Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Sausages Backstory Ch. 14

20 Ağustos 2024, 07:13

It had started out like any other working week for slave Dan. He had taken his Monday morning punishment manfully and was in class teaching a room full of fifteen year olds about Hooke's Law. His ass still stung from the beating Becky Hargraves, the Principal's admin assistant, had given him in the Principal's outer office a short while earlier. He didn't want to sit on the hard chair behind his desk at the top of the room just yet. Still feeling a bit too tender. Instead, textbook in hand, he paced up and down between the tables as his students worked through the problem he has set them.
The extension caused on a spring is proportional to the weight attached. The worksheet had a column of weights and a blank column for the resulting extensions. While the students were busy filling in the blanks, Dan's chained penis twitched and hardened unexpectedly as his brain made one of those random leaps between the students' problem and his own. Recently his wife, and owner, had taken to attaching weights of varying amounts to the end of the chain that hung from the Prince Albert piercing at the tip of Dan's penis, stretching it just like the spring. The weight on the chain was determined weekly by Mary based on her judgement of how well, or badly, Dan had performed his domestic slave duties during the previous week, and on her mood at the time.
Each afternoon at home, as the naked slave Dan went about his household chores, the weight swung gently from his stretched dick. It was intended to serve as a constant reminder of what was what and who was who in the Murnaghan household. As he vacuumed or whatever, Dan always tried to maintain smooth gentle movements to avoid causing the weight to swing like a pendulum, because the resulting pain at the end of his dick increased in direct proportion to the force exerted -- Hook's Law in action.
Right now, in class, this was not a problem. The weight was contained in the crotch of his back-to-front white cotton knickers. No extension was being caused. No Hook's Law effect. Nevertheless, his dick steadily hardened and extended. It was driven by the thought of how Mary always managed to find new ways to drive home to him just what he was: her slave. Owned, used and abused as she wished.
Before the weights, it had been a cowbell. She had given him a cowbell for his birthday. Had him stand before her naked, with his wrists cuffs clipped to his slave collar, while she snapped it on to the end of his chain with a little blue birthday boy bow as a decoration on top. First she had him walk and then run up and down the stairs a couple of times to see what sound was created. When he walked it was a pleasing, if regular, hollow 'clonggg' sound. Very alpine meadow. Running was very jangly.
'When I listen in from the office on the app on my phone I expect to hear that nice steady mellow sound. That way, even if you are not in view of a camera, I will know you are working. If I hear silence you will have some explaining to do. Are we clear, birthday boy?
'Yes, Madam.'
Next she had him stroke himself till he was hard and then keep stroking, up and down as if he was masturbating. The bell set up a regular rapid clanging. Dan was really going for it.
'Stop, Slave. Take you hand away.'
'Yes, Madam,' said Dan slightly breathlessly. He had quickly complied, dropping his hand to his side, even though he was close to coming, and it had been almost two weeks since Mary allowed him any relief. He knew the consequences of an unauthorised ejaculation could be horrendous, especially if he did it right in front of her.
'There I've recorded that rhythm. I'll input it into the app memory so the system will recognise if you are trying to jack-off. I'll program it to set off the fire alarm or something. That should stop you in your tracks. Good idea or what?
'Sounds like a good plan, Madam.'
Dan had learned that it was always best to be supportive of his wife's bright ideas for the application of IT in domestic control situations. But Dan, the science teacher, was aboe to do a bit of figuring out for himself. And he quickly deduced from her line of thought that Mary strongly suspected, if not knew, that he was giving himself a good time out of sight of the cameras she had installed. And it was true. A couple of times a week Dan managed to give himself a quick jerk off when he was alone in the house in the afternoon. Otherwise, he felt he would explode with the build-up of cum from Mary's strategy of constant denial.
Searching for floor polish or a replacement light bulb under the stairs was Dan's ready excuse if questioned as to why he disappeared under there for any length of time. Mary, the consummate IT professional, had been steadily increasing the video camera coverage inside the house. The under-the-stairs cupboard was the last secure refuge from the prying eyes of the security cameras. Dan never knew which cameras were active, or if they were on all of the time. But Mary would regularly call him on his slave phone to tell him to stop what he was doing or to do it differently. taksim escort (https://escorttaksim.com) So it was only prudent for Dan to assume he was visible to her in any room of the house.
