Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : My Sister and a Thug

18 Ocak 2024, 20:51
I will stress that the following contains elements of cuckoldry and voyeurism so YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!



As Jake absentmindedly rubbed the throbbing red marks on his cheek, the eighteen year old couldn't help but wonder why this was happening to him. It had suddenly started one day and had just escalated from there. He wanted to hurt Sarah badly. At any given moment in school she would appear with some new torment. Sometimes it was just words or stealing his stuff, but other times she got more... physical. He would have liked to put it down to her being a man-hating lesbian bitch, but all her scorn seemed to be directed at him for no reason, she never seemed to bother other guys. It left him feeling angry and conflicted. The bullying from the older girl was really doing a number on his self-esteem.

Jake finally walked out of the bathroom to see his older sister, Kate.

"Ugh...again, Jake?" she said with her concerned, soft voice as she noticed his downcast expression.

Jake silently nodded. With a sigh Kate gently led her brother to her room. She sat him down on the bed and gave him a comforting hug.

"You know someday you'll have to tell the principal about this." Kate told her brother gently.

Jake retorted "I tried, but the principal effectively tells me to man up because Sarah's a girl. It's bullshit, and the woman's an amazon. If I try and physically fight her she just kicks the crap out of me."

Jake wasn't even exaggerating. Sarah was an incredibly fit olive skinned woman of Italian descent who generally kept her dark hair short. At 6'1 and built like a brick shithouse Jake was pretty sure that the woman could beat him to death with her pendulous breasts if she chose. She was a star of the school's volleyball team and built for it. Jake, standing at only 5'4" and relatively skinny, was a negligible threat.

Jake tried to hold back his frustration but tears began to stream down his face. Kate quickly wiped them off and whispered "I'm sorry sweetheart. I wish there was something I could do to help. I wish I could help you."

Though Jake knew there was absolutely nothing Kate could do, but the thought of his sister being willing to protect him made him feel a little better. Jake loved his sister dearly. She was the only person in the entire world Jake would to turn to for comfort, and she always made him feel better with her soft, gentle touch and warm smile. Jake couldn't help but notice how pretty his sister was. She had light blonde hair with smooth, fair skin. She was about 5'5", and seemed to emanate an aura of motherly love. Her blue eyes swam with care and compassion, and her perfectly proportioned body would have made her popular with both genders if she didn't attend an expensive all-girls school near their house.

He knew all of his friends at school wanted to fuck Kate, but the very idea of his angelic sister being defiled in such a manner was repugnant to him. She would one day meet a nice guy and get married and he would support her then as she supported him now, but for now he would just enjoy sitting in her embrace.


It was noon and siblings were just finishing their shopping. Jake had taken the shopping back to the car while his sister made a quick trip to the public toilets. As he finished packing the bags into his sister's car he noticed a white car pull up two cars beside his.

Jake's heart dropped into his stomach, and prayed it was just a coincidence. He heard the car doors open and prepared himself emotionally. Not hearing any footsteps, Jake slowly got up and began to walk around the car only to cringe when he saw Sarah looking directly at him.

"Hey Jake." Sarah said with a cocky smile. Jake just stared at the muscular amazon standing over him. He tried to talk but his mouth and throat were too dry.

"What's wrong, Jake? Cat got your tongue?" Sarah said as she lightly pushed Jake. Jake was startled and fell backwards onto the hard asphalt.

"Forgot how to stand? I barely even touched you man." Sarah pulled Jake up by his shirt and shoved him against the car. "I know it's a bit of a cliché but I need some money and coincidentally you're here so... Give me whatever you have." Sarah casually reached for Jake's pocket but her black hair tickling his nose woke him back up and Jake slapped her hands away.

Jake immediately realized his error as Sarah's expression turned from amusement to irritation and she gave him a solid punch to the gut. Jake keeled over just as he heard his sister's voice yell "Stop!" Kate had arrived and grabbed the much taller Sarah's arm and pulled it back.

"So you're the one that's been bullying my bursa eskort (https://www.icpep.org/) brother! What the heck is your problem?!" Kate screamed at Sarah.

