Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : The Life of Riley Ch. 01

28 Nisan 2024, 08:54

A two part story of a young woman who describes her wonderful life

Hi there. My name is Suzi Riley and I have a most wonderful life. The only depressing thing about it is that while I have a great many friends, family, and acquaintances who all know me to be a happy, vivacious, socially conscious and committed woman, there is only one person in the world who knows what makes my life so truly special. So I thought I would take this opportunity to describe for you, a select few friends and readers, what a typical day in my life is like. So you can see and judge what it is that makes everything in my life so glorious.

But first, a little background biographical history. I grew up in a middle class family, an only, but never lonely, child. I went through the typical teenage rebellion and angst, but, in general, I had a comfortable and caring family life. Though never the 'Belle of the Ball', I had a lot of friends, both female and male, and while I occasionally dated in both high school and college, I never had, nor particularly wanted, a steady boyfriend. There just never seemed to be anyone who tickled my particular fancy. And my interests and drive, even in my teen years, lay in other directions ... what might be called social awareness and activism. Given my commitment in that area, I just never had the time, nor the inclination, to pursue any romantic entanglements.

I went to, and graduated from a well regarded college, and then went on to get my MBA with honors at an even more prestigious university. I was thus set up for, and was offered a number of very well paying, potentially fast track positions in the business world. But my passion and desire for how to use my talents propelled me to travel another path. To the surprise, and even consternation of my business school peers, I entered the not-for -profit world of charitable and community service activities.

Over the next several years, I was involved in a multitude of projects, and rapidly worked my way up through the ranks to an executive position, and director's level on many of them. It was hard, oftentimes frustrating and heartrending, but always exhilarating and satisfying to be doing such important and fulfilling work.

It was while I was on a fund raising circuit for one of these projects, running shelters and halfway houses for abused women and unwed homeless mothers, that my life took its most interesting turn. I was scheduled to meet with an assistant financial officer at a highly successful private investment banking firm, to try to secure a contribution, and possibly even a partial sponsorship. I was waiting outside this gentleman's office, when his door opened, and a very handsome, fit looking, late thirtyish appearing man walked out. He glanced at me, seemed startled for a moment, and then smiled a very nice smile, nodded a hello, and then began to walk away. As he did so, the secretary announced me through the intercom to someone still inside the office.

"A Miss Suzi Riley is here to see you for her appointment, sir."

Upon hearing this, the man who had just departed the office stopped, turned on his heel, and came back to me.

"Did I hear that your name is Riley?" He asked very politely.

"Yes." I answered, a touch flustered. "Suzi Riley."

"What a coincidence." He said. "My first name is Riley. How do you do." He added, seeming genuinely interested.

"Very well, thank you." I responded, not at all sure what this was all about.

"And what might you be here to see Mr. Miller about, if you excuse me for asking."

He seemed so sincere in seeming to want to know, that it would have been rude not to reply, even though this was not at all how I had envisioned beginning to make my pitch.

"I represent the 'Safe Haven' project for abused women and homeless unwed mothers, And I'm here to see Mr. Miller about a possible contribution and funding."

"Ah, the 'Safe Haven' project. I've heard some very good things about that. And I'd love to hear more." He turned back to the secretary, who was staring at him in amazement. "Tell Miller that I'll be talking to Miss Riley about her project myself." He turned back to me, and smiled sheepishly. "That is, of course, as long as you don't mind."

Still somewhat taken aback, but beguiled by his smile and apparent urfa escort (http://www.elitescorthatun.com/ad-category/urfa-escort/) earnestness, I replied hesitantly, "No. I guess not. But I also think that it would be nice to know more about to whom I will be talking. Beyond Riley ..."

His smile then broadened to what could honestly be called dazzling, before returning to a more sheepish, even shy one again. "Oh yes, of course. Please forgive me. My name is Riley Jenkins, and I'm the owner of this company."

And so I was led to, and ushered into the inner sanctum of the owner and CEO of R. Jenkins and Associates, where, for the next hour, I went into great detail about every aspect, hope and aspiration I had for the 'Safe Haven' project. Never before had I ever had such a prolonged and attentive audience, and at the end of the hour I was given a personal check for five figures, and a company draft for six figures, with the promise for an ongoing sponsorship.

I left his office in a daze. In my entire career, I had never had such a successful fund raising experience. I learned soon after that R. Jenkins and Associates was quietly known for being very involved in charitable endeavors, but I doubted whether they had ever contributed so much after such a short period of time and presentation.

