Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : The Resident Advisor

12 Ağustos 2024, 13:53

The Resident Advisor</p>
*All characters in this story are 18+, the age difference between the main characters of the story is 2 years, Riley is 18, and Rick is 20. Nate is also 18* *Trigger warnings: mention of pet death*
"Mom," Riley called, as she was packing up and getting ready to leave for university, the long five-hour drive with the minivan full to the brim.
"Yes, Riley?" her mom replied.
"Why are we arriving at the dorms a day earlier than my check-in date says I should be there?" Riley responded.
"Oh, you silly girl, because we want to make sure we get you situated properly; they won't mind."
Riley rolled her eyes and thought to herself the school had set a schedule for a reason, but it was not like she had much say in the matter. So, she headed off with her parents, two dogs, and hopefully into her new life.
With her favorite tunes blasting through her headphones, she lulls into a dream-like state and wonders if she will ever learn how to show her true self to anyone. She overcompensates her shy and insecure behavior by either pushing her thoughts and fears way down or when it comes to interactions with guys, she turns to her overtly sexual boldness with them to mask her true self from them.
The long drive finally ended as they approached the university and assigned dorm. As she suspected when she went to check in, there was confusion as to why she was there ahead of schedule, but eventually, everything got worked out. Her folks and dogs all headed to her assigned room and began the process of unpacking.
Suddenly there was a slight knock at the door. Riley walked to answer the door, trying to figure out who this could be since technically this floor was not supposed to have students moving in until tomorrow. She was pleasantly surprised by a gorgeous guy standing outside the door; in fact, her body felt all tingly and warm.
"Hi, my name is Rick. I will be the resident advisor on the floor this year. I heard you got here a little early, so I came to introduce myself when I had a break from helping the other dorms and floors."
Riley's mind was spinning. He had to be one of the most attractive guys she'd ever seen: tall with golden brown hair, green eyes, and seemingly very built, at least from the parts she could see. His arms looked strong enough to be able to pick her up and do whatever he wanted with her. These thoughts came in a flash, and then she remembered she had to speak.
"Hi, I'm Riley. It's nice to meet you, Rick. I look forward to getting to know you," she responded, trying not to imagine him without his clothes on or eyeing him up and down like a piece of juicy steak.
"I just wanted to say welcome; if you need anything today, let me know," Rick replied.
Riley quickly responded with, "Okay, thanks." As he walked away, she couldn't help but look at his ass as he went down the hall.
Riley's mom, who had never been shy when it came to openly discussing if she thinks a guy is hot, fanned her face and said, "Oh yes, he can help us anytime."
Riley rolled her eyes at her mom again, even though she was thinking the same thing. Her dad used to these types of comments after twenty-plus years of marriage, just ignored this situation entirely.
Riley's parents made her spend the night at their hotel, not wanting her to be alone on the floor all night. She was slightly disappointed that she wouldn't be able to see Rick again all on her own but conceded that she wanted to at least get one night of sleep with her precious fur siblings before they had to leave tomorrow.
The next day was busy; the floor was now filling up with students. Riley met her new roommate (Kandy). Riley's mom, as always, was talking way too much and causing Kandy's family to be held up in helping her unpack. Finally, it was time for all parents to go; Riley's mom was crying in the car.
Her relationship with her mother had been extremely difficult; she was overly critical and would react in rages if things didn't go her way. She always treated Riley like a kid but yet expected an adult-daughter/mother relationship where they could freely talk about adult things like sex and relationships. So when Riley saw her mom so upset, she was touched and hoped that maybe this was a turning point for the both of them. Riley thought to herself that she was honestly glad to be leaving and getting some separation because the fights had just become so negative. She would miss her dad because he'd always been the calm in the storm. What had her the most upset and bawling was the fact that she was leaving her furry siblings. They had been there for her, never judged, and been her best friends as dogs istanbul escort (https://www.istanbulotelegelenescort2.xyz/) often do. She finally stopped with the pets and hugs and said goodbye to her parents.
She headed into her room and started trying to talk to her new roommate. She felt like a kid again trying to make new friends. She had never had a lot of friends who were girls; She always seemed to get along better with guys. Girls always assumed because of her looks that She was out to steal their boyfriends. So making friends with girls had never been easy.
So even though Riley was afraid of Kandy not liking her they did have to live with each other for 6 months, so she knew she had to at least try. The conversation started a bit forced with the usual questions about family, and what program each was pursuing.
A little later they headed off to a mandatory dorm meeting together. Everyone gathered in the common room; Rick walked in and informed us of his duties and responsibilities. As Riley glanced around the room, she saw many of the girls whispering and giggling and eyeing Rick like she did the day before, and she couldn't help but smile. Rick said to the crowd, "Part of my job is to be here a safe person you can talk to if anyone is having a hard time in class or life, or if you need anything," he coughed and pulled from behind his back, plastic tub and said, "this is The Candy and Condoms Bowl. If you need something but are too shy to ask, knock on my door and ask for the Candy Bowl, and without any judgment on my part, you can put your hand in and get whatever you need. This applies to both the guys and ladies on the floor." Once again, the girls all blushed, and the guys were being bro-like.