Two weeks on from the attachment of the cowbell the novelty had worn off. The constant ringing used get on Dan's nerves, but he learned to live with it. That's what slaves do. About then, as Dan remembered it, his manly urges got the better of him once more. He headed under the stairs and got to work. His rhythmic cowbell ringing promptly set off the fire alarm even though he was inside the cupboard. The shock of it echoing through the house ended any chance of Dan jerking off to completion. He had thought about muffling the bell in advance but had decided the period of silence would be too obvious. His slave phone rang shortly afterwards. Mary wanted an explanation. Dan tried to claim that he was vigorously polishing cutlery and the app must have confused that action with jerking off. Mary didn't buy it.
That was the first time that Mary had put him in bondage remotely. Directing him via his slave phone, Dan went to their toy cupboard and got a set of handcuffs. She had him stand in direct view of the camera that covered the hallway and cuff himself with his hands behind his back through the lowest rung of the stair bannisters.
'Be a good boy now till I get home. I'll have my eye on you.'
'Yes, Madam,' replied Dan to the camera high on the wall above him.
Time went by slowly. Dan would have liked to slide down onto his hunkers or even sit on the edge of the bottom stair. He knew Mary would be monitoring him, so he held on. Stayed in his captive position. He didn't look up at the camera. This slave had pride. His penis still twitched occasionally, rattling its chain, aching and bursting with unrelieved cum. Dan wondered what she might do to him by way of punishment. He felt his ever hopeful penis become erect as various possible, though highly implausible, punishment scenarios drifted across his mind.
Realising that Mary could see his erection on camera, Dan distracted himself by wondering what she might do for her dinner. He was supposed to cook her dinner. That was the one afternoon job that Dan enjoyed. He took a quiet satisfaction in his new found ability to turn out tasty dishes for his owner. He hoped she hadn't decided to eat out, he'd be tied to the stairs for ever. About two hours later, the crunch of car wheels on the short driveway, followed by the key turning in the lock, heralded Mary's return. Dropping her briefcase and coat at the foot of the stairs, she hardly looked at him. A threatening silence hung in the air as she passed behind him and went upstairs to change. Dan, feeling a bit like those images of St Sebastian the martyr, decided this was a 'say nothing' moment. Best just to await his fate in silence.
While Mary was changing, the doorbell rang. She came down quickly, opened the front door wide, leaving Dan, naked and bound to the bannisters, in full view of the Deliveroo guy, who stared at Dan slack jawed as he handed over Mary's dinner. Mary left Dan shackled to the bannister rail in the hall while she went into the kitchen and ate. He felt his role as chef had been deliberately and unnecessarily bypassed. Maybe Mary was just letting him know that she could get along without his culinary services. Dan felt diminished and dismissed.
Mary finally released the cuffs holding him to the bannister, reattached his wrist cuffs behind him and pulled him by his penis chain into the kitchen. She sat him on the short end of the kitchen table. Easing him back till he was lying the full length of the table with his cuffed hands awkwardly caught under the small of his back, she spoke her first words to him since coming home.
'Lift your legs. Put your feet up on the table. Spread your knees wide.'
'Yes, Madam,' whispered Dan, guessing where this was going. He knew Mary now had the ideal excuse to put him in what she called 'the fully fucked position.' She had been waiting for a chance to try it out. A bag of frozen peas from the freezer quickly shrunk his penis into soft and compliant obedience as Mary gripped his Prince Albert and brought it and the attached penis down and under his ball sac, trapping one ball on either side. She briskly locked the Prince Albert ring at the tip of his penis directly to his perineum ring. That was Dan done for. Mary unclipped the eight inch length of strong chain that hung from the perineum ring and placed it, and its cowbell, to one side on the worktop.
'We won't be needing this clunking bell for the foreseeable future, Dan, because you won't be able to do much with that penis other than pee, and that will be with difficulty. And who brought this on themselves? Eh?'
'I did, Madam. Sorry,' whispered Dan, already feeling sorry for himself as the tight tug-of-war between his penis ring and his perineum ring turned to a generalised dull throbbing ache between his legs.
'Louder, Dan. Own the crime,' said Mary leaning in over her slave and placing her two hands mecidiyeköy escort (https://sislident.com) on his chest. She cruelly pinched and slowly twisted Dan's nipples till he gasped out.
