Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : The New United Nations and You

07 Ekim 2021, 19:53
The New United Nations and YouWorld Civics in the Twenty-Third Century- fifth ed.Chapter 1: A Fresh StartYou and your classmates have grown up in an age of prosperity. The average world citizen can expect to live a long, happy life. Our leaders are honest and hard working, and our governments are good members of the world community. Large-scale v******e is a thing of the past. In fact, there have been no wars anywhere on Earth for over two-hundred years, but it might surprise you to learn that the world wasn't always so peaceful.In ancient times, men fought like savages, stabbing each other with stone spears, and later on, with iron swords while battling over land. As men became more modern and civilized, they started blowing each other up with high explosives, while fighting over petroleum.The Twenty-First-Century had the most advanced warfare in history as developed nations scrambled to control the last reserves of fossil fuels, clean water, and fertile land, while religious zealots sent their followers to fiery martyrdom, in what they promised, was the final battle against evil. Destruction spread like uncontrolled fire all over the globe.Then, in a huge surprise to just about everyone, all conflicts ended at about 8:15 PM New York time, with a sudden and catastrophic doomsday attack. The severe resource crisis of the Twenty-First Century was solved in about fifteen minutes on April 5th 2044. Small groups of survivors s**ttered all over the world inherited everything that was left, and what seemed like scarcity for 13 billion people, was huge abundance for 21 million. The nation that launched Green-Zero is still unknown, but most people blame Germany out of habit.There were survivors of many different beliefs, but all of them held one thing in common. They hated the leaders responsible for the devastation. So when it came time to organize a new government, the survivors insisted that their new leaders be nothing like the old ones, in fact, they demanded the exact opposite. Their new leaders would be known for their lack of charisma and social skills; and most of all, they would not want power.As you can imagine, it was a difficult process, electing people who didn't want to be elected. Most of the details are lost to history, but it certainly involved some amount of coercion from the communities these people lived in. There is even a report of one particularly anti-social representative who had to be tied up and dragged out of his house kicking and screaming, his constituents physically forcing him to go to the national assembly.By the end of the first year, most nations had made remarkable progress. Fifty-eight individual governments were up and running, but something important was still undone. The survivors knew that it would only be a matter of time before some ruthless politician took control of an individual country, and the damage that just one tyrant could do was all too clear to the survivors of countless wars.They realized that they needed to create an international system to police individual nations, and like before, they reasoned that the only persons who could be trusted with designing such a system would be people who lacked the social skills to take advantage of it themselves. And so it was, that each nation nominated their most uncomfortable, least charismatic representative and forced them to attend the World Assembly, that was held in California that first year. It was the summer of 2045, just fifteen months after the catastrophe, that this small group of fifty-eight representatives from all over the world, met in a dingy San Jose bar to negotiate the formation of a new world government.It was believed that the only way to get this gathering of the world's most socially awkward people to talk to each other, was to get a few pints in them, cut off the internet, and lock the door until they came up with something. The instructions given to this anti-social assembly were simple- that they find some way to force rulers to be both honest and ethical.It took 125 wadded up napkins, and 25 pitchers of beer, but after an all-nighter, the front door banged open and the ragged hung-over group of leaders shuffled out of the bar into the bright morning sunlight.A large crowd had waited all night long for this historic event to take place. They cheered enthusiastically when the lawmakers emerged. Cameras flashed and news reporters surged forward, shoving microphones in the representatives' faces and shouting dozens of loud questions.The fifty-eight world representatives, being a combination of horribly shy, ill tempered, and difficult, didn't want such attention. In fact, many of them got angry, and one irritable representative with a neck-beard threw an empty pizza box at a photographer who was busy filming the historic event. The man didn't find out until later that he had been assaulted with the Original Charter of