Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Summer at the Cabin with Ron Ch. 01

15 Ağustos 2024, 13:07

Dad's sister, Marlene, got married again last summer when I was home from university. She'd been divorced for a number of years and we were all happy that she'd found someone again.
That someone was Ron, a tall handsome Scotsman, who she'd met on holiday.
I met him for the first time at their wedding and he looked great in his kilt and black jacket with silver buttons.
He was tall and broad shouldered with a hard muscled body from years of working offshore on oil rigs, although now in his early forties he'd taken early retirement. He had a tan, sun streaked fair hair and the bluest eyes that looked right into you. I thought Marlene had scored with him.
I'd also had a little encounter with him on the day, that was etched in my memory.
We were both in the gents at the same time and he was just one urinal away from me, when he lifted his kilt, revealing a long thick cock and proceeded to let go a stream of piss.
I tried so hard not to stare, but couldn't help myself. He wasn't a bit bothered but chatted away, talking about the wedding and how great it was to join the family.
Now a year on, I was home from university and Marlene and Ron were coming to dinner, so I was looking forward to seeing them again.
Up in my bedroom, I tried on a few shirts before settling on a blue striped button down oxford that was my favourite. I'm not sure why I was making an effort, but when I looked in the mirror, I was pleased with my appearance.
I've got dark hair and grey eyes like my Dad and Aunt Marlene. Playing sports since school has shaped my body and I've put on some muscle this last year in the gym at Uni, so overall I was happy with how I look.
I heard their car pull up and hurried downstairs to meet them.
I got the usual enthusiastic hug from Marlene and was surprised to get a strong embrace from Ron as well.
The man looked good in a tight pale blue polo that matched his eyes and khaki chinos with more than the hint of a bulge at the front.
Talk through dinner was mostly family stuff, till Marlene announced Ron's new project. Apparently he'd inherited a loch side cabin in Scotland some time ago, that had been allowed to fall into disrepair and Ron had the idea of restoring it for him and Marlene to use.
I wasn't totally paying attention, till I heard Marlene say that it was too big a job for Ron by himself.
That's when my Dad volunteered my services, something he's always doing to me, much to my disgust sometimes and saying how good I was at fixing things.
This time I would be quite happy to spend days with Ron over the summer.
Dad bigged me up a bit more.
"He's a dab hand with a paintbrush as well."
Marlene piped up.
"Oh Ron's hopeless at painting. So that's settled then"
Ron looked across the table at me, fixing me with his blue eyes.
"I want someone who isn't afraid of getting dirty and hard work. You ok with that Danny?"
"Sure, it'll pass the summer and I've never been to Scotland."
A week later Ron and I were driving to Scotland in his Land rover We were going for a fortnight at a time because it was so far and Ron thought we'd get more work done that way.
It was a long drive, so the plan was to get to the border, stay overnight, then continue early in the morning to get a full day ümraniye escort (https://www.gerekli.net/kategori/istanbul-escort/anadolu-yakasi-escort/umraniye-escort/) at it.
Ron had booked us into a Holiday Inn and after dinner we headed upstairs for an early night.
I cleaned my teeth and when I came out of the bathroom, Ron was standing stark naked beside his bed. His body looked great to me, hard and muscled and his cock hung down like a salami between his legs with low hanging balls underneath. I was more than a bit flustered.
"Hey, Danny, hope you don't mind me sleeping naked."
"No, I do as well, except when I'm at home. Mum insists on laying out pyjamas for me."
That brought a chuckle.
"Well that's mothers for you. Thankfully Marlene doesn't mind me being naked all the time."
I thought Marlene had got it dead right.
We climbed into our beds and my last thought before I went to sleep was Ron's big salami of a cock.
Next morning we were on the road early, reaching the cabin before 9am.
It was situated right beside the loch, with a stoney path leading down to a wooden jetty out over the water.
The cabin itself was a log structure with a covered veranda and a broken down lean to at one end.
Inside there was one big main room, full of old furniture, with a basic kitchen along one wall. Everything was covered in dust and cobwebs.
Three doors led off, one to a bedroom that didn't look too bad, the middle one was a bathroom with a big cracked iron bath and the third was a second bedroom, full of junk.
The first thing we did was get the mattress off the bed and out into the sunshine to air, as that's where we'd be sleeping, then we attacked the main room.
The rest of the day was spent sorting through the furniture, throwing some outside and keeping anything usable in one corner. Then we got busy with brushes and a mop, to get rid of the dirt and dust.
By late afternoon, we had it shipshape, but were both filthy and covered in dust.
With the bath broken, the only solution was a dip in the loch, so we walked down the path to the jetty. It was isolated enough that we could go naked, so stripped off and jumped into the water.
Even though it was June the water was pretty cold, but welcome after the day we'd had.
Ron swam off and I lost sight of him for a minute, then all of a sudden he came up out of the water behind me and grabbed me round the waist, making me jump.
His hard body pressed against mine and I could also feel his cock against my arse.
"Sorry if I gave you a scare."
"You just caught me unawares, that's all."
We swam back to the jetty and standing there next to Ron, I could swear he had the beginning of a semi and I felt my own cock react. He noticed where my eyes were.
"I know cold water is supposed to make your cock shrink, but it has the opposite effect on me."
He looked down at me.
"You too?"
I mumbled yes, then we stuck our feet in our trainers and walked naked back to the cabin, carrying our dirty clothes.
It was still really warm, so we only pulled on sweat shorts and nothing else, then carried in the mattress and made up the bed rather than leave it till later.
Ron went to rummage in the box of food that Marlene had packed, to put together a meal.
We'd ünye escort (https://www.gerekli.net/kategori/ordu-escort/unye-escort/) found two wooden steamer chairs earlier, so I put them on the veranda so we could enjoy the evening sun.
