Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Turn the Page: Pt. 09

23 Ağustos 2024, 13:10

Terri had returned to Louisiana, travelling to Shreveport to put to rest her desire for Jonah and to exorcise some doubts she'd been having over her lifestyle.
The resulting adventures had left her not just sated sexually, but also inked. She now sported a small tattoo of a QOS symbol on her pubic mound above her vagina, a chain of letters curled from the tip of the Spade, framing the left side of the crest and ending at the base that read 'INSATIABLE'.
Feeling that she was done, anxious to return home to her Grandparents who were minding her baby daughter in her absence, Terri sat in her hotel room phone in hand and made a call to her publisher Louise. She arranged for the two of them to take a trip to Jamaica in the next month. Louise was thrilled at the prospect. The Frenchwoman considered Terri's erotic writings to be a tremendous asset to her publishing company. More than that, she was sure that Terri was the living embodiment of Penelope Pitstop, although instead of constantly falling into unlooked for danger like the cartoon character, Terri seemed to stumble from one sexual adventure to another in a consistent and fortuitous manner, all without effort on her part.
After the gangbang in the hotel in New Orleans, Louise was more than eager to accompany Terri to the sun-drenched beaches of Jamaica in search of material for her next book.
Chapter One:
Terri ended the call with Louise and set about throwing the rest of her belongings into her bags. Saying goodbye to Jonah had been bitter sweet. She'd enjoyed her time with the high school basketball coach, but he had helped her come to the realisation that she didn't, at least right now, need to find a love of her life. She was young, twenty-five, attractive and successful in her career. She'd divorced a man whom she had thought she loved until she'd stumbled upon her true sexual proclivities. She'd pined after another man with whom she had first been awakened sexually. Two 'loves' already in her life, Terri could take a breather and just live for a while before seeking a third.
Her phone rang beside her, an unknown number displayed on the screen. She answered and a slightly familiar voice answered her greeting.
"Sorry, who is this?" Terri asked.
"Shit, forgot me already? It's Andre."
Andre had been someone Jonah had hooked her up with, a man he had owed a favour to. During her night with him, Terri had discovered that Andre was a recently released member of the state correctional facility Caddo Correctional. An ex-con in other words.
"Oh hi, I'm sorry, I didn't recognise your voice at first. Umm how'd you get my number?"
"You gave it to me, remember?" The lie tripped easily off Andre's lips; Terri missed it completely. In truth he had gotten her number off her phone, taking a number of nude photographs of her at the same time, all while she slept post their intense sexual bout.
"Did I? Sorry, it must have slipped my mind. What can I do for you?"
"I wanted to meet up, get a drink, have a talk," he explained.
"Well, that would be lovely but I'm actually leaving today. I'm just about packed. Then I'm going to head to the airport, sort out a flight home."
"Come on. You just said you are packed and all. You saying you can't spare an hour for a good bye drink before you go?"
Terri checked her watch, she hadn't made any flight arrangements, trusting to luck that she could catch a late flight home. One of her strongest characteristics however, one that hadn't changed despite her experiences, was that she always wanted people to think well of her. Even though she didn't owe Andre anything, scarcely knew him in fact, a part of her would hate him having ill feelings towards her if she didn't agree.
"Okay, sure. A quick drink. Where can we meet?"
The bar that Andre had suggested they meet up was west of the city. The cab driver had done a double take when Terri had given him the address but his surprise had gone unnoticed by the young woman. As the cab sped along, Terri figured she had one hour, maybe two before she would need to get back to the hotel, check out and then head to the airport. She looked at her flight options on her phone. She actually had a choice of flights, all depending on when she arrived back. None looked close to being full so she figured she would wait and see when she actually arrived rather than stressing herself out by setting a deadline for herself.
She stepped out onto the sidewalk and waved an absent-minded farewell as the cab pulled away. The street and the bar itself looked a little sketchy to her but it wasn't even noon, so while she might have been nervous to be here at night or even late evening, right now she felt fine.