the New United Nations, scribbled on the back of that greasy cardboard box.Chapter 2: Delegates and Corporal SanctionsNow, even though the names are similar, we shouldn't confuse the New United Nations with the original UN, that embarrassing collection of spoiled diplomats that spent their days seeing how many u******e prostitutes they could sneak into New York City hotel rooms. To be fair, there was also something in the United Nations charter about promoting peace and good will, but the end result was the same sort of corruption the world had grown used to.Historians agree that the biggest flaw in the international system had nothing to do with the diplomats. The underlying problem was that the ruling class could do whatever it wanted without suffering any personal consequences. If a dictator threatened his neighbors, for instance, all the UN could do was impose trade sanctions that always hurt the common people more than the ruling elite.The New United Nations (NUN) is different from the original UN in two fundamental ways:1) Familial RequirementsAll 242 voting delegates in the General Assembly are the daughters of the ruling elite. Every country in the world sends two delegates to the assembly with the strict requirements that the delegates be unmarried women from the ages of 18 to 27, and the closest possible blood relatives to the current head of state. The delegates who represent the Reunited States of America, for instance, are President James' nineteen-year-old twin daughters, Paris and Jazmin.2) Corporal SanctionsThe New United Nations keeps the peace through a highly effective system of corporal sanctions. This is the reason we bring the daughters of powerful people to the assembly. If a particular ruler violates international law, there is always a member of his or her family to hold personally responsible. The deterrent value of the system is enormous since it not only punishes the delegate but also brings shame upon her family. Rulers have always been willing to send other men to war, but how many kings could stand the personal indignity of having his own daughters punished in the most embarrassing ways possible, on live television, with all the world watching?Chapter 3: The Trial of the Von sistersA good example of how our system works is the case of the World vs. Germany from October of 2189, which also happened to be the highest rated television program in history.The trial followed a huge scandal in which Germany had repeatedly stalled efforts of NUN officials to investigate the alleged money laundering activities of a prominent German investment bank, a bank that Chancellor von Ehrlichmann himself held a large stake in.The chancellor had kept his own hands clean, until one fateful meeting in September of 2189, when he attempted to bribe the chief inspector- a major violation of international law that was grounds for an immediate Corporal Sanctions Tribunal.At the time, Germany's two voting delegates were the privileged daughters of the chancellor himself. The girls, twenty-two-year-old Heidi von Ehrlichmann and her younger sister twenty-year-old Mathilde von Ehrlichmann were put on trial for their own father's crimes. The defense was hopeless, since the meeting between their father and the chief inspector was secretly recorded and that evidence was shown in great detail by the Chamber Prosecutor. The trial phase finished in just two days, and then, both German girls had to stand before the massive and intimidating wooden bench to hear the verdict.-The following is from an Associated Net Reporter's account of the judgment...then the Chief Justice of the court, the beautiful but somewhat harsh looking daughter of Tsar Vladimirovich pounded her gavel to silence the mumbling audience.?On this fourth day of October, 2189, the Corporal Sanctions Tribunal convenes to pass judgment on the nation of Germany for the high crime of conspiracy to commit bribery of a New United Nations official.?Nadia Vladimirovich addressed the two other justices of the tribunal, who both sat to her left. ?On the matter of the World vs. Germany, what say you?? The petite daughter of the Empress of Sian covered her mouth with the dainty fingers of her right hand and giggled a little. The Sianese Princess seemed to enjoy a joke that only she knew about, and after a very strange pause, the young Oriental woman leaned into the microphone and said in a musical girlish voice, ?The Sianese Empire finds the accused guilty, Your Honor.?The granddaughter of an prominent African prime minister spoke next. Mutasa Jedayi Hulari had the traditional braids of an unmarried young women from her tribe, pulled back and tied high at the back of her head. Her build was athletic and tall, and her tone was serious and dignified as she gave her judgment, ?The Democratic Republic of Zimbabwe finds the accused guilty, Your Honor.?The Russian Chief Justice could hardly hide her enthusiasm. ?Very well.? Nadia Vladimirovich licked her lips, trying to disguising a smile, as she looked down upon the big-eyed German girls, shivering in front of her. ?The Russian Federation also finds the accused guilty."With the unanimous verdict read, Vladimirovich made clear that Ms. Heidi von Ehrlichmann and Ms. Mathilde von Ehrlichmann were no longer to be treated as colleagues and equals. The defendants would be placed on probationary status, and it was, she said, "... the sworn duty of the Tribunal to make an example of the two delegates so that it would bring shame upon their family and the German people."The audience was in good cheer and obviously looking forward to seeing more of the German girls the next day. The punishment phase will begin noon tomorrow in the main chamber. It should be a really good show!