purpose was and using college for what it was meant for became his life goal. Studying programming and finance seemed strange, but that strange combination got him a promotion and recognition in his bank.
Chip knew the problems of working in a big city and working at a national bank that had a system that didn't like to be rocked. The old time workers and senior vice-presidents loved to leave work early to get home to their suburban homes and fighting traffic was not what they wanted. Chip found himself staying late and also working extra hours during the week to make sure that on Friday he could either take off or work from home. The long nights wore on him, but having a three-day weekend made up for it.
He scanned his badge and walked up to his office to get his proposal ready. As vice-president in charge of the consumer division, he often found himself working with the advertising department on new products and how they should be possibly marketed. It was a big collaboration, but he enjoyed it as their senior vice-president loved his input and always took his recommendations. The hope was that when he did present his proposal that it would be another reason why he should be considered for a promotion to senior when it became available despite his age.
It was another long night and the research he wanted was taking too long to get and his hunger was getting the best of him. Nights like this meant going around the block to hit Burger King that was open late. Some food might be what he needed, and he had the time since the reports were not ready for him to see.
As he walked past the front security desk, he saw the new guard. She looked young with her black straight hair that almost touched her shoulders. She was black but had a lighter caramel tone to her. She was behind the desk close to Andrea who he did know was the night shift manager. She was a bitch that had a very wide ass that went with her ugly face. She was known to treat everyone like shit no matter who they were and then complained about why she was forced to work the night shift.
Chip only had a problem with Andrea once when he forgot his badge at his office and then made phone calls to let him in, even after she saw him leave and not to mention he always worked late. The last three people that worked with her at night quit within a week and Chip knew this young girl would be the next victim.
Walking back in, he saw the girl by herself and when he approached, he got a better look at her. She had a sleek, pretty face with a few freckles and her tight uniform showed her athletic figure with a small chest but not too small. She looked like a petite young guard that was a new hire as she sat at the chair when he approached.
"Don't let her make you quit," he offered to her as he was at the desk scanning his badge.
"She's real pissy with me," she said in a soft tone but sounding real pissed off.
Chip looked to see her last name was Reynolds and then decided to help her out. "Look, the last person they had would always walk around when she was at the desk signing people in."
She then gave a scared look at him. "Sign people in? She never said to do that. I just thought that people scanned their badge."
It was then he knew that if Andrea the bitch found out, it would probably be her getting fired. Feeling generous, he decided to intervene and help this young pretty security guard. She had to be in her early twenties, and she seemed too innocent to be fired within her first few hours of employment.
He looked around and then looked at her. He knew the routine from working late and helping her was easy Bornova travesti (https://www.bornovatravesti.xyz/) too. He then grabbed the pen and the sign-in sheet. "Everyone that leaves or enters at night also gets recorded. This is just for security though and it's kind of like an event log thing they do."
He then signed his name in two spots for both leaving and coming in. He also knew a few other co-workers left and then scribbled down their names and assumed times. "Here, she will never know."
Her smile got big and brightened his night as she seemed so happy that he saved her. "Thank you so much. Shit, I could have been fired if she saw that."
Chip then nodded his head and was off to eat and do his research. During the entire elevator ride up, he thought about her pretty smile and cute body, even though he didn't see all of it since she was behind a desk. Working late got boring and doing something nice was good for karma; he knew he needed as much good karma as possible for his presentation.
The next day was exhausting but it was worth it. The presentation was done, and all of the charts and figures were spot on. The only thing he needed to do was sell it to advertising before he gave the pitch to his own senior vice-president for final approval. It was jumping through hoops, but he knew the routine from the last time he pitched a proposal.
When he walked into the boardroom, he saw all the men in suits waiting to hear his idea. Across the room was Judee and he knew it was her vote that mattered the most. She was young compared to the other senior vice-presidents and she had a reputation for being a bossy bitch when it came to business.
For all the faults people had with her demeanor, Judee was very attractive. Chip knew that she could be flirtatious sometimes but having her being good looking felt more like a compliment he thought. With natural curls coming down to almost her shoulders, her face gleamed with perfection that needed almost no makeup too, her milk chocolate completion and nice body was what men wanted and feared as she had a larger ass that men wanted and a disposition that could kill a man too. Her ass was almost an apple shape that wasn't obnoxious but could still stand out as an ass lover's dream too.
He always had a good repoire with her on emails and knew that selling her would be not as hard as his own senior vice-president. Judee was good with new ideas and not like the older executives that closed themselves off to new innovative ideas.
Before the meeting started, she walked over to him. Her face was showing a glow like she was already happy before he got in the room. "You're looking very handsome today Mr. Evans. When you are done selling me, and I think I am going to buy too, I would love to see you in my office for a quick conference too."
