Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Fond Thoughts of Cousin Ann

22 Mayıs 2024, 07:19

Chapter 1

This is a fictional account.

They had just sat down to dinner when his mother started to talk to him.

"Michael, how would you like to go see your Uncle John, Aunt Sue, and Cousin Ann in Colorado Springs this summer?" his mom asked.

"Mom, I need to work this summer to make my spending money for college."

"We could go the week before college starts, in August?" she suggested.

"I really do need to make as much as I can. I can't afford a week off. Besides I don't even know them," Michael answered.

"I know. That is why I want to take you to see them. I have not seen my brother, John, and his family in ten years. It would mean so much to me."

"Do we have to? We can't afford a trip like that anyway," Michael offered.

"That's the great part. My brother has offered to pay our airfare and we can stay with them," his mom encouraged.

"What about your job at the factory? How are they going to do without their head buyer for a whole week?"

"Mr. Clark, my boss, has given me the time off. Besides you know I get three weeks vacation now," she explained.

"No, I didn't. Since when?" Michael asked.

"I told you but you probably weren't listening as usual. When I hit five years at the plant I was entitled to three weeks. It has been five years since your dad died and I went back to work."

"Oh, yeah, I think I do remember something about that," Michael admitted.

"Well, what do you say?" his mom pleaded.

"Okay, if it means that much to you."

"Oh, great! Thanks, honey. We'll have a good time, you'll see," his mom encouraged.

"Probably be a bore. Don't they live in just a plain old suburban development?" he queried.

"Yes, but it is nicer than this old country house and I'm sure there will be plenty to do there," she stated.

They ate in silence for a short while, each deep in thought. By the smile on her face, he could tell she was joyously thinking about the trip. He wished he didn't have to go. He really needed to make as much money as he could this summer for spending money.

The academic scholarship that he had been awarded for his great grades in high school and being number one in his class had been good enough to get him into the University of Illinois on a full ride, but didn't include anything else. He needed some personal money when he entered the engineering program there in the fall.

He did not want to have to get a job his freshman year either. He was worried it would be tough enough academically without the added burden of a job. He planned to get one in his sophomore year because his mother had little extra money after paying bills. Kankakee, Illinois was an okay rural town to grow up in but the factory job his mom had did not pay enough for her to help him at all with college even though he was an only child.

"You'll get to see Ann again," his mother said, breaking his train of thought. "She is going to be a senior at the University of Colorado in Boulder this year. You remember her from when they were here before your dad died, don't you?"

"Yeah, I think so but I was eight then," Michael said.

"She was fun to play with back then, wasn't she?"

"She was eleven and always picking on me as I recall," Michael stated.

"Well, I'm sure she's nice and will show you around. I think she has her own car."


"Michael, now you'll act okay, won't you, when we go?"

"Sure, Mom. I'll be very polite."

"Good. How's your dinner?"

"You know I'm not a huge meatloaf fan," Michael groused.

"Well, I thought it would be good for a change."

They talked a bit more small talk until they were done. Michael helped with the clean up and dishes like usual then left to play some computer games. His mother had splurged on a computer for him two years ago to help with his school work. He was allowed to put a few games on it but it was too slow for the newer games. He had to be careful not to overburden the processor, video card, or the RAM.

In two days he started his summer job now that he was done with high school and graduation was over. He worked nights so he could use his mom's car to get back and forth from work. He was a busboy at the local Chili's restaurant. It did not pay particularly well but the tips were good. Plus Joanie worked there. He had a crush on her even though she was twenty. Problem was she barely said more than hi to him.

The next day his friend, Will, called to go fishing. They would meet at the fishing hole about a mile walk from each of their houses. They met up and went to their favorite spot to try first.

"What's new?" Will asked.

"I got to go to Colorado Springs in August with my mom to see my uncle and aunt," Michael complained.

"I thought you wanted to work all summer?"

"I did but my mother has not seen her brother in ten years and he is buying the tickets for us to go," Michael stated.

"Could be fun. I've never been to Colorado," Will answered.

"Not likely. My Cousin Ann will be there Bycasino (https://panamericanrollers.com/) too. She is twenty-one and going to the University of Colorado. I haven't seen her in ten years either but she was a bossy bitch even back then," Michael complained.

"Is she cute?" Will asked.