-end of excerptChapter 4: The Punishment PhaseThe trial phase is always a solemn event, much like an ordinary criminal trial, but the punishment phase has more of a party atmosphere, with laughter and jeering from the audience and plenty of fun and games for TV viewers at home. This particular punishment was greatly anticipated all over the world. The doors wouldn't open for another five hours, but there was excitement in the streets of New York City that morning. The Von sisters, as they were known in the press, were famous and polarizing figures. Teenage girls, especially, followed the socialites' glamorous lifestyles on all the big gossip sites. There were probably more people who disliked the Von sisters. Their shallow celebrity images and spoiled entitled natures grated on the nerves of honest hard-working people. It seemed that one sister or the other was constantly in the press, photographed at some wild Hollywood party, drinking 500 dollar champagne and wearing jewelry that cost more than most people's homes. The Von sisters got away with behavior that would land normal people in jail, but of course, ordinary people didn't have the girl's diplomatic immunity or their father's vast fortune.The hour approached. Uniformed Security şişli escort (http://daawrat.com/category/sisli-escort/) officers opened the main doors at eleven AM. Important media outlets were let into the chamber first, so that they could set up lighting and equipment in the viewing gallery that overlooked the audience and the stage. From this vantage point, the network anchors, judicial experts, and professional commentators would be able to talk about the punishment without interrupting the proceedingsThe gallery wrapped in an arc around the perimeter of the huge oval room, but the rest of the seating was at floor level. Less prominent reporters with press passes entered at a quarter after. They were followed by a couple thousand lucky witnesses, picked at random through an internet lottery.International officials came next. These privileged few were seated in the high-security roped-off section that made up the front two rows, on the left side and the right side of the stage. Prominent dignitaries in attendance included Queen Zoey of England Atlantic, Prime Minister Pedro Bryant of the Republic of Mexifornia, and the President of the Reunited States of America Jaquavius L. James and First Lady Miley James.At noon, the Herald of the Chamber, in his showy blue and gold dress uniform, stood at the podium at the right side of the stage. He banged his ceremonial staff on the floor three times to quiet the crowd and call the assembly to order.?All stand, for the Delegates of the New United Nations?The audience stood, turned and faced the massive double doors at the back center of the chamber. Two uniformed officers opened the doors and then stood at attention to either side.Two-hundred and thirty-seven delegates entered the chamber, walking in pairs, side by side down the wide blue-carpeted central isle, an isle that was only to be stepped upon by delegates and other NUN officials. All the delegates were there, two for each country in the world, except for the partners of the Russian, Sianese and Zimbabwean delegates, who walked alone, and the complete absence of the two German delegates.All the delegates wore identical formal blue skirts and white blouses, and blue jackets emblazoned on the lapel with the bronze seal of the New United Nations. As always, the delegates sat in their honored position in the front-center of the chamber.A few minutes later, when the delegates were all settled in, the stage lights brightened and the Herald of the Chamber called out, ?All stand for the Honorable Justices of the Tribunal.?The herald introduced the junior African delegate first, then came the Sianese delegate. The final member was the eldest, the Chief Justice from Russia, Nadia Vladimirovich.The moment that everyone was waiting for came next. The Russian, who was wired with a microphone, thanked the herald for the introduction and then she took over, calling for the German delegates, who she referred to as, 'spoiled little German girls' to be brought out to face justice.Thumping fast-paced tense music started up as the lights dimmed. Two