Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Full Service Yoga Pt. 01

03 Ekim 2023, 13:26
"Fuck me, man," Dylan said as he fell into the booth next to his best friend Josh, "this overtime bullshit is killing me." He stretches his tired muscles as he grabbed the back of his neck. "I've had this stress headache for like three days now."

"You need to quit that job, man. I'm telling ya, there's a lot of shit you could do. Shop around a bit, find something you actually like."

"Says the guy without any student loans" Dylan said sharply. Almost immediately, his shoulders relaxed a little, and he sighed. "Sorry, it's just been a lot to deal with recently. How's Julia?"

Josh laughed. "She's like a woman possessed. You know how they say new moms are always really tired? Well, if she is, she isn't showing it to me. I swear, sometimes I worry about whether or not our baby is going to get enough sleep."

"What about you?"

"I don't know man. Sometimes I think I'm not cut out for it. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy. But I'm tired as fuck." Josh laughed weakly. "I haven't even been going to yoga and that's easy as hell."

"Aw man, you know when you start talking about that gay shit I gotta nip it in the bud." Dylan took a deep gulp from his beer, finishing it off and signaling the waitress for another one.

"No, no listen man. It's actually really really relaxing. You should try it sometime. My instructor is great. Ever since I started going to him I've been sleeping better and everything."

"Ugh, it's a guy? Fuck no. I at least want the chance to get a look at some chick while she's bending over."

Josh gave him a sharp look. Ever since he had become a dad, Dylan thought he was a bit of a stick in the mud. All of a sudden, talking about a woman's body a certain way pissed him off.

"Listen. Just try it out once, alright? He's top notch, I swear."

Dylan shrugged noncommittally. "I don't know man. I don't want people seeing me do that shit. What if I fall or something?"

Josh considered that. "Well, I could mention you to him. See if he would be willing to do a one on one session just to show you the ropes. He might do it."

Turns out, he would. A week later, Josh called Dylan to tell him that his yoga instructor, a guy named Ed, would give him a private session.

"Listen, I already paid the guy and I don't wanna hear anything about it. I'm tired of you bitching all the time so if it gets you off my back I'm down. But it wasn't cheap you know? So your ass better go, and you better tell me that you chilled the fuck out for a while."

That's how, one evening after work, Dylan found himself standing in front of a small shop that was painted bright blue. For some reason, he expected a chime to go off when he entered, but everything was quiet. There wasn't anyone in the entry hallway, either. Dylan was nervous, and his borrowed yoga mat, rolled up under his right arm, had him feeling ridiculous. Too nervous to just announce his presence, he reached for the first door on his left, hoping it led to the studio.

Luckily it did. The room itself was bright with the fading light of the summer evening coming through a large window with the blinds drawn back. In the center of the room on a black mat was a man. He was laying on his chest, and his legs were drawn up and hanging forward above his head. Dylan could tell that he was rather tall despite the way his body was contorted, and he couldn't help but notice his muscular physique. Unwillingly, his eyes traveled downward, and he quickly averted his eyes when he eyed the large bulge in the front of the mans formfitting clothing.

"Sorry l didn't meet you at the door. Sometimes I get too into the pose." A deep voice called out. Slowly reordering his limbs, the man turned to look at him. His jaw was sharp and chiseled. Dylan was shocked to realize that everything about this man radiated masculine power. Not a single thing about him was flowery or effeminate.

"I- oh yeah it's not a problem. I'm Dylan. Josh recommends you highly." He shook the mans hand.

"I'm sure he already told you but I'm Ed. It's fine to call me that, everyone does." Çankaya travesti (https://www.travesti.info/) Ed flashed a smile at him, easy and bright. Immediately, Dylan felt jealous.

"So why the sudden interest in yoga?"

Dylan sighed. "To tell you the truth, it's because of my current life situation. My stress level is through the roof. My health has gone to shit."

Ed nodded. His eyes roamed Dylan's body, and Dylan suddenly felt extremely exposed. "It's not uncommon. Lots of people are looking for release when they come to me. It might be a little easier for you to tell me more about where the tension is. That way, we can work on that immediately and get you feeling better."

Suddenly, Dylan felt every ache in his body. Most painful, however, was the series of knows that ran up and down his back. They had recently taken to random spasms, which woke Dylan up in the middle of the night with their intensity.

"My back" he said, a little too quickly.

"Alright well, you should turn around and take off your shirt so I can get a look."

Dylan did as he was told. A small shiver ran through him when he felt Ed's hands, large and warm and powerful, touch the base of his spine. The warmth of his hands seemed to sink into his skin as they traveled upward.

"Oh, I think I found one." Ed's hands ran themselves over several of his worst problem areas, gently massaging the knots. Dylan let out an involuntary whimper of pleasure at one moment and immediately bit his lip, angry at himself.

