Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Bound to Love It

28 Nisan 2024, 11:27

**A fantasy submission based on someone my wife has known for years**


The heady smell of leather invaded Annie's sharp intake of breath. Her hands tightened on the ropes that stretched her arms out to her sides and held them fast to the posts on the frame. The ropes were encased in a finely woven, very soft layer of red cotton threads but they were strong; half an inch thick and looped around her wrists in intricate knots that held her fast but did not chafe. Yes, her shoulders would ache from all the pulling she was doing, but the cords themselves would leave no marks to tell her secrets to anyone else.

She breathed out in a controlled and mindful act to settle her senses only to gasp another breath as the flail of hide again lashed against her exposed chest, cruel tongues licking her neck and breasts in delicious pain. She hadn't anticipated the strike - her blindfold was well applied, and the headphones prevented her hearing the swish that alerted her of the impending sting as well as the slapping noise as the tendrils of the cat-o-nine drew a whimper of mixed fear, pain, and excitement from her lips. Again and again it rained down on her, sometimes in rapid succession, sometimes with long pauses between. The torment struck from above, below, left and right; she took hits on her thighs, back, stomach, breasts, across her bottom, and even a couple across the top of her sex. Not directly on it, though. No, it was protected, if that is what you would call it.

She had been stood against the frame and her wrists pulled above her and separate, as if creating a human 'Y'. Her headphones had been pulled from her left ear for just a moment and Liam's voice instructed her to stand on tiptoe. The ropes on her arms were pulled tighter and just when she thought that had been the extent of it all, she felt something press against her from behind. It was somewhat hard, slightly wet - she deduced it must be lube - and placed with rather vulgar and blatant intent directly against her anus. Liam had wiggled it a couple of times and finally achieved a small amount of penetration, then it had been left there. She had been left there. Tied with hands overhead standing on her toes and what had to be a phallus of some sort positioned in such a way that relaxing her feet - which would have to happen eventually to avoid cramping - would cause it to enter her fully.

Then came the familiar hum, the tingling feeling she had suspected would arrive. She could not see it, but knew Liam was holding a device in his hand little larger than a screwdriver, but tipped with a glass appliance that glowed purple as electricity hummed through the conductive material within. It swept across her skin, awakening her nerves as it went, pleasant when spread across an inch or so but intensified to a sparking arc when just the barest part of its tip was held near her. Bites of current nipped at the sides of her breasts, across her stomach, along the exposed undersides of her arms. And the whole time, her feet ached a little more with each passing moment.

She tried to stay on her toes, though, she admitted to herself that honestly, she didn't try all that hard. As the pleasant and sometimes painful surges of energy were removed, she eased down hoping to fight off the beginning twinges of a cramp she felt in the arch of her foot. Her descent filled her with a presence slightly larger than Liam, and she progressed quickly enough to alleviate the strain on her foot but slowly enough to find pleasure in having her body stretched around the skewer upon which her body was slowly being lowered. Just as she neared the point where she would be able to stand flat-footed and take all the strain off her feet, her thighs felt a fluttering of the air, then a gentle brush of a quickly moving object. Liam had fitted up her magic wand to stimulate her now throbbing sex, but to do so she would have to lower her heels and fully impale herself on the unwavering member. Not even a choice as turned on as she was. Annie nearly fell yalova escort (http://www.elitescorthatun.com/ad-category/yalova-escort/) the last inch, the dildo buried into her ass to the hilt and the wand hammering her clit with gentle thunder.

Her orgasm was intense, flooding from her core, and without hearing herself she knew that she was moaning or screaming or probably both but who cares I need more of that more more more!!

As her orgasm sapped her strength, her legs weakened and she sank lower, putting her full weight on the dildo and grinding her now overly-sensitive clit against the head of the magic wand. Lowered completely with arms stretched overhead, she was now finding breath coming harder to come by, and her quickened pulse from the climax added to her distressed, ragged gulps of air. Weak kneed, she attempted to stand on her feet; though shaky, she managed to pull her stimulated, throbbing mound off the head of the wand only to be met by a flash of magnificent pain across the cheeks of her ass as the flail scored its first hit. Still filled with the artificial cock and lightheaded, her confused body interpreted each kiss of leather as pleasure and her nipples hardened to a painful rigidity just as they, themselves, felt the slap of rough-cut straps sting her breasts. It was the low hit, the brushing across the top of her pubis and sting on her labia that warned her the next hit may be aimed at her delicate folds. No escape, no other choice, she dropped - perhaps a little too quickly - to shelter her precious parts behind the head of the wand. The vibrator again assaulted her hooded treasure as her ass was once again forcefully treated with a thrust that treaded the fine line of pain.

