Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : 312B Ch. 02

16 Nisan 2024, 14:53

{Just another short here, from back in the recesses of this old man's memory. I didn't even bother to change any of the names, no point since this was years ago. All of the B/S from back then has either long since been forgiven.. or forgotten.. or the perps are dead.}


I guess I have to say I was sorry that Julie moved, the few brief interactions were the most erotic, nasty, and beyond belief things that had ever happened to me. At least at that stage of my life.

Just imagine, a women that deliberately exposed herself, blatantly like that?

I did manage quite a few solo sexuality situations thinking about that situation. Julie not only wanted to expose herself, she wanted me to do it also, and I did. The idea of doing something like that in front of any female had never even crossed my mind.

I did check the room across the way some after that and the other rooms I could see partially, the drapes were always tightly pulled.

So, I just went on about my days, did my studies at the massage therapy college.


The day finally arrived, I had my degree, for whatever that was worth. There really wasn't a hell of a lot to it back then, I did take the State test and passed easily, paid the small stipend and got my license. Then, I ran some ads, waited for the money to roll in.

It didn't.

I finally did find a job pumping gas at a local Texaco, that covered the rent and some food. Several times in there I thought about heading home, back to the family ranch. But, I did have that stubborn streak, no way was I going back home with my tail tucked.

To be bluntly honest, right in that period, things were not looking good. I was beginning to wonder what else could go wrong. My 1st marriage was in the toilet by the time I came home from the war. One would think that everything I had experienced would have helped me to be ready for what really is a crazy world.

Even having been married, having gotten shot, having been shipped half way across the planet, the truth is, I was still a naïve farm boy from the coast of Oregon. Then, a number of events combined for me to end up in massage therapy class, of all places.

The idea of easy work, lots of money, free time to do whatever I wanted was in my head.

Even today, giving that some thought, that all sounds ridiculous to me.


Things did begin to expand socially, when a person sees other people regularly on a daily basis, relationships develop.

There was on woman that lived a few doors down from my apartment, her name was Mavis. The description for her would be normal, the kind of female we all see everywhere and just don't notice.

With Mavis, there was not a single thing about her that stood out. Her hair usually needed brushed, she didn't bother with makeup, long fingernails, or even pretty clothing. Plain, sort of flat chested, fanny a bit bigger than would have been good. She did own a bike, back then those were rare on the city streets, unlike today.

Mavis was in college too, the real one in Portland, not the tiny trade school I was going to. There was a common area downstairs, so I saw her a lot. One day she said hello, we chatted a little bit. A bit like planting a seed in the ground, things grew from there to where I began to look for her downstairs.

That developed into almost like dating, we knew each other's schedules and it got so we were obviously looking for each other when we arrived. Nothing going on other than friends.

Then one day, she asked me why I didn't have a girlfriend. It was probably obvious that I didn't, other than the women in class, Mavis was the only person I ever sat and talked to much, male or female.

"I guess I am just not ready." I told her, then I explained a bit about my first marriage to Sharon. I also mentioned having been wounded, up until then I guess Mavis just assumed my studies kept me deferred. Her eyes did widen a bit.

"Let me see?" She asked.

I pulled up my shirt, she looked, her face changed.

"My God." She said. There were several others nearby and some were looking.

"Come on up to my room, Danny." Mavis got up, reached out and grabbed my hand.

OK. A bit of a surprise there, and to be honest, I was thinking along the lines of maybe going to get laid. That by itself was odd, up until then, Mavis was just there, someone to talk to that I liked.

But, it didn't turn out that way.


In her room, she asked me to take off my shirt, so I did.

"Wow!" Her finger traced the scars. One is in the middle of my left chest, a puckered looking brown spot. There is a scar about 3 inches long where the Navy doctor cut me to remove the round and fix the hole in my lung. The other one is an odd shaped scar, high on my side where the 2nd round came in from probably a mile away, and the bullet was probably tumbling when it hit me. That one followed a rib, found an exit between them and ended up lodged in my back just under the skin. The surgeon removed that one, a bit like popping a pimple he told me.

Mavis ısparta escort (https://ispartayerelhaber.com) was fascinated.

"Those could have killed you." She exclaimed. I just nodded.

