Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : The Seventh Coven Pt. 05

18 Ocak 2024, 21:08
The Seventh Coven - Part 5
The professor joins the coven.
This story is a continuation of my Halloween tale in which the professor took part in a fertility rite at a local Wiccan coven. I recommend starting there. All characters and situations are complete fiction, a product of my fertile imagination. Any similarity to actual people and situations is purely a coincidence. Any errors in the portrayal of Wiccan culture are mine and I apologize for any misrepresentation. All characters are at least 18. All constructive criticism is welcome.
Story recap:
The professor was teaching a course in comparative world religions for his college. One of his students, Amy, invited him to participate in her coven's celebration of the Great Rite which took place on the Wiccan feast of Samhain, also known as Halloween. In the days immediately preceding the holiday, the professor was visited by seven different witches from the coven who prepared him for the Rite with oral sex. When he arrived at Coven House for the Rite he was strapped down and had sex with seven of the members who were drawn, in theory, at random. He later learned that there were some interesting internal coven politics going on.
The professor was asked to respect the privacy of coven members and not attempt to meet any of them. This did not apply to Amy who was his student. While he did not seek out members, two members sought him out: Bridget and Victoria. In the days after the Great Rite, the professor interacted with all three. Amy, his student, explained some of the coven's practices after their Wednesday evening class. Bridget came to visit the professor in his office and was taken on as a volunteer "research assistant." The professor had dinner with Victoria twice and had sex with her Friday evening and Saturday morning.
On Saturday, Bridget taught the professor how to make a spell, then he helped her research sexual magic. He induced an extended orgasm and Bridget reported that she had an out-of-body experience.
On Sunday, Bridget was able to duplicate her experience, then later that day they successfully tried it on Beth, a young woman from the coven. The professor has been invited to Coven House for their esbat - a celebration of the full moon which begins on Monday evening.
On Monday afternoon, my last class let out at 3:15. After that, I was sidetracked by several advisees who had questions about their upcoming spring registration. Bridget had been very concerned about the timing of everything. I was trying to get home before the moon rose at 4:17, but that didn't look like it was going to happen. As I drove home the sun was just above the horizon. Sunset was at 4:40.
I walked in the door expecting to find Bridget ready to go, but she was nowhere in sight. I walked into my kitchen and froze. Bridget and Beth were both naked in front of my sliding glass door. They were in headstands with their legs spread horizontally. I wondered if the neighbors could see in. Both women seemed to be softly humming.
Bridget whispered, "Almost done."
I quietly set down my lunch bag, leaned against the counter, and took in this display of female flesh. The sight was simply magnificent. I had never considered a woman's breasts when she was in a headstand before. Both sets of breasts hung down to their chins. The comparison between the two pair was striking. Bridget's pale skin against her pink nipples provided a lovely contrast to Beth's darker areolae.
Both sets of feminine folds were spread like flowers before me. Bridget's smaller, pink vulva and Beth's larger, burgundy labia provided a treat for my eyes. The contrast of red versus brown pubic hair was also striking.
Bridget spoke quietly, "We give you thanks dear goddess."
Both women came out of their headstands. Beth sat on her yoga mat.
Bridget stood, came over, then kissed me. "I case you are wondering what we are doing. We set out containers to make moon water. We decided that it would be best to begin our esbat with yoga. I find it is a great way to connect with the divine."
Beth added, "I think it is good for my mental health. I always feel so much better about myself afterwards."
I took the freezer pack out of my lunch bag and put it in the fridge, "What time do we need to be at Coven House?"
Bridget exclaimed, "Shit! You're right. Boudica wants to cast the circle at 5:30."
I looked at my watch, "Well we have 35 minutes. Let's get moving."
Beth stood up, "We're ready."
"Aren't you going to get dressed?"
Bridget smiled, "No. We'll just put on shoes and our trench coats."
I was surprised, "Oh. Do you want me to drive?"
Bridget shook her head, "I can drive."
As we walked in the front door of Coven House about 25 after, Boudica was waiting for us, "Professor, a minute with you, if you please?"
She kissed Bridget and Beth, then she kissed me and took me over to the side, "Tonight we're going to bring you in as a member of the coven. bursa escort (https://bursa-escort.com/) Are you okay with that?"
"I don't see why not? Is there something I don't know about?"
"As the only male in the coven, the sisters will want to spend time with your lingam."