Sarah just grinned as she gave the newcomer a once over, "I was just asking for a little cash. It was no big deal."

"No big deal? You just attacked him in the middle of the road!"

Jake tried to say he was fine but he was barely able to mutter a light wheeze.

"Attacked? It was a little love tap. Jake and I are school pals." Sarah smiled.

"Shut up!" Kate interjected. "You're an arrogant bully with nothing better to do then hurt others! You've been making my brother's life hell because you're bigger than him and think you can get away with it!" She asserted.

Sarah, who was now giving his sister and good up and down, snorted and gave her a challenging look.

"Oh, so are you going to stop me?" She asked playfully.

"If I have to!" Kate yelled pushing the previously grasped arm away. "I'm sick of you harassing my younger brother. Stay away from him, or you'll have to deal with me. I don't care what I have to do, but I will kick up enough fuss that this does get some actual intervention from the authorities."

Sarah just laughed, blew a kiss at Jake, and walked away. Jake was infuriated and scared all at the same time.

Later Jake couldn't sleep at all that night. He kept tossing and turning wondering what Sarah would do next. For some reason the way Sarah had looked at his sister worried him. He eventually decided he was just overthinking it and put it out of his mind.


The next morning Jake quickly dressed for school. The siblings were eating breakfast when they heard a car pull up in their driveway. Jake looked at Kate worriedly but Kate just put her hand on Jake's arm and comforted him. "Don't worry sweetie. I'm going to take care of this once and for all. Sarah and I are going to have a long talk and hopefully get to the bottom of this." The doorbell rang and Kate answered it. Sarah was wearing some tight jeans and a tank top that somehow managed to show off both her well-tanned abs and an outrageous amount of cleavage. Even more peculiar was that from his spot at the kitchen table Jake caught a whiff of some brand of perfume.

"What do you want, Sarah?" Kate asked while holding the door slightly open.

"I just wanted to talk to you. I have a few things I want to talk about and apologize for, and perhaps give a few explanations for my behavior these last few months." Sarah said with a strangely monotone voice.

Kate thought to herself for a moment before she reluctantly agreed.

"Go ahead, Jake. I'll take care of this, don't worry." Kate gave Jake a reassuring look as she moved aside to let Sarah inside, and though he was nervous, Jake had faith in his sister being able to get to the bottom of Sarah's issue with him. It was just in her nature. Still he kept a wide berth of Sarah as he walked out the door and went to school.


Jake had feigned an illness so he could leave school early. He was walking home quickly to talk with Kate about the results of her meeting. He was looking forward to not being bullied anymore; heck he might even be able to get along with Sarah now. He felt a change in the air as he walked to his house.

Upon approaching his house, he noticed Sarah's car was still in the driveway. He wondered if the discussion that had gone on was so in depth it was still ongoing. Sarah had arrived around eight in the morning and it was already lunch now. Jake unlocked the door to his house and walked inside.

"Kate?" Jake prompted the empty hallway. There was no answer, but Jake could hear noises coming from upstairs. He quietly walked upstairs and followed the sounds to his sister's room. The noises became louder and more distinguishable. The door to Kate's room was ajar and Jake peered inside.

He felt his throat constrict.

Inside he saw his greatest nightmare. Sarah was vigorously making out with his sister. The pair were on his sister's bed and his sister was pressed back against the headboard by Sarah's tanned body. His sister's pale breasts were exposed to the air and her pink nipples were sticking out sharply. Both Kate's delicate hands were pinned to the wall above her by one of Sarah's, ensuring that her squirming didn't allow her any escape from Sarah's ministrations. Jake tried to ignore the incredibly erotic contrast of Sarah's dark tanned skin and his sister's soft fair skin.

He could hear the two moaning in unison as the bigger tanned woman completely dominated his beloved big sister. He could hear Sarah talking to his sister in between kisses.


"You bursa bayan escort (https://www.icpep.org/ad-category/bursa-bayan-escort) like that don't you?"