Right about then I think it hit her. She was standing next to a man with no shirt on in the middle of her apartment living room, and she was touching in a way that could only be described as intimate.

"Wow." She said again, her face reddening and she quickly turned away. That was exactly what Julie had said when we had that extremely intimate moment a few months earlier. I felt myself begin to erect, and I stepped towards Mavis.

Plain be damned, she was female and I was male, which I will hazard a guess 90% of you will understand.

Her eyes flashed wide, she held up one hand. I stopped, I probably gave her a questioning look.

"No. Please, don't. I have never..." She began, her eyes looked right into mine, and that stopped me. Country boy here, no means no to me. I turned and reached for my shirt, pulled it on and left.


I was worried that the moment might affect our relationship, but nothing changed. She got home from class, went to the common area, and waited. I arrived 10 minutes later, just like always.

One day she mentioned a party the following Saturday, I had been invited to a few before but never went. I was deep into my loner phase at the time, and I felt uncomfortable around most people. My life was just my class at school, and Mavis, that was it.

There was the girl at the hamburger stand, she always gave me a bright smile and we chatted a bit as she made my burger and fries. Hell, I was a daily regular there. Yes, a great social life I had back then. Hamburger stand girl was right there, all I had to do was ask, I just never did.

"You need to go to this party, Danny. It will be fun." Mavis told me later. By then she knew my story probably as well as I did, I had told her about my first wife, what happened then with that guy named Doug's wife I mentioned in another story. Mavis and I really did talk, and about everything.

So, I went to the party. It was only about 10 blocks, at a home on 18th street. There were perhaps a dozen people there when I arrived, my bottle of red wine in hand.

I walked in, there stood Mavis, so I headed her way. There was a tall woman with her back to me, long red hair. She turned as I walked up, I came to a dead stop.

I think all of us at one time or another have seen a woman so drop dead gorgeous, so beautiful, something about them takes one's breath away?

Some people have some kind of magic, it is like a spotlight shines on them.

"Danny! I want you to meet my friend Martha." I heard Mavis say as I stood there.

"I... Uhhh.. Oh, yum yum!" I managed. Such a clever line, I know.

Martha giggled.

I reached out and took her hand, she gave me a sly smile and allowed that.

One thing about women that are extremely beautiful, without fail, they know it, and they know their effect on men.

I will say this much. To this day, I have no idea at all who was at that party. I have no idea what was said or what happened, everything became a snug little circle with just me and Martha in it.

I also do not know what time it was when we left, I do know that she came with me to my apartment.

Inside, I held out my arms, she slid right into them. I kissed her, she kissed me right back. Then, it was fumbling with clothing, urgently. Naked, Martha was still complete perfection. Six feet tall of perfection. We did almost no talking, we petted and teased, tickled, explored. It was one of those meant to be situations, and we both knew it from the moment my hand touched hers.

I missed my class the next day. Then, about 5:30, Martha said she had to leave, to go to work. She had mentioned she was an actress, which I didn't get. I mean, just where in hell could an actress even find work in Portland, Oregon in the 70's?

"Where do you work?" I asked. We had just spent over half of an entire day together, and I didn't even yet know her last name.

"I work for the agency. I am an actress, but this pays the bills." She was slipping on the same lime colored dress she had on at the party, not a stitch underneath.

"Agency?" I asked. Like I said, naïve country boy here.

"Yes, Mary's club tonight. Three hours, then three more at the Belmont Inn."

"Waitress?" I asked.

"No, Danny. I am dancing."

I just stared at her.

"Dancing? Naked?" I asked.

"No, we wear G-strings, pasties." She smiled at me.

A sudden rush of jealousy flooded over me. I did not want my girl dancing on stage for a bunch of perverts.

Yeah, I know. "My" girl? Hell, I had met her half a day earlier, we had spent a few hours in bed doing everything humanly possible.

So, that was probably a bit premature, once I took the time to think about it.

"Well, come on down and catch the show if you want to, maybe you can give me a ride home after if you like." She smiled and left. I looked out the window as a car kastamonu escort (https://kastamonutecsen.com) pulled up, the agency supplied a driver for their dancers. I had heard her on the phone earlier, but didn't get the conversation. She must have called them, otherwise how would they know where to pick her up.