As everyone all broke off to their rooms and night-time excursions, Riley decided to be bold and go into the common room. Her back was killing after the last few days (and with having such big tits, she'd always had back problems), so she ended up just laying down face-first on the couch; the TV was on, and people were congregating. She was trying to talk to people as much as possible, but she was in so much pain. She casually blurted out to the room, "Can someone give me a back massage?" As this statement left her mouth, She realized that it probably sounded more sexual than she intended.
However, she heard a guy's voice go, "Sure, why not?"
This guy sat on the edge of the couch she was lying on, and he pushed her legs open so he could get between them. He was very gentle with his touch, which felt nice but wasn't strong enough to release the tension in her muscles.
"You know, you can go harder than that, right?" she stated out loud to a room full of people. He said, "Well, I didn't want to hurt you." He replied, "I can take a little pain. Better yet, here," *as she removed her bra straps from her shoulders*. That's when the room began to clear out.
As he started applying more pressure, she started to realize that she had no idea who this guy was or even his name. She had her eyes closed the entire time, being face-first into the couch. She also began feeling not just relaxed as her muscles started to loosen up but also turned on. She gave this guy props in her mind; he didn't slow down or say he needed to stop. She slowly stretched and said thanks as she sat up and looked at him. He was not someone she had seen or talked to that day. She gave a quick smile and blushed as she said, "Thanks for that. Oh, and by the way, my name is Riley."
He gave her an amused smile back and said, "No problem, nice to meet you. I'm Nate."
Nate looked to be about the same age as her, maybe 5'7, he had a strong jawline and wavy dirty blonde hair, and he also had some good muscle tone in his arms. Normally Riley does not initiate but because of her past, she feels like she is required to pay this guy back in some way for his generosity. So she puts on her sexual charm.
She sat there in silence for a bit, both bashful and somewhat embarrassed with herself for her bold thoughts on how to pay this guy back. However, she decided to shoot her shot. *he had already had his hands all over her.*
"So umm, Nate, I feel like I should make it up to you or something," She said.
He gave her that coy smile again and said, "Oh, nah, you don't have to do that. I was just trying to be helpful."
The feeling in the air between them grew hot and foggy. She grabbed his neck and pulled his face towards hers. She kissed him lightly on the lips and looked into his eyes. He got that wicked look in his eyes that only younger guys have, and right then and there, she was making out with a guy she had just met.
Her hands lightly ran through his hair istanbul rus escort (https://www.istanbulrusescort2.xyz/) as she kissed with more passion and eagerness. She kissed his neck and ran her tongue on his ear, making him moan gruffly. Finally, his hands were on her tits; she knew he liked them. His hands were forceful, caressing and grabbing, causing her nipples to harden through her bra and shirt.
Now, she may not have had a lot of experience with sex, but she had been complimented many times on her oral skills. She had developed a fixation with performing it. She would constantly suck on pens in class or roll them along her tongue without even realizing she was doing it. Her guy friends said it used to drive them crazy. As she was making out with Nate, she felt the urge to suck his cock build within her. So, she quickly stood to turn off the damn lights in the common room and returned to get on her knees. She slowly unzipped and undid his belt, giving herself more room as she reached in to pull out his hard cock. She started teasing the head of his cock with her tongue, running circles around it and then licking his shaft up and down, planting kisses all over it until finally, she took him into her mouth, starting with sucking on the head and then taking him all down her throat this is a skill that she knew many girls her age had not mastered, but she could do it with ease, Nate jolted his hips up and groaned, clearly not expecting that sensation.
SHIT! She heard the door to the common room crack open, and in walked Rick. As fast as they could, they tried to cover up what they were doing. However, from the look on Rick's face and his response to them, Riley knew he had seen her giving Nate a blowjob. Rick said very casually, but Riley also thought she heard a note of laughter and maybe even jealousy, "It's pretty late, you two. You may want to think about heading to bed," as he went to the storage room to get some extra supplies. Nate and Riley continued to sit on the couch, totally transfixed on what to do now. Rick turned to leave and said, "Goodnight, guys.
Riley and Nate both laughed, and she said, "Guess we're busted. Should we maybe do what he says and go to bed?"
Nate pulled up his pants and took her to his room. He laid her on the bed and helped take off her pants and underwear. With her help, since it was dark, he slipped on a condom. They started to fuck for a while, but it became almost impossible to figure out how to be quiet enough to not wake up his roommate. They conceded, realizing that this was probably not the best idea. Nate helped put her pants back on, and she kissed him before heading back to her room.
However, sleep was elusive. Although she had fun with Nate, she started to imagine what if it had been Rick that she was sucking off instead. She somehow managed to fall asleep, even though she was pent up and hadn't achieved any orgasm.
