Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Fariba Nazari of Afghanistan

28 Nisan 2024, 10:31

"This is so wrong," Samuel Senghor thought to himself, as he looked at the beautiful woman slumbering next to him. Was there anything worse than a man hooking up with his best friend's mother? Lying on the bed, her curvaceous body stark naked, a fine sheen of sweat oozing out of her forehead, Fariba Nazari looked quite lovely. The years had been kind to her, and at fifty, she looked better than most of the young women whom Samuel routinely saw at the Ryerson University campus.

Rising from the bed, Samuel yawned and stretched as he headed to the bedroom window. It was four o'clock in the morning, and it was still dark. Outside, the Toronto nighttime skyline glittered, a marveling matrix of lights and shadows representing the largest metropolitan area in all of Canada. After living in the City of Toronto, Ontario, for the past five and a half years, Samuel considered himself as much a Torontonian as, say, Canadian celebrities like Drake, Neil Young or Lights.

Samuel had come a long way from his humble beginnings in the City of Richard Toll, northern Senegal. An orphan raised by Christian Missionaries in an old-fashioned orphanage, Samuel grew up poor and dreamed of something more. Academically gifted, Samuel won every prize there was to win at school, thanks to his high marks in every subject, particularly mathematics and the sciences. The Missionaries, especially an old Frenchman named Father Daniel Lemieux, encouraged Samuel to pursue education outside of Senegal.

Samuel Senghor had been taking English and French classes at the orphanage for a long time and was fluent in both languages by the time he turned eighteen. That's why he applied to the University of Toronto in Ontario, Canada. The University of Toronto was suitably impressed by the confident young scholar, and offered him one of the international student spots in its Civil Engineering program. Samuel Senghor came to Canada on a student visa...and never left.

Although Samuel would never forget the land of his birth, after living in the G.T.A. for half a decade, he had come to think of Toronto as his home. It had a lot to do with the friendships and relationships he'd cultivated since coming to the G.T.A. One of the first people he met was Salim Nazari, a cocky and charming young man originally from the City of Zaranj, Afghanistan. This friendship would in time become the source of one of the defining events of Samuel's life.

Even though Samuel Senghor and Salim Nazari came from different worlds, they became fast friends after their initial meeting on Orientation Day at Ryerson University. They were both Civil Engineering majors, and big-time nerds. Fast forward five and a half years, and Samuel was an alumnus of Ryerson University, where he obtained his Civil Engineering degree, and he'd recently become a Permanent Resident of Canada. Soon he'd have citizenship, and then his career and life would be on the ascent.

Unfortunately, fate had other plans for Salim Nazari, who was currently serving a life sentence at the Kingston Penitentiary in the environs of Kingston, Ontario. A terrible tragedy had befallen the Nazari family after the death of Salim's father Omar Nazari, the family patriarch. After the old died due to the ravages of cancer, chaos ensued. The family's finances suffered, and Salim had to drop out of school to help his mother and sister.

There was trouble brewing on the home front in the Nazari household, and it had nothing to do with finances. As is the case in many immigrant families, values between the Old World and the West caused clashes among family members. Salim's older sister Azita met a young Irish guy named Liam O'Keefe while studying at the University of Toronto. A whirlwind romance followed, and the two of them got engaged. Sadly, their love story izmir escort (http://www.elitescorthatun.com/ad-category/izmir-escort/) would not have a happy ending.

Salim did not approve of his sister Azita's relationship with Liam, on account of Liam being a non-Muslim, and a foreigner at that. Salim wanted his sister to marry a man from their faith and culture. Although Samuel talked to Salim and tried to get him to give the young couple a chance, Salim grew to hate both his sister and her lover. It got to the point that after Salim made death threats against Azita and Liam, they went to the police and obtained a restraining order against him. For the three of them, events would soon take a drastic, downright tragic turn.

Salim Nazari grew up in rural Afghanistan, where antiquated notions of family honor still prevail to this day. When his sister Azita continued to date Liam, he saw it as an affront to the Nazari family honor. One night, he snuck into the Mississauga apartment that Liam and Azita shared, and killed both of them in their sleep. Salim was subsequently arrested by the Toronto Police Service, tried in Criminal Court and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. The harshest sentence that any Canadian court had ever handed out since the country abolished the death penalty ages ago.

Samuel was saddened over what happened to his buddy Salim, whom he remembered as a friendly, generous and super chill guy. Salim wasn't the murderous psychopath that the western media made him out to be. Samuel preferred to think of his old friend as a misguided soul who made a few mistakes. The Canadian media sensationalized the murder trial of Salim Nazari, and a discussion about Muslim immigrants, women's rights and honor killings gripped Canadian society. Samuel missed Salim, but his friend's fate was sealed.