officers opened the big wooden doors at the back of the chamber and a spotlight shined down, lighting a circle at the entrance. The audience turned to get a good look. The two German delegates came shuffling out, side by side, and right behind the girls, two uniformed security officers escorted them down the isle. The sisters, looking white as ghosts, seemed to be making considerable efforts to not burst into tears.The girls walked down the center blue carpeted isle, with all those eyes upon them, all the witnesses seated to either side, smirking and whispering to each other, and having a good look at the German girls. Countless millions were also watching from home, either by TV or internet streams broadcast live around the world.The walk from the entrance to the stage wasn't a particularly long walk, just around thirty-five meters in length, but it is said to be a terribly difficult journey for a young woman sentenced to suffer at the hands of the Tribunal. Those last few steps are said to be the worst, when the unlucky delegates must climb the s*******n steps that rose to the level of the stage at the front of the chamber.The older Von sister, Heidi handled herself with some dignity. She climbed the staircase, and waited on stage but her younger sister, Mathilda hesitated and one of the guards gave her a big swat on the bottom to help her along. The crowd roared with laughter as the girl stumbled out to center stage with big eyes and a face red, nervously awaiting what came next.The sisters had good reason to be nervous because the details of a major corporal sanction are not even spelled out in the regulations. The law simply states that it must include vigorous corporal punishment and extreme humiliation of the offenders.What exactly 'vigorous and extreme' means is left up to the tribunal, but over the years, the assembly developed a tradition of its own, whereas it turned the punishment of the guilty into a sort of a competition. The way it worked was that each of the three members of the Tribunal had 15 minutes with the offenders, and when the show was over, the audience would cheer for which Justice they thought did the best job. Justices competed for both bragging rights and a cash reward donated by the media.Chapter 5: Justice HulariThe first fifteen-minute session went to the tall athletic delegate from Zimbabwe, Mutasa Jedayi Hulari. The official countdown clock, that was mounted high above the rear of the stage, began ticking backwards from 15:00 minutes as soon as Jedayi stood.Members of a Tribunal often spent as much time playing up to the crowd as punishing the guilty but this wasn't the case at all with the African justice. Jedayi went directly to a large table that was set up at the right side of the stage and covered with a wide selection of instruments. Jedayi picked up a good sturdy cane made of birch-wood, whipping it through the air a bit to judge its weight and flexibility. It would do, it would do just fine.The audience was greatly amused by the big eyes and open mouths of the German girls as the Justice put an impatient hand on her hip and made the 'come here' gesture with the cane in her right hand. The sisters had no choice but to do exactly as told, since refusal to cooperate during a tribunal comes with an automatic ten-year jail sentence with hard labor and periodic corporal punishment.Jedayi made the girls stand a few meters apart, facing one another, and then she had them bend at the waist, so far that they could grasp their ankles. As it was about to get underway, a few rowdy men in the audience whistled and clapped, some of the women giggled, but the rest were quiet, already caught up in the anticipation. There was no bad view in the chamber, since several 3-D video-boards hung over the stage showed the different angles, so the audience could see the nervous faces of the Von sisters, or any other parts of interest, for that matter.Jedayi grabbed the tail of Heidi's skirt and yanked it back over the small of her back, exposing the nice round bottom, covered, but not protected by a pair of stylish white silk panties. In a fluid motion, the African justice stepped back to the left side of Heidi's hips and whipped the cane three times across the German's bottom.Heidi, of course, was not used to such treatment. The German socialite yelped out, " Autsch!" from the sensation of searing pain across her bottom. The way Heidi jumped, threw her head back, and cupped her stinging bottom cheeks in both hands got the whole audience howling with laughter.Jedayi didn't think it was funny at all. She painfully tapped the girl's knuckles and ordered Heidi to 'stop acting like a fool' and get back into position with her hands on her ankles and her guilty bottom presented for punishment. While Heidi sniffled and complied, Jedayi decided to walk around so she could spend some time with the younger sister, Mathilda.The justice pulled the tail of Mathilda's skirt back so she could get to business. The African woman put a