"How would I know? She was skinny as a rail with pigtails from what I remember."

"Maybe she blossomed like Patty at school and has huge tits now," Will offered.

"You're always thinking about tits," Michael replied. "You'd think you'd actually seen a million the way you talk."

"I've seen a lot!"

"Magazines don't count, asshole," Michael stated.

"Fuck you too! Last I saw, I'm the one that had two dates in high school, not you."

"Two one-and-only dates," Michael reminded him. "You must have scared Natalie and Jane something fierce."

"I did when I show them this," Will said, grabbing his crotch like it was a huge package.

"Huh, if they saw that little thing they would have run home laughing," Michael responded laughing. "Besides you never even got to first base."

"I did so! I touched Jane's tit, remember?"

"Brushing your arm over it in the movies reaching for popcorn hardly counts," Michael stated.

"Better than you," Will countered.

"You got me there. I guess I'm a flop with the chicks."

"We both are! My best dates have been with Mary Fivefingers so far," Will admitted.

"I guess we're just smart nerds," Michael said.

"We need to find some women that will appreciate us for our minds," Will stated joking.

"They ain't going to appreciate us for our packages, that for sure," Michael agreed, with a laugh.

"Yeah, we're no porn stars," Will admitted, also breaking into laughter.

They fished for several hours. Will caught one nice smallmouth bass and Michael caught two. His were smaller but they were all keepers. Michael and his mother could have fish that night.

The guys parted and walked back home. Michael was thinking about college. Will was going to Purdue University, he recalled. He was also studying engineering. Michael was deep in thought when he heard a beep. His mother was coming home from work and pulled over to give him a lift home. She was happy to see the fish he had for dinner.

The next day started work and then the routine began. Sleep till ten, shower, dress, play computer games, and then go to work again at five. The summer flew by and the only fun Michael had was occasional days off and time with his friends. They would go bowling or to a movie or over to someone's house for computer games. Sometimes the guys watched baseball together or went over to someone's house for a swim party. One of the parties had girls there too. It was a good time but Michael did not hook up with any girl all summer.

He looked at himself in the mirror one night before bed. What the hell was wrong with him? Why couldn't he get a date? His mom always called him handsome but that was his mom. He had thick, wavy, sandy brown hair with gray-blue eyes. He was close to six feet tall and only weighed about 165. He was not built like the football players in high school but he had played tennis and was in good shape. His face was still boyish looking as he did not have to shave much yet. His nose was perfect for his face, so what was it?

Of course, he had a good idea. He turned to mush inside every time he was near a cute girl especially one he liked. He would get so nervous talking to girls that he felt like his knees were knocking together. His tongue felt like it swelled up so large that all he could do is mumble some incoherent words. It was so bad that he nearly broke out in a sweat each time he even thought about talking to a nice girl. Asking one for a date would have stopped his heart for sure.

Michael left his room and went downstairs for a pop. He was in the refrigerator when his mom came into the kitchen.

"Have you packed yet, sweetie?" his mom asked.

"Not yet," Michael replied.

"Don't wait till the last minute. We have to leave early tomorrow to drive to O'Hare airport in Chicago."

"Okay, I'll go do it now," Michael said, relenting.

"Thanks, honey."

The next morning they loaded the car and drove the nearly two hours to the airport. They parked in remote parking and took the tram to terminal three for the American Airlines flight to Colorado Springs. The flight was uneventful and they arrived in Colorado Springs around two in the afternoon, having landed in Denver first. Michael's uncle was there to pick them up. He had an SUV that easily accommodated all the luggage.

The drive to the house took twenty-five minutes. It was a much newer and larger house than theirs and nestled nicely in a quiet neighborhood. They unpacked the car and took everything inside. Uncle John unlocked the door and Aunt Sue greeted them right away with hugs and kisses. They talked in the hallway for ten minutes before Uncle John said, "Hey, let's sit down at least."

Michael sat there talking with his aunt and Bycasino giriş (https://panamericanrollers.com/) uncle, occasionally adding something to the conversation. It focused on him at one point and his scholarship and attendance in a week at the University of Illinois. He gave them all a run down on his first semester classes and the dorm he was in. His roommate was from Crystal Lake, Illinois which was basically a suburb of Chicago.