'Aghhh. It is all my own fault, Madam. As your slave, I know that only you have the right to decide when I cum. I shouldn't have done it and I am really, really sorry,'
Dan blurted in one breath, hoping a display of contrite humility might help his case in the long run. He knew there would be no reprieve right now. He dreaded to think what Mary might write on his Monday report card for Becky.
Mary grasped his slave collar and pulled him back up into a sitting position on the table. She uncuffed him, brought his hands, one at a time, round in front and clipped them to his collar, saying she would leave him like that for the rest of the evening. Dan wriggled carefully to the edge of the table and let his legs hang down till his feet touched the floor. He carefully stood upright. The pull and the pain between his legs increased as he hauled his body upright. He bent forward from the hips to ease the pressure and the pain. His half bowed over posture looked suitably defeated and deferential.
'Let's have a look at you, you dickless wonder.'
Dan winced as he carefully pulled himself into a more upright posture. Visually, the effect was as if Dan had acquired a grotesque vulva. As a permanently shaved slave, the soft shaft of his penis disappearing between his two hairless balls looked like a thick vaginal cleft between large fat fleshy labia.
'Ha. Ha. Ha. It looks like you've had a bad sex change op, Dan. Like you got it done in Turkey on the cheap,' laughed Mary. 'And just to be safe, I'll put an infrared camera under the stairs. No more lurking in the dark for you. Now, say thank you and apologise again.'
'Thank you, Madam,' gasped Dan as his tightly tied up cock tried to stiffen painfully, in response to her humiliating insult. 'I'm very sorry for masturbating without permission.'
'Good boy, Dan. And you are going to continue to apologise to me every day until I unlock that miserable prick. I was so disappointed when I heard the alarm go off. After all this time, you still seem to think you can pick and choose what bit of being a slave you want to go along with. For your own good, I've decided it's time for a further reminder of where you, my slave, fit in the pecking order around here. Don't you think that will help curb your horniness; a real reminder of what's what?'
'Yes, Madam,' said Dan carefully, wondering what new torment was in store.
'Well tonight you will get that reminder, Dan. Because tonight a man is coming to visit me. A real man, Dan. And we are going to have real sex. Full on sex; the sort of sex you, as a slave, are never going to have again. The sort of sex a miserable chained up slave like you should give up fantasising about and jacking off about, because it is never going to happen for you. Ever. Got that?'
'Yes, Madam.' Dan shivered at the prospect of suffering the ultimate humiliation that can be visited on any man; to have his wife fucked by another before his own eyes and not do a thing about it. The ultimate admission of subjugation and surrender. To be made less than a man. To be treated with open contempt not only by another man, but by his own wife in front of another man.
'Yes, Dan, a real man will come here tonight and we will fuck. I'm a real woman and I like to have a real man fuck me, Dan. And you don't fit the real man bill any more. Do you, Dan?'
'No, Madam,' whispered Dan, bending forward further to try and ease throbbing pain shooting up between his legs. At the prospect of being cucked openly in his own home, the trapped and tied relic of Dan's manhood vainly tried reassert itself.
'Now tidy up in here. Then get out the best satin sheets and put them on my bed. You should iron my silk cami-knickers and place them on the bed too. Put out the rose scented candles and night lights around my bedroom. Just like we had in the old days, Dan, when you were still a free man. I want that room to be a nice sexy boudoir for me tonight. I'm fed up going to hotels and motels. Hop to it.'
'Yes, Madam,' replied Dan hobbling painfully to the worktop to clear up after his wife's dinner. He was used to working with his hands clipped to his collar. But he was anxious not to stretch things too much between his legs. It would take time to get used to the steady painful tug of war between his cock and his perineum. As he worked at the sink, Dan thought; so she's fed up of hotels and motels? That means she's been secretly taking her pleasure too. I'm not the only one in this partnership seeking a bit of relief, then. But I'm the only one being punished for it. That's the difference between the rights of the owner and the slave, he supposed.
Even though his penis was trapped tightly under him he felt a dribble of precum ooze out the tip as he set about washing his wife's dinner plate. He wondered if she was playing the field or seeing just one person. If it was one person beşiktaş escort (https://escortbesiktas.com) that put Dan further down the pecking order in his relationship with his wife. He was just her houseboy, getting his prick teased and milked now and then by way of keeping him in line, while she had put another man in his place. Dan felt another drop of precum ease out.