Chip never knew her to be so outright with her flirting to him in front of people, but his nerves decided to just brush it off. "Ohh, okay."
She gave a devious smile back. "Good, now sell me and I will buy it all up."
He nodded and began his presentation knowing in the back of his mind that she outright flirted with him in a room full of people. Nobody seemed to care or would want to question a senior vice-president either. Judee not only talked the talk in the bank but was wealthy without her job. She dressed in designer clothes and the purse on her seat cost more than his rent for the month.
With all eyes on him, he began off strong and then carried it away with what he thought was his best presentation. He covered all the details and answered all the questions without pause and then fully explained the details of his proposal. When it was over, he knew that there was no reason for her to deny his approval.
With a few handshakes he was in Judee's office with her sitting across from him. She had a lush corner office and when she took off her shoes, he saw they were Jimmy Chew's or something. He wasn't an expert on women's shoes but assumed they were expensive. She then unbuttoned the top button of her blouse and opened up her blazer like she was hot. He did see her bra strap and that her body was perfectly proportioned for any man.
"You really sold it in there." Her smile and tone made it seem like she was on board with his proposal.
"Thank you."
She then tilted her head still smiling at him. "Well, I would like to talk it over a little more...maybe tonight. Dinner?"
Eating dinner with a co-worker or colleague was nothing new and was quite normal. It was part of the job and selling people at dinner was done almost all the time. He then nodded assuming that it was a done deal and she just wanted to go over a few done details.
"Okay. What time?"
"Six sound okay?" Her smile was still making it seem like the props agreement was just a formality now.
"Okay, what place?"
She then got up and ran her hand from his one shoulder to the other shoulder. "Demtrie's on eighth."
He knew it was an Bornova travestileri (https://www.bornovatravesti.xyz/) expensive place, but since she called for the meeting, it would be on her account. Senior vice-presidents had an expense account and the place didn't matter to him.
"Okay, I will see you there."
"Good, I can't wait for you to pitch me more," she cooed out as he knew she was flirting with him again.
Chip then went back to his office to relax and then prepare for changing the presentation for his own vice-president. It was in a few days, and it would be another few long nights.
When saw it was time to go, he ventured downstairs and saw the new security guard from the other night. This time she was walking in, and he motioned hello to her. She stopped quickly and smiled at him. "Hey there."
Chip smiled back seeing her petite body and cute face as she seemed happy. "Just a helpful hint. The executive lounge has free coffee and snacks. My room is four fifty and the card to get in is on my desk."
He knew that the security guards did not have access to the executive rooms even though he thought they should. Chip also knew that the executive lounge had free everything and the security guards and other low level employees had to pay for overpriced snacks and coffee.
"Really?" she continued to smile and tilt her head in almost disbelief that an executive would give away something that was highly guarded.
He didn't care and knew that this guard needed a pick me up from working with literally the biggest bitch in the building. "Yeah. Just put back the card and nobody will know."
She then nodded her head knowing that there was secret between the two of them. "I gotcha...I will make it up to you too."
When she walked to the desk, and he moved to the door, looked back and saw that she was just as he assumed. The tight black pants the guards wore did make her body look cute too. She had a cute, perky bubble butt that stretched the pants outward and conformed to her skin like they were painted on. She had an ass that had weight to it but only to make it the most perfect round bump too.
Not wanting to get caught staring at her ass, he walked away reluctantly. Having an ass like that, he figured must get all the attention even though she was black to his white skin. He didn't shy away from looking at a black girl and she was the perfect example of beauty knows no color. Her cute face and petite body would make any white guy jump at the chance to be all over her.
Getting his mind right, he walked into the restaurant thinking about another black girl and one that held his project in the palm of her hand. It was her approval that he needed and although she wasn't as young as the security guard, Judee was attentive in her own right.
"Chip over here," she called out, standing and waving him over to her table.
He walked over and saw a glass of wine already poured and an open bottle on the table as if she knew more was to be had. "I thought I was early."
Judee smiled and then took a sip. "I was done early and decided to be a bit earlier than I should. I didn't know if you wanted wine, but I got you a glass anyway. I figure you might be a Scotch guy."
Chip smiled and then nodded before looking over at the waiter who was approaching. "I am, but I like some wines."
"Good, I like a guy who drinks Scotch. Makes me think he knows what to do with women too."
"Maybe," he smiled and joked back. The flirting was going on strong as he knew he needed to get her approval for his project before going to his senior vice-president for final approval. He felt that a bit of flirting back might help his case as she was obviously flirting with him.
She then ordered lobster while Chip kept it simple with chicken and pasta. She then looked at him after taking a sip of her wine. "Lobster has a way with me. Makes me all hot and bothered sometimes."
