Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : April Fools Sibling Competition

15 Ağustos 2024, 02:56

Author's notes: Everyone is over eighteen. This is a fictional story written for the April Fools Day Story Contest 2024. Warning: there is incest in this piece. That's why I put it in that category. If that offends you, skip this piece. Feel free to comment and vote.
The eight-year-old twins Diane and James were awakened one morning by their parents and were told their father and mother had lost their jobs and to eat, the two children would have to go to work for grumpy Mrs. Gundry down the street. She was the neighborhood gossip who no one liked, who kept baseballs accidentally hit into her yard, and who refused even to buy Girl Scout cookies. She yelled at kids riding their bikes in front of her house for no reason or at people walking their dogs, warning she had better not find any dog poop in her yard. It was so bad not even a teenager would go there to mow her lawn because she always complained and short-changed them, saying the job wasn't worth what they asked.
Both children were terrified. Tragic figures, they accompanied their parents up the sidewalk to her house, their feet getting heavier and heavier with each step so that when they reached the end of Mr. Willson's hedge, the beginning of Mrs. Gundry's front yard, Diane began to weep and grabbed James' hand. No condemned criminal walking to the electric chair ever looked more tragic. Tears streamed down Diane's cheeks as both whimpered. Almost to the walk from the sidewalk to her front door, their parents burst into laughter.
"April Fools," they exclaimed.
Thus was their introduction to April Fools Day. This quite nasty introduction to the celebration by their parents would establish the parameters of celebration for the two children, which even the parents would come to regret. Such as the real, not fake snake the parents woke up to when they were ten or the severed finger at fourteen that looked so real their mother fainted, requiring a trip to the emergency room. Or the piece de resistance when they faked Diane being crushed by the garage door at seventeen. Not only did her mother faint, but their father puked. Each ended with them squealing "April Fools" and dancing around merrily. These are only a few of the highlights. It seemed they tried to be more and more sadistic in their jokes on good old Mom and Dad until, finally, their father forbade them.
So naturally, they turned on each other. Each year, they tried to outdo the other, with one being declared the winner. At eighteen and in the same local university, Diane, knowing James liked a girl, Bella, concocted an elaborate scheme, sending notes to James pretending to be an adoring Bella, inviting him to an illicit rendezvous. All heated up and in anticipation of a wet dream come true, all he got was a dozen people, including Bella, to his horror, yelling April Fools! Diane won this one.
Not to be outdone the following year at nineteen, James knew Diane liked to dance in her first-floor bedroom in her underwear, and her room had a large panel of windows. So he rigged the drapes. Gathering a bunch of guys in the yard, James waited for the music indicating the beginning of her dancing. When the music played, he activated the drapes, dropping them. All the guys hooted and yelled April Fools! Mortified, she screamed and ran for cover. Of course, he got into trouble with Mom and Dad, but the look on Diane's face was worth it. James won this one.
Out for revenge the following year at twenty, Diane managed to forge a letter on the university stationery that indicated James was being expelled for indecent behavior and that the police had been notified. She even got an actual cop, a friend of a friend of hers, to show up at the house. James' near heart attack indicated she won.
Not to be outdone, the following year, at twenty-one, James stuck a common pin through the wire on Diane's wired electric dildo, being careful to cut the pin off flush with the wire casing so she wouldn't see it just as depicted in the movie Amélie. When she plugged it in on the morning of April 1st, expecting a great pick-me-up, the pin caused it to short out and pop the circuit breaker. She screamed, yanking the plug. Dad, trying to save the day, burst through her unlocked bedroom door and found her standing there naked with a smoking industrial-grade dildo in her hand. James got into trouble, but Diane had a bunch of explaining to do, too. Although Diane protested, James won that year.
And so, we come to the following year. James was neck-deep in studying for his MBA, paid for by the company he had spent the last two years interning with. Diane was getting her Master's in Education to teach. Still living at home, they could avoid much of the crushing debt of higher education, although they would have preferred to be on their own. Be that as it may, both worked part-time, enabling them to contribute to the household, and everyone made the best of it. Their parents malkara escort (https://www.gerekli.net/kategori/tekirdag-escort/malkara-escort/) were social butterflies who were out most nights, and their parents figured the better off financially the kids were at the beginning, the less chance of a failure to launch.
