Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Aztec Art - The Path to Submission

27 Nisan 2024, 15:10

She'd had enough. The revolver she kept in the closet was loaded with six bullets before she stepped to the mirror, covering the latest red mark on her neck with make up. Yes, she'd kill him this time, she told herself, it can't go on. As she strutted out onto the drive of the big house his wealth had brought her, she felt a strange but undeniable pleasure in the power her mood and intent gave her; yes she'd spend the rest of her life behind bars - if she was lucky - but seeing him dead after the months and years of abuse, somehow excited her sexually, her cunt was wet as she thought of seeing him drop. She got into the Thunderbird, tied the scarf around her hair and donned her sunglasses, and after lighting a Lucky Strike she clicked the radio knob on. With Bobby Vinton's 'Blue Velvet' not assisting in reducing her urgency, she drove off to her husband's office.

Patti Payne knew what a pig Lloyd Garner was, his openly broadcast chauvinism was legendary at the office where he was a director, and she a department head - a rare thing indeed where women were concerned in those days - and the rumours of his womanising were too frequent for some not to be true; he'd not tried anything on with her of course, as she was a good twenty years older than the sort of women he preferred; juvenile, shapely, and never too intellectual - in 1963, that kind of adventurous and loose female was becoming increasingly easy for moneied jerks like Garner to pick up. It came as little surprise when his beleaguered wife Joyce appeared from the elevator doors, looking furtive, her face heavily made up and sunglasses covering her eyes, but the marks of abuse still evident to the keen eye.

Patti had just finished a conversation with a colleague by the water dispenser opposite when she saw her; the prim woman looking flushed, and looking about her to recall the way to her husband's office, which she rarely visited. Patti watched her progress to the end of the hall, then grapple for something in her bag. She dropped her paper cup in shock, on briefly seeing a revolver emerge from the bag, then returned to the cover of the bag with Joyce's hand still on it. As she motioned to move to Garner's office, Joyce felt the grip of Patti's hand on her arm, and felt herself being pulled away to her office.

"No... there's a better way, I can't let you do this." Patti looked at the pretty face full of exasperation, her sexually attractive figure one that any male would die for, increasing her own hatred for the misogynistic male who had no need for any other woman. She could also feel the sexual thrill that her intent to kill him had brought out in her, her nipples standing hard through her thin bra and soft blouse. Patti closed the door behind them, the incident only noticed briefly by a couple of women in the typing pool before they entered her office; they'd say nothing. Joyce raged with passion.

"I want him dead!... it can't go on, I want to put him where he belongs and have everyone know a woman did it!" Patti calmed the seething beauty, stroking her hair and already warming to her dark desire which was at least partly powered by an eroticism which Patti's private life could assist her with.

"The dead don't suffer... and I'd like to see him taken down as much as you... and then perhaps disposed of at your whim." Joyce's eyes illuminated away from the red mist, though the sexual desire that reinforced it remained as she listened.

"Put a hole in his head in public, and where does that get you? Life behind bars if you're lucky, the death penalty if the judge is a typical male..." She smiled wickedly as she sat her in a chair, calming her rage further.

"...and the thrill of ending him that way is so short, so clinical... you deserve to get more pleasure from it than that." Joyce watched the long legs with seamed stockings and firm arse tight in the business suit dress, strut to the window and look down to the office where Garner continued his arrogant existence, for the time being. She noted there was no picture of a man or children on her desk. The tenderness she'd been shown and Patti's obvious desire to see a male punished alarmed her slightly.

"You're not... not.. a lesbian are you?" Patti crossed her arms, held her head back slightly and laughed.

"Oh no.. I like men as much as you do... I just like to have them firmly under my control... yours is a thought shared by many here - I'm often left apples and other tokens of affection by sweet young typists - swells my ego but nothing else." Joyce gasped, her cunt tingling at her tone.

"You're... a dominatrix?" Patti gave her a warm smile as she sat on the chair opposite and crossed her legs, wagging a sleek black stiletto contentedly.

