Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Revenge!

02 Mayıs 2024, 10:19

Revenge! Or I Never Wanted This, but... Wow!

By Mistress Tawny Suede


Chapter 1

Bobby Bradley knelt by the side of the road. He was mildly drunk and high from the first joint he had ever smoked. The cop leaned back against Elizabeth's sports car and took firm hold of Bobby's head. Bobby was afraid his blonde wig would come loose so he let his head be guided. As the cop's large cock pushed past his lips and into his mouth, Bobby replayed in his mind the events that had led him to this moment! It was all Jack Morris's fault, he told himself, but that still did not save him from giving this cop a blow job!

It had begun the night before, Friday night. Peggy Conroy had phoned him up to cancel their Saturday night date. She said she was sick and would not be able to see him all weekend! He was disappointed. They had planned to go to a movie and then were going to go to Make Out Point in his jalopy. Bobby had been dating Peggy exclusively for the past three weeks. He would have liked to have been going out with Elizabeth Fox too, but she seemed to be infatuated with Jack Morris and Bobby had not been able to get a date with her.

Saturday morning Bobby had gone to the school yard to meet up with a bunch of their classmates for a game of pickup basketball. He had seen Jack there, and Jack had filled him in on the truth - Elizabeth had also cancelled her date with Jack. She'd had a call from a friend at college who needed a couple girls to go out on dates with some of her college classmates. Elizabeth had volunteered herself and Peggy, so the girls had packed up first thing this morning and driven out of town for their big dates tonight! They would not be back until late Sunday night.

Jack was really steamed, Bobby could see. But what could they do about it? Jack told Bobby that he was thinking of a plan for the guys to get their revenge and he would call him later! Bobby was mad at being so easily dumped, and told Jack he was game for anything!

An hour later Jack phoned Bobby saying he had a great plan and told Bobby to be at his place at five pm. He also told him not to worry about what he was wearing. Bobby probed for more information, but Jack was being mysterious.

At five pm Bobby parked his jalopy outside of Jack's parent's house. He was surprised to see Elizabeth's red sports car parked in Jack's driveway. And he was even more surprised when he rang the doorbell and Elizabeth opened the door!

"Elizabeth, what are you doing here?"

"Come in, Bobby." said Elizabeth sweetly. "I've got a surprise for you!" She must have a cold Bobby thought, as her voice sounded just a bit off.

"Where's Jack?"

"He's in his room. He'll be with us shortly. Sit here beside me on the couch!" She patted the couch with her perfectly manicured hand. "I have a glass of water here for you, I know you must be thirsty!"

Bobby drank half of the glass. He WAS thirsty. The water tasted a bit odd, but he put that down to the differences you find in each house.

"I thought you and Peggy had dumped us for the weekend, Lizzie!" Elizabeth smiled at Bobby and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek.

"Oh you are so naive, Bobby!" she said as she stood up. She twirled around, letting him examine her from all sides. "Do you think I look good, Bobby!"

"You always look good to me, Elizabeth! You know that!"

"Do I still look good, NOW!" said Elizabeth, with Jack's voice.

Bobby was stunned! "Jack, is that you? I mean... What!"

Jack Morris's knees buckled and he laughed and laughed and laughed at his friend's puzzled expression!

"Yeah, it's me, Bobby! Pretty convincing, eh?"

"I... I couldn't tell the difference! My god, how did you do that? How can you look just like Elizabeth???"

"It takes a lot of preparation, Bobby, believe me. And in a couple hours, you are going to know!"


"You remember back at Hallowe'en, Elizabeth took me to one of her swanky rich folks Hallowe'en parties and I refused to tell you what costume I had worn?"


"Well Elizabeth decided it would be fun if we both went as witches, in fact as identical twin witches. So she convinced me to let her dress me up as her double. It took a couple hours of work and it helped that we are the same size more or less. At the end of it I was astounded to see that no one could tell us apart! We won first prize that night, and I have to tell you the sex afterwards was fantastic, the best I've ever had!

Bobby's anger rose at the idea of Jack fucking Elizabeth!

"Well," continued Jack, "since then I've dressed up a few more times, looking just like Lizzie, and I've gotten pretty good at it, as you can see!"

Bobby could see! If not for the voice, he would be convinced this was Elizabeth in front of him!

"And this has something to do with your plan for tonight?"