Sarah kissed Kate full on the face again. The whole Sarah maintained eye contact with Kate's delicate blue eyes as she thoroughly swapped spit with the wide eyed girl. Kate's first kiss had been minutes prior and she was still somewhat stunned as her mind struggled to catch up and understand just how it had come to this. Sarah enjoyed watching the flurry of emotions fly through her captive's baby blue. She wanted to make damn sure the girl knew who and what she was kissing. When she finally felt the girl beginning to respond to her kiss she moaned deep in her throat as she pressed her heated stomach to Sarah's own in an attempt to get as much skin contact with the deliciously soft girl as possible.

Kate's response was just another quiet moan as Sarah's fingers rubbed against her engorged slit.

"All that time listening to you talk about understanding and getting along, and the whole time all I could think about was seeing your wide eyed baby blues looking up at me from between my legs as you eat my cunt."

She drove two fingers into the blonde's engorged pussy as she moved to capture a delicate pink nipple in her mouth.

"...and these tits. It should be illegal to walk around with these babies covered up; in fact I think I'm going to make you walk around in the nude from now so I can have you whenever I want. Can you imagine it, being fucked like the hot little lezzy bait you are?"

Sarah used her other hand to idly rub Kate's flat stomach enjoying the sensation of the baby smooth skin under her callused hands. In fact the feeling of Kate's soft skin as her squirming inadvertently rubbed against Sarah's own hard chiseled body worked only to excite her captor more. Sarah's breasts were pressed into Kate's own as her hard brown nubs were driven into Kate's own soft pink ones, sending an electrifying tingle through both their heated bodies.

"I'll stop if you want me to, I may be a bit of a bitch but I aint a rapist. Just say the word and I'll walk right out the door. I don't think you're going to though. Not with nipples this hard, I think you want my big butch body to fuck your little femme one. I think underneath all that perfect sister bullshit is a hot little femme waiting to be brought out."

Kate didn't say anything in response, she could only pant in glassy eyed arousal. Sarah's hands moved to her tits, but they failed to contain the sheer mass of Kate's full breasts and so she just let her hands roam and squeeze all over the perky tit flesh. She was happy anyway; Kate's body was just so sensitive to the touch that it seemed every errant touch from the bigger dyke caused the young woman to make some new pleasured squeal.

Sarah grinned, "I hope you're ready my little slut,"

She pushed her knee between the blonde's now slippery thighs and drove it up against her tender defenseless vulva. Kate responded with a surprised groan as her pussy betrayed her as the contact sent tingles firing up her spine. And yet again her body exploded with a mighty spasm of breathless pleasure.

Kate could only bear the shame of being used in such a dirty way even as part of her wanted it to continue. She could feel Sarah's huge breasts and naked body pinning her own petite one to the wall while her pistoning knee relentlessly sawed up and down against her abused cunt. She knew she should cry out, should have stopped this when Sarah had touched her thigh ago, she should have said no when Sarah had suggested talking in her bedroom and she definitely should have said no when Sarah had kissed her mid-sentence. She hadn't though; something about the confident tanned woman had hit a chord within her she didn't know she had. So she let the horny lesbian have her way with her and lied to herself that she didn't want this.

Kate cried out in shameful despair. Her fingers helplessly clawed the air and her toes curled inward as her body spasmed in a crescendo of sinful bliss.

Sarah grinned as she lowered the exhausted blonde down, "I knew you were a lezzy slut."

Sarah absently stroked Kate's golden hair before licking her way down the girl's sweaty body, leaving a shiny path of saliva over each heaving breast in her path. Finally she came face to face with her objective. Kate's damp cunt was practically quivering, as if mirroring Sarah's own hungry anticipation. When she did strike there was no finesse to it, just hungry Sapphic desire.

She drove her tongue deep into the girl's untouched cunt. She let her tongue roam and explore the entire inside of the cavity, conquering it as she touched the girl in places no one else had ever touched before. Kate's bursa ucuz escort (https://www.icpep.org/ad-category/bursa-ucuz-escort) back spasmed at the unexpected intruder as the hungry lesbian defiled her most sacred place.

