Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Beth and the Plug Pt. 02

13 Ağustos 2024, 12:09

Beth felt frisky. She was an early riser, so it was no wonder she felt active just after she awoke, but her sexual drive was not usually that strong. Only after sitting up in her bed she realized the probable cause - she slept with her newfound plug in her anus.
She blushed - even though noone knew, and noone WILL knew, she still felt dirty about using a lewd toy like this. It still felt comfy in her tight behind, only giving a gentle pressure as she sat on her bed, despite being inside her for a whole night.
"Enough about... this. I need to get ready, they might come any moment," she thought, referring to her two gang members, Gom and Jalil. First, she pulled on her plug, surprising herself how easy and painless its removal was. The plug was whistle clean, warm to the touch, and somehow... bigger than she remembered? The stem, the part that connects the two bigger parts of the device, certainly seemed wider, about 1,5 cm (0,6 in) wide - half a cm wider than she remembered, and even the outer ruby part seemed larger. She smiled to herself - it was obviously impossible that the plug grew overnight, but it would be amazing if she could somehow fatten it, getting a really expensive gem as a result.
After washing the jewel, she took a shower herself. She liked cold showers, they made her feel more alive somehow. When she arrived to her private parts, she experimentally touched her anus with her index finger, and surprised herself when she easily penetrated the hole two knuckles deep. Maybe the guys who wanted to try anal with her had the right idea after all, seeing how little it took to penetrate herself.
After drying herself, she dressed in her standard attire - underwear (a pair of white panties, she did not need a bra for her tiny boobs), a white cotton blouse, and leather pants and jacket. By the time they arrived, she was already done with the packing, including the plug safely hidden in her bag.
Their group consisted three people: first Jalil, the oldest guy in the group, who was a trained assassin, had excellent skills with the knife, and generally made the shots; he was short, lithe, and had dark hair, complexion, and humor. The second was Gom, a big blonde hunk, who had endless energy, and was usually in good spirits. He fought with a freakishly big battle axe. The third one was Beth herself, a spellslinger, or as she liked to call herself, a "battle mage". The two guys usually just called her the "Ice Queen", partly because she used ice for most of her magics, and party because her demeanor.
Beth saddled up, and rode out the meet them, preferring if them and her father did not meet in person - nothing good would come out of it. After offering mutual greetings, they set out for their journey.
"I heard you had a good catch yesterday," Jalil started a new topic. "Some Stretchington noble sent a present to a rich relative in Multipedete, but the caravan was robbed. I would bet ten gold coins that it was you, it was within a stone's throw distance from your tower. Was the loot plentiful?"
"Where do you get your information so fast?" Beth asked back. "And yes, it was me, and yes, they had a lot of gold". ünye escort (https://www.unyeescort2.xyz/) She decided not to mention about the butt plug, not wanting to get teased about it.
"I have my sources. Be careful with caravans like those, the people of Stretchington and Multipedete do not really like each other, you might spring a trap next time that was not even aimed at you."
"That is all good and well," interrupted Gom, "but can we talk about the upcoming mission? That seems much more important to me."
"It is about three days distance if we don't rush our horses, and we need to keep them in top shape," Jalil explained. "Lamias move much faster than us on foot in the desert."
"Sure thing, but what is the plan?"
"The plan is to ambush them while their guards are away, free the slaves, get their money, then get out. It is so freakin' simple that even you can understand it, Gom."
Beth smiled to herself while listening to their banter. These two were already teammates when they met her about two years ago, banding together as a necessity, partly because they both had fairly big bounties on their heads in multiple cities, and party because these parts of the Judgement just lacked able fighters. First they were only after her body, but after getting to know her, they recognized her spellslinging abilities and her spirit of adventure.
Beth herself was really happy that these two guys turned up; she lived a sheltered live, tutored by her father, practicing spellcasting every day. Her biggest source of excitement were the occasional customers in her father's shop, but when any kind of creature came in to buy something who was considered a freak by Robert's, her father's standards, she was forbidden to meet with it. Then these two came.
They were deemed acceptable even by Robert, who did not know their pasts at that time, and thus, after a while, Beth was allowed to go on a few journeys with them. She lost her virginity to Gom, his huge muscles and broad shoulders were just too hard to resist. She also had sex with Jalil a few months later, his rugged look easy on her eyes. And even tough those sensual relations did not last long, their friendship did, and she became a permanent part of their small team.
The route to the naga village was mostly uneventful, except for a few things. Beth was permanently horny. Even though no lewd thing has happened, even though nothing should have reminded her of sex, she was still in heat. She tried to hide it from her teammates, the focus on this mission was far more important than a quickie or two, and she thought it was just unprofessional to have sex on the job anyway.
The other thing was her boobs. They were itchy, sensitive, and somehow... Swollen. She realized on her second day that they were actually bouncing a bit as they rode. When she examined them at night, she measured them around a B cup. She had no idea why those lewd things were happening to her, but she figured she would have enough time to examine herself more in detail when they were done with the mission. At least the increase in her bust size was fairly hidden under her clothes, so she was able to avoid şanlıurfa escort (https://www.sanliurfaescort.org/) unwanted questions about it.