"It sure does," grinned the false Elizabeth. "I'm going to work the same magic on you and turn you into a double for Peggy, Kurtköy Öğrenci Escort (https://kurtkoy.t2bro.net) and then we are going to go out this evening, do bad things and ruin the girls' reputations! No one else knows that they are out of town, so they won't be able to prove that they didn't do the things that we are going to do while pretending to be them!"

Bobby's mind began to spin... too many do's and don'ts and didn'ts... but most of all... he would pretend to be Peggy? "Aw, come on Jack. You can't make me look like Peggy!"

Three hours later... (remember this IS a TG fantasy story!)

Jack had not let Bobby look in a mirror at all. For the past several hours he had worked hard on Bobby, getting him to shower and shave his body completely, then applying makeup to his face (particularly covering his freckles) , using a bit of glue to hold a blonde wig in place, and then getting him to put on a dress and undergarments. Bobby had breasts inside of his bra - even if they were just balloons filled with birdseed, they gave weight to his chest.

Bobby was now wearing stockings which felt strangely erotic on his legs, and for the past half hour he had been wandering around Jack's house on three inch heels, gaining confidence the more he walked. He also practised raising his voice to a pitch closer to Peggy's voice.

Finally at eight thirty, Jack touched up his own makeup and handed Bobby a purse. "Well, Peggy, are you ready to see yourself?"

Bobby nervously said yes and Jack led him to his mother's bedroom where there was a full length mirror. When he looked in the mirror, he was shocked to see Peggy and Elizabeth looking back at him. He raised and lowered a hand. He posed with hands on hips. He turned. The Peggy in the mirror followed his every movement.

"Oh my god, Jack! I don't believe it! I really do look like Peggy!"

"Your voice, Bobby! Your voice!" reminded Jack, in Elizabeth's voice! "Everyone tonight has to think that you are Peggy for our plan to work!"

"Right, right!" replied Bobby in his Peggy voice. He grinned at his friend and rival. "This might really work!"

"Okay, let's go!" said Jack, leading Bobby out the door to Elizabeth's car. "I convinced Lizzie to lend me her car as a consolation prize for the weekend. I didn't have this plan in mind at the time, but it will come in handy tonight!"

Bobby had difficulty lowering himself into the passenger seat of the sports car, with his three inch heels, but he eventually managed. "So, where to first?" he asked Jack.

"First we get comfortable in public. We're going to dinner at a nice restaurant. We have reservations at nine and should just get there in time!"

Bobby was nervous when they entered the restaurant. Elizabeth was obviously a regular here as the Maitre D greeted Jack as "Miss Fox" and told Bobby, "It is nice to see you again, Miss Conroy. Ladies, your table is not yet ready. If you would like to go to the bar, you may order a complimentary drink!"

At the bar, they were asked for id to prove their age. Bobby and all of his friends had reached the age of consent, and the drinking age, during the past year and so they could legally drink, but what was Bobby going to show the bartender to prove this? He hadn't thought to bring his own wallet.

Jack reached into his purse and handed his identification to the bartender who looked at it, nodded and returned it to the dark haired beauty. He turned to Bobby.

"Show him your driver's licence, Peggy." said Jack. "It's in your purse!" Bobby opened his purse which he had not previously looked in. Amongst the makeup he found a driver's licence - Peggy's licence! The bartender looked at it and handed it back.

Jack stopped Bobby before he ordered a beer. Instead the "girls" ordered Cosmopolitans. Once they had been served and the bartender was out of earshot, Bobby asked Jack, "How?"

"Last night when I went to Elizabeth's place to pick up her car, the girl's purses were laying on a table. I sort of helped myself to a few things from them that be useful this evening!" Elizabeth's face smirked at Bobby.

"You stole from the girls?!?"

"Yep, and it will serve them right. By the time we are through this evening..."

The Maitre D collected them at that point. He took them to seats on the outdoor patio. It was a warm summer evening. They asked for drink refills when the waitress came by. Jack opened his purse and took out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter. He gave the lighter and one cigarette to Bobby, putting another to his own lips and asked Bobby to light the cigarette for him.

"But we don't smoke! I've smoked maybe five cigarettes in my life."

"You're right. But the girls don't smoke either, and we want to make them look bad. This restaurant is the first step. Look around. There are several people who know Peggy and Lizzie, and several more who are friends of their parents. That is why I picked this place! Our first step here is to be rude and obnoxious to people. Kurtköy Çıtır Escort (https://kurtkoy.t2bro.net) Part of that will be appearing to be drunk, and smoking a lot!"

