Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Demon-Touched

13 Ağustos 2024, 17:01

The moon bathed the world in silver as a faint breeze blew through the open window. Seven white candles burned around the circle drawn on the wooden floor in chalk. A figure in a black robe knelt, lighting the eighth candle at the center. The scent of eucalyptus was strong in the air, along with sage and lavender. Somewhere, an owl screeched in the night.
The figure stepped outside the large circle, standing in a much smaller circle adjacent. This was lined with runes. Disrupting the stillness of the room, the figure suddenly sneezed loudly, bending over and bringing its hands to its face.
The hood fell, revealing her shiny black hair and pasty white skin. Her skin was smooth, and she wore no make-up save for her eyeliner and lipstick, black and deep burgundy respectfully.
"Ugh... I hate eucalyptus..." Serafine groaned, sneezing again. She reached into her pocket and pulled out several tissues to wipe her nose with. Then she returned to the task at hand.
She thought over the words in the sacred text she had painstakingly translated and completed. Several lines had been lost and she had done her best to complete them during the translation, based on the surrounding lines of text. But, after two weeks, she thought she had it fully translated to English.
Serafine cleared her throat before she began to recite the Words of Summoning she had read. The Words of Summoning was a poem consisting of three stanzas, the first meant to draw the attention of the beings of another realm, the second to ask one for what you desired, and the third what you would give in return. The first was a rigid stanza, used in every summoning, but the second and third were fluid, as you needed to rhyme what you desired and what you would give, with the lines of both stanzas. In her case, Serafine would stated she wanted 'The Ultimate Tool' and she would give 'Her very soul, however minuscule' for it.
The wind rushed around the room. Again, she heard the cry of an owl in the night as the candle flames flared. After the wind died down, Serafine looked at the empty circle before her for a moment or two, then giggled.
Shaking her head, she stepped out of the circle, going across the attic to close her window. She searched her pockets for the key to the attic, looking out at the fields. Wheat blew in the night breeze, and her mom's truck was parked in the driveway. She couldn't see her stepdad's car, so she figured they must still be at the theater.
"Ah, its so much fun dressing up as the character and acting out my favorite scenes, but cleaning up afterwards is such a drag," Serafine said to herself, finally finding the key in her pocket. Lumina's robe, the outfit of the witch in her favorite book, had an absurd number of pockets that the witch kept her ingredients for spells in. Serafine mostly kept pens and food wrappers in hers. The Ultimate Tool was a magic item that Lumina was hunting in the book.
"I'd help you pick up, but that'd be a pretty wasteful thing to Summon me for, wouldn't it?" Serafine whirled around, shouting in fright at the unexpected voice behind her.
There, standing nonchatantly in the circle of her attic, its candles now all blown out and only the circle itself giving off light as it glowed, was a tall woman in a tank top and black jeans. No, jeggings on second inspection. The woman was taller than Serafine, even without the two-inch heels the woman wore. Her orange, not red, hair was tied back in a sleek ponytail that hung to her middle Üçyol travesti (https://www.ucyoltravesti.xyz/) back. But stranger than the fact the woman had somehow entered the room without going through the door, was the pair of white wings she had. Not the kind of cheap cosplay wings you might see on Halloween, but actual wings that flexed and rustled on her back.
Serafine felt her kneels buckle and she fell on her rear. A seemingly normal response to a not-so-normal situation. But, Serafine was thinking something far different. This woman looked exactly the way Angels were described in her book! The unusual hair color, the fluffy white wings! But how!?
"Wh-what are you doing here?" Serafine stammered.
"I came to grant your wish. You wanted the ultimate tool, did you not? I believe your words were, 'In exchange for my humble request of the ultimate tool, I bequeath unto you my very soul, however minuscule.' Rather direct, but I like that. Straight and to the point, nice and simple." The Angel said, standing with her arms crossed below her bust. Serafine glanced at them, noticing how large they were compared to the rest of her frame. The Angel was easily a DD. Must be nice being a divine being, Serafine thought to herself.