It was about two weeks later, well after the checks had cleared, that I received a personal call from Mr. Riley Jenkins. After some initial pleasantries, he went on to assure me that his phone call had nothing to do with the contributions he had made, nor with his company's ongoing plans to be a continuing sponsor. When I politely asked what it WAS about, there was a silence on the other end for several seconds, then a hesitant query about whether I might have any interest in having dinner with him some night. After a surprised pause on my end, I answered that I never thought that it was a good idea to mix business with pleasure, and go out with someone with whom I had a professional relationship. I didn't add that I hadn't dated anyone, business-associated or not, for several years. From the sound of his voice, I could almost visualize his crestfallen look as he replied that he understood, and to please forgive him. For reasons that I couldn't then explain, I shocked myself by saying that I hadn't meant that exceptions couldn't be made, and that I would indeed very much enjoy having dinner with him.

And so, I had my first date with Riley Jenkins. He took me to a small, quiet, but very elegant and upscale restaurant, where we proceeded to slowly dine and converse over the next several hours. He proved to be a courteous, polite and, most importantly, the most attentive person I had ever met. I had never before had anyone listen to me with such apparent interest, and while he would occasionally ask questions, it was I who did most of the talking. In response to his asking and followup queries, I told him in depth about my upbringing, my time in school, and my drive and passion for my vocation and causes. I then shocked even myself by telling him many things about my personal life, my inner needs and wants ... things I had never discussed with anyone before ... maybe not even with myself in such stark fashion. Things that I was sure that after telling him, would drive him away, as they had been the likely cause of my never having formed a strong or lasting attachment with anyone else before.

Through it all, he paid rapt attention, and before I knew it, four hours had flown by. As he took me home, and gave me a chaste goodnight kiss on the cheek, I was sure that I was seeing the last of Riley Jenkins. He then surprised me by asking if he could take me to the Ballet the next week, as I had mentioned earlier in the evening that I loved to go to it, but rarely did. I immediately said yes, and our second night out together was thus arranged.

Over the next few months, he took me out virtually every Friday or Saturday night, and sometimes both. After that first night, I made sure to include him far more in our conversations, to get to know him better, which I was able to do. But invariably, he was always able to bring the focus and subject back to me. It soon became evident, even to me, that I was being seriously courted, though not in any overtly aggressive manner. Much later on, he confided to me that he had fallen balıkesir escort (http://www.elitescorthatun.com/ad-category/balikesir-escort/) head over heels for me on that very first day in his office. What surprised me at that point, though, was that given the time and attention he had been lavishing on me, he had not made any attempt to initiate any intimate relations with me. Over the years, I had had a number of sexual dalliances, purely for the sake of enjoyment, which had never gone anywhere beyond that. Nor, given my proclivities, had I ever wanted them to. I didn't know at the time if Riley's apparent hesitancy to proceed in this direction was that he was old fashioned, being overly gallant, or that he just wasn't sure what my receptivity would be in the matter. I decided that I needed to let him know in some way that such actions on his part would be VERY welcome.

I set my plan in motion by inviting him over to my apartment one evening for a home cooked dinner. I pulled out all the stops, with candlelight, champagne, and my mother's favorite recipes from soup to nuts.

He couldn't have been more complimentary in his praise of every facet of the evening. Finally, after probably too many glasses of champagne to fortify my resolve, I dropped some not too unsubtle hints of where my real interests in the evening lay. Riley Jenkins had not become a highly successful titan of the financial world by failing to recognize a sure thing when he saw it, and in a very short period of time, we were in my bedroom, both naked, and in each other's arms.

He began my offered conquest by exploring my entire body with his lips and tongue. He slowly and sensuously started his sojourn behind my neck and ears, worked his way down my back, and then around to spend some delightful time with my breasts. He then moved on to probe my navel, before proceeding on to lick around both of my buttocks, lightly going up and down the crack, before traveling down my legs to complete his journey by swirling his tongue around and between each of my toes.

My body was absolutely aflame, and actually tingling as he then shimmied up between my legs, pushing with his face to finally reach the center of my sexual being. I trembled in breathless anticipation as he first softly blew on my exposed bud, then flicked at it lightly with the tip of his tongue, before capturing it more firmly between his upper lip and a fuller extension of his tongue. The sensation was almost excruciating in its sweetness as he rolled it between lip and tongue, and as I suddenly gripped the bed covers at my sides and arched my back, he took that as a signal to start thrusting his tongue deep within my inner recesses. Wave upon wave of exquisite joy surged through me, as I could feel my juices pouring over his forging tongue. It seemed to go on forever, well over a minute and more like two, before slowly subsiding as I lay there panting as if I had just completed a marathon.