I smiled, "That doesn't sound bad at all."
"You will probably get many requests to have sex."
"How many is many?"
"Probably at least one per week."
"Once a week is fine."
"No, from each sister."
Twelve times a week, "That's a lot of sex."
"We like sex. It brings us closer to the divine."
I nodded, "Well, if it gets to be too much, I'll have to negotiate a change. For right now, I'm okay joining the coven."
Boudica kissed me, "Thank you. Also, I fear I will be put on trial tonight for a number of things. I am guilty of all of it and more. I plan on taking your advice and throwing myself at their mercy." She looked at her watch, "Let's hurry."
She grabbed my hand and led me down a corridor.
We entered what was probably the entertainment center back in the house's heyday, maybe a small ballroom. The blinds were drawn and most of the sisters were naked.
Boudica led me to a wall where clothes were hanging on hooks. Bridget and Beth had hung up their trench coats and were embracing their sisters. Boudica and I quickly undressed and joined the group.
At that moment I was living every straight man's dream, completely surrounded by naked women, twelve in fact.
Louise came over and threw her arms around my neck, "I'm so happy you're joining us." She kissed me.
Right behind her was Victoria. She sidled up to me with a shit-eating grin, "Welcome my lover." She kissed me and slipped me a bit of tongue.
Amy ran over and kissed me and Blondie was right behind her.
"Can I ask you your name? In my mind I call you 'Blondie'."
"Oh, that's sweet." She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. "Karoline, with a 'K'."
"Please to know you Karoline with a 'K'."
Boudica called out, "Do we have everyone?"
Louise said, "We're missing Hanako."
Just then the Asian woman I had named Joanie came running in, "Sorry I'm late." She threw her trench coat against the wall. She kicked off her shoes and joined us.
Boudica said, "Sisters, let us cast our circle. Professor, if you will stand in the middle."
The sisters held hands and formed a circle around me. For the first time I noticed the room. There were no furnishings. In the center of the 10-foot-high ceiling was a magnificent chandelier which cast a soft, warm light. The numerous prisms sent miniature rainbows dancing across the room. There were several crystal lighting sconces set in each wall. The top of each wall was an old wallpaper design while the bottom was painted wainscot. The floor was covered in a plush rug that extended nearly to the walls. The pattern in the rug was quite intricate. Looking closely, I saw that there were many pagan symbols. There were seven tall, thin tables, equally spaced outside of the circle. Each table held an unlit white candle.
Boudica said, "Sister Beth, if you please."
Beth left the circle and it closed behind her. She was sprinkling pink salt about two feet beyond the circle, just outside the candles. Once she had finished the circle, she rejoined the group.
Boudica said, "Sister Julie, if you please."
A brunette of average height and build left the circle and was scattering some fine leaves. In moments the herbal aroma of sage drifted to my nostrils.
As Julie rejoined the circle, Boudica intoned, "Cast the circle thrice about, to keep the evil spirits out."
She moved around the outside, stopping to light each candle. Once the candles were lit, she walked twice more around the circle, then rejoined the sisterhood.
Boudica chanted in a sing-song voice that was not quite Gregorian, "I conjure thee, O Circle of Power, that thou beest a meeting place of love and joy and truth; a shield against all wickedness and evil."
The sisterhood began to chant, "Goddess of the moon, queen of the night, keeper of women's mysteries, mistress of the tides, you who are ever changing and yet always constant, we ask for your guidance and wisdom."
Beth stepped forward, "Sister Boudica, as keeper of the portal, I observe we have a newcomer in our midst."
"Thank you, my sister." Boudica looked at me, "Welcome stranger. Please state your business."
"I wish to join your coven."
"State your name."
"My sisters, this stranger named Richard has come before us asking admittance to our coven. Do any of you have anything to say for or against this man? Sister Victoria."
Victoria spoke in her luscious British accent, "I know Professor Richard to be a man of learning, wisdom, compassion, and grace."
"Thank you, Sister Victoria. Sister Bridget."
Bridget smiled at me, "The Professor is kind and caring. He has been studying our belief system. He will make an excellent member."
"Thank you, Sister Bridget." bursa escort (https://bursa-escort.com/vip/bursa-escort) She looked around, "Seeing no one else, we shall vote. All those in favor of this man joining our coven say, 'yea'."