The greatest tragedy of all was Fariba Nazari's fate. In the same year, the matriarch of the Nazari family lost her husband to cancer, her daughter to an honor-motivated murder at the hands of her own brother, and her son to the criminal justice system. Out of concern for Fariba, Samuel began checking up on her once in a while. All of a sudden, the lovely lady had no one. Her husband was dead. Her daughter was dead. And her son was serving life in prison. Samuel feared that Fariba Nazari might kill her herself, and one tragic night, she came tragically close to doing just that...

"Don't do it," Samuel said to Fariba, as he watched her on the rooftop of her building, about to jump. He'd come by the house for a visit, and having found the place unlocked, he searched for her. When Fariba didn't answer her cell phone, Samuel considered calling the cops, then took a look around the building. Some instinct made him check the roof, where he found the lovely, teary-eyed Muslim matriarch about to end her life...

"Sammy, I've got nothing to live for, my family is all gone," Fariba said, shaking her head. Samuel looked at her, astonished to see her this distraught. Carefully he stepped close to the ledge, until he was only two meters from her. Samuel remembered Fariba as a strong woman who was passionate about her Islamic faith and loved her family. To lose them was a terrible blow to her. Still, he had to find a way to get her safely off the ledge...

"Lady Fariba, that's not true, your son Salim is my best friend and he needs you more than ever, heck, I need you, you and your family are my oldest friends in Canada," Samuel said, and Fariba looked at him, smiling sadly. She looked at the ground below, and Samuel held his breath. If Fariba tried to jump, he'd have to move fast to catch her, lest she drag both of them off the ledge. The lady looked into his eyes, and whatever she saw in there seemed to convince her.

"Creator of all things, antalya escort (http://www.elitescorthatun.com/ad-category/antalya-escort/) give me something to live for," Fariba said, looking at the skies, and then, she slowly, tentatively reached for the hand that Samuel offered. Thus he got her off the ledge, and safely into his arms. Samuel held tightly onto Fariba, who sobbed against his shoulder. I will never leave you or let anything happen to you, Samuel remembered thinking at the time, as he held the suicidal Afghan matriarch in his arms. The fates were about to hold him onto that silent pledge...

"You're going to be okay," Samuel said to Fariba, tenderly stroking her face, and she nodded sagely, her eyes still filled with tears. Slowly, he walked her away from the ledge. They returned to her apartment. Fariba seemed in better spirits, but Samuel didn't want to leave her alone, lest she resume her suicide attempt. He didn't know Jack about psychology, but could sense Fariba was in a vulnerable state. Thus, he spent the night at her place, sleeping on the couch while she slept in the master bedroom. It's what Salim would want me to do, Samuel told himself that night.

"Samuel, thank heavens you were there last night," Fariba said to Samuel, when he saw her, the following morning. He'd been awakened by the sound of cooking in the Nazari family kitchen. Samuel opened his eyes and saw Fariba standing there, wearing a T-shirt and sweatpants, her long dark hair sans Hijab for a change. Awkwardly he rose, not sure what to say...

"You're welcome, ma'am," Samuel replied, and for reasons he couldn't explain, he joined Fariba in the kitchen, inexorably drawn to her. The tall, curvy Afghan Muslim matriarch stood there, looking mighty fine, all sadness gone from her face. When Samuel inquired about how she felt, Fariba looked at him in a way she never had before. Samuel's heart skipped a beat. He could tell that Fariba was checking him out, and wasn't sure what to do about it. Sure, any other woman, he'd respond, but she was his buddy Salim's mother. Untouchable with a capital U...

"Hmm, let me thank you properly," Fariba said, smiling, and she drew closer to Samuel, until her lovely face was inches from his. Samuel took a deep breath, then, throwing caution to the wind, he crossed the distance between them, and pressed his lips against Fariba's. Thus they shared their first kiss. From that moment on, nothing would ever be the same between Fariba Nazari and Samuel Senghor. Cross certain lines and that's what happens, regardless of one's origin, nationality, religion or culture. It's an unalienable fact of life among all human beings...

"You're a unique woman," Samuel said, as Fariba leaned against him, her dangerous curves demanding his attention. She smiled, watching him try to resist her, and fail. Samuel kissed Fariba, and somehow, they began doing it, right there in the kitchen. Fariba barely managed to turn off the stove, where she'd been making some soup, before Samuel hoisted her up on the counter, and proceeded to ravish her...