The conversation was actually enjoyable and Aunt Sue had made snacks and drinks. They had been talking for a while when they heard the garage door close and someone enter. Moments later, his Cousin Ann appeared in the entrance way to the family room.

"You're late," her mom said.

"Sorry, we got stuck longer at the mall than we planned," Ann said.

Introductions were made and Michael had to catch himself to keep from stammering. Ann was gorgeous. She had dark hair like her mother but much longer. It went half way down her back and was straight and fine as silk. Her eyes were blue like her dad's. She had a very cute face and a killer body by Michael's standards. She was maybe 5' 5" with a trim waist, full breasts, and what looked like, as best Michael could see from the front, a nice ass. Ann wore tight jeans with short boots and a t-shirt that read Boulder across the front. Michael thought it should have said boulders from the size of her tits.

He was staring so intently he did not at first hear his mother.

"Michael...Michael, why don't you and Ann go do something and let us old folks catch up?" his mom was saying to him.

"Oh, huh, ahh, okay, sure," Michael said, immediately regretting his awkwardness.

"You play ping pong?" Ann asked.

"I haven't for a long time," Michael said standing.

Ann led the way down the basement steps, turning lights on as she went. Once the basement was lit Michael, could see the ping pong table off to one side. A built in TV was on the other wall with a series of couches in front of it. Ann turned a light on by the built-in bar.

"You want something to drink?" she asked.

"What you got?" Michael replied.

"Beer or soda," Ann said. "Or water, of course.

"I'll take a pop," Michael said.

"Oh, that's right, you're only eighteen, huh?" Ann said, with a smile as if she was rubbing it in.

She got him a Coke and a Coors Lite for herself. They took sips of their drinks then started to play ping pong.

"If you haven't played in a while, maybe I'll kick your ass," Ann said, with a smirk.

"That'll be the day," Michael said. "I played tennis in high school. You're toast."

"Oh, really," Ann said, flashing back a smile. "I play my dad all the time and I win a lot."

"Not this time," Michael said, a little surprised at his own boldness with his beautiful cousin.

Normally he would be far more timid and reserved but something about Ann just made him feel at ease. Maybe it was her sort of tomboy attitude or mild aggressiveness towards him but whatever it was, he was feeling more comfortable by the minute.

They played three games. Ann actually did win the first 21 to 19. She gave Michael the business about it too. Michael had trouble handling her serve at first and serving himself. However, once he got the hang of it again, he got better. Ann had a second beer with the second game which Michael won 21 to 15. They had to play a third game rubber match. Ann was on her fourth beer by the middle of the game. Michael had stuck with Coke. They were both starting to sweat a little as the games were getting very competitive.

"I'm going to beat you this time," Ann boasted, with the score even at 10 each.

Michael could see the four beers were beginning to slow her down and he was pretty sure he had her.

"We'll see, Ann," Michael said, trying to match her cockiness.

"Hold it a second," Ann said and went to put some rock music on.

She put it on sort of loud and Michael thought she was trying to destroy his concentration.

"You're not going to be able to distract me from beating you with just loud music," Michael said.

"No, maybe not but I know what would," Ann stated, with a big grin.

"What's that?" Michael said, clueless to her comment.

"Never mind. I'll beat you anyway," Ann boasted.

They played the second half of the last game like it was the championship of the ages. Michael had to admit this girl could play ping pong better than anyone he knew before even as she cracked her fifth beer.

The score was 17 to 15 with her serving. Ann served a hard curve that broke off the table away from him. Michael dove for it and got it back over. It caught Ann by surprise that he got it back and her return was not well placed, allowing him to recover and hit it back hard. Ann fought it back over the net but set him up for a slam. Michael hit it hard and it hit the table and then bounced up hard and fast. It was too quick for Ann's somewhat inhibited reflexes. The ping pong ball hit her in the left tit.

"Ahh...nice shot," Ann exclaimed.

"Sorry Bycasino deneme bonusu (https://panamericanrollers.com/) about that," Michael responded.

"No problem, goofy," Ann countered.

They finished the game and Michael won 21 to 17. They were both sweating a bit when it was done. Ann walked to one of the couches by the TV and collapsed. Michael did too.

"Nice game," Ann said, with a little slur.

"You're a great ping pong player," Michael said, between gasping breaths.