hand on her hip and scowled disapproval. Mathilda wore a pair of white lace panties with little pink hearts all over it. Collective giggles came from the audience and even the dignified and professional XBC news anchor Trey Buggington couldn't keep a straight face as he tried to describe the peculiar scene to viewers at home.Jedayi was certainly tired of looking at those girly panties anyway, so she jerked them down Mathilda's thighs, to a point just above the knees. The room suddenly got cooler, her whole body flinched, and one of the camera men zoomed in on the goosebumps on Mathilda's exposed bottom.Jedayi whipped Mathilda just as hard as her sister, three quick strokes of the cane leaving painful pink welts on the girl's slim but perfectly proportioned bottom cheeks. When Mathilda couldn't stand any more, the African delegate paused to spend some time with Heidi for a while. Heidi was absolutely trembling as Jedayi lowered her panties for what would surely be a lengthy, embarrassing, and painful caning. The TV cameras got a nice closeup of the three skillfully-placed pink parallel welts that already marked Heidi's bottom, that was fuller, rounder, and plumper than her younger sister's rear.Jedayi stepped quick to the side and drew the cane high. The cane whistled through the air and snapped against the sensitive lower part of Heidi's bottom cheeks, the little crease where thigh met the buttocks. Heidi's bubbly buttocks bounced beneath the b**stly bite of the birch. She yelped out in pain, hips squirmed trying desperately to avoid any more spanking. Jedayi had no mercy at all. She simply warned the girl to stop acting like a c***d and then the Zimbabwean turned her attention back to Mathilda.And so it went, back and forth, Jedayi kept the Von sisters yelping when they were being caned and crying when they weren't. It was so harsh that some TV commentators even brought up the old stereotype of the angry black woman, implying that the delegate from Zimbabwe was using this opportunity to work out her anger over centuries of European oppression in her homeland. Regardless, it was a good show but all good things must come to an end. And so, the clock struck zero, the Von sisters hobbled toward the back of the stage, and the audience gave the Jedayi a big round of applause.Chapter 6: The Sianese PrincessThe daughter of the Sianese Empress was up next. Her performance was highly anticipated since she was known for being peculiar. Many commentators doubted the Princess had it in her to be a real disciplinarian. This was a young woman who didn't seem comfortable around other people. Her only close companions were three horses she kept upstate; and two ferrets and ten cats that lived in her delegate office, after the furniture had been removed. Rumor had it, that the Sianese Princess often spent the whole weekend, alone in her office, dressing up her cats and weasels in costumes for elaborate photo shoots. When it was time, the petite oriental Princess gracefully bowed to the timekeeper and the fifteen minute clock started ticking backwards. The Princess went directly to the table and picked up a riding crop.The Princess started by ordering the German girls to get down on their knees. The Princess placed her own right foot out in front of her. Mathilda and then Heidi had to kneel forward and kiss her toes. The Princess was wearing the standard open sandals common to all the delegates, and she seemed to enjoy the feeling of the German girl's soft lips on her toes, making each sister continue kissing for a good long time, using the crop on their upturned bottoms if they stopped too soon.Some smartypants foreign corespondents in the gallery above explained to the TV audience that kneeling and foot kissing was the traditional way that new household servants greeted the Empress in the royal mecidiyeköy escort (http://daawrat.com/category/mecidiyekoy-escort/) household, back in Sian.Perhaps the Princess felt that the girls had experienced far too much modesty. At the 12 minute mark, she made the Germans get up off the floor and stand in the bright stage lights facing the assembly of their peers, the scores of reporters, and two-thousand witnesses off the street.The sensitive microphones placed around the stage picked up Mathilda's soft groan and Heidi's gasp when the oriental Princess ordered the German girls to strip naked. It was a terrible embarrassment to stand on stage in those bright lights, and those cameras, with all the world watching. The Von sisters had to remove their formal jackets, unbutton their white silk blouses, drop their blue skirts to the floor, and unhook their bras, and let their panties drop to their feet. Piece by piece, they were exposed until the sisters stood completely naked, side by side, desperately trying to cover themselves with their hands.Unfortunately for the Von sisters, the customs in the Sianese Empire were far different than what they were used to, so they couldn't have known that the Princess would take