Pushing open the door she walked inside, Andre was already there sitting in a booth near the back of the bar. Terri walked down the length of the bar, which Halkalı travest (https://www.halkalitravesti.xyz/) was empty save for the barman behind the counter. The last, well the one and only time, Andre had met her, Terri had been dressed in a cosplay outfit of Harley Quinn. Now she was casually dressed in figure hugging black skinny jeans and a yellow ribbed baby tee. If her non comic con appearance disappointed Andre he gave no sign of it, greeting her with a wide smile and a beckoning gesture to join him at his booth.
"Beer?" He raised his own glass as he asked her.
"No thanks, bit early for me. I'll just have a white wine if that's okay?"
"Sure thing, gimme a sec," Andre rose to get Terri a glass, refilling his own at the same time.
They had a sip of their respective drinks before Andre leaned back into the padded booth, once more flashing a wide smile towards Terri. Now that she was sat across from him, she remembered him and their time together more vividly. He looked almost exactly as he had the first night. Mid to late thirties, 5'10, lean build, hair in cornrows and a well-tended stubble covering his chin. His clothes still consisted of black jeans, heavy work boots and a white vest, only the absence of the shirt he had worn to Jonah's house the sole difference from their initial meet.
"So, you are heading home huh?"
Terri nodded, sipping her wine once more before answering. "Yes, need to get back to my family."
"Oh shit girl. I didn't know you had a family. Your husband know you out here?"
"I'm actually not married. I do have a little girl though. She stays with my grandparents when I am out of town on business."
"This," he waved out towards the city, "This trip, this was business to you? Didn't seem like business when we were together, that was most definitely pleasure."
"No, I just meant in general that they looked after her when I am away," Terri said coloring as he brought up their time together.
They talked for a few more minutes, Andre seemingly interested in Terri's work. She kept things vague, only saying she was a writer and not what she wrote about. He asked after her daughter, Terri again keeping details to a minimum, not sharing that she didn't know which man she'd met on her trip to Africa had actually gotten her pregnant.
"Speaking of business," Andre said eventually, leaning forward so that his elbows now rested on the table top, "I wanted to talk to you about my business. We kinda discussed it already anyway."
"We did?" Terri asked nonplussed. She recalled the torrid sex and a lot of dirty talk, but she didn't remember him speaking about a business.
He paused and looked into Terri's sweet innocent countenance. Her green eyes were guileless, no hint of dishonesty in them. Andre seemed to consider something for a moment, Terri almost ready to ask him what was up when he gave a small shake to his head and smiled once again. "Hey, how about another drink before I explain."
"I really shouldn't," Terri said looking at the empty glass in front of her.
"You planning on flying that plane home? Come on, what's a second glass gonna hurt?"
She nodded hesitantly and that was all he needed. As he stood at the bar collecting the drinks, Terri busied herself with her phone checking available flight. Still okay, still time for this last drink. Andre returned, there was a straw sticking out of Terri's glass and he grinned at the sight of it.
"Sorry, barman threw it in there, guess he must be more used to making cocktails." Andre reached over, swirling the straw around in her drink before pulling the straw clear, tossing it onto the table. Terri didn't think cocktails were a popular item in this bar unless shots of whiskey were considered a cocktail but she didn't say anything, not wanting to run down Andre's choice of meeting spot, she didn't want to hurt his feelings.
"You were going to tell me about your business?" Terri took a sip of her wine. Andre clocked her movement with his eyes, watching her as she drank.
"Yeah, yeah. My business. Can't believe you don't remember." He leaned back once more, adopting a less intense posture, cradling his own glass in his hand as he did so.
"Yeah, lemme try refresh your memory then, see if anything clicks for you." Terri nodded, giving him a shy smile of encouragement. To her, someone succeeding, doing well for themselves, that was a great thing. She'd been offered a lot of help and encouragement in her own transformation from timid housewife to slightly less timed erotic writer and she understood that the encouragement had been every bit as useful as the help.
"Pretty sure Jonah told you I just got out of prison, I know for sure I told you." He watched Terri's face as he spoke, her eyes widening at his words but in surprise or recollection he couldn't tell. "I also told you what I did that got me put in there. You remember now?"
