Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Flame of Cytherea 02

13 Ağustos 2024, 21:13

Chapter 5
Katrina wondered what the hell she was doing. She glanced at Justin again and felt a tug on her heart. She had just met him yesterday morning for goddess's sake, and she just abandoned her inn like it was meaningless to follow him. Like she hadn't poured her heart and soul into it, and fought hard to keep it after her parents passed. How did that make sense?
She had seen a sense of loss in his eyes at the idea of leaving her behind, and something inside of her had echoed that back. It had been a spur of the moment response to that feeling. She found that even now, thinking about how stupid it was, she couldn't bring herself to regret the decision. She also knew if she hadn't come, she would have regretted it for the rest of her life.
What was bothering her is she couldn't figure out why. She didn't love him, not yet. She knew the potential was there for it though, and everything about him seemed to stir something within her. She finally gave up, deciding to just go with it and see where it led. She was also hoping they stopped soon, she had an unbearable urge to go for a walk in the woods with him, alone.
Speaking of alone, or not being alone, Nora was a mystery she wanted to figure out. The young woman had her whole life ahead of her, yet seemed focused on revenge, and dying. It would be impossible to hold a conversation at this speed though, so she pushed it to the back of her mind.
They were jogging at a speed that was incredibly fast due to Nora's talent. She was in a hurry to get things done and was surprised when Justin agreed so quickly, doing nothing but look trusting. It was strange, she was all ready to argue with a thick witted male and his simple and trusting acquiescence had taken the air right out of her sails and she was caught openmouthed for a moment. It was almost as if he thought her competent and accepted her word without question.
Admittedly what she was doing was very dangerous, she had to push and cushion all three of them separately in her mind, it took a lot of concentration. She was more than up to the challenge of course, but they wouldn't have known that. Most air talents would have killed them by accident by now. Still, she needed to get this done and get back to her revenge.
When she had thought death imminent it hadn't really bothered her, she missed her sisters dearly. But when she felt his flames cradle and protect her she immediately knew he was a Flame of Cytherea. Most people didn't even believe in the old legends of the Flame. Yet, there she had been, protected and rejuvenated by it.
She had no choice, duty once again trumping her desire for revenge. Worse, she had the feeling she should stick around to protect him. She snorted. Why the goddess chose a male was beyond her. She knew her opinion of men was overly harsh, but she couldn't help herself.
It was stupid, them thinking women were less than they were, when she was a case to prove otherwise, yet they still persisted. She looked at Justin again thoughtfully.
That was another thing that freaked her out about him. He didn't try to talk down to her, at all. In fact he had seemed a little scared of her at times when she went off on a rant. She frowned at that, perhaps she ought to tone it down a bit. She had been so focused on revenge and the thought of joining her sisters that all the social niceties went down the toilet. Well, at least the ones that she did follow.
She estimated the military was a normal day's march south of the capital by now, she couldn't go nearly as fast while pushing two people with her, so they probably wouldn't meet up until tomorrow, sometime mid morning maybe.
She sighed, finally admitting to herself that keeping him safe was her duty. Her mind had been mulling it over non-stop since he had saved her life. If the goddess thought the Flame was necessary, they would probably lose if he died. Not that she knew Cytherea's mind, it just made sense. If a talent shows up that hasn't been seen in a thousand years, the goddess probably only gives it out reluctantly in special circumstances.
She did cheer up when she considered, that perhaps with him she would get to kill more Egerian bastards before dying, than she would without him. Maybe staying to protect him wouldn't be such a bad thing after all...
Nicole Christina Althone, princess of Abelaweth was somewhat of a rebel. She didn't think her father would mind... too much. Ok, she was lying to herself, but she knew at the worst she would be punished by her father the king as a dad, not accused of treason by disobeying his orders.
She was determined to fight. She had been present early this morning when poor Nora came back alone with a horrific tail of death and invasion. She had tried to join the elite women warriors in the past, but her father had told her no, and she didn't understand why. She was a princess, but so what? It wasn't like she would ever rule, could ever rule. Plus she had two older porno video (https://thinkeeper.com) brothers for that anyway.