their simple act of trying to hide their nakedness as a challenge to her authority.Back in the Twenty-Second Century, the Sianese Empire was even more isolated than it is today, and very strict in its social order. The relationship between servant and royal family was especially stratified in the household where the Princess grew up.Her own mother, the Empress of Sian, was the worst sort of household tyrant who seemed to enjoy punishing servants, and she believed in dealing out punishment on the spot. The Empress had even stopped the wedding celebration of her eldest son Zhou-Wu to whip a young maid who had lost her balance and dripped wine on the tablecloth in front of a visiting foreign minister. The Empress held her staff to a standard of impossible perfection, and so she became livid when she saw the mistake. She forced the humiliated young woman to strip off her uniform in front of everyone, and stand there, completely naked, with her head bowed and her hands respectfully to her side.Then, the Empress had one of the other maids clear the dishes and glasses at the end the long dinner table, so that the servant girl had room to sit on the edge of the table, and then lie backwards. The girl was forced to draw her own legs back, and hold them there, knees pressed to her breasts, while the Empress prepared to give the poor girl a hard thrashing across her exposed buttocks and the backs of her thighs using a flexible black switch she always kept handy. The Empress was intent on humiliating the servant, putting the girl on display, so that she was unable to even hide her face as she cried, with so many of the guests watching, looking down upon her, casually sipping their wine.During her c***dhood, the Princess had seen many punishments like that and worse. She didn't usually agree with her mother's harsh treatment of commoners, but she thought a traditional Sianese punishment was just the sort of thing the spoiled Germans needed. Besides, the Princess knew that her mother was watching the live broadcast from her throne room back in the Empire. A good performance would surely make the Empress proud of her youngest daughter. Maybe, just maybe, the Princess hoped her mother would be so pleased with her performance that she wouldn't even beat her next time she visited Sian!There was a wide bench on the left side of the stage, three- meters long, good sturdy legs, waist-high, and perfect for the job. Soon, the Princess had the German girls in a terribly compromising position, placed on their backs, side by side on the bench top, shapely legs drawn back until their knees touched their breasts. The Princess made sure the sisters were positioned so that their plump peach bottoms hung slightly over the edge of the bench at about waist height, perfectly positioned for the audience to enjoy and at a convenient height for the Princess's riding crop.The Princess took her time, giving two or three strokes to Heidi and then two or three stinging strokes to Mathilda's bottom. Keeping each girl yelping and sobbing at nearly a constant pace for two or three minutes.Then, in a surprise move, the Princess abruptly stopped and ordered the girls to get down on the floor, on their hands and knees. The Princess went to the table and returned with a silvery metal box. The Von sisters shared an expression of bewilderment when they looked up and the Princess took off the lid off the box and showed them what was inside.It could be that the Princess was a little off in the head or maybe just she missed her pet Chow Chows real bad. In any case, the Princess had brought matching collars and leashes. The girls made for a pitiful sight as the the Princess snapped collars on their necks. Heidi and Mathilda von Ehrlichmann, the famous socialites from a wealthy and powerful German family were now completely naked, on their hands and knees, dog collars on their necks, lower lips trembling, tears running down their cheeks, thick shiny coats. It was just one of those days.The Princess tugged at the leashes. It was time to walk the dogs. This was a scene that replayed on the evening news worldwide and billions of times on the internet. The German girls, crawling like a****ls, and trying to keep up as the Princess tugged the leashes, leading them down the stairs and up one of the side isles. Though it was considered bad sportsmanship by some, the Princess made an obvious effort to win the contest through crowd participation, stopping several times in front of the rowdy witnesses, the Princess ordered her dogs to pose in the play position with their heads down, their rumps up, and she graciously invited several of the witnesses to pet them.One lucky woman even got the opportunity to use the crop on Heidi?s bottom and the Princess handed one surprised man a box of Milk-Bone dog treats (sure, they still make them). The Princess made Mathilde sit up on her haunches and beg for the bone with her hands held in front of her like paws. Judging from the faces Mathilda made while chewing