Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Artist's Model

13 Ağustos 2024, 07:26

For a number of years, my husband, Dave, and I took a two-week vacation to St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. It was usually in June, off-season, and there weren't too many other tourists to contend with. It was the second year that we stayed at a small, "out of the way," and lower cost resort called the Island Beachcomber. It's a very friendly place, and the Manager welcomed us back like we'd been regulars for years. There were maybe 50 or 60 rooms and it's right on the beach and has a great open-air Tiki bar and short-order restaurant in the courtyard.
During our first year's stay, there were a quite a few U.S. Navy sailors staying there while on shore leave. We had a great time with them at the bar and even though I was old enough to be their mom, I enjoyed some good-natured back-and-forth teasing and banter that led to some provocative yet harmless flirting with me. Later that night, in appreciation of their suggestive flattery and a with number of drinks in me, I ended up giving them an "accidental" peek through our bathroom window to see me quite naked after taking a shower and getting ready for bed. So, the Beachcomber exuded a special intrigue and somewhat sensual atmosphere for me.
We were scheduled to move to Pools and Pavilions, with our own private pool for our second week, so the Beachcomber was good for the budget too. Pools and Pavilions will get its own story later.
The first couple of days we just spent on the beach and had drinks at the friendly courtyard bar before we went out for dinner or stayed there for something lighter. There were a number of other couples sharing the beach, but it really was not crowded at all. Even when we were at the bar, there were never more than six or seven other couples and a few singles, and most pretty much kept to themselves.
In the morning we'd get up and leisurely have coffee on the patio right outside our room. There was an older couple, probably in their 60s, staying in the room next to ours, and they had the same idea. This was their first morning there, so they asked Dave where they could find some coffee. They introduced themselves as Jan and Larry, and Dave told them we'd brought a travel-sized coffee pot with us, and we'd be glad to share. This goodwill gesture started a conversation with all the standard questions about hometowns, families, jobs, and previous travels. They were from Indiana, and were recently retired teachers: she'd taught English and he art. This trip was to celebrate their newfound freedom. They were a delightful couple, and we knew they would be great neighbors for the week.
Later in the morning we went to the on-site beach, which was very secluded and seemed to be used only by the Beachcomber guests. Our neighbors were there, and Larry had set up an easel and a small table with various art supplies, while Jan relaxed in a chaise reading a book. He was painting a lovely panoramic view of the bay, and from his early pencil sketch it looked like he was a pretty good artist, as one would expect. We found a couple of chairs close by and got out our own books.
About 10:30 or 11:00, a flat-bottomed tour boat, the Kon Tiki, came into the bay and anchored just off the beach. The 20-25 tourist-passengers then got off and waded ashore. This was obviously pre-arranged with the hotel and gave the boat's patrons an opportunity to swim and sun. This was a young and enthusiastic bunch, and they had brought beer and a serious "boom-box" for music. It was clear these weren't the first drinks they'd consumed today and soon many were dancing while some were sunning in the chairs that the hotel reserved for them.
Many of the women were in pretty scant bikinis and a couple of the sunbathers had doffed their tops. While that probably wasn't within the letter of the local codes, this beach was private enough that no one was going to complain. I noticed Larry was paying lots more attention to a nearby girl in only a "Wicked Weasel" bikini bottom instead of the canvas on his easel. The party crew was there for about an hour or so when the Kon Tiki's Captain sounded the ship's horn for them to pack up for the rest of their cruise.
"It looks like we have our serene, peaceful beach back," Larry said ruefully after having lost some lovely female scenery.
It was getting time to go back to the Tiki Bar for lunch, so we invited our new friends to join us. We left our towels and things to hold our chairs, while Larry secured his paint and brushes and laid his easel and canvas on a chair for safety from the wind.
After we all ordered our meals, we got into doing a postmortem of the Kon Tiki's visit and the partiers' free-spirited behavior. None of us were offended by anything they said or did, and I felt we were all more than a little envious of their openness and fun-loving lack of inhibitions.
