Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Estate of Flowers 1-3: The Boy

03 Mayıs 2024, 15:09

It was not long before the Viscount entered. I heard his footsteps and opened my eyes, to see him standing next to the bed looking down on me.

"You look lovely, my dear" he said.

"Thank you."

He sat and touched my leg, running a finger up my thigh. He glanced at the mound of hair covering my sex, but didn't make a move towards it. I concentrated on not opening my legs. The Viscount was hard to understand, but I had a sense of him after all this time. Sometimes he appreciated a gesture like that from me, and sometimes it would be frowned upon. My judgement in these matters was not always correct, but I was right often enough to know to check my instincts. He looked up at me and smiled softly. I did the right thing this time.

"Serena, I have a treat for you this evening. I feel you have come along nicely in your work with the slave girls, and it is time to move towards the next phase. Now.. don't misunderstand. Everything you have learned so far still applies, it is just that now you are ready for new experiences. You see?"

I didn't see, but nodded anyway. I felt a thrill of excitement mixed with anxious caution rush through me. What did he have planned for me? Was he going to finally take me to his bed? Unbind me and allow me to touch him?

For a moment I thought that, amazingly, that was it. He motioned for me to sit up and leaned over me to untie my hands. He nuzzled my neck as he did so, and I could feel my juices starting to flow as they always did when he touched me.

"Stand up, Serena, and put on your robe."

I did as he told me, and he walked to the door, opening it and speaking to someone in the hall. Another figure entered the room.

"This is one of our slave boys, Serena, you've not seen him before, have you?"

"No, I haven't." I replied. The slave boy was not really a boy at all, but a strong looking man. He stood before us naked. I looked at his body, he had massive muscles covering his chest and arms, and dark body hair that curled around him. I looked down at his sex, and could feel my face flush. I was embarrassed to openly stare that way but my curiosity overwhelmed me.

"That's possibly the first time you've ever seen a cock, is it not, Serena?"

I was going to reply but stopped before my voice could come to me, as the slave boy's cock suddenly doubled in size and stood straight out before him. The Viscount began to laugh.

"No need to answer, dear, your face tells it all."

I knew I was blushing again and I couldn't manage a word, so I said nothing. I looked at the slave boy's face, thinking to myself that it seemed ridiculous to keep calling him a boy, but this was what the Viscount required. His expression was calm, but his eyes looked fiery. I suspected he was angry with the Viscount for bringing him here, and perhaps angry with me for my reaction to him, but helpless to do anything about it. I did not know by what means the Viscount kept the slaves in order, but whatever it was it typically appeared to be effective.

"Well then, Serena, I will let you walk to him, and touch him. Just be sure to porno indir (https://kitapokuyoruz.com/kategori/porno-indir) wait for my instructions, do you understand? It is a lesson in restraint."

I nodded in the affirmative, and took a deep breath, not able to take my eyes off the naked man in front of me.

"Walk to him, Serena. Your hands are unbound, put your arms around him."

I was shaking as I followed the instructions. I walked to him, my face only coming to his chest. I reached my arms around him, and he closed his arms around mine. Oh! My, I couldn't believe the feeling that having his arms around me brought to me. He felt so strong, so powerful, and yet he held me delicately, like a flower. I nuzzled my face into his chest. His chest hairs tickled my nose, and I could hear his heart pounding beneath the skin. His arms tightened around my back and he caressed my back lightly with his hands.

"Very nice," said the Viscount. He walked over to us and whispered into the slave boy's ear. I strained to listen but could not hear what was said. The Viscount took a step backwards, "tilt your head up, Serena, so that you can see his eyes."

I did, and his eyes locked with mine for a long moment. A smile played upon his lips, and then suddenly he brought his lips to mine and began to kiss me! I struggled for a moment, afraid that it was the wrong thing to do, but he held my head firmly and I could not move away from him. The Viscount said nothing, and after a moment I gave in and kissed back. I could feel his tongue protruding into my mouth, and before I realized what I was doing I opened my mouth to him, and darted my tongue into his. The feeling was exquisite, soft and fresh. I could feel every part of my body tensing and excited by the touch.

He took his hand from behind my back and moved it to caress my breast, while still kissing me. I moaned softly, and shifted so that he could reach it better. I could feel him tug at my nipple with his fingers, and then pinch it lightly, and twirl his finger around it. I'd felt that before, but not while my arms were free to pull him closer, and standing with his arm around my waist supporting me.

I brought my hand up to his neck and ran my fingers through his hair, and he pulled me closer, grinding his crotch into me. His crotch was hard now, and pressed against my hip warmly. I let my hand drop from his back and enclose around it, pulsing and hot in my hand. I squeezed it gently and he moaned in my ear.

The next thing I knew, we were separated and the Viscount stood between us, scowling at me. I knew immediately what I had done, and I hung my head before him. He sighed, apparently exasperated.

"What did you do, Serena?" he asked softly.

"I touched him without waiting for instructions." I said. My voice was shaky, both from the experience and the stern look he gave me.

"And what were you told to do, Serena?"

"Wait for instructions."

"That's right. I'm afraid you didn't do very well, dear. Well, I suppose it is to be expected, the first time around." He glanced towards the slave boy, who now stood with a rokettube (https://hdxpornoizle.com/kanal/rokettube-porno/) somber expression, three feet away, cock still erect. "You did well" the Viscount said to him, "except for that untimely erection. You will have to learn to control that one of these days." The slave nodded.