the crunchy dog treat, it must not been to her liking. She was also a messy eater, so the Princess had her sister Heidi lick up the crumbs off the carpet while she was getting spanked by the stranger from the audience.The Princess led the girls back up on stage, with just a couple minutes left on the clock, but that was enough time to teach her dogs some tricks like sit, shake, speak, and roll over. The Princess would shout out commands in the Canto-Japanese dialect of her homeland, but of course the German girls didn't understand that language, and so they could only look at her hand motions and try to figure out what she meant. Sometimes they guessed right and earned a scratch behind the ears, and other times they displeased the Princess, earning a good whack on the nose with a rolled up newspaper. Yes, the Sianese Princess may not have been right in the head, but she got the crowd laughing so hard their ribs were hurting, and they were ready for a breather when the fifteen minute clock expired.Chapter 7: The Tsar's DaughterThe last justice to have a go was the Chief Justice of the Tribunal. The eldest daughter of Tsar Vladimirovich never kept her contempt for the Von sisters secret. The girls were the most unprofessional delegates she had ever worked with. The sisters were always late for meetings, and they were lazy and disruptive once they finally showed up. The girls did no discernible work at all, content to let their neglected staff do everything and, of course, get none of the credit. Worst of all, was Von sisters outrageous public conduct- the d**g use, drinking, partying, plus all the supposedly secret sex tapes that came out on the internet every few months.Nadia was twenty-seven years old, and so, she was serving her last year of office. Soon she would go back home to Russia where she would marry and take her place in the court of the Tsar. But first, Nadia Vladimirovich was going to do something that somebody should have done a long time ago. If the German girls wanted to act like spoiled c***dren, she would treat them like spoiled c***dren!The Russian pulled a straight-backed wooden chair to center stage, just a couple meters from the first row. Nadia had Heidi stand to her side facing the audience. Then the Russian sat down and ordered Mathilda to get into position across her lap. The chair was a few inches taller than normal so that the German girl had to support some of her own weight with her hands. Her toes barely touched the floor, and her bottom was nicely positioned at the highest point.Nadia laid the palm of her right hand across the girl's bottom, feeling the heat from dozens of pink lines from the cane and a few rectangular marks from the Princess's riding crop. A hand spanking would hurt a great deal atop the already tinder skin. Nadia drew back and slapped Mathilda's bottom as hard as she could, rapidly a dozen times, causing the poor German girl to lose all semblance of dignity, kicking out her legs, crying, and even begging, "Autsch... please miss... autsch... my bottom huurrts soooo bad!"All the Russian said was, "Good" before starting again with a cruel series of hard swats. She kept it up until Mathilda's bottom cheeks radiated red and her own hand was getting sore. "Heidi," Nadia said to the other German girl, nervously standing to her side. "Go to the table and bring me something to punish your sister with."Lacking any other cues, Heidi shuffled across the stage and looked over all the different items on the tabletop. There were whips, belts, paddles, fresh green switches, and many other implements available, but Heidi decided to pick the least scary-looking object, a long-handled wooden spoon, the sort a Russian cook might use to stir up a big pot of Borscht.Nadia intended to use the spoon to stir up some serious pain on Mathilda's bottom. She grabbed the spoon from Heidi?s hand and started a fast attack on the tender backs of Mathilda's thighs continuing up the lower curve of her bottom cheeks. The electric shock of the burning pain caused Mathilda to squirm so much that Nadia had to hold the girl down with her left arm while spanking with her right.At the seven minute mark the Russian decided let Mathilda get up off her lap. Nadia thought it would be fun to have Mathilda turn and walk up the center isle so that the audience could see her red bottom up-close, with all the spoon-shaped polka dots on it.Heidi went over Nadia's lap next. Nadia pulled the girl in place and gave her a few dozen hard swats with her hand but that didn't soothe Nadia's anger. She was so mad at these spoiled girls. What bothered the Russian most was that the German sisters had developed a following of teenage girls who were trying to be just like them. The Von sisters could do limited harm, but to think about thousands or millions of girls who wanted to act like dumb sluts all the time- well, that was something that made Nadia furious.The Russian whipped poor Heidi's bottom with great force a dozen times causing her to