"I was surprised to see those girls going topless," I said, "I didn't think that the dress code here allowed any nudity?" I wasn't complaining at all, but sancaktepe escort (https://www.sancaktepeescort2.xyz/) rather thinking out loud about the opportunity for me to get rid of some tan lines before we went to Pools and Pavilions.
"Who's going to object," Larry said, looking aghast, "certainly not me."
"Oh, Larry loves looking at naked women, in fact they're his favorite subjects to paint," replied Jan suppressing a laugh. "Joan, you can bank on it that he'll be asking you pose for him before the week's out. He had to be so careful about what he painted when he was teaching."
Before I could respond, Larry piped up with, "That's a great idea, how about it, Joan; we could start tomorrow morning? The early sun is great warm light, and there won't be a lot of unwanted spectators."
"I don't think so, Larry," I said almost laughing, "I sure don't look like those girls today, and I'm not sure I want a painting of me naked out there for who knows to see."
"No, Joan, the painting would be my gift to you," he replied, "and you certainly are every bit as lovely as those girls and then some." Then he proceeded to give me more compliments about how older women have a character that exudes much more sensuousness and appeal. Dave joined in, as did Jan to try to make me feel that I'd be a much more desirable model than those party girls. They all did a pretty good job of massaging my ego, and while I was feeling a bit susceptible to their compliments, my rational self wasn't convinced I should be posing semi-nude or more on the public beach here. While I had a degree of name-anonymity, those having seen me at least topless would certainly recognize me later at the Tiki Bar and the beach.
"What sort of pose would you want me in?" I asked a little sheepishly yet surprised to find myself becoming somewhat intrigued with the idea. "Are you looking for topless or completely nude?" Again, I was shocked at how quickly and painlessly I'd gone from "no way, never," to "how do you want me, topless or nude?" My mouth was getting way ahead of my better judgement.
"That's 100 percent your choice, Joan, you need to be comfortable, or it won't work. And you don't have to decide right away, I can paint around the part or parts in question and add them as we get further along. I was thinking of having you pose on one of the chaise loungers, with that colorful umbrella framing your head and upper torso. We can also use the umbrella placement to help keep unwanted eyes off you too."
"Do you mean I could start out in my swimsuit, and then take off my top later?" I asked, now giving everyone the idea that I might just possibly pose under the right conditions.
"Absolutely, top, bottom, top and bottom, your choice," Larry added.
I'd never heard of that approach to painting, but then, I'm no artist. Though I'm sure if it helped Larry get women like me to eventually get naked for him, he'd be willing to modify just about any of the techniques he'd learned or even taught in Life Drawing 101.
I looked at Dave and asked if this was all "OK;" not that I felt I needed his permission, but if I did this, I'd want it to be a fun experience for both of us.
"You bet, I'm more than OK and I can't wait to see the outcome. You could make the painting my Christmas present, and I'll put it in my office at home."
Jan spoke up for her husband saying, "He really is an excellent artist, and his best work is with women like you, ones he really likes."
"When would you want to start?" I asked, still a bit skeptical, "And how long will it take? We do have lots of other things we want to see on the Island this week too."
"Tomorrow morning would be great and the earlier the better for lighting and privacy," Larry quickly replied, "So, 7:00 would be good. We could take a lunch break and work in the afternoon too. I can just paint you and the chair tomorrow and fill in the background without you later."
With that we went back to our room. All this discussion of my posing at least half naked had us both more than a little aroused and we took advantage of the opportunity the alone time gave us. After we were done and had a short nap, I again asked Dave if he honestly thought I should do this. He again told me, "Its every bit your choice, I just want to be there to watch unless that would make you self-conscious?"
For some reason, I had never thought about Dave being present while I posed. But thinking of him watching me being seen and painted by another man while nude, was the first time I think I felt overtly sexually excited by the idea. I didn't think I should confess to having any arousing or sensuous feelings to Dave though, for fear it would change the atmosphere of posing from artistic and creative to sensual and erotic. That would be a bell I sure couldn't un-ring.