Still trying to keep himself on her good side he went back at her with, "Don't let me stop you. It's always fun to see someone hot under the collar."
"A few more glasses and I might be taking you home with me," she purred back, taking another sip.
All of the training videos, manuals about workers safety and sexual harassment clues were thrown out as it was so obvious now. She had him cornered with his need for her approval, but with her making passes at him, he could easily go back to Human Resources with a claim. Chip then thought about the problems with that, but he knew the real reasons that she was good looking, and it wasn't that bad to have her flirt with him. The being wanted routine by an attractive girl made him realize that being harassed wasn't so bad.
He took a big swing of his drink and decided to flirt back once more and push it. "You might not want me to leave if that happens."
Judee gave a big smirk and then nodded her head. "I guess we shall see then. But let's finish your proposal first. I do have a few more follow-up Travesti bornnova (https://www.bornovatravesti.xyz/) questions before I proceed."
The flirting passed when she switched back to the subject and he took another sip of his drink and settled down into a hearty discussion about his proposal and basic questions she had about him. She wanted to know about his college and minor personal details while mixing it in with work related things.
After the food came and another two drinks more, Chip was flying on with his other ideas and future plans for proposals. He did listen to how she grew up in a white affluent area with wealthy parents who refused to let her mix with other people of poor backgrounds. It was odd listening to, but he did and watched her drink more wine while talking about it.
The check came and she stood up grabbing the bill. When he stood up, she stepped over to him moving her lips to his ear. "You got my approval, but you need to prove one more thing for me."
Just as he looked at her, he felt her hand graze his package. The flirting was one thing, but her hand obviously touching his member was a direct question of would he sleep with her. The thought came to his mind plenty of times and the offer was more interesting than just getting her approval. Fucking an attractive black woman who had a booty like her would not come along often.
"Ohhh," Chip shot out as it was still a shock that she touched him.
"Let's go to my place and hash out the final details," she whispered again in his ear as it was the open door to sex or even sexual harassment depending upon how he really thought about it.
"Okay," he uttered not thinking with his big boy brain and he knew it. Wanting sex was hard wired in him literally and working long hours killed off his personal life over a year ago when his girlfriend broke up with him because of it.
She drove him to her apartment and for the life of him, he couldn't remember what she was talking about. The whole time he thought about having sex with a black executive. She was attractive and yet he never found himself actually having sex with a black girl even though they were on his radar as girls to look at and fantasize about. The girls he found or that came onto him were always white and now he looked at her toned legs knowing that they would soon be parted, displaying her dark sex before him to penetrate with his manhood.
Once inside her place, she moved towards him right when the door was closed. He quickly scanned the apartment noticing it was very well decorated and that she had serious money. Her lips were on his and her tongue was in his mouth like she wanted to be in charge. She then broke the kiss and pulled him to the bedroom with a big grin on her face like she had won.
"Come with him...I want you to take me," she commanded him as he felt that she was taking him and not the other way around.
There was no holding back his erection between the kiss and the knowledge that his white member would soon be tasting her black pie. The erotic taboo of having black pussy was coursing through his veins and making him wonder why he never tried to score with a black girl before. Now he was in her bedroom watching her take off her clothes.
The excitement was building more than he anticipated once she was down to her lace bra that showed off her small dark chocolate kiss nipples. She then slowly pulled down her skirt, revealing matching panties and a trim dark sex that he knew held the forbidden desire of plenty of other executives.
Judee then wiggled her finger like she wanted him to strip for her. "Let me see you naked baby."
He then began to strip as she put her weight on one leg, staring at him like he was a piece of meat. His eyes still could not stop looking at her in bra and panties showing off her body. "You look really hot."
"Thank you. I have been dying to see yours for a while now," she complimented him back, shifting her weight and yet holding back from releasing her breasts to his sight.
After years of playing sports and hitting the executive gym, Chip knew his body was not only in shape but quite defined too. Even with eating unhealthily, he still managed to keep his six pack abs and well build biceps. Once he was down to his boxers, she unclasped her bra showing off her nicely hanging breasts. He gave a good hard look at her breasts, thinking they were not small but a perfect handful for her body too. With her small areolas and dark nipples now out for him to get a better look at, the notion of him breaking the color barrier was moments from happening.
"Here let me," Judee then said as she was on her knees, seemingly wanting to do the final removal of his clothes and get an up close seat to his member.
She pulled down his boxers revealing his proud erection that almost sprung free. "Ohhhhh! He is happy to see me."
"I guess he is."
She then reached up stroking it as if she was inspecting the cock that was about to fuck her. Her soft hands were stroking more and bringing his erection to full power as she just stared at it like it had magical powers. He wondered when she was going to suck it since she was already down there and playing with it as it seemed the next logical step when a girl is knelt down eye level with a dick.