"R-r-really? You can actually grant my wish? B-but would you really take my soul? I mean... There wouldn't be much point in having The Ultimate Tool if I was a soulless husk..." Serafine said, letting her inner nerd shine. She read plenty of stories about how the emotions came from your soul and without one you were comatose at best, a remorseless sociopath at worst. No thanks!
The angel laughed. "Relax. I'm not going to rip it out of you or anything. Just when you die, it'll come to me rather than anyone else. That is what bequeath means. I can give you that tool right now if you come right on over; can't leave the circle, you know." The Angel flashed Serafine a smile, leaning forward and wagging a finger at the chalk on the floor. Serafine averted her eyes as she saw the Angel's incredible bust quite clearly down the neck of her top.
Serafine stood up nervously. She still couldn't believe it worked! And that Ultimate Tool... It was an artifact that could bend reality to its user's will, and tame monsters and beasts alike! The possibilities of something like that were limitless! She shuffled forward until she was just outside the chalk circle. The Angel beckoned her to step in closer and Serafine gulped before stepping over the line. The circle was barely big enough for them both to stand. The Angel's chest was right at Serafine's chin and the girl kept her gaze firmly locked on the Angel's eyes, blushing furiously.
Then she felt an arm around her waist and yelped a little as she was pulled in even closer, the Angel lifting her chin and pressing her lips against Serafine's roughly. She couldn't react, shocked, as she felt the Angel's tongue pry its way past her teeth, swirling around her own tongue as the Angel kissed her hot and heavily.
After what seemed like an eternity, but was likely only ten or twenty seconds, the Angel pulled away, grinning as she licked her lips. Serafine's body felt hot with embarrassment. She stood there blushing and touching her face.
"M-m-m-my first k-k-k-kiss... And an Angel..." Serafine groaned, blushing until her whole head was red. The Angel laughed again.
"Well, how else would we seal a deal? And by the by- not an Angel. Well, not anymore at least. I understand the confusion, since it seems Üçyol travestileri (https://www.ucyoltravesti.xyz/) like you're clueless about what you're doing. All demons are fallen Angels. Even Succubi once wore halos, right?" The Angel- or demon, rather- explained. Serafine didn't like the way she was talking down at her, but her body was hot with embarrassment already.
Like... really hot. She felt like she was burning up. Especially her lower stomach and groin.
"Oh, looks like its starting to kick in," the Demon said, watching Serafine discard her robe.
The girl's skin was slick with sweat, and the light shirt she wore stuck to her modest chest. Her skirt, thin and old, felt unbearably hot. Serafine fell on her ass again, panting as her body continued to heat up.
In her nineteen years living on the farm, she'd never felt this hot or exhausted. She felt some strange sensation she couldn't describe, and a brief flare of pain like the worst cramps. Then the pain passed and she continued panting heavily, looking at the Demon. She felt that strange sensation again, then followed the Demon's eyes down to her skirt.
Some... thing, was under it, pushing at the thin silky material. The strange sensation intensified as more heat coursed through her body. She watched in mixed fear and fascination as the thing grew in size, its outline clearly visible under the skirt. She could feel it against her thighs, sitting with her knees together in front of her. And then the shape won out of the thin material, her skirt falling up over its girthy frame as the massive phallus stood at an angle from her body.
Though it was the first she had seen in person, Serafine had seen plenty of cocks on the internet, and even the animals on the farm had them, though they didn't look like a human's. But this one... it was far bigger than she imagined. She mentally likened it to that stallion her mom once brought to the farm to breed Stelly with. Serafine didn't touch it, looking at the circumcised head, but already knew there was no way her fingers could wrap around the shaft. A clear liquid leaked from the slit at the top, running in small rivulets down the shaft, along the thick veins. It easily would go past her knees if she were to stand.
The Demon clapped her hands, beaming. "Unholy shit, that's enormous! I've seen Incubi with smaller cocks than that!" Unlike Serafine, who was horrified at the monster growing from her crotch, the Demon was ecstatic. She knelt down in front of Serafine, reaching out and running her slender fingers along the pink head, rubbing the clear fluid around.