Bobby flicked the lighter and lit the cigarette that Jack held in his demure hand. Bobby noted that his fingernails were bright red and long, just as Elizabeth's would have been. He lit his own cigarette and realized his own fingers looked just as feminine!

When their second drinks came, Jack took a quick sip of his, made a horrible face and loudly told the waitress that the drinks were wrong. Everyone in the restaurant looked as Jack sent the drinks back and demanded that they be remade!

"Boy, you really sounded like Elizabeth then!" Bobby smirked.

"That's the whole point, Bobby!" said Jack, laying his hand on top of that of his friend.

When the replacement drinks arrived, Jack took a sip and pronounced them to be fine. When some friends of Peggy's parents stopped by the table to say hello, Bobby was polite but vague to them. He did manage to insult the way the woman was dressed and they left in a huff. While this was going on, Jack discretely dropped a small tablet into Bobby's drink. The tablet instantly dissolved.

When the appetizers arrived, Jack was about to order another drink, but the waitress brought two more drinks, saying that they were compliments of the two men at the bar. Bobby was startled, but Jack smiled. He batted his eyes at the two tall handsome men at the bar, and lifted his drink to toast them. Bobby did the same. The men saluted them back, and then made their way over to the table.

Jack invited them to join them for dinner and Bill and Chuck accepted. The two men looked to be in their early thirties. They turned out to be salesmen, in town for the night only, and looking to enjoy an evening of drinking and, of course, looking for some friendly local gals to spend some time with.

Bobby was very uncomfortable but for some reason he was feeling very hot and... uncomfortable in other ways. He could feel his cock trying to get erect in his panties, and he had no idea why.

The men proved to be amiable companions while they all ate their meals. Bill managed to slowly work his chair closer to Jack's and at some point his hand came to rest on top of that of the dark haired beauty and stayed there. Chuck meanwhile kept Bobby in animated conversation. When telling about himself, Bobby had to keep reminding himself that he was telling Peggy's story, not his own! The guys turned out to be smokers as well, and so all four had several cigarettes over the next hour. Several times, Bobby saw people at other tables eye him with displeasure, obviously friends of the Conroy family. He would just smile, give them a little wave, and blow smoke in their direction!

Jack said he had to go powder his nose and asked Bobby to join him. The "girls" excused themselves. Bobby almost walked into the men's washroom, before Jack grabbed his arm and guided him to the women's stalls.

There were a few other women in the washroom. Jack opened his purse and began to touch up his makeup. Bobby looked in the mirror and realized that he needed to make some repairs of his own, but was not sure how. Jack guided him on how to use the makeup in his purse, and then Bobby reapplied his own lipstick. While searching through his purse he came across a couple of reefers!

"Bobby, you are not flirting enough with Chuck!" said Jack.

"But he's a guy!" said Bobby.

"But he's a good looking guy. Bill is pretty handsome too," Jack giggled.

Jack giggled? wondered Bobby. What's going on?

"We want the girl's to come off looking bad tonight. We only have tonight to make this work, so do whatever you had to do to make Peggy look bad!"

"You like flirting with guys, right?"

"Um, yeah, sure, I guess," said Bobby, his fogged mind latching onto the suggestion. "I guess I just never really thought of it before!" Somehow the idea DID seem right to him after all. The idea made him all agitated... horny even. As he returned to the table, his three inch heels click clacking on the floor, his cock became erect at the thought of teasing Chuck. Fortunately his dress fit loosely enough that his unfeminine bulge did not show.

Back at the table the guys had ordered yet another round of drinks. Bobby was feeling giddy and did not object when Chuck moved his chair even closer and took Bobby's hand in his. He noticed that Bill now had his hand across Jack's shoulder and his other hand had a firm grip on Jack's hand.

Jack and Bill were lost in their own conversation and Bobby ended up talking more intimately with Chuck who was telling him that he was a very beautiful young lady! Bobby blushed. Their faces were just inches apart. Bobby was definitely beginning to feel turned on, but he could not figure out why. After all, this was a guy he was flirting with!

Bobby noticed Bill give a start. He realized that Jack's other hand was below the table. From the position Kurtköy Elit Escort (https://kurtkoy.t2bro.net) of the bodies of the two, Bobby realized Jack's hand would be resting on Bill's thigh and then put his own hand down on Chuck's thigh, running his hand slowly up and down the man's leg. In turn, Chuck ran his hand up and down Bobby's hairless arm, sending shivers throughout the crossdressed lad.