A chorus of yeas rang out.
"All those not in favor say 'nay'."
There was silence.
Boudica continued, "Hearing no dissenting voice, Richard you are accepted into our coven."
"Sister Julie, will you please prepare Brother Richard for the acceptance ceremony."
The brunette walked over. Her breasts had a nice balance of sag and perkiness. Like her sisters, she had ample pubic hair. My mind struggled to place her until she was in front of me.
I looked down into her eyes - Green Eyes! "Sister Julie, if I'm not mistaken, you were my very first visitor before the Great Rite."
"Oh Professor! Thank you for remembering! How do you know?"
"Your striking green eyes."
She gave me a hug, pressing her breasts into my chest. She gently kissed me, "Welcome to the coven, Professor."
She knelt before me. Looking up at me she said, "I will prepare your lingam."
The acceptance ceremony must involve sex. Julie started with a combination of licking and sucking, then she began using her hand to get me hard. With all the sex I had over the past two days, it didn't take long. When Julie was satisfied, she looked over at Boudica and nodded.
Boudica instructed, "Please orient Brother Richard to the north."
Julie looked up at the wall, "Professor, if you would please lie down with your head pointing at that mark."
I complied with her instructions.
Boudica said, "We will now welcome Brother Richard via seniority. Sister Beth, as our junior member, you may start."
Beth came over and straddled my stomach, "Welcome Professor." She placed my erection at her opening and pressed me home. God, her tight nearly virginal vagina felt so good. My hands went to her hips. When he had me fully in her yoni, she leaned forward and kissed me. She cupped my cheek, "Welcome."
No thrusting, just a single penetration. Then she was off me.
Next came Julie, aka Green Eyes. The same thing. She mounted me, pressed me into her vagina, kissed me, and welcomed me. What a way to welcome me! I was liking this ritual.
Next came Karoline aka Blondie. Followed by Amy; Sarah, the Buxom Water Girl; Boudica; Bridget; and Hanako, the Asian woman. Then came Puerto Rican Jane whose real name was Juanita, Maria whose real name was Maria, Victoria, and finally Louise. Each woman took me into her vagina for a single penetration and a kiss.
When Louise had returned to the circle, Boudica said, "Brother Richard, you may rise. Do you have anything to say?"
I had to roll onto my stomach and I got to my feet with a grunt. I heard some chuckles from some of the sisters. My erection swayed slightly, parallel to the floor.
I cleared my throat, "I have to say, that that was perhaps the most unique and passionate acceptance ceremony I have ever been a part of." The sisters laughed. "Thank you for voting me into your coven. I look forward to getting to know each of you as a person in the coming days and weeks."
Bridget began clapping and the entire sisterhood joined in.
Louise raised her hand.
Boudica said, "Sister Louise is recognized."
"Three items, Sister Boudica. First, it seems that most if not all of the sisterhood addresses Brother Richard as Professor. Would it be acceptable for us to continue that practice in a formal setting such as tonight's esbat?"
Boudica looked at me, "Brother Richard, how do you feel about that?"
"I'm fine either way. Although if you are going to use my name, I would prefer Rich."
"I shall put it to a vote of the membership. Those in favor of calling Rich 'Professor' say 'yea'."
Another chorus of yeas.
Any opposed say 'nay'."
"Hearing a unanimous decision, the coven may address Brother Richard as 'Professor'. What is your second item Sister Louise?"
"Since the professor has now been accepted into our membership, I move that we vote to make him our high priest."
"Very well. A motion has been placed before the membership to make the professor our high priest. Are there any comments? Sister Hanako."
"While the professor is certainly a learned man, he is unfamiliar with our ways. Perhaps we should allow him to learn our traditions first."
Boudica said, "Sister Victoria."
Victoria said, "As Sister Amy will attest, the Professor is an expert on the various religions of the world. If I am not mistaken, his doctoral research covered that topic. Bridget has begun working with him in an academic research role. I know that Louise and I will be happy to assist in bringing him up to speed. Perhaps, we should ask him if he would accept the position if elected."
Boudica said, "Professor?"
"So long as Victoria, Louise, and Bridget are happy to educate me, I will accept the position, but on a conditional basis."
"And what is the condition?"
"That bursa eskort (https://bursa-escort.com//vip/bursa-escort) I be examined by the membership at the next esbat to ensure that I meet the standards that are expected of a high priest."