"No, it wouldn't make me feel self-conscious, but some artists like to work without an audience," I warned, "I suppose we need to ask Larry if it's OK that sandıklı escort (https://www.sandikliescort.xyz/) you watch him work. I know he wanted to start early to avoid others on the beach." I was now feeling that the decision to pose was becoming a foregone conclusion, and we were just negotiating the details. No doubt Larry was expecting to see me, lots of me, at 7:00 the next morning.
"I really do want to watch, and to be honest, it'll be a major turn-on for me to see you posing nude for him and doing it outdoors with potential spectators too," Dave offered.
That now meant both of us were seeing this as having a sexually arousing side in addition to being an artistic experience. But since it was me exposing myself, I still wasn't ready to "fess up" about starting to feel so tantalized by the idea.
I didn't get the best night's sleep, and I don't think Dave did either. I kept wrestling with the decisions about how discreet I wanted to be in posing: do I go topless vs. nude; and do I start with my suit on, or just "bare it" up front? I don't think I concluded anything and decided I'd just do what felt natural in the morning.
I didn't want to eat much for breakfast. Maybe it was just vanity about if it would make me look fat, or maybe it was just nerves. The extra time got spent on me doing my hair. I dressed in my nicest two-piece suit and put on my white cover-up. Larry was already at the beach with chaise, umbrella, and reflector in place, and an easel, pencils, a full array of acrylic paints, and brushes at the ready.
The umbrella was very colorful, and the blue section matched the blue in my suit. He had placed us at the far east end of the beach near where the Kon Tiki moored but wasn't scheduled for today. Normally, not many Beachcomber guests wandered that far down. Dave pulled a chaise not-too-close, maybe 20-25 feet away, but at an angle crossing the main walkway that then provided a barrier to keep people from intruding too far. Larry had no problem with Dave's being there and welcomed his adding some informal "security" along with Jan.
Everything was set and everyone was ready, but me. I stood there not knowing exactly what I wanted to do, and no one was jumping in to help me. I think I'd have preferred if Larry had just directed me to take off the suit and hop on the lounge chair naked. My pause was long enough that Larry finally just gestured toward the chaise with a wave of his arm, and said gently, "If you please."
He wanted me to do what I felt comfortable with. Clearly, I had two final thoughts: first, since I was going to own the painting, what did I want to see and potentially allow others to see; and second, Dave and I both wanted this to definitely have a sensuous side. If Dave weren't so hell bent on displaying the painting in his office, I'd have posed nude without any hesitation. But with the thought of friends and family possibly seeing my likeness, I just took off my top right up-front, and immediately felt a rush of excitement as the morning cool air and Larry's eyes embraced my bare breasts.
"How do you want me?" I asked Larry,
"How do you usually sit at the beach?" he asked.
"I'm usually reading a book, and have my legs crossed at the ankles." And fortunately, Dave had brought a book with him I could use as a prop. As I got into my normal pose, I held my arms in close, so they pushed my breasts up a little to maximize their A-cup presence. Can't blame me for a little vanity here. Being the subject of the painting, and having my tits being the focal point, my nipples responded accordingly. Dave and I were right, this was going to be a real and unexpected turn-on for both of us.
I quickly determined that to maintain a pose for some time, it needed to be physically comfortable for me while being artistically interesting if not a little provocative too. Larry suggested a 5--10-minute break every 45 minutes or so, which I soon learned would be most welcomed. At the first break, I looked at the canvas, where Larry had penciled much of the basic picture. I liked it, it was me, in a beautiful place and at peace with the world.
After the second period of posing, the resort was waking up and people were starting to come out to the beach. While we were a fair distance away, the brightly colored umbrella, and a man with an easel did draw attention, even if I were not plainly visible. First came two young couples, both walking at water's edge, hand-in-hand. They got to where Dave's chaise gave a strong message of "do not enter." Although even from that point they did have a clear and unobstructed view of me under the umbrella. I was convinced they could watch my nipples getting harder in response to the growing gallery. When people see a crowd gathering, they naturally want to see what's going on, so soon I had at least ten or twelve gathered admirers.
Larry was sensitive to the situation and called for another break and handed me my cover-up. During the first break I chose saray escort (https://www.sarayescort.xyz/) not to wear it because it was just "family" present, but Larry wanted these spectators to know that we were a real artist and a real model at work.