The April Fools joke, better described as torture, didn't have to happen exactly on April 1st. Early on, they had discovered each other would be highly on guard, and even an innocent call to dinner would get the, "I'm not falling for that." It was mutually agreed then by the twins that two weeks on either side of the date would be sufficient to have stretches of time where one might not be on guard.
Even in declared wins, with two each since Dad forbade them to aim their pranks at their parents, the two highly competitive siblings were out for blood. Each had great ones in their minds and prepared weeks in advance. Their parents were going to grandma's for the weekend, so on Thursday, March 27th, James sneaked into Diane's bedroom unbeknownst to her, and unbeknownst to James, Diane snuck into James's.
April Fools Day wasn't until next Tuesday, and both had classes all day. Both studied a little after classes, ate, and continued studying. With their parents visiting grandma in Orlando for the weekend, they had the house to themselves in Miami. They lived in a typical housing development on a cul-de-sac. Most of the families used the development's pools, that's why you pay the HOA, but their neighbors across the street, the Lamberts, had a private pool in their backyard. The Lamberts often sponsored pool parties mainly to show it off. It was heated and always maintained a temperature of eighty-two degrees. The Lamberts were well-healed financially. Mr. Lambert was a vice president of a successful finance company, and they had a pool company maintain it. Even when they went on trips, the pool was heated and maintained. Billy Lambert, the son, and James were good friends. Both the siblings had been in the pool many times.
"Hey, I'm sweating. You want to sneak into the Lambert's pool. They are on vacation until Saturday," James offered.
Surprisingly, Diane squealed excitedly, saying, "Yeah, I know. I was just about to suggest the same thing."
Usually, she wanted to avoid doing anything with James as older sisters often do. She was the oldest by three minutes and never, ever let him forget it. Diane was surprised James asked her since she rarely said yes, and he had mostly given up asking her.
"Let me get my suit on, and I will meet you at the front door in two minutes," she squealed.
James hadn't seen her that excited about anything recently, and he smirked.
Two minutes later, they met at the front door in their suits with towels slung over their shoulders. Diane's bikini was miniscule. She had bought it way back at the end of last season and thought momentarily it was a slightly different shade. It had a near flesh-colored thong and was so small she was glad she shaved. The top was also flesh-colored and only somewhat more than two large postage stamps with prominent bulges in the middle connected by strings. Her father didn't know she had it and would never have let her out of the house in it. James' suit was more conservative, just regular trunks, pretty mundane. His mother always bought them, and he couldn't even describe the color if asked.
Being in Florida, the temperatures were warm and, thanks to global warming, were unusually warm this year. Rather than the high sixties and low seventies, there had been a heat wave for the last week with the temperatures in the high eighties, humid as hell, and the evening forecast said it would not get below eighty. It was seven-thirty, and sunset was about to commence.
Surprisingly, as they exited through the front door, Diane said, "Let's leave our towels here. It is just something more to carry, and it is so warm we don't need them."
James smirked, "Yeah, ok," readily agreeing with his older sister.
Diane thought it strange he agreed so readily. He usually didn't agree with her about anything, as younger brothers often do, although it never stopped her from suggesting things.
They had to cross the street, and the hot asphalt made them prance across. In the view of the ten houses, they didn't worry about being seen because everyone snuck across to Lambert's pool when the Lamberts were not home, which was often. The development's pool wasn't heated and was closed from September to May anyway.
They went up the side yard, breathing easier, protected from sight by the privacy fence of Lambert's neighbor, Mr. Atwater. He was the only person in the entire development with a privacy fence around his back and side yards all the way to the street. He was a grumpy old guy who kept to himself and wanted to be left alone. So, people left him alone.
The siblings passed the air conditioning and heating heat exchangers on the side maltepe escort (https://www.gerekli.net/kategori/istanbul-escort/anadolu-yakasi-escort/maltepe-escort/) of the house. There was this big wooden box-like thing less than two feet wide, two feet thick, and just over six feet high, jammed tight between the outside wall of the house and the heat exchanger for the air conditioning. Billy had told James that the heat exchanger had a warped shaft on the fan, and when it ran, it caused the entire machine to vibrate. The noise from the vibrating machine annoyed the Lamberts and their grumpy neighbor. So, the box thing was the packaging for something that even Billy couldn't remember what for. Mr. Lambert, thinking himself a great woodworker, had kept it to "make things with" in his woodshop filled with expensive toys he never really got around to using. Jamming the box in tightly kept the heat exchanger from rattling a little away, dampening the noise. To keep animals out, Mr. Lambert had put hinges on a piece of treated plywood and attached it so the box could be closed, thinking he would store garden tools in it, which he never got around to doing.