"Pimp," Terri breathed softly, looking at the barman worriedly in case Halkalı travestleri (https://www.halkalitravesti.xyz/) he overheard. She didn't recall everything from that night but bits and pieces were starting to click back into place. At the time she had considered a lot of what was being said to be just a line of dirty talk, now she was realising that dirty it might have been but it wasn't all just talk.
"S'right, I did a stretch for being a pimp. You remember, that's good. I was worried there that I didn't make enough of an impression on you at the time."
"No, no you did," she answered honestly, remembering the orgasms he'd fucked into her.
"Good to know, good to know," he cleared his throat, casting his own gaze towards the bartender who given the lack of customers had now taken a seat further down the bar and was reading what appeared to be a well-thumbed paperback.
"Then you remember what we talked about. You coming to work for me," Andre said. His posture didn't overtly change but there was now a hint of expectancy about him as he waited for Terri's response.
"We didn't... I mean I didn't... I didn't say anything about working for you," she dropped her voice till it was almost inaudible to herself much less the bartender twenty feet away, "I didn't say anything about becoming a... you know, a... prostitute."
" That aint how I remember it. I remember you underneath me, beggin' for my dick, telling me how much you love taking black dick, screaming out how you were a whore beneath it all."
Terri shook her head vehemently in denial, half raising herself out of the booth as if she were ready to bolt out the door at any moment.
"Hey, hey, take it easy, we just talking is all," he said, making calming gestures to coax her back into her seat. Slowly, reluctantly, Terri sat back down. Her hand trembled slightly as she raised her drink to her lips, noisily slurping half the contents down as she struggled to regain her composure. She set the glass back down and turned a little towards him, her eyes were downcast though, not meeting his.
"That was said, all that, in the heat of the moment, okay? It was just, you know, dirty talk. Something to get us both to where we needed. That's all it was. I didn't know you were serious, I didn't mean to, you know, mislead you or anything."
"Heat of the moment?"
"Yes, I mean, I was in this place in my head, I get like that at times. I get too into what's happening and I kind of check my brain at the door. It's not who I am though. I'm not a whore."
"Lemme get it straight then. So, like right now, you aint a whore and you got no intention of bein' one. Right?"
"Right." she agreed.
"But then, when I was feedin' you a long length of prime black cock, then you were all for it?"
"No, I wasn't. Well, I guess I said I was, but that was just a sex thing. You understand?"
"Yeah, yeah. I got it."
Terri smiled in relief and started to move out of the booth, she figured this was the best time to leave, everyone finally on the same page. As she stood up though she felt her legs buckle slightly, her head swimming. Her hand reached out to clutch onto the table for support. Terri wasn't a lightweight when it came to drinking but two glasses of wine so quickly and before lunch, she must have overdone it slightly.
"You, okay?" Andre had slid out from his side of the booth and he rested a hand reassuringly on Terri's shoulder.
"I'm fine, guess I should have stuck to just the one glass."
"Yeah, guess you shoulda. Here, let's get you outside, some fresh air will straighten you out."
Terri gladly let Andre link her arm and support her as they walked in step to the door. Andre nodded in farewell to the bartender, receiving a bored grunt in response. Outside the fresh air didn't have any immediate benefit to Terri, her head still muddled from the drink. Andre propped her against the outside of the building, taking the opportunity to fish a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. Lighting one up he glanced up and down the street which was all but empty at that moment save for a number of cars parked along the sidewalk.
"No cab," he remarked, "Where you goin' to?"
"My hotel," Terri answered, "Need to get my stuff and go home."
"Here," he said, linking arms with her again, "I'll drive you. Can't leave you out here like this."
"Thank you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for being so much trouble," Terri apologised as he led he to a beat up looking twenty-year-old Mitsubishi sedan, the white paintwork faded dull. He pulled open the rear passenger door, helping Terri crawl onto the backseat.
"No trouble," he said closing the door. He hopped into the driver's seat and pulled off.
Terri's eyes grew heavy as she was rocked by the motion of the car. As they flickered closed, she had a passing thought. She hadn't told Andre what hotel she was staying at.