As this first climax came to an end, his attentions to me did not. Though his tongue had stopped darting, it continued to nuzzle and softly flick. My mind came back to a calmness, but my core once again began to arouse. This time the fire built more slowly, more fully, and, if possible, more deeply, and my full throated growl must have alerted him to my state, as fingers then joined lips and tongue to drive forth, and bring on the most shuddering, shattering, and ultimately exhausting orgasm I could have ever imagined. It went on beyond time as he refused to subside, until I could take no more, and screamed ... no begged for him to stop lest I be consumed by the overwhelming heat of my ecstacy.

He heard my pleas, and mercifully brought his attentions to an end. I was so dazed by the depth of the response such as I had never before experienced, that I was scarcely aware of him easing up to my side and enveloping me in his arms. It was with our bodies so joined in this way, that ... I am embarrassed to say even to this day ... in my total exhaustion, possibly coupled with too many glasses of champagne, and wrapped so securely in his protective embrace, I fell asleep.

It was certainly a most contented sleep, but what I still remember about it even now were the dreams. I don't think that I had ever had many sexual dreams before, but I did that night, involving every kind of sexual trabzon escort (http://www.elitescorthatun.com/ad-category/trabzon-escort) activity my sleeping brain could possibly conceive ... and they all starred Riley Jenkins. I'm not sure, but I think I came again in my sleep. All I know is that when I started to slowly awaken the next morning, I was still very moist

What woke me was probably my sense that he was no longer next to me. Opening my eyes, I spied him on the other side of my room, just finishing getting dressed, as he got ready to go to work. It was then that the horrible realization suddenly hit me, and I sat bolt upright on my bed.

"Riley, I'm so sorry." I exclaimed. "I don't know what happened. It's just that it was ... so phenomenal. I've never experienced anything like it, that I ... I ..." I hung my head in shame. "... I didn't take care of you."

I don't know what I expected at that moment, but it wasn't a laugh. A genuine, good natured laugh. He came over, kissed me on my forehead, and quietly said, "Giving you pleasure is all the pleasure I need." He then asked if he could call me later, and as I nodded a dazed yes, he gave me his spectacular smile, bent forward and kissed me lightly on the lips. He then turned and left for work. As he did so, leaving me disheveled but bedazzled in my bedroom, I was never in my life so certain of anything as I was then of two things. First, ...that I had a keeper on my hands. And second, and most importantly ... that I loved Riley Jenkins with all my heart and soul.

Events moved quickly after that night. We began spending almost all of our private time together. I made sure from that point on to never again fail to take care of his needs, as he most assuredly always took care of mine. While I had known before that we shared similar passions and interests in public activities and social causes, as we got to know each other more intimately, it became a wonder to me ... in both senses of the word ... to discover how closely our private and personal wants and needs meshed so perfectly together.

I was almost bewitched by what Riley was awakening in me. No, a more accurate word, as time went on, was what he unleashed in me. The more I asked of him, the more he gave. And when I began to demand, he gave even more. Happily. And ardently. It was also as if I had unlocked some seed deep within him as well, which itself was then being allowed to come to fruition. What we were growing into, and drawing from each other, seemed more than companionship, more than partnership, more even than love. We complimented and completed each other into a whole that was definitely, pardon the cliche, far more than the sum of our beings. And that has continued to grow and evolve so wondrously even to this day. Time back then, though, moved as if in a blur, as he continued to sweep me completely off my feet, striving to meet all of my wants, needs, whims and desires which I so slowly revealed to him, and so many more that he discovered on his own. Within six short months we were engaged, and less than six months after that, we were wed.

We have been married a fair number of years now, and the bloom has never come off of the rose, as our relationship and commitment, and what we have come to mean and need from each other, has continued to deepen and flower. At first I had continued to work as a director at my public service organization, but my husband soon after convinced me, given the degree of wealth which I now personally enjoyed through him, that I could be so much more effective, and do so much more good work in the areas in which I was most interested, if he helped me set up a private philanthropic concern, which I would run. And I do, to this very day. Using our seed money, and utilizing his innumerable contacts in the financial world for further funding and development, we have built up an amazing organization which has become well recognized and applauded as a model in the field. I still work extremely hard, maybe even more so at times than before, but it is so much more rewarding, and so much less frustrating and heart wrenching, as I can do things now the way I know they should be done, and actually get them done.

But I did promise you all a description of a typical day in my life as it is today, so that you can see what it is beyond all this, that makes my life so very special. I fear, however, that I must ask for your indulgence and patience, loyal readers, as I have to postpone this discussion until tomorrow. I find that I must suddenly pay some special attention to my husband at the moment, and that need comes first. I vow that I will return to complete my story on the morrow, as I trust that you all will as well.