"Not good enough to beat you," Ann admitted.

"Maybe next time," Michael said.

"You're on," Ann stated, quickly challenging him again.

They relaxed for only a minute when the parents called them for dinner. Michael followed Ann up the stairs and she did have a great ass. They found the three parents in the backyard grilling. It looked like the parents had a few cocktails too because they were mixing another batch of margaritas. Michael could tell when his mom had been drinking and she looked it now. 'Good, she deserves some fun,' he thought.

They ate on the screened porch and it was dark by the time they finished. They played a game of Clue together after cleaning up. It was great fun with joking and kidding all around. Uncle John kidded his sister about how she still cheated like she did as a kid and she shot back that she did not, he did. Ann teased Michael a little and he tried to give it back nicely. After the game was over it was close to eleven and everyone was exhausted.

Michael and his mom were shown their rooms and unpacked. They got ready for bed and retired. The next morning the plan was to go see some of the sights of Colorado Springs. They included The Garden of the Gods and, for Michael's benefit, the Air Force Academy. Much to Michael's dismay, Ann had plans and was not going to join them. Michael enjoyed the sights but not as much as he would have if Ann had been there.

When they went back home later in the day to eat dinner, Ann was still not back. After dinner Michael went alone downstairs to watch TV. He was deep into a movie when someone jumped over the back on the couch onto the seat beside him. It was Ann and Michael could tell she was buzzed.

"Had a few?" he said.

"Yeah, we were at a bar," Ann stated. "Nice to be twenty-one and legal now."

"I bet," Michael said.

"You ever drink," Ann asked.

"Not much," Michael admitted.

"Too bad. It's fun," Ann said. "What do you do for fun?"

"Not much," Michael said, finding himself repeating like an idiot and beginning to feel like a kid with Ann.

"You have a girlfriend?" Ann asked.

"No," Michael said.

"Between girls, huh," Ann replied. "Me too, I mean between guys. The guy I was with this summer just left for the airport to return to college early. I'm mad because I didn't want him to go yet but he did anyway. Pissed me off!"

"That's too bad," Michael said.

"So your last girlfriend blonde or brunette like me?" Ann asked curiously.

"Neither, I...I didn't have a girlfriend recently," Michael admitted.

"No? How long ago?" Ann asked.

"Well, actually, I'm still working on my sex life. I'm hoping to jumpstart it at college," Michael replied, nervous to admit his shortcomings to his cousin.

"You still a virgin?" Ann asked.

"Ahh...yeah," Michael admitted.


"Why, you say 'really' like it's the plague or something," Michael responded.

"Oh, sorry, I'm just curious is all. You're kind of cute for a cousin and I'm just wondering why you wouldn't have had a girlfriend or two by now."

"I guess I'm a late bloomer," Michael stated, trying to joke.

"You like girls, right?" Ann asked.

"Oh, of course," Michael immediately replied.

"Good. You think I'm cute?" Ann asked.

"You're my cousin," Michael stated, as if grossed out.

"I know but I thought you might have an opinion of me."

"Well, sure, you're cute alright," Michael said.

"Wow, way to sweep a girl off her feet, Michael," Ann exclaimed, with a grin.

"Sorry, I...huh, I mean..."

"You always get this nervous?" Ann asked, with a huge grin.

"Only when I'm around beautiful women," Michael replied.

"Oh, beautiful, is it now? Well, that is much better. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Is that part of your dating problem then, speaking to pretty girls?" Ann asked.


"Get kind of marble-mouthed, do you?"

"Definitely," Michael admitted.

"Maybe I can help you with that, Michael," Ann said. "And maybe some other things too."


"Well, you seem to be doing better with me already. At least you're not stuttering," Ann said.

"True," Michael agreed.

"Michael, does anyone ever call you, Mike?" Ann asked.

"My mom prefers Michael. She always wanted my friends to call me Michael."

"Okay if I call you, Mike?" Ann asked.


"Okay, good. Mike, have you kissed a girl?"

"No, not really," Michael said.

"What is it, no or not really," Ann queried.

"No, not on the lips. Only on a cheek."

"How about practicing with me then?" Ann asked.

"But you're my cousin," Michael exclaimed.

"Haven't you ever heard of kissing cousins before?" Ann countered.

"Yeah, I suppose so."