She was just... an ornament. She hated it.
She understood after a fashion, it wouldn't look good if the king's daughter joined what amounted to the misfits of society... except that was where she fit in. The royal family had always been among the most powerful of the shape shifters. The founding king had actually been a dragon, although there currently weren't any in her family it still cropped up from time to time. Still, they were strong, and had secondary talents based off of what they shifted into.
She was determined to fight... all she had to do was sneak out of the castle. She looked into a mirror and saw green piercing eyes, fair skin and long curly hair the color of fire. She frowned looking at her elaborate dress, that wouldn't do for traveling, or fighting. She didn't have much of a choice though, all her closets had in them were silly dresses. Whenever she had asked for simpler clothing she was denied.
It wasn't that she didn't love wearing a dress, she did, but having something else for riding or weapons practice would be nice, of course, she wasn't allowed those activities despite her begging.
She looked out the window and considered it. There was just no way she could leave that way, her other form wouldn't ever be missed by the guards and her father would be after her in moments. She considered for a moment in anger, so what, she was more powerful. Then, overcome by shame at the thought she dropped her shoulders and felt helpless.
She looked in her closet one more time in miserable desperation, knowing she wouldn't find anything. To her shock she saw a leather riding outfit. Excited, she grabbed it then changed. She looked into the mirror and blushed.
Her large breasts looked squeezed together and lifted, showing way too much cleavage. She was also a little uncomfortable at the amount of skin showing, and the womanly curves that the dresses hid so well were in plain sight. Then she got angry with herself. Yes, it showed too much for a princess perhaps, but it was not too much for a warrior. In fact the leather looked a lot like the uniforms the warriors she had wanted to join wore.
She realized despite being eighteen, she was not used to others seeing her body, and she was... nervous about it. Yet, war was coming, and she wanted, no needed, to help. She was not just an ornament and she would prove it. She slipped on the calf high leather boots she found with the clothes and headed for the secret passageway.
It wouldn't do to get caught now after all.
She slipped out near the armory and grabbed a leather helmet. Even in these clothes she would be immediately seen for who she was by her hair. It was unique to her across the kingdom after all. She put her hair up in a bun, then covered it with the helmet. Almost as an afterthought, she looked through the weapons and grabbed a long dagger and sheathe, attaching it to her uniform.
She took the passages again as close to the castle's servants entrance as she could, then boldly stepped out and walked toward the door, acting as if she belonged there. The guard didn't say a word as she walked by. She blushed in embarrassment. The guard's gaze had not gotten any higher than her chest...
She giggled after making it all the way through the city and outside the gate. Apparently she had no reason to be body shy, she was sure a guard would have recognized her, but their eyes had stayed on the sway of her hips, her backside, her long legs, and her generous bust. She started into a jog, wanting to get as far from the city as she could before she transformed and started flying down to the southern villages.
Her father had asked Nora to stay, to start a new unit, that she was the only one who could train the next group. She had declined, strongly, insisting her obligation was met with her report and she needed to go back south and start killing those... her mind shied away from the rough language Nora had used this morning.
She was hoping to catch up to Nora and help, surely the woman wouldn't turn her down. She admitted she was helpless with a dagger, but that wasn't how she was planning to fight anyway. Deciding the couple of miles she had run so far was far enough, plus her leg muscles were starting to burn, she wasn't used to running so much.
Her body was in shape, she had just been confined to the castle and her work out opportunities was limited. She stopped and took a moment to rest. She smiled trying to feel confident through the slight tremor of fear. She would finally have the chance to prove to herself she wasn't just a worthless ornament. She was free of her jail, for now at least.
She ran forward and jumped, changing to light and back to her other form so fast it was just a quick flash. She flapped her bright burning wings once and shot off to the South.
Arnath sighed in disgust but tried to calm down. He gay porno (https://thinkeeper.com/kategori/gay-porno) knew he wouldn't be this angry if they had the original two or three weeks as he expected. Life wasn't simple, and he knew problems would come up, but with just a week to work things out, any delay was angering him beyond reason.