"I need you, Habibi," Fariba whispered, as she disrobed, tossing aside her top, and she sat on the ceramic counter with her sweatpants around her ankles. Samuel looked into her dark eyes and saw a burning desire in there. Reaching for her breasts, which were marked by motherhood, but still firm, he gently caressed them. Fariba purred and leaned against the kitchen wall as Samuel began pleasuring her. It had been a while indeed...

"Open up and relax, sweetie," Samuel said softly, looking at Fariba, who tensed. Smiling, he kissed her toes, and gently sucked on them. Fariba smiled, and she was hesitant even though she yearned for Samuel's touch. She'd always found him attractive, but chastised herself for thinking such kayseri escort (http://www.elitescorthatun.com/ad-category/kayseri-escort/) thoughts, even after her husband's death. Fariba's late husband Omar was, to date, the only man she'd opened her legs for...

"Samuel, be careful," Fariba said huskily, locking eyes with him, and Samuel nodded. Samuel kissed a path from Fariba's toes to her upper thighs, and then he watched as she spread her thick, sexy legs, opening herself to him. Samuel brought his face to Fariba's crotch, and then inhaled her feminine aroma, and nodded, apparently pleased. Next thing Fariba knew, Samuel buried his face between her legs and began eating her out, his tongue sliding into her pussy quite nicely. For the two lovers, the fun was just beginning...

"You taste mighty fine," Samuel paused to say, and he slid two fingers into Fariba's pussy while teasing her engorged clitoris with his tongue. Fariba moaned and squealed, clearly loving what Samuel was doing to her. Samuel lathered up Fariba's cunt with his tongue, and she moaned so loudly that he worried her neighbors might hear, and neither of them cared. Samuel continued working Fariba over until she came, and when she did it, she was a wonderful to behold.

"Take me," Fariba said, a little while later, as Samuel laid her on the living room couch, her thick legs resting on his shoulders. Samuel rubbed his hard dick against Fariba's wet, hairy pussy. Fariba looked at the tall, dark-skinned, strongly built young Senegalese man who was about to fuck her, and smiled. Grabbing Samuel's dick, Fariba stroked him, and then nodded firmly at him.

"Let's do this," Samuel said decisively, and Fariba nodded, tensing as he began his approach into her. Swiftly he buried his dick inside of her. Fariba watched Samuel's long, hard, dark dick slide into her womanhood, and sighed happily. For ages she'd felt empty, for she hadn't known a man's touch since her husband died. Now, at last, Fariba was making love again, and the man she was making love with, Samuel, was not only handsome and strong, but she knew he actually gave a damn about her...

"Don't hold back, love, fuck me hard," Fariba demanded, and Samuel, who was a bit surprised by her words, smiled and nodded. Moments later, he bucked his hips, slamming his hard dick into Fariba's pussy. Although Fariba felt tense at first, she soon relaxed and enjoyed as Samuel plowed his dick inside of her. Gently pinching her erect nipples, Fariba stuck her tongue out at Samuel, teasing him even as he rammed her. Suddenly filled with inspiration, Fariba slapped Samuel hard across the face.

"What the fuck?" Samuel asked, shocked, and Fariba flashed him a wicked smile, and shrugged. Shaking his head, Samuel let go of her right leg, which he'd been holding against his shoulder along with her left, and grabbed Fariba's throat instead. Locking eyes with Fariba, Samuel rammed his dick into her cunt with renewed vigor. Fariba, who seemed to be into the rough stuff, begged him for more. Samuel fucked her without mercy until Fariba finally tapped out. Their first time together was nothing short of memorable...

"Good morning, Habibi," Fariba's sleepy voice chimed in, snatching Samuel Senghor out of his little trip down memory lane. He turned around, and saw...her. Fariba sat up on the bed, gloriously naked, early morning sunlight bathing her voluptuous body, turning it golden. She smiled at Samuel, and he returned her smile. Rising from the bed, Fariba came to Samuel, and pressed her body against his before kissing him on the lips.

"Good morning, love," Samuel replied, and he held Fariba in his arms, thankful to his lucky stars for her. Looking into her lovely eyes, he saw a beautiful, passionate, fearless woman. They'd been seeing each other for some time, and their relationship had evolved. They didn't just meet for sex, they went to restaurants, movie theaters and museums together. They truly enjoyed each other's company. When they went out together in Toronto, people stared, noting the obvious differences in skin tone and age, but Samuel and Fariba were way past that. They're just a couple in love, that's all...