"That's the archaic term that's used to describe women like me... and most women who realise their inner desires, but yes, I get great pleasure from dominating men, it comes most naturally and as you can see from my position, it has other benefits diyarbakır escort (http://www.elitescorthatun.com/ad-category/diyarbakir-escort/) too. How else do you think a simple out of town girl like me has managed to become Head of a department?" Joyce began to ease into a sexual euphoria as she imagined Patti with a whip, her husband at her feet; she so wanted a part of that. Patti wrote her address on a piece of paper, and handed it to her.

"Now you take that gun home and lock it away for ever. I'm as keen to see your husband taken down, humiliated, crushed... and possibly erased from the face of the Earth by you, but I think you should enjoy doing it.. I know I'll enjoy helping you. Come and see me at home later, and see how you can have your domestic life just as you want it - about seven o'clock?" Joyce stood and peered through the window, giving his office door a cynical smile.

"Oh, I'd like that, he can entertain himself this evening." Patti gave her a wry smile as she walked to the door.

"I'll open your eyes as to how things should be for any woman... perhaps stay for a few days, that'll wind him up nicely when he turns up at home and you're not there, and I can keep an eye on his movements here on Monday, giving me a chance to bait a trap." The abused wife strode quickly to the elevator door unnoticed by anyone, in complete contradiction to her original intent; her descent within it, the antithesis of the ascent she'd soon experience.

Joyce packed a large bag of her favourite items and left it at the door, a thought entering her head before she left. She strutted to his study and pulled one of his prized Havana's from its decorative box; it"s phallic resemblance and the pompous masculinity it added to his facial expression when smoked in the company of his cronies, symbolised everything she hated about him. She smiled wickedly as she dug in her red manicured thumbnails, halfway down its length, and broke it as though snapping his cock. Leaving it satisfyingly emasculated in the middle of his desk, she left.

Joyce was impressed with the generous suburban home that Patti owned; the large Art Deco house with it's green tiled roof cast an imposing shadow, its white rose clad perimeter walls keeping its sizeable grandeur secluded from the outside world. Parked outside, a cream coloured Studebaker Hawk, no doubt Patti's daily use, was parked across a black Pontiac Catalina, its notable size poking from a covered port which kept its black leather interior cool. Joyce parked and ascended the steps to the door, the sweet smell of the many roses permeating the air, and something about the feel of the place had her aroused even before the door was opened. Patti stood before her with a broad smile, her large breasts prominent through a black silk kimono, tied at the waist and expressing her womanly curves admirably.

A maid, slender in shape but as tall as Patti, stood with an expression of servitude upon her heavily made-up face. She wore a tight French maid's outfit, the skirt high with a frill which barely hid the tops of her shapely thighs, her long legs perched on agonisingly tall stilettos. Patti pointed her to Joyce's luggage.

"Case. Upstairs where you've been shown, then back to attend us in the lounge, immediately." Joyce faltered a little, surprised at the sharp attitude that the normally easy-going Patti had with her maid, who took the case obediently and wiggled to the large curving staircase on her tall heels. Patti gave an even broader smile and placed her finger against her cherry red lips as the maid ascended.

"All will be revealed in the lounge... I told you how you'd like my lifestyle, and I intend you enjoy the same... you're certainly well set up for it." Joyce eased as she followed her through the expensive property to a large lounge facing a pool.

"You're certainly well set up too... I take it they're both your cars outside?" Patti grinned as she sat and crossed her legs, the black silk complementing her generous thighs, which Joyce saw her squeeze as she sighed with a soft excitement at revealing some of her secrets.

"The Hawk suits my working persona, not too ostentatious, just the sort of car that our chauvinistic male colleagues think a lady should be seen in. It lulls them into a false sense of superiority, and helps me remain the delicate flower in their eyes. I use the Catalina when I'm being myself... when a target has been selected, and the processing has begun. It makes them feel nice and small when inside and travelling back here, or elsewhere, having let their guard down and admitted or shown signs of submissiveness." She leaned forward and picked a cigarette from the table, her nipples prominent in the black silk as the material tightened against her large breasts, and on lighting it she leaned back and inhaled provocatively through pursed red lips before exhaling with a satisfied smile

"The tinted windows and black leather seating are wonderfully effective escort diyarbakır (http://www.elitescorthatun.com/ad-category/diyarbakir-escort/) in making them feel small, I've had many bound and naked men lie on that back seat... some of whom who've left a little something to contrast with the upholstery whilst riding on to unknown punishments or destinations." Joyce's arousal increased at the thought of having a male disgrace himself that way, at just the threat of feminine authority; the idea of it giving her a spiteful excitement, her carnal desires warming to Patti's dominant lifestyle with a sexual keenness to know it herself. The maid who had been chided by her earlier, then tapped meekly at the door. Patti smiled at her guest, and let the servant wait for a few moments.