I probably pouted for an hour or two, then I decided I would go down and see what was going on. Not having a car meant taking a taxi, so I parted with some hard earned.


Those of you who are familiar with Portland probably know about Mary's Club. It has been there since about the time the glaciers receded. Just a club, dancers on stage, the surprise is it seems to do a pretty good business.

Some slip of a girl was on stage when I walked in, there was a dozen or so men sitting around. I found a seat against the wall, the tired looking waitress brought me a beer. I watched the skinny little thing wiggle around, trying to attract a bill or two. Some fat guy with huge white whiskers was sitting up front, every song he produced a dollar bill so the gal was working him pretty good.

Then, the music changed, out came Martha. That same magic, and this time she really did have a small spotlight on her. She was wearing a tiny little triangle of cloth at her loins, and two little silver pasties over her nipples.

I watched her as she danced first one song, then the 2nd one. She didn't notice me until she came out for the 3rd song, she had a small rug and spread that on the stage, then as she looked up, she saw me and waved.

She got down on the floor and did contortions, opened and closing her legs, the only covering the skimpy thing she wore at her loins. All it was, was a small triangle, which barely covered her trace of red pubic hair.

I had noticed she trimmed her bush at the sides, I just figured that was for some bathing suit at the beach, now I knew better. I sat there, torn between being upset at what she was doing and excited at seeing her like that.

By then several men had moved up to the front row, then as her dance ended, they moved away again. Martha came out and joined me a few minutes later. She still had on the pasties and G-string, but had tugged on a short filmy cover up that really didn't hide anything.

"So, did you like the show?" She asked.

"Uh huh." I was really torn between not liking it and excited by it. If I didn't know her, I would probably have been in the front row myself, but since we had spent hours playing with each other the night before, somehow I didn't know for sure what I was feeling.

"This place is pretty tame, you should come on over to the Belmont Inn. It gets a lot better over there." She tipped her head back and laughed.

"How does it get better?" I asked.

"That place is pretty loose, different crowd there and the cops don't pay any attention." She gave me a little hug, then went back stage for her next set.


I had to part with another precious $6.50 to hire a taxi to get to the Belmont Inn. I suppose the driver expected a tip, he didn't get one so he squeaked the tires a little leaving.

Martha walked in about 10 minutes after I arrived. There was perhaps a dozen guys in there also, to be honest it looked like they could be the same bunch but I wasn't sure. She waved at me and went back stage. No one had been up there since I arrived.

Some older man came and sat next to me. He apparently wanted to talk, I had no choice but to listen.

"Have you seen this gal before?" He asked me.


"Hot, isn't she? Damn, she sure knows how to let it all hang out!"

"Really?" I was trying to ignore him but he kept on.

"I try to be here any time Mikki is on." The guy pointed his thumb at the bartender. I glanced over, there was a 30 something oriental woman behind the bar. Nothing spectacular there, she had served me a beer, I had tipped her a quarter.

"Why?" His comment made me curious.

"She lets the girls do whatever they want, and keeps an eye out to see who comes in."

Just then, Martha slid out through the curtain. She was dancing in the same outfit she had on down at Mary's Club. I saw several men head for the meat rack, that is the front row around the stage. I sat and watched as Martha danced a couple of songs, she kept moving over in front of me, acting as sexy as she could. Then I saw the woman named Mikki walk by the stage over on the side, she said something to Martha, then went back behind the bar.

The next tune, Martha came out with that throw rug, she gave me a wicked look. She lay down, did some leg spreads, good lord the woman was limber, she had no problem at all putting both heels behind her head. Then, looking me right in the eyes, one hand slid down and tugged on her G-string, it moved out of the way and there was Martha's naked pussy, wide open, the lights shining right on it. The same one I had been inside the night before.

For some reason, that upset me. Having been there, inside of her, it was almost like that was MY pussy, and I did not want to share kayseri escort (https://kayserinurtemizlik.com) it with anyone.

Silly, of course, I still did not know Martha's last name. Money was flowing up onto the railing, Martha was now on her hands and knees, her fanny facing us, as she reached back and spread her butt cheeks, displaying her butt hole, her pussy, everything. She was right in front of me looking at me between her legs. I could see her fairly large breasts hanging down, and realized somewhere in there the pasties were gone.