It didn't take more than a few days for the rumor mill to start. People called her a slut (and not in a good way), labeling her as the floor whore. She took it as best as she could; it wasn't the first time people had said such things about her, even when they weren't warranted. However, Nate seemed to be dealing with it in a completely different way. He ignored her when they passed in the hall, avoiding any eye contact. They never had another encounter, not for a lack of trying on her part. Nate eventually dropped out of school, and although she tried to talk to him privately, before he left school, hoping it wasn't her fault that he was dropping out he never gave her the opportunity.
The funny thing about dorm life is that she may have been the talk of the floor for a week, but sooner or later someone else would get into teenage mischief and the talk would switch rather quickly. The term moved on, and people seemed to forget about Nate and Riley's first-floor hookup event. As classes started getting more intense and they all got into the student life, things for Riley stopped in terms of "sex and romance." She was here to study, do well, and show the assholes of her past that she could rise above it all. However, there was one distraction on basically every girl's mind on that floor -- Rick.
Rick was cooler than most of the other RA's, he was an engineering student so was up and awake most nights late, he seemed to get that we were all breaking the rules, and as long he wasn't on duty with his supervisor or superiors he let the drinking slide for the most part. For the ladies of the floor however he was quite the tease, He loved to walk around shirtless even in the halls or just hanging in his dorm. His pecks and abs were like a model, it took all her mental and moral capacity izmir escort (https://www.izmirkadin.com/) to not grab him.
Although many girls on the floor hit on Rick, and he was always very polite giving them a shoulder squeeze and a smile but nothing more, his actions around Riley were different. Every time he saw her his eyes would light up, she was beautiful of course but there was something else about her that he found so intriguing.
As an airplane engineering major, sleep was non-existent, he was always working or studying, when he wasn't on 'duty', he was in his room studying. Despite what people may think about him, he didn't have time for a girlfriend or even a casual hookup, although they did happen but never with a student on his floor. Riley for some reason seemed to be a night owl as well, so many nights he'd see her up in the common room studying, one night he sat down with her and they started just chatting and getting to know more about one another. The more he talked with her the more he could see that those rumors about her, weren't true at all, he started to notice that although she projected sexual confidence she was also very lost. When he would look in her eyes he saw a lot of pain and discomfort.
They started hanging out in his room a lot just talking about life when he was off duty (he couldn't be caught with a female student alone by anyone). If any of his superiors found out about the late-night chats they had or knew about the thoughts he had on his mind when she left, he would be in a lot of trouble. It was against the rules for him to have any time of relationship with one of the students on the floor. He was allowed of course to be a mentor of sorts but anything more than that was forbidden. However, with her, he wondered if it was worth the risk.
Riley and Rick had started to become close, they knew he could get into a lot of trouble, maybe even lose his job/scholarship, and get kicked out of school if he was caught having a relationship with a student. So in public, they kept up their playful flirting, they would hug, and make some innuendos towards one another but nothing more. However, when they were alone together the sexual tension between them made the air thick and hot, but they had refrained from anything more than thigh grazes, she liked to rest her head on his shoulder sometimes if she was having a hard day. The urge to kiss one another when she would sneak out of his room was so strong but they had behaved. Rick would then have to spend some time with himself before sleep imagining what he could do with her if he could (as RA he had his room and didn't have to worry about a roommate catching him masturbating).
Riley was also lusting after Rick. She knew they had a strong friendship but the sexual tension they had in private was so strong, that it was so hard to resist. Late at night, when her roomie was out Riley would have a shower and lay in bed naked and imagine what his cock looked and felt like, what it would feel like to have him deep inside her tight pussy, leading her to many many solo orgasms.
One day alone in her room doing some studying, she got a horrible phone call from her folks, they tell her that one of her dogs has passed, she was shocked and sick, she didn't even know her dog had been so sick. She shouted some very nasty things to her parents and hung up the phone, she didn't know what to do with herself. Kandy and her were on okay terms, they were not besties but she didn't have anyone else to talk to right now so Kandy offered what little support she could.
Riley spent most of the day
Rick pauses and says "Come here hun" and he puts those strong arms around her waist and pulls her in for a hug, his cologne or maybe just a natural scent is intoxicating, he pulls her up pressing her unsupported bra-free tits up against him, and gives her the biggest hug, he doesn't let go for what feels like minutes and whispers so only she can hear "I will always be here for you, whenever you need, I will always try and make you feel better".
The guys leave and Riley is stunned, horny/wet, and depressed all at the same time. She continues on her errand to get some food, although she wants Rick's dick in her mouth. However, she buys some food and returns to the dorm. As she passes his room, he is just about to enter, they share an intimate look and he looks to make sure no one is around and squeezes her hand. She shakes her head prying herself away from his touch and heads back to her room, alone.
The grief decreases as she gets more assignments and midterms are approaching, she apologizes to her parents.
However, her mind is always racing with the feeling of Rick's arms holding her up and her free perky tits pressed against his naked chest through her very thin tank top was hard to forget. Luckily her roommate Kandy found a serious boyfriend on the floor and spends most nights in his room, so she has more freedom to masturbate and think about Rick taking her hard and making her cum.