"Oh... you will never look back once you've experienced the power you can have over a male, and we'll soon have you knowing that privilege." She looked to the door.

"In!" Joyce watched, still a little perplexed at Patti's attitude to another female, as the maid entered meekly and stood before her mistress, Patti's face developing a curt smile.

"Lift your skirt girl, show or guest your pleasure in being my servant." Joyce looked at the heavily made up face, the eye liner, lipstick, and rouge applied in a fashion that would normally be unbecoming for a maid, and saw the face redden visibly despite the cosmetics. She gasped and put her hand to her mouth to hide her smile as the lifted skirt revealed no underwear above the stocking tops, and there at the front was a cock and balls, smartly caged in a cruelly tight steel device. Despite the cruel restriction of its shiny steel harness, Joyce could see that the cock within was bulging in an effort to erect, the wearer internally thrilled with being humiliated before a female guest new to his shame. Patti allowed Joyce time to take in the sight, and for the maid to fully appreciate the humiliation, then snapped her fingers.

"Now turn and reveal your rear, immediately." Joyce took in the startlingly feminine shape, no doubt enhanced by a restrictive corset, as the maid turned and lifted the skirt to reveal smooth hairless buttocks, displaying faint bruising and fresher, russet striping where a cane had been used with some vigour. From the crack between the cheeks, gleamed the diamond ended base of a generous butt plug; three small leather thongs with tiny barbed metallic balls at their ends, suspended from a ring in the plug's base. Patti chuckled cynically at the exposed flesh and rectal adornments.

"As you can see, my maid is disciplined regularly, and wears a suitably invasive plug as a permanent reminder of her eternal servitude... it also helps her mince in a feminine style which compliments her heels. The spiked thongs add a little extra stimulation as she carries out her work." She clicked her fingers again.

"You know what to do when any real woman enters the room, get to it, now!" Joyce's cunt tingled incessantly as the maid went down on all fours, kissing her feet in servile obedience. Patti smiled as she noted her guest's expression of pleasure while the feminised male humbled himself at her feet.

"You see how good that feels... having the respect for your superiority demonstrated by a male, without question? I intend to have your husband pay you the same compliment... you can then decide his fate once he's been broken down to that level." She turned her eyes back to the maid and sneered.

"Tell us who stripes your arse for you, Clarabel... formerly Clark." Joyce watched him blush visibly again as he was curtly reminded of the personality he had, which moved further away with each day he was held to the service of womanhood. He stumbled out the response in a broken voice, in a slightly higher pitched tone which he'd been trained to use in order to further diminish the failing masculinity within him.

"...Mistress Maria... she disciplines me." Patti laughed in a mocking tone, ensuring his cock bulged in its cage, he knowing and relishing the humiliation to come as she looked to Joyce.

"It is such a sweet irony that the woman who discovered Clarabel within the man so many years ago, opening his mind to the pleasures of female power... but sending him in the wrong direction, should return to his life later and ensure the correct direction was adhered to rigidly. Maria was family'shousehold maid and her real purpose in life emerged shortly before he left home." She sneered curtly at the maid, thoroughly enjoying the absolute control she had over the feminised male.

"You'll tell Mistress Joyce what Maria caught you doing." Joyce felt a distinct buzz at being referred to a 'Mistress' for the first time, and was now also thoroughly enjoying seeing the former male humiliated, her sexual arousal growing with her spite.

"...she...she caught me wearing women's panties Mistress."

"...and what choice did she give you, on discovering your perverted behaviour?"

"She diyarbakır escort bayan (http://www.elitescorthatun.com/ad-category/diyarbakir-escort/) said she'd tell my parents... or I could be caned by her."