Ed chuckled. "It's fine. Totally normal. One of the things that happens a lot with people in your position is that you get so stressed out that you kind of forget how good things feel."

Dylan's cheeks were stained red. "Y-yeah I've noticed some...issues."

Ed knew what he was referring to, it seemed. Dylan's sex life had essentially disappeared altogether. He could still pick up women. After all, he was pretty hot. The problem was that recently, Dylan's cock had had a mind of its own. It was like he was too tense to even blow his load.

Ed withdrew his hands, and rubbed them together lightly. "Well, I think we should do some basic poses. We'll focus on your back today so we can hopefully get you loosened up. Let's stretch first."

They began with some basics. Ed watched Dylan's form closely, guiding him when necessary. A lot of the stretches were things Dylan had done before. However, at one point, Ed told him to touch his toes and he knew immediately that he was having problems. His back screamed at him to stop. He began to rise back up-

Ed's hand firmly pressed his spine, refusing to let him up. Instead, he increased his pressure steadily, forcing Dylan down down down. His back screamed at him and it was too much and then he felt a pop and he was touching his toes. Ed's hands were firmly on his back, kneading the knots he found and the pleasure was unimaginable. The intensity of it shocked Dylan, and he jolted.

Because of their position, this meant that Dylan's ass directly rubbed against Ed's crotch. Through the thin material both of them were wearing, Dylan could feel Ed's cock brush against his ass and he immediately shuddered and retreated. He felt so confused with these sensations running through his head. It was definitely not what he was expecting: brushing against Ed's cock had felt good.

After that last exercise, it was time for some poses. Dylan's distraction really started to show, however. No matter what he did, his posture was wrong or he couldn't hold the pose longer than a few seconds. After repeated failures, Dylan was ready to admit defeat and apologize for wasting his time, but Ed refused to fail.

"It's fine. Newcomers can have a hard time getting into the headspace. I'll help you with your form."

That's how Dylan ended up with Ed's hands once again on him while he stretched and contorted his body into unfamiliar forms. At every moment, he felt Ed's masculine, impossibly hard body pressed against him. It was so intimate, and Ed seemed so powerful. Dylan felt hot and stuffy, smothered Dikmen travesti (https://www.travesti.info/) by Ed in some way. His head was a little fuzzy and the blood in his body kept creeping toward his cock at inopportune moments.

"Time for downward dog." Ed announced cheerfully. "You'll like this one, it's really simple." Quickly, he demonstrated. Stretching his hands out in front of him, Ed bent forward and arched his back at a sharp angle, bringing him into a shape resembling a triangle.

When Dylan tried it, his back gave him some trouble. Although he had been getting better throughout the session, there was still some stiffness and a knot or two that was making him inflexible. Ed didn't even comment, he simple pressed hard between Dylan's shoulder blades. Ed's body wrapped around Dylan's as his face got closer and closer to the floor. A final pop and his back finally relaxed completely. Shock traveled through him like lightening. Here he was, face down with Ed's crouched edged into the top of his ass. What's more, this time, his cock was getting hard and he couldn't stop it. Against his will, it grew and grew and within seconds he was tenting his yoga pants.

"You need to have a sharper arch. Your butt should be at a steeper angle." Ed said behind him. His hand came up and pressed on Dylan's abdomen, hiking his ass higher into the air. However, his hand also accidentally pressed against Dylan's cock. Already, the first real pressure on his cock in weeks was making Dylan bite the inside of his cheek to keep from moaning. Everything felt colossally huge and pleasurable at the moment.

"Oh." Ed whispered softly against Dylan's neck. Dylan let out a shaky breath, preparing to explain himself. Before he could say anything, however, Ed pressed back down with the heel of his hand, and Dylan's vision whited out.

"Is this helping you relax?" Ed asked him softly, his voice taking on a slightly husky tone.

Dylan released a small whine. He wanted to say no, that he wasn't gay. Instead, he found himself cursing when Ed's hand reached up and slipped into the top of his waistband. He wrapped his big warm hand around Dylan tightly, giving him the friction he so desperately desired.

"I'm- I'm not gay" Dylan stammered out, his whisper sounding loud in the quiet room. He could hear everything. Ed's calm breathing contrasted with his heavier pants, the squeak of the hardwood as they writhed together.

"That's fine." Ed removed himself from Dylan completely, so suddenly that Dylan fell over. His cock throbbed harshly and he scrambled up. "Wait-"

Ed was on him in a second. That moment of hesitance was all he needed to take this, whatever it was, further. Placing himself above Dylan on the yoga mat, he reached for something over Dylan's head. He placed a small white bottle next to him and he reached down toward Dylan's feet.

"What are you-"

"Be quiet." Those two words came from Ed with such authority that Dylan's question died in his throat. Grabbing Dylan's feet, he hauled them up up up. Soon, Dylan was at his limit. His legs were burning from the stretch as they were hauled up to his head.