yelp out and kick her legs."Pleeease miss!" she said, sniffling pitifully, begging for mercy."Mathilda," the Russian called to the red faced girl who had just finished her walk of shame up and down the center isle, and was again climbing the stairs. "Bring me something larger to beat your sister with." Heidi hung her head and groaned in despair, since she knew there were still over five minutes left on the clock.Mathilda returned from the table with a wooden ping-pong paddle in her hand. The Russian grasped the handle, raised her arm high into the air. The loud 'splat' noise echoed on stage.Heidi's howl of shock also echoed. "Autsch... Ooh!" Heidi squired to esenyurt escort (http://daawrat.com/category/esenyurt-escort/) get loose but the strong Russian held her firmly across her knee, and pinned Heidi's right forearm to the small of her back, so she was helpless for the next half dozen licks. The girl was crying for mercy, her bottom glowed red and burned like fire.But Nadia's heart was as cold as a Russian winter. There would be no mercy. In fact, she had already decided to make Heidi's day even more uncomfortable by bringing up some embarrassing subjects."Tell me, Heidi," the Russian started in a conversational tone while casually tapping her fingertips on the girl's sore bottom. "Why is it that your sex tapes come out with more regularity than Spiderman movies?"Heidi composed herself enough to repeat the same story she told the press. "Oh, I... I swear it was... um... how you say? It was ze... ze housekeeper who stole it! Ja... yes that's it! Ja!""A housekeeper was it?" The Russian repeated skeptically and the audience laughed. "And, I suppose all your videos were stolen by that same housekeeper and released periodically to the tabloids?"Heidi nodded desperately. "Ja, ich schwöre!" (Yes, I swear!) "You lie!" The Russian cut her off with a harsh tone. "Your last video..." She swatted Heidi?s bottom to punctuate her words. Smack... Smack... Smack!"Your last video had three... three different camera angles!" Smack! Smack! Smack! "Closed-captioning and a director's cut with bonus footage!"Nadia gave Heidi a vigorous and painful paddling, all across Heidi's plumb bottom, bouncing up and down, left and right. When it ended, Nadia was out of breath and Heidi was struggling to avoid more stinging swats, howling in distress and kicking her legs out, giving the left side of the audience a wonderfully obscene view.Heidi begged, "Erbarme! Erbarme mich! Bitte! Es schmerzt mich sehr!" (Please, have mercy! I can't stand it anymore!)Nadia didn't miss a beat, replying to the girl in Russian, "Ty u menja nedelu ne sjadesh, drjannaja lgunja!" (And you won't be sitting for a week, either, you disgraceful lying girl!)"Admit it, you naughty girl!" Nadia demanded in English. "You did it yourself!"Admitting it was the last thing the German wanted, but it was hard to keep secrets when she was d****d across the Russian's knee, with her bottom burning something awful. At last, Heidi broke down and hung her head, crying out in German, "Ja... Ja, ich habe das gemacht!" (yes... yes, I did it) Once the dam broke, the confession went on and on, for all the world to hear. It was just as the Russian had planned. Heidi admitted to lying to the press, being lazy in her duties, abusive to her staff, and disrespectful to the other delegates. But what really caught the public's attention was how she confessed that she and Mathilda were behind all the secret bedroom recordings of them and their celebrity boyfriends. They had sold the sex tapes to gossip magazines and pocketed the money themselves. It all ended with pitiful sobbing and Heidi saying she was sorry about her behavior and her bad influence on her younger sister Mathilda.And so, the clock struck zero, and the audience gave a standing ovation (at least the women did). All three justices of the tribunal came back out to center stage to take a bow and then the Chamber Herald came out after a few minutes and asked the witnesses who won.The official gestured to the justices one at a time and the people cheered for their favorites. The audience cheered loud for the Zimbabwean, even louder for the Sianese Princess, but the loudest of all for the Chief Justice, Nadia Vladimirovich. And so, the Russian won the prize that day, the TV networks were ecstatic with their high ratings, and justice was served. It was a good day for everyone involved, except of course, for the German delegates.But you and your classmates shouldn't worry too much about the Von sisters. The law is stern but not heartless. Once the sisters shuffled off stage, attendants were ready to help the girls slip into a much needed ice bath, and later on, ease them into a soft feather bed where they could cry themselves to sleep. It was a couple days before either of the Ehrlichmann sisters wanted to get dressed and go out, but of course getting dressed wasn't a big problem since delegates on probation aren't allowed to wear clothes anyway.Chapter 8: Q