The sisters began murmuring between themselves.
Boudica said, "Are there any other comments?"
"Seeing none, all those in favor of conditionally electing the professor as our high priest, say 'yea'."
Again a chorus of yeas echoed in the room.
"Those opposed say 'nay'."
Again silence.
"Congratulations Professor, you are now our Temporary High Priest, subject to an oral examination at the next esbat." The sisters clapped. "Sister Louise, you had a final item."
"After we conclude here, I would like to call a business meeting of the coven."
Boudica looked shocked, "On what grounds!"
Louise calmly said, "On the grounds that any member can request a meeting during esbat. I am making that request."
"Very well. Professor, please join our circle."
I stepped over between Amy and Bridget and took their hands.
Boudica intoned, "The moon, our mother, watches over us day and night. She brings the changing tide, the shifting night, the flow that changes women's bodies, and the passion of lovers to their beloved. Her wisdom is great and all-knowing, and we honor her tonight.
"Keep your watchful eyes upon us, great mother, until the cycle returns once more, and bring us to the next full moon, in your love and light.
"Sisters... and brother, Louise has requested a meeting. If any of you would like to grab a robe or any other garment, we will begin in five minutes in the parlor. Perhaps some libations and edibles might be in order."
Victoria took me aside, "We are going to put Boudica on trial."
"Bridget mentioned something."
"I am going to recommend that as our newest member, you should be the presiding officer. Just run it like one of your academic meetings, but we don't use Robert's Rules."
I nodded, Bridget appeared and provided a robe for Victoria and me. I decided to leave it open. I wouldn't want to deprive any of my new sisters the opportunity of seeing my lingam.
We moved to a room with a large table and chairs for everyone. Amy brought out two pitchers of what appeared to be dark beer. Beth followed with a tray of glasses and Julie had a tray of honey cakes and other treats.
Karoline brought me over a full glass and a plate with some treats, "Professor, this is mead, which we brewed ourselves. It is based on an ancient recipe. These are honey cakes and Teghana, ancient desserts."
"Thank you, Karoline."
I looked around the room and about half of the sisters donned robes, all left the front open. The rest stayed naked.
Boudica produced a gavel and banged on the table, "Gather round." When everyone was seated, she continued, "Sister Louse has requested a business meeting of the Seventh Coven. Before we begin, I must bare my soul to you, my sisters. To use a Catholic term, I have sinned against each of you and the sacred traditions of our sect."
A murmur rose amongst the sisterhood.
Boudica continued, "I'm sure this is why Louise has asked for a meeting. I placed my own needs, hopes, and dreams before the needs of the coven. I have been unable to find a mate so that I may conceive." Tears began to flow down her cheeks, "In order to be the last one coupling during the Great Rite, on six occasions I have manipulated the randomness of the draw. I have violated my oath as your high priestess."
She took a deep breath and banged the gravel, "We are hereby called to order. Sister Louise, what business do you bring?"
Louise read from a piece of paper, "I am asking for a recall vote of our high priestess, Sister Boudica."
Boudica whispered, "On what grounds?"
"You have just confessed to one of them. The remaining charges will be introduced in the trial. As the subject of the trial, you cannot preside over these proceedings. I recommend that our newest member, Professor Richard, preside in that he has little to no knowledge of what has occurred."
There was fear on Boudica's face. In a soft voice she said, "All those in favor of the Professor presiding over these proceedings say 'yea'."
A chorus of "yea" echoed throughout the room.
"All those opposed say 'nay'."
Boudica passed me the gavel, "Professor Richard is now presiding."
I took the gavel, "Well, I'm not sure what comes next, but I suppose Sister Louise should state her reasons for a recall. Does that sound like a prudent next step?"
Victoria stood, "Actually, she has asked that I present the evidence."
"Is that acceptable?" I looked around the table and there were nods.
"Sister Victoria, you have the floor."
"Thank you, Professor. I present three charges to the Coven. The first charge: According to Wiccan tradition, sex is not supposed to be required of an initiate and yet Boudica forced Beth to sacrifice her virginity during the Great Rite to become a full member. This violates a principle of British Traditional Wicca. I know we do not follow many of its tenets, but that is the sect that sealed Boudica as a third-degree priestess. Sex is a divine gift and should be given and received willingly. She has broken one of our sacred precepts."