"Hold them." Dylan did so without hesitation, surprised at himself.

Smirking at him, Ed reached out and started stroking Dylan through the fabric of his yoga pants. Dylan quaked with the effort of maintaining his grip while his dick jerked against Ed's hand. Suddenly, Ed seized the fabric of his pants and ripped them. Dylan's cock pulsed hotly against the cool air of the yoga studio as Ed looked at him with hungry eyes.

"What a big boy. Looks like you could use some relief. But I wonder, are you up for it?" Dylan opened his mouth, but before he could reply Ed's hand covered his mouth roughly.

"Don't fucking talk, you whore. You know you want it." Dylan's head was spinning. Every time Ed spoke he sank further and further, so ready to be obedient, to be good. To find relief.

Ed reached up and pressed him back farther, his legs propped up even more. Dylan figured out what was coming only a second before it happened. Eryaman travesti (https://www.travesti.info/) Another rip, and his ass was bare to the man he had met an hour ago. Ed leaned in closely and breathed hot air against his flesh and Dylan shook.

Big hands grabbed his asscheeks and spread them apart. Then a tongue invaded his body. An animalistic grunt tore from Dylan as Ed plunged into his ass face first. His expert tongue caused sparks to shoot up Dylan's spine as waves of itching pleasure shot through him. In no time, he was a panting mess. Writhing as best he could with his legs in his hands, he tried to grind his ass on Ed's face despite the small voice inside him screaming at him to stop, that he wasn't gay. That voice was steadily being drowned out by the wet sounds Ed's tongue was making as he speared his tongue in and out of Dylan's hole, stretching him so good. There was a river of precum dripping down Dylan's neglected cock, and at one point Ed came up and licked a fat stripe along his dick, collecting all of it. Dylan nearly screamed as his dick got sucked, however briefly.

He was a babbling mess when he heard the sound of a bottle cap. He had totally forgotten about the bottle Ed had placed next to him earlier.

"Massage oil." Ed offered in the way of explanation. He stood up, and Dylan saw him as he was. This man stood so tall above him he might as well have been God himself. Dylan at once realized how completely in his power he was.

Not breaking eye contact, Ed lowered his yoga pants. Dylan whimpered when his fully hard cock came jumping out. It was a behemoth. Thick veins ran along the underside, and the enormous, heavy balls beneath were just as impressive. Dylan's hole instinctively fluttered.

Ed tipped the bottle, pouring a line of oil on his cock. Then, he spread it with his hand. The sound of his cock in his oily hand nearly drove Dylan mad. Ed fell to his knees and lined himself up.

"Are you ready for this?" Ed whispered, face to face with Dylan. Dylan's head shook, an almost imperceptible nod. And then Ed sunk into him.

Dylan's mouth opened in a silent scream, his walls caving to the barbarian cock that claimed him completely. Ed stared into his eyes, one hand around his throat, as he bottomed out. His growl rumbled out of his chest and vibrated throughout the room.

The drag as he pulled back caused Dylan's eyes to roll back in his head. He could intimately feel every single inch of the cock that was inside him. The friction against his walls as Ed pulled back was so close yet not enough. And then Ed stabbed back into him, and they were off.

Dylan was mumbling, dumbstruck by the cock that dove into the deepest parts of his body repeatedly. No mercy, no gentleness. He felt completely owned. He was claimed. Forever, he belonged to Ed. Holding up his legs didn't feel very hard anymore. Every inch of his body was as flexible as Ed needed him to be. He felt himself winding up. Within him, his orgasm was bubbling furiously. Weeks of buildup was rushing to be satisfied and Dylan couldn't breathe with how much he wanted it.

Ed's grunts were so savage, his balls heavy against Dylan's ass as he slammed wildly into him. His thrusts were speeding up too. Soon, he would cum.

Dylan realized this and his hole clamped down. He had yet to take his eyes away from Ed's this entire time.

"I want it." Dylan whispered to Ed.

Ed's smile was sharp and cutting. "Good. Because you're definitely gonna get it."

A sharp smack landing on his ass.

Dylan didn't even care. His pulled his legs wider, as wide as he could get them. Ed's cock drilled him even deeper than before, if possible. Every inch of his skin felt like a live wire when Ed grabbed his cock.

"Oh fuck oh FUCK" Dylan screamed, as his cock was jerked in time with Ed's thrusts. Three pumps and he was done. His cock rocketed cum like he had never had an orgasm before. Ed didn't stop until Dylan's torso was coated. Dylan's ass had pushed him to the point of no return as well.

With a guttural moan, Ed flooded Dylan's hole with his cum. Tears flowed from Dylan's eyes as he felt the pulsing vein on Ed's cock as he dumped round after round of cum into him. When he finally pulled out, Dylan flopped to the floor without moving.

Ed laughed. "Guess we got where we needed to be on your back, am I right?"