Then she reached down, spread her lips with two fingers, next her fingers slid inside. She began to masturbate, right there on stage in front of at least a dozen of us.

That was too much, I got up and left. The Belmont Inn was only about 10 blocks from my apartment, so I just walked, thinking in the cool night air. By the time I got home, I had come to realize that Martha was a one night stand, having sex for an hour or two meant nothing to her, and it should have meant nothing to me.

But, in my silly mind was the idea that intimacy gave me some kind of claim, when the real truth it was nothing. By the time I was home, I was thinking I should have stayed, after all, Martha was a sure thing to be in my bed later

But, the problems with my first wife, then dealing with that and everything else going on, it was too much. Any female that careless with their body was just not the female for me.

Inside the apartment building, I walked down the hall, past my unit, and found myself knocking on Mavis's door. I had no plans to do that, the thought never even entered my mind. It was like I needed a friend, someone to talk to, so I just reacted.

"Danny? What are you..? Is everything OK?" Mavis answered the door, surprised to see me. She had on a simple pale blue robe, no makeup, her hair was a mess.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just..? I need to talk to someone.. you? Please?" Mavis looked at me for a long moment, then she opened the door to let me in.

Her apartment was neat as a pin, the furnishings simple. There was a kitchen nook, same as in my own unit, a couch in the main room, a double bed over by the wall. There were two chairs at the table by the kitchen area, I sat down.

"I have some Vodka, and some wine. Would you like some?" She asked.

"OK. Sure." She produced a bottle of grape juice, mixed in some Vodka, set down a drink for each of us. As she leaned over, her robe gaped open for a second, I realized she was naked underneath it.

"I hope I am not bothering you." I said.

"No, it's fine. Tell me what is going on."

I sat there and unloaded, all of it. My frustrations, my feelings, she sat quietly and listened. We were well into our second drink by the time I finished.

"Danny, it sounds like you are a one woman man, that's really pretty neat considering most of the guys I know."

"I do like Martha, but she is so free and easy with her body? After dealing with that with my first wife, I just wanted..? Oh, hell. I guess I don't know what I want."

Mavis and I sat there looking each other in the eyes for a long time.

"I guess I should go home, call it a night." I said, starting to get up. Just then her phone rang.


"Oh, hi, Marty."

"Really? Danny is over here, why?" Mavis listened for several long moments.

"Oh? Well, just maybe I will take you up on that." She hung up.

"Martha?" I asked.


"Mad at me?"

"She was expecting a ride home, she said you left in the middle of everything." Mavis sat back down, took a sip of her drink. We again just looked at each other.

"Martha said I could have you if I wanted." She tipped her head back and let out a soft giggle. I blinked a couple of times, looked at her.

"I don't think you are going to get any more of that!" Mavis really laughed at that. I didn't answer, I had no idea of what to say.

"Danny? Would you like to.. stay with me tonight?" Mavis asked, catching

me by surprise. But I didn't need to think very long.

"I.. Yes! I would!" I told her.

"My body isn't.. I don't have anything like Martha does." Mavis looked down shyly. She again gave me a long look, then she walked over and turned out the lights. All that lit the room were the street lights outside. She moved over to the bed, dropped her robe and slid under the covers. I got up, went over there. Quickly I undressed, slid in beside her. She turned and embraced me, our lips met. That made my head swim. I felt her hand slip down my stomach, she found my erection and gripped it.

"Oh, my, you are already...?" Then she fell silent as I pressed her back. There was almost no foreplay, I felt the mass of pubic hair as I used two fingers to spread her open, then I was pressing and Mavis was pressing back. I could feel her smallish soft breasts as we thrust at each other. Our orgasms came very quickly, we lay entwined for several long minutes before I softened and slipped out.

Being young, I was also extremely virile, so in just a few minutes I felt myself begin to recover. I ran my hand over her upper body, feeling the incredible softness of her breasts. They felt completely different from the large and very firm breasts Martha had, Mavis began giggling as I licked and suckled her nipples into my mouth. Then suddenly, she sat up.