We prolonged our break a little, and Larry not very successfully attempted to move people along. If this had been a clothing-optional beach, no one would have paid me any attention among the many other nude women; but context is everything and mine were the only bare breasts to be seen. That fact and my "starring" role in this scene was not lost on me, so when Larry offered that I could put my top on and he'd fill in from his pencil lines, I was not inclined to do that. I was definitely feeling a significant added sexual excitement from having a bigger audience. So, I told him, "I'm fine staying topless, so we get the best results. I can tune out the static."
Dave brought a light lunch for the four of us, then we resumed for the afternoon session. We had a steady flow of groups of "gawkers," who both perked me up and got my juices flowing, literally. I hoped the latter didn't show through my bikini bottom and embarrass me in front of Larry.
By 4:30, he announced he was done with painting me in the chair. I was so ready to see his work. It turned out he really was every bit as good an artist as Jan had promised and then some.
With the background scenery not yet painted, my topless body was the only focal point on the canvass. And, if you looked at me and looked at the artwork, there was no doubt the woman in the picture was most definitely me. The pose was perfect: sensuous and inviting. The canvas was 16x20 which made it large enough to make a statement; if a statement was something I was wanting to make, and Larry again made it clear that he definitely wanted me to have it. Larry planned to paint-in the background the next day while Dave and I went into town.
We took our time disassembling our outdoor makeshift studio. I was surprisingly in no hurry to put my top back on with having had such an unexpectedly exciting experience. There was more than a little sadness that this amazing day was over. Larry was now done cleaning his brushes and packing up paints and his easel, when I finally admitted it really was time for me to cover my bare breasts.
Back in our room, I really needed a cooling shower and fresh clothes. I'd enjoyed posing more than I could ever have expected, and not the least because of the arousal I felt from being seen by my "fans," as I chose to selfishly call them. I knew more than a few of the men watching had surreptitiously taken photos of me with their cell phones. That too added an unplanned element of daring and spunk to my arousal. I knew I could get into modelling nude again for artists for sure and maybe for photographers if I trusted them. I'd explored posing nude for the art department when I was in grad school, and always regretted I didn't follow through. Posing for Larry rekindled that attraction.
We met Jan and Larry at the Tiki bar for a drink and an early dinner. They complimented me on my poise and self-confidence when we were invaded by the gawkers, and for my stamina in posing for many hours. I wanted to tell them they were mistaking poise for simply trying to look stoic while being in the throes of arousal. We called it a night early since Larry wanted to paint the scenery early in the morning and Dave and I were going to head for Charlotte Amalie.
After a day of shopping, we were anxious to see the final portrait unveiled. Back in our room Dave followed me in showering, and then we went outside with champagne and glasses to wait for our neighbors.
Soon they must have heard us and emerged with the finished product. Dave said to Jan and Larry, "Let's have a drink and savor the day. I have a special bottle we'd like to share."
With just the right touch of playful fanfare, Larry showed us his masterpiece and said it should dry overnight before we handled it much. It was absolutely beautiful, and the completed scenery accented my pose well. Dave and I admired my image for a protracted few minutes and Larry put it back in their room for safekeeping.
"Are you planning on displaying your portrait when you get back home?" Jan asked.
Before I could reply, Dave looked right at me and said, "I sure hope so, if it's my Christmas present, I've got just the place for it in my home office." I wasn't so convinced about even a semi-private display, but I was not about to hurt the artist's feelings. "That's the perfect spot," was all that was needed to be said.
Larry and Jan were leaving for St. John the next day, so planned to say goodbye and give me the painting first thing in the morning. So, we made it another short night and a had a brief and sad farewell in the morning. We would truly miss them.
They had packed the artwork between two pieces of stiff cardboard, and wrapped it in plastic, so it would travel to our next stop safely. They gave me a tube to place the rolled painting in for the flight home. We enjoyed the rest of our time at the Beachcomber, spending most of the remaining time relaxing on the beach. We moved to the Pools and Pavilions for our second week on St. Thomas. That week has its own story.