Bobby was thinking how handsome Chuck looked but his thoughts were cut short when Bill sadly informed their new found dates that he and Chuck had to return to their hotel for a late night evening telephone conference call, but asked if the girls would like to join them at the hotel bar in an hour or so. Before Bobby could say anything, Jack agreed for the both of them.

As they all stood to leave, Bill put his arm around Jack's waist and drew the raven haired beauty to him. He kissed Jack on the mouth, and Jack enthusiastically kissed him back. Eyebrows raised at various tables around them. Chuck tried to kiss Bobby, but Bobby turned his head and the kiss ended up on his cheek. However, Bobby did give Chuck's hand a hard squeeze, which Chuck returned.

In the parking lot, as the guys drove away, Bobby looked at his friend. "You kissed him! You kissed a guy! Are you gay!"

"No, Bobby, I didn't kiss a guy. Elizabeth kissed a guy. And no, I am not gay. But you know, a girl has to have fun! That was actually a pretty good kiss! If we are going to make the girl's look bad, we have to be prepared to go a bit further than just holding hands!"

"So we have an hour to kill before we meet the guys at their hotel," said Bobby as he checked his makeup in the visor mirror. "Should we just head there now?"

"Drinks are too expensive at the bar there. I don't mind drinking there once the guys show up and will buy us drinks, but in the meantime, let's make a stop!"

Jack drove them to the neighbourhood where Peggy lived and they parked outside a corner liquor store. They were both feeling a bit woozy and Jack did not park very straight, which several people noticed. Some of those people said hi to "Peggy" as they went into the liquor store. Inside Jack ordered two mickey's - one rye and one vodka - and two packs of cigarettes. They had to show their ID to the owner, and he frowned at Bobby, disapprovingly, saying that he went to Fox with Peggy's father. Getting in the spirit of the evening, Bobby lit up a cigarette in the store, despite the no smoking signs. The owner was not pleased and told Bobby that he would be reporting this to Peggy's father. Bobby told the old man to go fuck himself!

Jack paid with one of Elizabeth's credit cards and turned to wave at the closed circuit camera filming them at the counter, ensuring that Elizabeth was plainly visible in the store!

Outside Jack hugged Bobby and they climbed in the car. While the store owner was watching through the window, they each opened up a bottle and took a long drink. Bobby screwed up his face at the taste. As they drove away, with their open bottles of liquor, Bobby could see the store owner pick up his phone and dial someone. Hopefully, Peggy's father!

Five minutes later Jack had driven the hot little car out to a country road and the two friends were laughing and enjoying themselves while taking sips from their liquor. Jack then reached into his purse and pulled out a joint!

"What are you doing with that?" asked Bobby.

"What do you think, silly?" said Jack as he put the joint to his lips and leaned towards Bobby. His hand rested on one of Bobby's and did not let go when Bobby lit the joint for Jack who sucked in strongly. He exhaled and then passed the joint to Bobby. "Here, try it. You'll like it!" Bobby was wary, but as soon as Jack told him to take a hit, he was willing. It was almost as if he was willing to do anything, so long as Jack told him to. He shrugged and took a hit. For the next couple of minutes they shared the joint. Bobby was aware of Jack's hand stroking his thigh. His cock became erect at the thought of Elizabeth teasing him.

It was time to head to the hotel. They rolled down the windows to air out the car as they headed back into town. But then, Bobby noticed flashing lights behind them. At first Jack sped up, but then he realized the futility of outrunning the police and he pulled over. The police car pulled up behind them, and two policemen approached their car, one on each side!

"Hello officer, is something the matter?" asked Jack in his sweetest Elizabeth voice.

"License and registration please, Miss Fox!" said the officer. "And your friend can show her identification to my colleague please!"

Bobby rolled down his window and fumbled in his purse to hand Peggy's license to the burly officer on his side of the car. The cop grabbed Bobby's purse and started searching through it.

"You know my name, officer. Have we met before?" asked Jack.

"We've done this several times before, Miss Fox. Almost weekly it seems. And it is Trooper Henderson, remember?"

"Oh yes, of course, trooper!" Jack batted his eyelashes at the young handsome officer.

Henderson's partner looked over at him and held up the two joints he had found in Bobby's purse. The officers ordered the two girls out of the car and took them to the back of the vehicle.