A torrent of blows rained heavily across her ass and the tops of the backs of her thighs and she knew without seeing them that they were starting to glow a soft red. The assault continued until the sting forced her to stand again, and the whip moved on to her back, middle, her breasts, and again went towards the crux of her legs. Again and again she was harassed to drop, stand, drop, stand, drop. Forcefully fucking her own ass. Aggressively pressing her clit against the wand for protection. Made to raise and expose herself to more abuse. The whipping continued and her mind blurred, and she wasn't even sure she managed to utter the safe word until she felt the toy pulled from her body and she was seated, arms released from their overhead restraint and vibrator pulled away, easing backward in an inclined seated position.

She had only mumbled "yellow" around her drooling orgasm, not "red", so the encounter was not yet over. She could not have taken much more, but the sinful delight of forced punishment was exquisite and she made a mental note to indicate that her experience of the last - few minutes? Half hour? - was definitely a dish to add to the menu of options for future play.

She melted back into a reclining position, mild kisses of skin on fire reminding her that she would be sitting gingerly for a day or two. Fingertips brushed lightly over her skin, exploring her as vibrant sensations of awakened nerves reacted to feathered contact. Lips nuzzled at her neck and ear, kissing, nipping, warm tongue sweeping across her throat. Her wrists, still hosted by loops of soft but unyielding cord, were pulled gently behind the chair. A slight tugging told her the lines were being secured again and a moan of mixed anticipation and surrender - how much more was she expected to take? - fell from her lips. She was faintly aware of the hands on her calf, then more acutely aware of the loop of rope put over her foot and tightened onto her ankle; the other leg received a similar restraint.

Relaxed now, comfortable yet exposed, she was made available in the chair. Leaned to a partial recline, she imagined that her head was probably at about waist height; she knew what she expected next and licked her lips in anticipation. Her arms pulled to the sides of the chair and secured behind it left her full breasts edirne escort (http://www.elitescorthatun.com/ad-category/edirne-escort/) thrust upward, though they hung slightly to her sides as natural breasts do. Her stomach felt taut in this position as her legs were now spread to have her knees on either side of the front of the cushion, ankles apparently secured to the legs of the chair, but moving her ankle she felt a tug on her wrist. The entirety of her was presented for the entertainment of her "captor" yet she sensed that from this point the teasing pains were either over or would be the impetus to yell "red."

Her expectations were dashed as the kissing resumed, hungry then tender then fiercely insistent. On her lips, a gentle caress of tongues evolving to an impassioned kiss. Hands slid along her sides, atop her thighs. Her breasts were cupped and soon the kissing turned to their delicate skin as fingers kneaded their not inconsiderable weight. Teeth on nipple and a playful tug as fingers traced delicately down, playing momentarily in the soft fuzz of well-manicured hair before continuing down to slide gently down on either side of her swollen, well-lubricated vulva. The hand cupped her, then squeezed her lips together, then slowly pulled them apart. The slickness of her went cool as air met her wetness, but the sensation was offset by the inferno that burned as the fingers skirted her nub to instead dance along the outside of her eager opening. They circled and began to slowly dip in, then retreat; enter, withdraw; in, out. One, then two fingers slowly exploring her inner walls as the other hand mildly squeezed then gently pulled on her nipple, and the kissing flittered between neck, mouth, and breast. Her nipples were pulled and teased, her sex fondled, kisses raining on her sensitive skin in all places...

Her foggy brain finally managed to get through to her. How was she being fingered and having both breasts played with while she was also being kissed? Even in the euphoria of orgasmic afterglow, she suddenly became aware that there was more than one set of hands. In less than a second she was excited, mortified, titillated, humiliated, enthralled, terrified - and above all, her body sang with excitement. She could feel her own breathing suddenly much more ragged than it had been before, felt her own nectar beginning to leak down across the cheeks of her ass to dampen the chair beneath her. A mild gasp of shock escaped her as she came to the realization that the fingers probing her, slowly and rhythmically stroking against the mild ridges of her inner walls - had the slightest hint of longer fingernails. Annie thought at first it was the building orgasm of the fingers that hit her, or that it was the tongue that touched her clit with the feel of a charged bolt of lightning, but just before she succumbed to the strongest orgasm of her life, she realized that what drove the force of her climax was when a cascade of hair - obviously not Liam's! - brushed against her thigh.