He had sent out fifty men for each village while he moved the bulk of his army further into the North. He was also burning fields behind him every step of the way, just to make sure the enemy couldn't miss him and accidentally pass them by. After all, they would assume the Egerians would stop at the villages like they always did, they wouldn't look for an invading army. Much less the five thousand troops he had with him.
He had even had extremely good luck early this afternoon, his scouts had found a highly defensible hillock, and he had verified it was a good place to take a stand. Even now his soldiers were fortifying it. The enemy would have no choice but to engage despite him being entrenched. They couldn't afford to leave an enemy behind them to bother with freeing the villages.
They also wouldn't want to give him free reign to advance to any northern villages or cities. In short, they were screwed if they didn't attack, and would lose almost three to one soldiers when they did by his estimation.
He calmed down a bit, realizing the important part went well. They would be ready in a week for the coming enemy troops. The fact that one simple village out of the ten he sent troops to hadn't sent an update was almost unimportant. Still, he needed to see to it.
He growled at a captain who seemed to be somewhat intelligent, "Send a squad of scouts to this... town of Nerin. Then lead thirty troops an hour later to act on what the scouts find out. If there is no problem, bring back the captain so I can execute his stupid ass for not sending a status report, if there is a problem, deal with it."
The captain said smartly, "Yes sir!" before bowing and leaving the tent.
Cytherea giggled. That was quite a uniform she had given the young innocent woman. Still, it had worked well to disguise her. She was pleased that all the players were coming together. She frowned at that thought, this wasn't a game.
She sighed looking down at the last, in chains and heading for the mines. This one would not be so easy to provide an escape for.
A simple uniform didn't impinge on anyone's free will; it only had given Nicole the opportunity to follow her own free will. She doubted her father would see her providing the keys to her shackles as a similar act. She just had to hope that either the girl would escape, or that Justin and the other three women would be enough...
Sadly, the girl didn't even really need help, she just needed to find her courage.
Chapter 6
Justin was starting to struggle to keep up when the second sun finally fell to the horizon. It was with relief that he slowed and stopped when the wind stopped pushing him.
Nora said, "Let's go into that copse of trees and set up camp so we are out of the view of the road, we should be way past any enemy army, but I am not sure if they might have any scouts this far out."
He shrugged and followed. He felt a little unsure of where they stood, but when he put out his hand Kat smiled back at him and took it. His heartbeat picked up a little at her touch and he was hoping this meant she was willing to be... taken, as she had put it last night. They set up a rough camp, not having any tents about fifty feet into the trees.
He watched as Nora expertly set up traps that were obviously meant to give off enough noise to alert them. He squeezed Kat's hand and whispered what he'd been dying to ask all day.
"Can we go off a bit and..."
She grinned and said, "Thought you'd never ask."
But when they started to walk off Nora cleared her throat. When he glanced over he saw a knowing look on her face and she said, "You two stay here, I'll watch the road from the edge of the wood to give you some privacy."
Kat said thanks, but Nora just grunted under her breath.
When she was gone he reluctantly asked her, "I wasn't sure how you felt, could you explain a little more about relationships, so I don't do anything too stupid."
She snickered and nodded, "I also have a confession, so let's sit down and get comfortable."
He sat down against a log and gently pulled her in his lap, giving her a soft kiss.
She blushed and said, "Guess I better explain it all, your world is so different from mine. Don't worry, it's not that complicated. You already know step one, but it's usually the man that initiates it. There is no insult in asking for sex, and there is no insult if the woman says no either.
"If you do start a relationship, both, the man and the woman, can ask for sex at any time, within reason of course."
She coughed uncomfortably and said, "If things are going well and things aren't broken off, the next hd porno (https://thinkeeper.com/kategori/hd-porno) step is to... spend the night."
She blushed a scarlet, "I'm sorry about last night, that wasn't what that was, and I don't know why I couldn't bring myself to leave your bed. I wasn't trying to trick you or anything."