After we ate, I picked up the plates to take indoors.
"Look in the box, Danny. I think Marlene has packed a bottle of whisky."
I found a bottle of malt and she'd even packed two glasses, bless her.
Ron poured two generous measures and we lay back in the chairs and relaxed.
He asked me about university, the sports I was into and what I was doing in the gym.
"I see you're building some muscle. Go on, flex your biceps for me."
He gave my arm a squeeze.
"Not bad, coming on nicely."
Then his big hand moved over to feel my chest, which gave me a tingling sensation in my groin.
"I'm nowhere near your level yet, though."
"True, but I've been at it for over twenty years and when you're offshore, there's nothing to do, so I spent a lot of time in the gym. Here feel my arm."
He flexed and his biceps stood up firm.
I tentatively touched his arm.
"Yes, really hard."
"Don't be shy, Danny, have a proper feel."
I gripped his arm and his muscles were solid.
"Have a feel of my chest, if you like."
I ran my hand over his solid pecs, brushing his nipples as I went. Maybe I imagined it, but I was sure I saw some movement in his shorts.
"Yes, you're in really good shape, Ron. Nice six pack as well."
"Feel free."
Emboldened by the whisky, I moved my hand down over his stomach. He did indeed have a hard flat six pack, quite impressive for a man in his 40s. I let my hand slide lower, just above the waistband of his shorts and let it rest there.
Touching his body was turning me on, making my cock twitch and this time I could definitely see movement in Ron's shorts as his cock rose.
Before anything else happened, Ron drained his whisky and stood up, the outline of his knob just visible in the baggy shorts.
"Come on, Danny. Time for bed, we've had a busy day."
"Okay, I'll tidy up and follow you through."
Off he went and I picked up the glasses and whisky bottle, rinsed the glasses in the sink and followed him to the bedroom, where he was standing naked with his back to me, fiddling with his phone.
His body from behind was pretty magnificent, all hard muscle, broad back, trim waist, solid legs and glutes.
I sat on the bed to take off my shorts, conscious that my cock was getting stiffer and wondering how to hide it.
But when Ron turned around, I got a surprise. He was rock hard and his big salami of a cock had stretched to what looked to be 10 ins in length.
I stared at it and felt my face getting hot, my own cock hard.
Ron seemed totally unbothered.
"What can I say? My cock's got a mind of it's own."
He walked across to the bed and stood right in front of me, noticing my erection and pink face.
"Hey, no need to be embarrassed, Danny, we're both men here."
He put his hand on my shoulder, making me shiver.
"You want my cock, don't you, Danny?"
I couldn't speak, just nodded and he took another step forward.
"Help yourself."
I couldn't believe that this was happening, but flicked urfa escort (https://www.gerekli.net/kategori/urfa-escort/) my tongue around his piss slit, then started to get as much of his cock in my mouth as possible, sliding my moist lips up and down his shaft, hardly able to breathe, he was so big.
Ron gave a deep sigh and stroked my hair.
"You're good, Danny. I knew you would be."
Sounded like he'd planned this, but I was loving his cock in my mouth and carried on sucking on his huge rod, as far down I could get anyway, using my hand to wank the rest of his shaft.
Eventually, I had to come up for air.
"Sorry I can't get all the way down."
"Hey you're doing better than most people."
Then I had a crazy moment, when all I wanted was that huge cock inside me.
"I can take the whole thing somewhere else if you want."
"You sure?"
"Very sure, I want you to fuck me."
Before, he could say anything else, I turned and leaned over the bed, putting my hands behind me to part my cheeks.
Ron got on his knees and licked all round my pucker, before getting his tongue into my hole and eating me out.
He moved and I felt the head of his cock nudge between my cheeks.
I took a deep breath and tried to relax, as he slowly pushed his way in. I kept on breathing and he managed to get some of his cock inside me and I felt totally stretched by the size of him.
He rested to let me get used to him being there, then pushed on a bit more, before stopping again.
"Maybe that's as far as I'll go, don't want to hurt you."
That's not what I wanted at all.
"No Ron, give me the whole thing. I can take it."
He thrust slowly forward inching his way in, till I could feel his body touching mine. His cock filled me completely and the thickness of his shaft stretched me wide open.
Lying on top of me, he put his face close to my ear.
"You ok Danny? "
"Yeah, your cock feels great, Ron. Just fuck me now."
He started slowly, unsure about how much I could take, but although this was the biggest cock I'd ever had I knew I could handle it.
"Harder Ron, I can take it."
After some slow strokes, lust took over and he thrust into me, pounding my hole with his massive weapon, till I felt like my insides were being destroyed, but still I wanted him there.
By now he didn't care, his goal was to fill my back passage with his cream and I needed it just as much, to feel his cum spurting out inside me.
I'd never had a cock so far up me before and it was a totally new experience, being penetrated like this, nothing else existed only the cock plowing my arse, as he thrust faster and faster into me and I was nearly flattened into the bed with the force of his body banging against mine.
Just when I thought I couldn't stand any more, his whole body tensed and I felt the power of his orgasm, as he let go a mighty jet of cum in my arse, which kept on coming till he collapsed over me panting.
He rolled off and turned his head to look at me, his eyes shining.
"You've got a great arse hole, Danny boy. Gripped my cock nicely."
"I loved it. It was bloody brilliant."
I had loved it and my hole felt like it had been well used, but I might be sore tomorrow, after being pounded by such a huge cock. Lying there, my hole still seemed to be stretched open and I could feel Ron's cum escaping, sliding over my skin.
We tidied up and got into bed. Ron put his hand out and laid it on my chest.
"Thanks Danny, I needed that. I think we're going to have a great summer, you and me."
"I do too."
Which I did, but I wasn't sure if my arse would be able to stand it for the entire summer.