'Sir! Sir!'
'Eh..What? What is it, Jennifer?' stuttered Dan hauling himself back to the day job. Jennifer Williams, one of the brighter pupils, had her arm raised and was waving it vigorously.
'I've finished the exercise, Sir. I finished it ages ago, Sir. Sir, you were miles away!'
'Yes, yes. Good girl, Jennifer. Now anybody else finished?' asked said Dan quickly, trying to disguise his spell of daydreaming with activity. He swung around to take in the rest of the class and noticed Jason Murphy busy on his phone. Jason was bright but cared little for academic work. He was the leader of a tough group of boys and an occasional trouble maker.
'Put away the phone, Jason. You know you are not supposed to have that in class. Have you filled in your list of extensions?
'Not quite, Sir. But I notice you have a bit of an extension yourself,' he sniggered, making a not too subtle jerking off motion with his hand and looking around at his pals for support.
General laughter and sniggering broke out in the classroom as Dan looked down, and to his horror, saw a very definite tent sticking out the front of his trousers, with a small dark stain in front where precum has soaked through. Mary had locked his penis to the chain in the normal half-way house position that week. That meant he could get erect but his erection was forced to stick straight out in front. The chain wouldn't allow it slide up into the more discreet upright position where it would be far less obvious.
'D..Do..Don't, be impertinent Jason,' stuttered Dan, rapidly covering his crotch with the textbook he had been carrying. 'It's just a reaction to some medicine I've been prescribed,' Dan improvised lamely. He headed for the relative safety of his desk at the top of the room and winced as he sat down heavily on his inflamed bottom. Becky had been in a foul mood and used the cane heavily on him that morning.
'I suppose it's Viagra you're on, Sir,' tittered Jason not letting the matter rest and knowing he had the upper hand. He got another round of guffaws from his mates. Dan noticed some of the girls blushing furiously. This was not good. He had to shut it down.
'What I am or am not 'on' is none of your business. You should know that a person's medical condition is a private and personal matter. Any more of that chat and I'll be forced to report you to the Principal's office for grossly offensive behaviour.'
Dan rushed to fill the surprised silence that followed his sudden escalation of the threat level to def con 4.
'Now class, time is almost up. Finish the exercise quickly. You may place your result sheets on my desk as you leave and I will correct them later.'
Like a rescuing angel blowing a trumpet from the heavens, the bell signalling the end of the period rang out shrilly across the school. It drowned out anything else that might have been said. There was the usual instant scrum for the door. The classroom emptied in seconds as the teenagers got busy with their own agendas. Hooke's Law was well forgotten by the time they reached the corridor. Dan sighed with relief. But he was experienced enough to know that his 'extension' would not be so easily forgotten. He knew that Jason had rattled him and that the class knew it too. It would be difficult to reassert his authority. They'd have a new nick-name for him. Something disgusting. There would be girlish giggles and whispers as he'd pass them in the corridor. This could be tricky, thought Dan. It was the first time his private sex slave life had intruded - bad word - into the classroom.
At least he had a free period next. He wouldn't have minded nipping into the staffroom for a coffee to calm himself, but that had all gone by the wayside. The first day after the half term in which he had signed up for domestic slavery, Dan had wandered into the staffroom fully planning to have a coffee and chat with his colleagues as usual. There was a queue for the coffee machine. Before he could join it he was intercepted by Miss Collins, the aging spinsterish economics teacher, clutching a collection jar and a notebook. She wanted Dan's monthly contribution to the coffee club. Miss Collins was proud of her tight management of the coffee club finances and liked to keep the accounts up to date.
Dan was still in the early days of adjusting to his slave state. The consequences of being literally penniless, hadn't really hit home. Not until then, anyway. He realised his pockets were empty, save for a key to the back door of his house. His wife justified confiscating his wallet and credit cards by pointing out that true slaves have no possessions and therefore no money. He successfully disguised his difficulty by telling Miss Collins all about his mid-term Zen retreat and how caffeine is bad for inner calm and he could longer be part of the coffee club. He'd had no coffee in the staffroom for some months now. Every so often he was hit with a yearning for a strong cup of coffee between classes.