They got to the gate, which James feared might be locked but thankfully wasn't, and they entered Lambert's backyard as the sun dipped below the horizon.
Diane hurried over to the pool's edge, dipped her toe in tentatively, and relaxed, sighing, "Oh, that is nice."
"Let's jump in the deep end," James said, racing down to the pool's far end.
"Ok," squealed Diane, following him, her hips undulating side to side and her tits almost coming out of her top.
This confused James. His sister never jumped into the deep end. She would always say something about not wanting to get her hair wet. He chuckled evilly.
Standing at the side of the pool, Diane said, grinning wickedly, "Ok, we go in together, on three. One, two, three!" and they both jumped in.
Sinking to the bottom, expert swimmers, they kicked up to the surface. They trod water for a bit each, looking expectantly at each other with wicked grins. First, Diane's and then James' expressions turned to wide-eyed terror.
"What the fuck," James exclaimed.
"What is happening to my suit?... (Pause)...You didn't?" Diane wailed in an explosion of understanding. "You traded out my suit for a dissolving one?" she whined, trying to keep parts of it in place, clasping it to her tits and pussy.
"And it looks like you did the same to me," James whined. "And it seems you had us leave our towels on the porch, thinking that I would have to return home across the street naked," he accused, also trying to salvage parts of his fast-dissolving suit.
"And you agreed to it thinking the same thing, asshole," she spat back. "Fuck, what are we going to do?"
They gave up trying to salvage pieces of their suits to cover themselves, knowing they would be separate molecules dissolved in the pool's water in minutes.
"Oh, calm down. All we need do is wait until it gets dark and run like hell across the street," he said.
This reassurance calmed her down a bit, but she demanded, "Turn your head, you pervert."
So, James went to one side of the deep end while Diane went to the other.
"Fuck, I am going to do laps," James said, kicking off swimming down his side.
"Yeah, nothing else better to do. Anyway, I won't be flashing to my brother," Diane said as she also kicked off down her side.
Each swam a half dozen laps, ending at the deep end treading water. Seeing they didn't readily expose themselves to each other, they came closer together, relaxing enough to chat.
Suddenly, headlights shone up the driveway, illuminating the opposite side of the yard with the sound of a radio and people talking.
"What the fuck," Diane whispered,
"Bill told me they wouldn't be home until Saturday the twenty-eighth," James whispered, confused.
Diane slapped the back of his head, growling, "Asshole, today is the twenty-eighth, Friday the twenty-eighth."
A voice from the car's direction, sounding like Bill, said, "Race you to the pool!"
They froze, hearing the latch on the gate jiggle, and the gate began to open. The lights of the car now illuminated most of the backyard.
"Wait a minute, Son. Help us get all the stuff in the house first. Then you can take a swim," replied an exasperated voice, sounding like Mr. Lambert's.
"Ok," the voice replied dejectedly.
The siblings finally breathed.
"Let's get the fuck out of here," James whispered desperately.
Both took off swimming in their state championship style and speed, up the pool's steps, aiming for the gate. Hidden partially by the Lambert's deck, as James reached for the latch the deck lights illuminated the backyard and some of the side and, they heard the sliding door to the deck open.
"Ok, ok, I know it is hot. I will turn the air conditioning on, but I have to flip the outside breaker box," Mr. Lambert manavgat escort (https://www.gerekli.net/kategori/antalya-escort/manavgat-escort/) said.
They closed the gate quietly but heard Mr. Lambert's footsteps as he crossed the deck.
"Quick, in here," James said, opening the little side door of the strange box.
Diane's mouth hung open, gasping, "How...?"
The box was too narrow for them to stand side by side and didn't seem thick enough to stand face to face.
"Trust me for fucking once," James hissed.
Pulling her hard, she side-stepped, putting her right foot in, but still seemed to hesitate. James stepped in and pulled her in to speed things along, sliding in as far as he could. His left shoulder touched the back side and his right the door as he pulled it shut just as the gate opened. They were smashed in tight, front to front, with James between his sister's legs.