"Well, Serena..what am I going to do with you now?" He walked around me, tapping his fingers together, talking almost to himself. "let's see.. what would provide a good lesson in restraint for Serena, that she might control herself next time.. Do you think you will control yourself next time, Serena?"

"Yes" I said, "I'm sorry."

"As well you should be," he replied. "Well I think you might do better next time, but just in case, let me think. Ah, I know. I think you shall restrain yourself this evening, all night. If you do well, we might try this again soon. If not, well, I will know you are not yet ready to be presented with a man and you shall have to remain content with the slave girls. Or would you like to just forget it, dear? You don't have to try to learn, I am content to keep things as they are."

I didn't hesitate in my reply. I had never felt as much excitement as I did with a man's arms around me, and his kiss, and feeling his hard cock press into me. I wanted to feel that again. I wanted to touch a cock again and truly examine it, taste it, feel it inside me. My imagination was wild with the possibilities. I said, in the most humble voice I could muster, "I would like to try to learn."

"Very well then, dear. Please remove your robe and step over here."

He was standing next to the gold cage, which had been in my room since my arrival here. I had only spent the night in it a few times before. It was not large enough for me to sit straight up in, or stand it, but long enough to accommodate my body's length.

I did as he instructed and removed the robe. My breasts were already exposed from the front of it, and it's lightness didn't keep me warm, so I would not miss it. As I draped it across the bed I noticed a small liquid stain on the left side, and realized it was from the slave's cock when he pressed against me. A thrill ran through me again. I put the robe down and joined the Viscount.

He touched my cheek with his hand, and then opened the door to the cage and motioned for me to get in. He had my lay on my side, and hold my arms at length above my head. He fastened them there. Then he asked me to spread my legs, so that my pussy would be exposed. I did so, and he fastened a rope around my uplifted leg to hold it in place.

"Are you quite comfortable, dear?"

I wasn't. "Yes." I said.

"Good then. Boy, come over here. I want you to get into this cage, feet first, and be very careful not to kick her."

Soon enough, his feet and massive legs were moving into my cage, his cock brushing against my stomach as he wiggled in. The cage was big enough for me, but it was a tight fit for a man as big as him. I could feel myself getting excited, and I tried to restrain it, knowing that my leg was lifted and my pussy in plain view. The seks filmi (https://kitapokuyoruz.com/kategori/seks-filmi) Viscount was too busy to notice, trying to get the slave situated as he wanted him to be. He walked around the cage down near my head, and put his arm through to adjust the boy's legs. When he was done, the slave's legs were above my head, entangled with my bound arms.

He lay on his side, facing me, and my head was placed on his thigh, with his other leg resting on my head. His cock was about an inch from my mouth, and it was obvious that if I stretched forward, or if he thrust his hips to me it would hit my lips. I could smell his musky, sweet odor and see his swelling cock just before me. How easy it would be to reach out my tongue...

I felt my legs being adjusted and then felt a weight placed on my inner thigh. I realized what was happening, and squirmed a little in my excitement.

"Serena, hold still" the Viscount's voice said to me, and I closed my eyes and concentrated on being still. Moments later, my leg was unbound and lowered so that it rested on soft hair. My leg was bound again in the new position, and the slave was bound in his position.

"Well, that's done," the Viscount said. "You look cozy, although I guess it is a little cramped in there with his size. Perhaps a smaller framed boy would have done better... oh well, this will do. The two of you must listen very carefully. Your instructions are simple. I want you to do nothing. Nothing at all. Do not speak to each other. Do not caress each other, such as you could. Do not kiss or touch with tongue or lips. Your legs are positioned in as much a restful position as I could manage, so there is nowhere to move to to rest more. I realize it may get a bit uncomfortable for a long period of time but, pity. It must be done."

He walked to my end of the cage and leaned down to look at my face, placing a flower outside of the cage near my head. Very softly he said "Do you understand your instructions, Serena?"

"Yes" I said.

He walked to the other end, and spoke softly to the slave. It sounded very stern, but I couldn't hear the words. The slave's cock jumped in front of my face, whether in anticipation or fear I do not know. I had a strong urge to nuzzle it, to make him feel better, but I didn't dare.

"Very well," the Viscount said, as his footsteps moved away from the cage, "I shall take my leave now. Remember and follow your instructions, both, and do not disappoint me."

He left, and I heard light footsteps in the room a moment later. I did not know who it was, but assumed it was the slave girl who had been attending me all day. She dimmed the lights and then was quiet, probably watching to be sure we followed all instructions.

I could feel his hot breath on my pussy, and my own wetness accumulating. At one point, I felt a flow of air rushing towards me - he was blowing on me. I returned the favor - his body tensed and his cock pushed towards me, dangerously close to touching my mouth. I tensed and froze, until he relaxed again. I noticed a drop of white cream on the top of his cock. I did not feel him blow on me again, and I did not, either. Indeed, I wanted to.

***This story was originally submitted to rec.arts.erotica where it was posted under the names SL Lady and Susan Lance (aka Sera Shine). It has been included in various collections online since that time. 1995-2002 All rights reserved.***