The mission itself at least went smoothly, although Beth had little to do with it. The entire naga village turned out to be just a small slave camp, with only a few naga slavers to occupy it, besides the thralls of course. The only thing Beth had to do was to freeze a specific naga who handled a transmitting device before the creature had the opportunity to call for help. She almost messed up, fumbling the freezing spell the first time, she was too aroused to concentrate, but the second time she succeeded, barely in time.
"What's up with you?" Gom asked after they knocked the last naga out cold, then freed the slaves. "You don't seem like your usual self. You messed up your freezing spell once, and I never seen you mess up before."
"I don't know, I'm just... out of it right now. I can't really explain. Hey, what are you doing?!"
Gom was busy groping one of the unconscious naga's breast. "Rewarding myself. We caught these slavers before they could sell any of the slaves, they had literally no money. I mean, I dont mind saving slaves, but I don't mind gold either. I'm not a freedom fighter, I'm a bandit".
"And what does being a bandit has to do with you fondling that... creature's boobs? Am I missing something?"
"Oh, you are missing something all right," Gom grinned, first pointing to Beth's chest, then to the knocked out naga's. "These nagas are really busty, in case you missed that. By the way, do you have any idea how do they reproduce? I have only seen female nagas in my life. Let me examine her reproductive parts more closely. Does she even have a pussy?" With that, he started to peel off one of the many layers of clothing the naga wore.
Disgusted, Beth left him there, and went straight to speak with Jalil. "What happens now?" she asked him.
"Nothing. The information was false, these girls were poorer than a church mouse. We set the slaves free, that should divert the attention of any reinforcements that may arrive, then we leave. I have a few things to settle at home."
"Okay then, because I also have a thing that I want to solve. How do I get to Stretchington?" Her plan was simple - ride there, sell the plug, and avoid getting freaked out by the extremely lewd stuff that was supposed to be there, then return with the money. She planned to give some of the gold to Gom and Jalil, because this trip have only made them poorer.
"Why do you want to go there? It's a nasty place, I tell you." He eyed her up and down, his eyes narrowing. "I don't remember you having any actual... Breasts. Did something happen?"
This guy is too smart and observant for his own good, she thought, while idly scratching her chest through her blouse. They seemed even bigger than yesterday, what is happening with her? No wonder Jalil noticed them. "I don't... actually know. That's not important right now. How do I get there?"
"We are fairly close to it, actually. You have to ride north-west until you reach the Coast, then follow ocean coastline to the north-east. It is about two ürgüp escort (https://www.urgupescort2.xyz/) days ride away. You cannot miss it."
Beth saddled up lightning fast. She was extremely aroused, she needed some time alone before she exploded. "Thanks, tell me if anything else comes up. You know where to find me."
"Sure, stay safe. Stretchington is a place for the wicked."
After departing, Beth set her horse for a gallop, wanting to have some safe space as soon as possible. Her breasts were impossible to ignore now, especially with the speed her horse run - they were bouncing wildly all over the place, a feeling completely alien to her, and not a 100% unpleasant. After she decided she was far enough from everything, she broke camp, then quickly stripped topless.
Her boobs were at the C cup range now. She was confused, angry, and fearful; but those feelings were eclipsed by her horniness. She was not surprised when, after stripping down totally, she found her cunt sopping wet.
She did not care that she was still out in the middle of the desert, she did not care about any possible retribution by the Nagas - she needed an orgasm, and she needed it NOW. She started groping her newly grown boobs - they were even more sensitive than before, and she had much more... material to work with. She still had her concerns about having them - after all, women don't just multiply their breast size in like, three days, but those concerns were vastly outweighed by her horniness. They felt wonderful to the touch, her nipples lifted from their usual position, but feeling good nonetheless. After massaging them for a couple of minutes, her hands inevitably went downwards.
Her cunt was swimming in juice, and when she squeezed her pussy muscles, she felt some of them sprinkle out. Just when did she became a squirter? Her body was full of surprises the past couple of days.
Her hands were restless, first freeing her clit from its hood, then rubbing it like some mad woman; when that failed to push her over the edge, she pushed one, then two, then three fingers into her cunt with her right, while her left pinched her outer, then her inner labia. No matter - whatever she did, she was not able to orgasm. Her thoughts went right to her butt plug. She should just use it again, it worked wonders last time.
She found it pretty fast, turning her bag upside down, not caring about anything else, just finding some sweet release. She pushed the plug home without any trouble, her gushing cunt providing more than enough lubrication even for her anus, then she resumed her routine.
Her first orgasm was fast to arrive, the second soon to follow. Apparently her body needed some form of anal stimulation to reach the peak, and who was she to deny the need? After her fourth (or was it fifth?) orgasm, she fell asleep, not even bothering to cover herself with blankets, the setting desert sun shining on her sweaty body. She dreamt.
It was the genie and the ifrit again. They were much calmer than last time, not really arguing, just talking about something. Was it her?
"I told you she will resist," said the genie. "I had some free time on her, made some improvements to my liking. Give me some time, and she will be more beautiful than anyone'.
"You had your time," the ifrit answered. "But she is wearing us now. Time for me to shine."
When Beth wanted to ask them, again, what this was all about... they disappeared.