Finally it was all too much as she felt her body erupt in one massive orgasm squirting her juices into Sarah's hungry waiting mouth. Sarah just grinned and continued her assault.

The two girls bodies strained as dyke drove the pale blonde to orgasm, over and over again, only stopping when her prey had long since stopped doing anything except the occasional moan from each orgasm. With a satisfied final lick she removed her mouth from the well licked cunt, letting the blonde finally regain her bearings.

Kate for her part couldn't believe what she had done. She could feel tears beginning to stream down her face. She was supposed to be a good older sister, and yet she had just had sex with her brother's bully. She was so confused, this morning she had thought she was good upstanding straight woman, and now she had just had spent the most pleasurable few hours of her life with a very butch lesbian.

Sarah just grinned as she looked down on the sweaty teen. She got ready for the coup de grâce as she gently lifted the confused blonde girl up to her chest, moving the pair of them into the lotus position. When she pulled the girls head to her breast Kate didn't even try to move away, so caught up in her tumult of emotions, instead the blonde instinctively latched onto the chocolate colored nipple presented to her delicate pink lips.

Sarah watched with satisfaction as the tearful girl began to suck at her teat, delicately stroking her hair as she gently held her head in place, all the while absently stimulating Kate's slit with her spare hand, maintaining some degree of arousal in the blonde. Slowly the blonde girl stopped her tears and sobs and began to relax as she instinctively focused on sucking on Sarah's big nipples.

"There's a good girl, no need to think about anything else. Just focus on me, there's a good girl. You did very well." Sarah whispered as she held the subdued girl. She knew right now the girls preconceived perceptions of the world had been completely shattered, and she would be desperate to latch onto any sense of comfort and stability.

The feelings of comfort sucking Sarah's teat evoked in the blonde harkened back to Kate's time as a baby, and Sarah was using that to her full advantage to get Kate used to being touched intimately by another woman, but more importantly associate it not just with rampant sexual pleasure, but safety and warmth as well. The fact that it was incredibly hot to see and feel this angelic looking girl attempting to breast feed from her was just an added bonus to Sarah.

The two remained their each locked in their thoughts as Kate's mind tried to process everything that had happened in such a short time.

Finally Sarah felt it was enough and gradually pulled the relaxed girl from her breast with a small pop, to Kate's murmured dismay. She used one hand to push Kate's chin up until the two were looking into each other's eyes, Sarah looked into the blushing girls face for a moment as if inspecting her for something, Kate instinctively looked down submissively. Sarah happy with her reaction pushed the blonde back onto the bed and dove in for a slow deep kiss, Kate went rigid for a moment before she melted and began kissing the bigger girl back in the same slow loving manner her hands roaming over the tanned girls back of her own volition, happy to not think and simply be loved on by the butch lesbian.

Sarah grinned internally, whereas before she had been driving the girl to orgasm after orgasm with animal like passion, imprinting into Kate's mind the sheer lovemaking prowess of lesbian sex. She had broken her down and now she was making love to her slowly and delicately, allowing the tender feelings to come into the girl, fully exploiting that heady afterglow of post orgasmic satisfaction.

With every breath Kate was taking in Sarah's scent and in doing so associating it with this pleasant afterglow state. It was conditioning at its simplest, and Sarah knew from experience that by now it was just a matter of time before Kate's conscious mind caught up with what her body already knew and she admitted to herself that she was a femme who enjoyed being fucked by women and Sarah especially.

Sarah let all that deep scheming go for now though, as her thoughts at the moment turned to just enjoying the sensation of French kissing in the buff with the hot big breasted blonde beneath her. She let her hands run smoothly over the girls sweaty sore breasts, massaging them gently, cooing all the while about how great Kate had been, praising her body, her sweet voice and finally telling her how loving she was.

It was at that moment she looked up and saw Jake standing in the doorway...


Authors Notes/ Rants:

Alright, so with that done I can see this story going two ways:

Happy (Or the porn plot, as I like to think of it...)


Which way do you wanna see it go?