Like most things Mr. Lambert made, the little door didn't fit very well. There was a gap on the hinge side, and they could see him kneeling with his flashlight to throw the switch on the box.
"I'm working on it, Babe," Mr. Lambert said, rising as Mrs. Lambert entered the gate.
"I know. I just came out to keep you company," Mrs. Lambert said seductively, putting her arms around his neck.
"Oh, Babe," Mr. Lambert said as he drew her into a kiss.
"Mm, I like this," she said, arms still around his neck.
The light from the deck illuminated them pretty well. Mr. Lambert was in a pair of shorts or swimsuit, and Mrs. Lambert was in a bikini. Mrs., Lambert was a beautiful woman with large breasts, and Bill had gotten into many fights when he heard someone say they would love to fuck his mother. James thought it but had never said it.
Mr. Lambert's hand slipped under Mrs. Lambert's top, forcing it up off her magnificent breast.
"William, we can't," she whined but not removing his hand, instead clutching it hard on her tit.
"Why not," he replied, nuzzling her neck.
"Billy's just inside," she said, luxuriating in his nuzzling.
"If I know him, Billy will be in the pool, not looking for us," he said, pushing her back to lean against the house.
Diane scowled and said almost inaudibly, "What's that?"
James closed his eyes and groaned almost inaudibly.
Wide-eyed, Diane demanded in a whisper, "Are you hard?"
James didn't answer.
"You are hard, you pervert," Diane gasped.
"I'm sorry. We're naked, and you are female, and it happens," James whispered.
"Make it stop. Make it go down," Diane demanded angrily.
Because of the narrow box's confines, neither could get a hand down to their crotches to adjust its placement.
"It's not that easy. It has a mind of its own," James whispered in reply.
"Well, being on vacation with Billy, it has been a long time. Maybe if we are quiet," Mrs. Lambert gasped as her top came off in Mr. Lambert's hand. "Oh, my god, William," she moaned as he latched onto her left nipple right there, not three feet from the siblings.
Mr. Lambert expertly mauled Mrs. Lambert's tits making her squeal. He went from tit to tit sucking and twisting and pulling, and Mrs. Lambert writhed in his arms.
When Mr. Lambert's hand went inside her bottoms, Mrs. Lambert wailed, "Yes, William, yes."
Soon Mrs. Lambert's bikini bottoms were on the ground, and Mr. Lambert's ample dick was out.
"Make it go down," Diane pled as she tried to move away from James' cock.
James whined, "Stop, sis, you are making it worse.
Gasping, Diane moaned, "It's right on my clit." James' cock twitched, "Move, please," Diane begged.
James had done all he could. He had bent his knees to lower himself, but it wasn't enough. There just wasn't enough room. He was hard as a rock watching the spectacle going on outside the box and from the sensations of his naked sister squirming on the inside of the box.
"Stop squirming," he begged as his sister went into panic mode, and squirming almost enough to betray their presence suddenly stopped.
Her eyes went wide as saucers, she catch-breathed, and her mouth opened in a silent scream. All James could do was close his eyes and bow his head.
"You're inside me," she gasped.
"Put your fuck stick in me," Mrs. Lambert wailed, apparently not too concerned with how loud she was.
Mr. Lambert was accommodating because he rubbed his cock on her pussy a couple of times and buried the thing in Mrs. Lambert. Mrs. Lambert went wild, humping with vigor, matching Mr. Lambert's stroke for stroke.
"Oh, Babe, your pussy is so tight," he moaned and lifted her butt as she lifted her legs, clasping him around his hips.
"Fuck me, Will, fuck me," Mrs. Lambert replied.
Soon the slap, slap, slap of a very intense fuck of a soppy wet pussy filled the air.
"Get it out, please," Diane whined.
"I can't," James replied. "I've tried."
"Dad," they heard.
Mr. Lambert and Mrs. Lambert froze mid-thrust, "What, Bill?"
"You gonna turn on the air conditioning? It is hot as hell in here," he called out.
"Just about to," Mr. Lambert said, lowering his wife and kneeling again to the box.
Within seconds, he flipped the lever, and a hum came from the heat exchanger.
Then, the fan began to spin slowly, picking up speed.
"There, Bill, it's on," Mr. Lambert said.