Serafine felt a wave of pleasure so intense she involuntarily moaned, as the massive cock twitched, followed by a surge of more clear fluid that quickly soaked the Succubus' hand that was stroking the head. Serafine felt suddenly lightheaded, and unconsciously brought both her hands to the base of the member. She gripped it in both hands, and noticed the contrast of her rough palms as opposed to the Succubus' silky fingers. Serafine's fingertips barely touched with the heels of her palms together, encircling the base of the shaft. It was strange in her hands, spongy but hard.
The Succubus grinned, her fingers slowly moving over the surface and spreading the lubricant around before she began to move her hand along the underside of the shaft, along the rim of the glans. Serafine felt herself moan again, her body wracked by a unique pleasure. It felt completely different from when she usually Travesti üçyol (https://www.ucyoltravesti.xyz/) masturbated. The Succubus' smirked before leaning her head down, flicking the tip with her tongue.
Serafine's mind was hazy as she watched the Succubus stroking the member, licking and kissing it. She wasn't aware at first that she was doing it, but suddenly her left hand was wrapped in the Demon's ponytail, and she was yanking her forward. The massive head of her cock, which looked far too big to Serafine, shoved its way into the Succubus's mouth. Waves of heat rolled over Serafine, and she noticed the cock was actually getting smaller. Not crazy small, but shrinking until it could fit in the Succubus' mouth. Her mouth felt hot and wet, and Serafine found herself copying the videos she'd watched online, yanking the Demon forward and shoving her cock down her throat roughly.
The Succubus tried to moan, slapping the floor at the sudden cock down her throat, but she could just barely hold her breath as she looked at the human who was so roughly using her mouth. The Succubus yanked her tank top, tearing it off literally, as she groped her own breasts in pleasure while deep-throating this girl's cock. On a conscious level, she knew it was literally magic; the member would always take on the best size and shape based on who the girl was with, but it was simply too good. It was, literally, the ideal cock for her. The exact length and thickness to fill her throat, smooth but firm... She could feel herself desiring this. She squeezed her breasts, her pierced nipples between her fingers as she let the girl facefuck her.
As waves of pleasure wracked Serafine's mind and body, she felt something welling up inside herself. Instictively, she pulled the Demon off her cock, pushing her onto her back and straddling the Demon's huge tits. Serafine discarded her own shirt as she pressed the head back against the Succubus' lips, feeling the Demon rubbing and squeezing the shaft between her tits. Serafine let out a high pitched squeel as her cock throbbed, followed by a torrent of biblical proportions. The Succubus' mouth almost immediately overflowed, her face drenched in white cum. Serafine moaned again as her cock twitched over and over, sending powerful spurts across the Succubus' face and the attic floor, the first two hitting the wall four feet away with a wet slap.
Serafine could only describe it as a 'bucket-load' of cum. It was far more than what she ever saw in her online videos, and if anything reminded her of when somebody spills an full bottle of soda. She panted heavily for a while, staring at the mess she had made on the floor before she felt her thighs being pushed. She blushed before getting off the Demon, whose face was still covered by thick white strands.
There was an audible gulp as the Demon tried to swallow what was in her mouth, though quite a bit still spilled out. "U-unholy hells... That was a bit more intense than I thought it would be. Hehe, that cock of yours is amazing!" she said, before suddenly leaning in and kissing Serafine again.
The Succubus' lips were sweet, but slightly salty, this time as she kissed her. This time, Serafine moved into the kiss, though she felt the hot fluid transfer from the Succubus to her own face as the two made out heavily, the Succubus moving to straddle her. The Succubus' tits were incredibly soft, but quite heavy as the pressed into Serafine's, her own only a perky, firm B. Serafine grabbed at the Succubus' ass as she kissed her, feeling the Succubus grind herself along the still-hard shaft.
The two were snapped out of their passion by the sound of a door slamming. Serafine's eyes widened, looking at the shut attic door as she heard the front door of the house open.
"Fuck, my parents are home!"