"..and what did you choose?" Joyce felt the taut rigidity of her nipples against her bra, and the warm moistening of her cunt at watching the maid squirm in discomfort, it's pleasure so novel, so satisfying.

"...I...I chose the cane Mistress."

"And what happened... what happened when you were caned over a bed by a woman of authority, you with those soft panties about your thighs?" The maid swallowed hard, hanging her head shamefully.

"I... I came, Mistress... I spent for her." Joyce gasped with the acutely erotic sexual surge it gave her, hearing the maid confess in full feminine garb, noting that the second line uttered was tinged with pleasure at being humiliated. Patti looked to Joyce with a soft smile, seeing her sigh and tense with the satisfaction of witnessing the maid's shame.

"Imagine the pure satisfaction Maria will have felt, on seeing a cocky male who'd looked down on her as a servant prior to that, writhe under her cane and surrender his seed in acknowledgement of true authority. Her triumph will have been as pleasurable as his orgasm, but she had to wait some time before she triumphed again." Patti rubbed her silken thigh as she looked the maid up and down with sheer contempt while she stood in obedience on tall heels and black stockings.

"Unfortunately, he left the household shortly after, before Maria could instill perpetual authority over him. He twisted his experience to form a contemptuous hatred toward women, as males shown their place that way often will. He conveniently married into money at an early age, and led his not unattractive wife a life of misery, abusing her and continuing to womanise. She broke down before me during a financial consultation at the office... just where you did, and I set about his downfall with great pleasure..."

She paused and gave the maid a stern and contemptuous sneer, as the maid's newly formed and rudimentary breasts heaved in silent excitement at the exposure; Joyce could see the mutual satisfaction in the eyes of both dominant, and dominated, their pleasures at polar opposites but ecstatic for each.

"...It was so easy to put one of my younger agents into his grasp, one proficient in the darker tastes of sexual gratification; she soon detected the weakness he'd tried to mask, and lured him to a party here." Joyce's own arousal increased by the moment, the completely relaxed and open sexual atmosphere consuming her, the desire to share it wholly, now ardent in her mind. She watched the feminised male stand in total obedience to the naturally higher authority of feminity, twitching with suppressed excitement at being humiliated so thoroughly.

"...as the evening wore on, it was so obvious he was more attracted to the older women attending, and he didn't even notice my younger agent depart, the younger women filtering away. His cocky command of earlier conversations left him swiftly, as his own mind was eased into the truth of what lay behind his facade, on being cornered by mature women who knew exactly where his true desires lay. He finished the evening on his knees in tears, confessing the weakness that sealed his fate... seeing him leashed and led to a bedroom on all fours by three of my more mature and spitefully inclined guests, was a wholesome thrill indeed." She looked the maid up and down, her contempt for the feminised male as strong as ever.

"...and what was it that made me decide to keep you here as my slave, Lucy, despite all three of the women whose arses you licked so thoroughly, offering to enslave you?" He blurted out his response eagerly, the initiation to his new life at their hands, still fresh and as erotic as it was at the time.

"They... they made me confess all about Maria, Mistress... made me see what I desired more than anything... it pleased you." She laughed cynically and watched him quiver on the tall heels, then turned to Joyce and continued as though the maid were not there.

"Oh, it pleased me alright. Maria sounded just my kind of woman... it took a while but I managed to find her, bought her a small house nearby which I gifted to her, and re-introduced her to him. She was more than pleased with the idea, and even more pleased to work for me, leaving her life of drudgery behind. She makes five times what she did before, caning the sort of white middle class males she used to slave under... Lucy is no stranger in finding pleasure in being caned by a shapely and middle-aged Hispanic maid." Joyce yearned to know more of this lifestyle, her cunt now buzzing at being part of it, Patti feeling the enjoyment of her stimulation through her smile as she turned to the maid.

"Maria will be here soon Lucy... what else does she administer, other than the canings you now thrive on?" Joyce watched as the maid gasped softly, pointed the toes of her heeled shoes together in a girl-like fashion, and toyed awkwardly with the hem of her black skirt, puling down on it and emphasising her small breasts. Joyce's immediate thoughts were that it was in shame, but the pleased tone of the voice told her the opposite.

"She ensures... ensures I take my hormones Mistress."

"And what are they doing to you Lucy?"