She came to her senses later, though how much later she did not know. Light crept around the edges of the drawn curtains. Her body was sore as if every muscle had been pulled tightly for hours. Of the ropes there was no sign, nor the framework nor whip nor dildo - nor was anyone else there but she and Liam. She smiled lazily at him as he sat beside her and he offered her a cup of tea, softly brushing her hair out of her eyes with his other hand. She eased herself to a sitting position feeling only the mildest sensation from where the scourge had splayed its lashes on her, and accepted the cup. She sipped and smiled and formed a hundred questions in her head, but didn't want to shatter the silence or break the mood. She ached but was exhausted in the fully depleted way one can only feel after a strenuous exertion, and it felt good. She wasn't angry, as it was a fantasy they had discussed several times, but one she never thought would happen. The mystery of never hearing or seeing the other person was both a treat and taunt. How erzurum escort (http://www.elitescorthatun.com/ad-category/erzurum-escort/) would she ever find out who had seen her in that position? Who had experienced her body in such an intimate way? To whom will she speak now, wondering with every nuanced smile and glance whether the person is sending a subtle signal? Liam would not have chosen just anyone, it would be someone attractive and who could keep - her? - mouth shut, but it would most definitely be someone she knew or who knew her. The suspense was killing her but she knew he would not answer and to be honest with herself, she could pretend it never happened and nobody but the other person would ever know, and she would rely on their discretion to simply keep it an erotic secret she could hold in her heart, head, and bed.

"Thank you for last night, Annie," purred Liam, burying his fingers in her hair and massaging her scalp. "I love when you let yourself go, and I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. I appreciate you not calling it all off when you realized I had invited a friend to play rather than just playing with my favorite toy myself." Annie blushed a bit and sipped her tea. "I want to thank you for letting me live out one of your fantasies, because I'm sure I enjoyed it almost as much as you. Let me take you to dinner tonight. We're both off work and I know you love to dress up and look pretty. That sound like a plan?"

Annie nodded and smiled at him, studying his eyes. Nothing she hadn't wanted had actually happened. He was there the whole time protecting her and sharing in the experience. And she had the best sexual experience of her life - she was going to wear out her Hitachi replaying the night in her mind. "I love you," she murmured, leaning in for a gentle kiss. She winced a bit as her shoulders reminded her of the restraints the night before.

"Yeah, I saw that. I'm not apologizing for the restraints, though; I know you were having fun," he offered with a slight smirk. "Naughty girl. But MY naughty girl, and a sexual goddess!" He began a light rub on the shoulder closest him. "I knew you'd be sore," he said, "so I booked you a 90-minute session with Kelli. I want you all relaxed and happy so we can go have fun tonight. It's 10:30 now and your appointment is at noon. You okay with that?"

Annie nodded and chirped a quick, "yes" to him. Drop-dead sex AND a massage? Hell, he could arrange a night like this anytime he wants to if this is the day after...

Liam went off to his chores around the house while Annie slowly came to life, poking through articles on her tablet from a seat on the bed she had fashioned with piled pillows until she could dally no longer. She dressed quickly and simply - she would worry about hair and makeup after the massage - and skipped out the door to head to her masseuse's office.

A simple chime sounded as she entered the austere studio, four plain chairs in front of a simple check-in desk. A short hallway painted in a calming shade of light green led down to a room on the end from whence the fragrance of oil left a faint trace in the air. The entire office softly intoned calm and serenity with the fervor as if it had been shouted; willpower faced an imminent and unrelenting assault to just remain awake.

"C'mon back," Kelli called from the small room on the end. "I'm just getting set up. You like the thunderstorm sound, right?"

Annie hid a small smile as she stepped down the hall. She wished she could tell someone about the night. She so desperately wanted to give details to someone who would just shake their head and tell her how much they envied her. Annie felt the slightest tug of a smile as she imagined Kelli asking her what she had been up to that had gotten her shoulders so stiff. If only Kelli knew.

Turning the corner, Annie's breath caught for just a moment. Kelli stood facing the side table, arranging the oil and towels and some basic decorations. With her back still towards Annie, she reached up with her hands and gathered her shoulder length locks in well manicured fingers. She turned as she wrapped a band around her hair to put it into a pony tail and smiled sweetly as she looked Annie in the eye and asked, "So... What did you want me to work on today?"

She had never before noticed just how warm it was in Kelli's parlor. Slowly, Kelli reached behind Annie to close the door.