He caressed her hair and back slowly and said, "It's okay, I understand I think. Last night was... different for me too, and I can't explain it. Everything was... more. I didn't want you to leave either."
She looked grateful for his acceptance then continued, "The last step of course, if everything goes well after the second part. Sometimes people still break after step two, living together reveals problems sometimes. But anyway, step three after a reasonable amount of time, is of course, a child."
His eyes widened and he searched for the word marriage and it just wasn't there. He tried to find an equivalent in this new language and finally said, "So, a child would make us life mates? Or something like that?"
She nodded, "Exactly."
He said, "On my world they have a ceremony, I guess having a kid is even more of a statement though."
She asked, "Ceremony?"
"Yes, where you invite your family and friends, and exchange vows of... life mate. Like," he searched for the word for monogamy, and couldn't find it.
He asked, "I am searching for a word for a concept. When you join with a life mate, it is just you and them right? No sex with anyone else."
She gasped and her eyes widened, "No, many life mates are possible. What we have, and what we will or will not have in the future is just between us. Love is not so narrow as to preclude others. And if we ever become life mates in the future, how would you or I having another change what we have together?"
She looked frightened for a minute and whispered, "How narrow minded must your world be? By the goddess that's a horrible concept. To limit love so is heresy."
His mind was having trouble catching up, but what he was hearing is he could have others and so could she. That... seemed wrong. Didn't it?
He asked cautiously, "Heresy?"
She bit her lip and asked, "Don't you remember what you felt when you used your power."
He nodded, feeling uncomfortable talking about it at all.
She finally said reverently, "What you felt, is what she is. Limiting that, limiting... love in any way would be an insult, a heresy. Do you understand now?"
He nodded thoughtfully. It was still a foreign concept to have more than one girlfriend, or wife. It would take getting used to. But on the other hand, after experiencing a connection with the goddess, to deny a love simply because you already had one seemed, almost ridiculous.
These concepts fought in his mind for a moment, but he knew it would not resolve itself tonight, but he had faith it would happen. After all, he had felt the goddess's love too. Speaking of love... and lust.
He looked into her eyes, and when he could find no objection there he pulled her closer and kissed her. He teased her lips with soft kisses and light brushes of his tongue while holding her head still by her hair... He felt her push him back a moment and her leg swung around so she was straddling him. He smiled as she moved back into him and kissed him passionately. He gasped into her mouth as she ground herself against his tightened member through their clothes.
This time he pushed her back and pulled her shirt over her head, freeing her perky C cups. The cool night air hardened her nipples and he leaned over slightly and sucked one into his mouth, teasing it with a darting tongue and lightly scraping teeth.
He heard her gasp sharply and he pinched the other one with his thumb and forefinger. He felt her hands at his pants as she loosed his hardness and he stiffened further as she stroked him with her smooth fingers and palm. When he moved his hands down she slapped them away playfully and stood, taking a few steps back.
She said sultrily as she shimmied her pants down sexily, "If you want me come get me."
He just stared for a minute at her perfect form and wondered again how he had gotten such a beautiful and amazing woman. Her brown hair was swaying in the slight breeze, her eyes had a mischievous twinkle and her amazing smile made him weak. Her C cups were perfect and the curve of her waist mouthwatering. She teasingly spun for him and he knew he was in trouble.
He got up and tried to grab her, but she twisted out of his grasp, luckily this time she didn't elbow him in the face, just giggled as she danced away. He smiled and moved in again, this time focused, or at least, as much as he could with a beautiful naked woman trying to out wrestle him.
He wondered why she was doing this for a minute because it was driving him crazy as their naked bodies brushed and bumped as he tried to subdue her. Then of course it was obvious, she was trying to drive him crazy. He managed to put her in that same joint lock and put her down on her knees, face in the dirt.
He dropped behind her, grabbed her hair and pulled back. He checked her with the tip of his manhood, and she was more than ready, she was soaked. He impaled her quickly from behind and slapped her ass hard.