Chapter Two:
Terri was aware of the car journey in as Travesti halkalı (https://www.halkalitravesti.xyz/) much as she knew she was in a car but the how, why and where escaped her for the moment. She should have been concerned about not knowing, but somehow it just didn't seem all that important at the time. Then the car stopped and she was fairly sure she got out and walked. There was a sidewalk, some steps up, then a lot of steps down. A door, a really short walk and then she got to sit down again and that was nice. Someone was talking to her and she definitely knew she liked being talked to and laughing, yeah, she laughed as well. Then things were fuzzy for a bit again.
When the fuzziness passed, Terri found her limbs weren't feeling as weak as before but her head still felt 'mushy'. It was like she was experiencing things by looking through a window that had frosted over, but on her side of the window everything felt warm and nice so the lack of a view didn't worry her. There was something else going on, something important, something her mind pushed to understand because her body was flooding signals to it.
She looked down. No that wasn't right because she was lying down, so she looked across. Across the length of her body to find she was naked. Naked and lying on her back on a couch. Naked, on a couch, her legs bent at the knees and slightly apart because someone head was between her thighs. All she could make out was the top of the head which had cornrows as a hairstyle. Cornrows... Andre, he had a cornrow hairstyle. That meant he was between her legs and he was doing something...nice. Licking... he was licking her pussy.
The frosted window of her mind thawed out as she realised what was happening but the warm sensation remained. Her mind felt relaxed and chilled and her body felt good, really fucking good.
"Mmmm s'good, niiiice," she drawled lazily.
Andre looked up at her, winking before dropping back to continue eating her out. Terri let her gaze drift around the room as she ran hands over her own full breasts, rubbing beneath them, fingers working along their curved surface to finger the piercings that adorned each nipple, a silver QOS symbol hanging from each nipple, another at her navel, a fourth inked into her pale skin barely visible as Andre hungrily devoured her pussy.
The room was spartan, painted at some point in the last century but that was about all that could be said with certainty. A small camping cot, the only bed in the room, was against the far wall. A wash basin or kitchen sink perhaps was fixed to another wall beside a small table that seemed to be just there to support the hot plate on top of it. Some cardboard boxes with clothes spilling out of most and that was it. Except of course for the couch, she lay on. No windows, one door and above her a bare lightbulb. Spartan, basic, cheap, dingy but right now she didn't want to be anywhere else.
Andre rose from between her legs, climbing along the length of her body. Terri looked down as he scaled along her. His lean body, corded with muscle like a swimmer or long-distance runner, black skin almost glowing with health. Serpent like, his black frame slithered over her petite 5'0 body. She could feel the other serpent in the room, his ten-inch cock, as it brushed along her leg as he moved. His head passed her 34DD breasts, his chest grazing across hers as he continued up. Then his brown eyes were level with her green ones, her pale white face framed by her long blonde hair as her head rested on the arm of the couch.
"Got you now girl, got you now," he said. Terri could smell the scent of her own pussy on his breath as he leaned in to kiss her, pressing his lips to hers, his tongue stealing in a few moments later, meeting hers, pressing against it so that Terri's tastebuds could pick up the taste of her own pussy from his tongue.
Still joined at the mouth, Terri felt him shifting on top of her, the head of his cock nudging the inside of her thigh, a bare inch south of her pussy. She sighed into his mouth, her legs parting further, heels of her feet resting on his buttocks as she willed him to enter her. Then the head was against her slit another adjustment, miniscule but she felt it as the head dragged against a lip of her pussy. Centred now it pushed forward, parting the flesh curtains, a star performer taking to the stage, front and centre and the audience were on their feet in anticipation.
His thick cock, the sort of big black cock that was at the root of all her problems, passions and pleasures these last two years, moved inside her. The warm feeling in her mind spread like a sheet billowing in the wind, covering her entire body, relaxing it, preparing it, as Terri settled in to be fucked.
Her pussy, despite all it had experienced, still gripped his thick curved shaft like a firm hand in a velvet glove. Enough resistance to increase the pleasurable sensation without the awkward tightness that took time and patience to stretch to size. Andre went deep in a few strokes, breaking the kiss so that he could look into Terri's eyes as he battered his way to her cervix. Eyes wide, drinking in the sensations as much through sight, sound and smell as she was through touch. Terri moaned inches from his face as his pelvis ground to a halt as it met hers.